Harry Potter love You Part 5


Part 5 Threesome?

“‘Mione?” Harry ventured. Both were still breathing hard from their just-finished bout of lovemaking, and were wrapped together in a human knot. Holding his beloved warmly, he stroked her damp, chestnut hair. Hermione’s eyes were half-lidded in content, as she absently traced the numerous scars across Harry’s chest. The hundreds of scars he carried on his back were from…another time.

“Hermione?” Harry ventured.

“Mmmmm?” Hermione sighed, in answer, sleepy and content. Their loving that morning, had been fast and hard and thoroughly exhausting, and yet, it had also been tender and gentle and filled with love. She’s had six orgasms, to his two. Hermione both loved and hated the way Harry always saw to her needs, before his own. In fact, he seemed to feel her pleasure was the only thing that counted. He was quite expert by now, and could drive her insane with lust, using only a touch here, a caress there. Although, he adored her completely, and quite enjoyed the lovemaking, he treated his own pleasure as almost inconsequential.

Hermione had argued the point many times, but he’d never ceded. She’d even resorted to some interesting techniques to ensure he took pleasure as well, but still, even after all this time; he always made sure she was happy first. She sighed. ~I guess that’s just the way he is.~ She thought to herself.

Harry’s next words made her eyes pop wide open.

“Would you like to try a threesome?”

Hermione’s eyes popped open at the suggestion. She sat up, and stared at her husband of nearly two years and in a tiny voice, asked: “Harry, Are you tired of me?” Hermione’s eyes filled; terrified the answer would be “yes”. Harry knew she had some rather serious self-image issues, none of which had been borne out. He’d always tried to ease her through them. Still, the question shocked him.

Goggling at his wife, Harry stuttered: “What!?! Tired of… Hermione, Never!, my love, I could never grow tired of you! I love you! I love you more than anything and always will, you are my first and eternal love”
“Then why…why do you want a…threesome?” Hermione queried, still frantic even after their years of marriage, that she’d be rejected. A single tear rolled down her face. Realizing he’d made a major balls-up, Harry gently drew his wife to him, cuddled her warmly and softly kissed the tear away.
“Oh, that. You brought up the subject a few weeks ago, remember, my love?”
“Oh, Yea. I’d forgotten.” Hermione blushed furiously. She recalled the day she’d proposed the idea to her lover.
“Forgotten? The great Hermione Potter, nee Granger, cleverest witch of the age, forgot something? Egad! Forsooth! I must needs contact the Daily Prophet, for ‘tis certes a portent of impending apocalypse!” Harry mocked gently.
“Oh shut up, Harry!” Hermione chuckled wryly, swatting him on the shoulder, and now a bit more relaxed, relieved that Harry wasn’t thinking of leaving her, snuggled into Harry’s arms.

“So, A threesome?” She whispered.
“Well,” He spoke softly. “I recall you mentioned being interested in a threesome“.

Hermione snuggled up to Harry and felt it and giggled. “Doesn’t that ever go down?”
“Not around you, it doesn’t! Are you up for another go?” He asked, waggling his eyebrows lasciviously.
“I might be.” Hermione replied saucily. “But let’s wait until we’ve eaten. I’m starved!”
Harry’s stomach chose that moment to rumble in agreement, so he announced: “I’m hungry too. I wonder if Dobby or Winky are…”
“Finish that statement and I’ll hurt you, Potter.” Hermione growled. “They’re on their honeymoon.” She paused and then added: “I wonder what elves do on honeymoons?”
“If I had to judge by the noise they were making before they left, I’d say pretty much the same thing we did. I’m still hungry.”

In keeping with their social status, not to mention that the elves would die of magical depletion if he hadn’t, Harry had bonded both Dobby and Winky to his household, which included, Hermione. When he did so, he also asked them to bond with each other, if that was their wish. It was, and they did
They were off on their Honeymoon, that Harry insisted on, as to enjoy each other. Which allowed Harry and Hermione to cook without having the two elves standing over them, glaring at them.

