Happy Birthday, Lovely Mother


Jason was a running back for his college team. Sally was one of the cheer-leaders for the team. Although theirs was not exactly love at first sight, they started to go together and soon got to know each other – and love proved to be strong! Again, it wasn’t exactly what you’d call a whirlwind romance, but they married just before her 19th birthday. At first, for two such novices, sex was a little bit scary — but they soon got the hang of it and then it became pure enjoyment. So much so that she had a baby boy, Robert, on her 20th birthday. A year and a half later, a daughter, Ursula made their little family complete.

Robert was very much of a handy-man and, as he grew up, set up in practice as a plumber — and a pretty successful one, at that. He met and courted Daphne and married her when he was 23. A year later, she was pregnant with their first child. They decided not to ask its gender of the babe in her womb, but to keep it as a surprise for when it was born.

Sister Ursula was always fond of most animals, so she took a 3-year course to become a vet. Also on the course was an Aussie called Bruce. He loved to call her Sheila, as some of them do call their womenfolk. They were quickly attracted to each other and soon got engaged. Once their course was complete, they took their new qualifications, moved to Australia, married and established their own practice — and lived happy ever after!

Meanwhile, back in ‘The Old Country’, when she was five months pregnant, Daphne had to go to hospital for a routine check-up. Robert was out on an emergency call, so Dad Jason offered to drive her there. The driver of a school bus had a sudden fit which caused him to swerve and crash into them, head on, killing Jason and Daphne on the spot. Several of the kids on the bus were slightly injured. The driver, Alan was devastated and, although he was fully exonerated, he never drove a school bus again.

Needless to say, Sally and Robert were grief stricken at the loss of their spouses. Robert heard about the driver and, despite some ‘red tape’ difficulty, managed to get in touch with him. After assuring the poor man that he did not hold him in any way at fault for the accident, they chatted for a while. Finding that Alan was still looking for a job — and that he was good with his hands — Robert took him on as plumber’s mate. It proved to be a good move as they built themselves into an even more thriving business.

On the personal front, Robert sold his little house and moved back in with Sally, making one of her two spare bedrooms into his own ‘den’. With no partners of their own, now, they grew very fond of each other — even more than is expected of a regular mother and son. With glimpses of things that maybe shouldn’t be seen and little touches that were taken to mean more than intended, their new thoughts took each of them along some very improper tracks. In the heat of summer, they made good use of the modest swimming pool in their back yard. It had a shaded part that allowed them to wear as few clothes as possible without the risk of sun-burn. Sally loved to wear little more than a T-shirt. On one occasion, Robert thought his luck was in, only to realize that her rising T-shirt was not giving him ‘a quick flash of flesh’ but merely revealing her flesh-colored panties. If she wore a bikini, he got a special treat as it covered so little. When he wore his trunks, Sally would be on the lookout for the bulge that spoke well of his manhood. They were careful to keep quiet and do nothing to express their excessive thoughts and feelings.

For her 50th birthday — it would be his 30th — he planned a Mediterranean cruise for them. He booked them on a big, new luxury liner, which had as one of its selling points that it had electronic doors — with no need for physical keys. Once on board, they told each other the door codes for their cabins.

Three days into the cruise, on the day of their birthdays, the captain invited both of them to his table for dinner (at 7). At 5, Jason let himself into his Mum’s cabin and found her asleep naked on her bed! He sat on a chair nearby, taking in the sights. After a while, she stirred and woke. Seeing him, she was startled and, putting her hands over her ‘secret’ parts, she exclaimed, “What are you doing here?”

“I came to see if you were getting ready for dinner — but I found you were sleeping, instead. So, I was just sitting here, waiting, enjoying the view!”

“I’m not sure if you should be doing that!”

“Maybe sex hikayeleri not, but you are even more beautiful than I have ever imagined, so I don’t care if other folks might say it’s wrong to look. Now that I’ve seen what you look like ‘au naturelle’, I have to tell you that I really want you!”

“Well, it so happens that I’d like to let you have me — but we both know that would surely be incest! And they would be sure to say that was wrong, wouldn’t they?”

“Only anyone who found out would say anything like that. Besides, there is no way that I would ever tell anyone anything like that!”

“And naturally, no more would I! Anyway, you are much too kind about this old body of mine. Oh, yes, and just how many times have you imagined how I look?”

“More times than I can recall. But now I can tell you that you have real lovely breasts — and your fanny is hairier than I’d have guessed — and it’s already making me so hard!!”

“That’s quite enough of such talk! You’re getting me far too excited as it is. Now, you just scoot while I shower and dress. I have things I need to think about, so I’ll meet you at the Captain’s table, at 7, right?”

“O.K.” he replied and giving her kisses on the lips and on both breasts, he left.

When he saw her for dinner, his jaw dropped in amazement. She was wearing a tight dinner dress, split right up to her thighs and it was showing just enough cleavage to have all the men staring at this beauty walking around so easily in their midst. When she smiled and gave him a quick wink, he guessed that her decision had been a bold one. Sitting next to him, she leaned close and whispered, “We’ll share my bed together, tonight.”

