First Summer: Nipple Orgasm



These stories are based in Australia and written in the idiom the characters would use.

Some issues in language variations I anticipated and built translations into my narrative. Others have caught me by surprise especially in their intensity. Generally, the intended meaning will be clear from the context if you don’t cling too tightly to your usual usage.

Crutch/ Crotch has been a subject of much comment. Australians more commonly use ‘crutch’ and that meaning of the word is supported by the Macquarie Dictionary.



On Tuesday mornings Greg had a later start to work. That meant there was at least time for our exercise programme to continue by way of a swim and a run before Greg had to go home and get ready for work; even leaving us time for some horizontal exercise as the mood took us (and so far it had never failed to). By now I was able to run at a good rate, so Greg was back to the training regime he’d had before I met him and slowed it down.

This morning a cool Southerly had blown up overnight. It wasn’t all that strong or even that cold; but in the weak early morning sun it was enough to feel the wind chill factor start to get the better of you. As we’d come out of our swim and into our run I hadn’t really noticed it as the exercise had kept me warm.

After the run, we followed our usual routine of diving in the water for a final cleansing dip before going up to our gear and drying off.

On this morning the tide was well out so a long walk up the beach gave me ample time to get a bit cold as my wet body was exposed to the wind. By the time I reached our gear, Greg was holding my towel up ready to dry me off – as was his usual way. As he did so he couldn’t help but notice how much the cold had brought up my nipples.

Once my skin was dry, the wind wasn’t really an issue for the rest of my body, but the pendik escort nipples in the wet bikini top were still strongly showing its effect. Greg couldn’t help playing with them a bit as he finished drying me; rolling them gently between his fingers and in the process sticking the material of the top firmly to them, making them even more prominent.

As we lay back on our towels to let a bit of sun warmth in and see what else developed between us, they continued to attract his attention. In part it might be called foreplay, in part it was just Greg being silly, either way with the head start the cold had given him, He was trying to show me just how big he could make my nipples by teasing them up with his fingers, tongue and lips.

Hang on there Greg. They’re my nipples. I think I’ve got a fair idea of what they are like especially when the weather turns cold. Unfortunately they can get rather big.

At one stage my Uni friends were even referring to them as “Karen’s famous nipples” because of how prominent they’d become on a cold day. In a way it’s another manifestation of my bikini fetish. Somewhere between when puberty first struck and the present, female nipples were seemingly abolished. By that I mean any display of nipple outline under a garment became unfashionable; almos scandalous. I’m not sure when that moment was; although I suspect Janet Jackson and the fuss made about her so called clothing malfunction had a large measure to do with it. The trouble was that no-one told me. Or if they did I chose to ignore them.

When it came time to move from a training bra to an adult one I simply couldn’t find the sort of light unstructured ones that I was used to. I tried but immediately hated those padded nipple stopper bras that seem to be all the rage these days; indeed I hate any sort of padding – the pads in any bikini I buy immediately get ripped pendik escort out too. While I have a few push up bras for special occasions, for the most part I just go with a bikini top – unpadded of course and often in older ones with the lining cut out to boot – or bra less if I can get away with it.

I suppose the peer group pressure from school friends should have trained me out of that; but being as boring as I was I didn’t really have a group I hung out with out of school and private school uniforms are notorious for hiding everything with or without a bra

My mother wasn’t much help either. As someone who came of age in the late 70’s and early 80’s she grew up in a time where women were not just allowed to have nipples but weren’t expected to hide the fact (or so her old photos and current behaviour would indicate anyway; a picture of her as a teenager in a crochet bikini where the nipples are all but emerging through the weave of the material is a classic). Indeed while one just assumes parents are asexual beings I’ve always noted my mother has something in the way of a preference for wearing bikinis herself; which even made me wonder if such fetishes are genetic. Either way she wasn’t telling me to go hide them.

The reason I cut the lining out of old bikinis is that for me it actually enhanced their erogenous effect. I really like the way thin lycra material sheathes them as they enlarge and harden. So by the time I got to Uni and actually had a group of friends, a bit of teasing on a cold day wasn’t going to change an old pattern of behaviour.

Without any knowledge of this background, Greg was determined to break all records on engorging them; playing with them first of all within my bikini top and then pushing the triangles aside and finally taking the top off to give him direct access to the bare nipples; ensuring all the while that both pendik escort nipples stayed at their maximum elevation. As I quite enjoyed the feeling – indeed really enjoyed it – I wasn’t stopping him and just let him go on playing.

Then all of a sudden I thought “hang on, I think I’m going to com…oh, arrr…” It may not have been the best orgasm I’ve ever had, but it was quite fun just the same. I certainly amused Greg as I arched my hips into the air; although I suspect he afterwards thought he has the power to give me random orgasms in inappropriate places just by teasing up my nipples.

Of course, that left me in a position to tease him in the same way he’d teased me after I gave him a wet dream. I knelt up on my towel alongside him as he lay back on his towel, put the neck loop of my bikini top back over my head and started tying the lower string behind my back, “Oh well, I’ve had my orgasm for the day. I suppose we’d better go”.

“That’s OK by me. I wasn’t really in the mood anyway”

The erection all but bursting out of his swimmers gave lie to that statement. Straddling him in a cowgirl position I rubbed the crutch of my swimmers up and down his shaft “great, we can go and get something to eat then.”

“No need. I can give you something to drink right here and now”

“In your dreams! I was hoping for something a bit better tasting than that. Anyhow, I didn’t think you were in the mood.”

“Yea, well I wasn’t until you started rubbing yourself up on me”

“So that thing I was rubbing up and down on was a figment of my imagination was it?”

He reached up and started pulling me down to lie on top of him “You are a difficult girl, aren’t you?”

I was just starting to get out a cheeky reply when its progress was stopped by his tongue in my mouth. In moments his hands had every string on my bikini untied and my body naked on top of him. There were days I wish men wore string tie swimmers too. As I had to kneel back over him to pull his swimmers off his legs and put the condom on, this was one of them.

The just finished nipple orgasm notwithstanding, the next 15 minutes were still a lot of fun.

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