“Wonderful, my beautiful lady,” he whispered back, thankful that the tablecloth hid his hardening cock from public view. Her hand wandered that way as she leaned over. “Now, don’t get too excited yet!” she murmured, as she felt his bulge. He smiled.

The Captain had been informed of their double birthday and had had the table duly decorated. They had been given places of honour at his right hand, with ‘Happy Birthday’ balloons floating over them. He led into the meal with a simple, standard grace then wished them, ‘Happy Double Birthday, to two special guests.’ Everyone sang heartily and those around took the time to add their congratulations to the happy pair.

After a good, leisurely meal, Robert took her to see one of the ship’s shows. Then they went for a slow walk around the deck, during which they both admitted that their attraction to each other had gone much further than anyone would considered ‘normal’ for either a mother or a son.

“I think it all started,” Sally began, “A while after I lost Jason and you moved back in with me. I saw you in your trunks by our pool and noticed a sizeable bulge in them. I started to wonder what it might be like to feel your cock in my pussy. Obviously, I knew such thoughts were wrong, but they grew on me! My fingers gave me only a little satisfaction, but I bought me a couple of toys that helped, some.”

“That sounds like it may have been about the time,” he told her, “That I got my only quickest of peeks at your pussy. It was such a brief glimpse, but oh how I wanted what I saw! I tried so many times to get a better look up your shirt, but you were always too careful for that. Somewhat like you, I had to rely on what satisfaction I could get from my right hand.”

Having told their tales, they linked arms and walked back to her cabin like the lovers they now fully intended to become. Once inside, she said, “Well, since it’s already clear that both of us want the same thing, let’s get all our clothes off and go from it!”

“Sounds like a good plan to me!” he exclaimed. “Now, where can I put my clothes?”

She opened her clothes closet. She already had her dress off and was hanging it up as she said, “Anything you need to hang up can go in here, with my stuff.”

Robert paused to watch as it didn’t take her long to slip off her mini-bra, push her panties down and slide them off over her feet – and be standing naked before him. Then she took her turn and watched her son stripping off.

Completely nude, they stood looking each other up and down in admiration, then came into each others arms and hugged. They let their hands roam and rub all over naked flesh for several long moments. “Mmm, you feel so good, my beautiful, lovely lady!”

“And you feel like all that I desire, my fine, handsome porno hikayeleri young man!’

“I’m getting so hard for you!” he exclaimed. He put his right hand on her hairy crotch and stroked her. Letting his middle finger ease inside her, he found how wet she was and told her, “I think someone else is getting a bit excited, too.”

“More than just a bit!” she replied. “I’m ready for you to do what I know you want to do. So, with a word I don’t use very often – but which does fit this situation – fuck me. Now!”

She lay on her back on her bed and opened her legs wide for him. Kneeling between them, he lowered himself onto her, pushing his well-hard cock into her already-wet pussy. It slid in with ease. Being such a comfortable fit, they both moaned expressions like, “Oh yes!” “So good!” “Wonderful!” “Even better than my best dreams!”

As he quickly got into that well-known rhythm of love, she whispered, “If I’d had the slightest inclination before now that you wanted this as much as me, we could have been doing it for much, much longer.”

“Never mind, we’re doing it now. And I’m guessing we’ll be doing it plenty more, eh?”

“Oh yes, you have to believe it!”

Wrapping her legs around his thighs, she pulled him even tighter to her. “I’m getting close to coming. Do it good for me, lover. Please — now!” she gasped.

He needed no other encouragement and sped up his rhythm. “I’m al-most com-ing,” he gasped. Seconds later, that tell-tale jerking of his manhood told them both that the moment of climax had come. He sent spurt after spurt of sperm erupting into her womb. When he had let her have his all, he slowed to a stop. Relaxing somewhat, his cock shrank enough to slip out of her now-satisfied pussy.

Exhausted, they lay together simply enjoying the feel of each other’s body. “I guess it’s a good thing that I’m past the age of having children.” She smiled. “Although it would be kind of wickedly fun to have a baby for my own son!”

“Maybe so, but ‘no kids’ is probably for the best. Now, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be wicked again, as often as we please, is there? But I need to have something to call you. I can barely even think of you as Mother, at times like these, can I, my love?”

“Well, I reckon I shall want a whole lot more of that,” she assured him. “And I’ve already thought about what we could call each other. Your father used to use my middle name — Georgina. He’d call me his Georgie girl. I reckon you can call me Gina. And I shall call you Freddie — Freddie the fucker – when I’m hot for you. What do you think?”

“They sound great to me,” he told her. “And I hope you get hot often!”

They drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms, happy beyond their wildest dreams.

Next morning, he awoke to an unusual feeling — someone was holding and rubbing his cock. It took him several moments to realize it was his own dear mother, before he remembered that he was in bed with her — and to recall what they had done the previous night, as they had become ‘wicked lovers’.

He pulled her towards him and kissed her, first gently and then increasingly passionately. It took them but little time to work each other up into an excited state of desire. “Is there something you want, Gina, my love?” he asked.

“Something hard and special, Freddie, you mother-fucker,” she told him.

With the one thing that he considered special being well hard by now, he turned her over. With her back towards his front, he eased between her legs and slid himself into her hot, wet pussy. “Oh my Freddie — a ‘back-door’ fuck! Do it for me real good,” she demanded.

Delighted to oblige, he began to work in and out of her happy pussy. As she mounted to a state of ecstasy, she started to cry out her pleasure. It did not take them long to reach their high points. They climaxed almost together and thrilled each other as much as on their first venture. Thus satisfied, they slid their now-wet parts apart. She turned to face him and they lay together, cuddling and caressing. After a while, they managed to force themselves out of bed. They took a leisurely shower, with more enjoyable inter-play, then dried, dressed and went for breakfast.

They enjoyed the rest of the cruise even more than Robert had guessed when he booked it, spending alternate nights in each other’s bed. They loved getting practice doing what they knew that anyone who found out would think of as wicked beyond normal thoughts, but for seks hikayeleri them was proving to be satisfying beyond description.

Back at home, life took on a whole new turn. They slept together, but kept his bed made up — and slightly rumpled, lest any visitors should suspect that he didn’t sleep in it. None ever did — everyone just took them to be a regular mother and son, living really happy lives together.

Their next birthday was on a Saturday and, as they lay in bed, having just enjoyed their usual pleasures of ‘illegal sex,’ he voiced his thoughts. “You know, it’s still so hard to believe that I just had my cock inside my own dear mother’s gorgeously comfortable sweet pussy — and that we both loved what we did together!”

She answered, “If it’s possible, I’ll say it gets better every time – and every time we do it, I recall a certain occasion, fifty-one years ago, today. A ceratin eight pound boy gave me such pain when he first forced his way out into the world, through that same place. And that tiny willie that proved to us all that he’d be a Robert, rather than an Anthea. And how it has grown into the monster cock that now slides in so easily to fill me and give me so much pleasure.”

“I know I’ve got quite a good sized one, but you are far too generous when you call my cock a monster,” he told her. “Just as long as it gives you satisfaction, though I still worry that someone might discover our secret,” he admitted.

“And I sometimes think similar thoughts,” she agreed, “but I hardly worry about it. I do have a solution, though, if you’d care to hear it,” she told him.

“Oh yes, do tell,” he invited.

“My idea is that we moved far enough away to somewhere we aren’t known and set up home as a married couple. I’ve even thought of a perfect name for us — Mr. & Mrs. Stince. Think about it and you’ll see that it’s an anagram of incest. So we’d be telling everyone that we are the ‘mixed up incest’ couple. Even so, I’m ready to bet that no-one will ever get it! Cute, eh?”

“Very clever, my adorable Gina!” he exclaimed. “I think we should do it,” he said.

Deliberately misunderstanding him, she answered, “But we only just did it a few minutes ago, my sweet lover. Still, if you are ‘up for it,’ I’ve got a certain hairy place that’s always ready for you!”

“You know what I meant!” he insisted. As she chuckled, he reached down, stroked up her leg and let two fingers slide into her hairy place. “Oh yes, you really are ready! Well, just give me a minute or two and I’ll be ‘up for it.'”

Sure enough, after a few minutes of foreplay, he climbed back onto her and slid his ‘monster cock’ in through her ‘hairy place,’ ready to give her another helping of pleasure. Safely inside her, he worked at a more leisurely pace than usual to bring them both to a slightly different, but still enjoyable climax.

“Wonderful, my Freddie,” she told him, holding him tightly to her, not even allowing his shrinking monster to slide out of her aching-with-pleasure pussy. “That may have been the best fuck I’ve ever had! We must ‘double dose’ more often!”

Still holding him closely to her, she began to kiss him, giving plenty of tongue. He responded in like manner, with their tongues performing an intricate dance. As both began to find fresh arousal, he could hardly believe what he felt — his ‘monster’ was starting to swell, again, inside her.

“Well,” she gasped in surprise, as she felt it, too. “Whatever you’ve got, I reckon I can take more of it. A ‘triple dose’ will be most acceptable, my Freddie the super-fucker!”

With strength and resources from he knew not where, he pushed on to fully swollen. Although he succeeded in bringing them to their third climax, it could not be said that ‘he filled her’ as, despite everything, he had so little cream to give.

This time, she made no attempt to hold on to him. He slid out of her, rolled off and lay beside her with both panting from their multiple exertions. As they recovered, she told him, “That was truly incredible. Without doubt, my best ever. I do love you, Mr. Stince!”

“I would have laughed and said it was impossible, if anyone had told me that they had done it three times, like that!” he said. “But I’m so thrilled to have experienced it with you, my wonderful and beautiful Mrs. Stince.”

Soon after that, she sold the house and they bought another in Appleford, celebrating their birthday as their wedding anniversary. In secluded Acacia Avenue, where they took any opportunity to wander about their new home without clothes, no-one ever suspected the Stinces of a dark secret. A few, though, did raise an eyebrow in surprise at the differences in their ages. ‘Toy boy’ was the worst that anyone ever muttered.

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