Harry grinned wickedly then and shouted: “Last one to the kitchen has to cook!” as he flipped himself from the bed, snagging his robe on the way out, and swirling it around his scarred shoulders.
“You cheat!” Hermione howled, scrambling across the bed on order to catch up. She also grabbed her robe, a beautiful blue silk kimono Harry had bought in Japan on their honeymoon cruise. She ran full-tilt out the door, caught Harry at the top of the stairs, and gripping his robe tightly, hauled him back onto his arse. She vaulted over him, offering him a very nice view, and slid down the banister squealing in pure juvenile joy.
Harry quickly regained his feet and pursued his naughty wife down the stairs, though he didn’t slide the rail. He simply apparated to the foot.
“Hey! No apparating!” Hermione shouted in outrage that anybody would cheat so…and that she hadn’t thought of it first, of course.
Harry moved just fast enough to make her think he was serious. Truth be told, Harry was a much better cook than Hermione. Not to say that she was a poor cook, because she was not. Hermione’s continually strive for excellence in all things she did, and so, put forth the effort to do everything she did, at the very least, correctly. She could competently prepare a full meal, that would satisfy any sort of company, but it was more her point of view. Hermione felt that cooking and eating was something to be done in as efficient a manner as possible, and didn’t really care if it was a bit scorched around the edges. Despite her excellence in almost every other aspect of her life, she just didn’t have the artistic flair for creating a truly involved meal. That Harry did. Of course, Harry did have the dubious advantage of having been a human house-elf for a good portion of his life.

Harry thought it odd, that she did so very well in potions. Under the tutelage of Hogwarts’ former potions master, Severus Snape, she had attained her own mastery in a remarkably short time.
Snape had been grateful Harry had destroyed his former master and, in one of his few moments of passion, he’d unthinkingly promised him anything he wanted. Harry had later taken him up on his ill-advised offer, and before the old curmudgeon had died, he’d had him tutor Hermione to her mastery.
Snape had so hated that! Not that his pupil was Hermione Granger, for she had a keen intellect, a drive to learn that rivaled his own, and an attention to detail, that he had always found to be quite refreshing. No, what he despised; was that he, Severus Snape, Master of Potions, undisputed expert in all of Great Britain, was beholden to Harry Bloody Potter!

Hermione bounced off the seat springs and vaulted over the back of the sofa, bumped Harry aside and raced triumphantly past him into the kitchen.
Harry picked himself up again, and stumbled into the kitchen, to find his beloved dancing around like a four year old, as she twirled her kimono around her head.
Even for a man of Harry’s control, this was too much. His naked wife, gyrating in such an erotic manner and swinging her clothing around in the air, was just too much for mortal man to take. Wasting no time at all, he slipped under the path of the silk, and kissed her passionately. Within moments he had her locked in his arms and flat on the table. Immediately, he forced her thighs apart and pushed into her, eliciting a strangled moan of outraged desire. Hermione gave as good as she got, meeting his every thrust with her own. Her passionate cries could be heard throughout the house.
All too soon, it was done. Both combatants lay panting on the sturdy table, reveling in the post coital glow that literally surrounded them. They had nearly destroyed the table, the second evening of their brief engagement, Dobby repaired it and charmed it to withstand any further spontaneous bouts of master and mistress might have. Good thing the couple seemed to have them regularly.

Harry set to, on breakfast and within a short time, had French toast, sausage and sliced kiwi fruits and oranges on the table. Hermione had made their coffee, for they had both gotten used to the vile brew during their hunt for stray Death Eaters before Voldemort made his final strike, ,and truth be told, they had come to enjoy the stuff. Harry drank his black, with as she described: ‘far too much sugar’, while Hermione drank it with milk and some honey. They both tucked in, with relish.

Breakfast was eaten in a homey quiet, with Harry or Hermione sometimes feeding the other bits of this or that, and discussing inconsequential’s, until Hermione broached the previous subject.
“So, Harry. What do you think?” Hermione inquired, seriously, sipping her coffee. Their plates stacked and set to the side.
“About what?” Harry asked, rather confused at the turn in conversation.
“A threesome.” She was calm, but Harry could tell she was worried about his reaction.
Harry finished chewing and swallowing, followed by a sip of his coffee.

“Well…I’ve never been in one. I’ve heard about them,” She added
“So, a threesome, hunh? Who would you suggest? A man or a woman?”
“Well, I’m not certain. I’m really not used to the idea, you know. What do you think?”
“I’d say that, that was entirely up to you.” He returned.
“Why what?”
“Why would it be up to me? Why wouldn’t you want to have a say?”
“Hermione, I love you with all my heart and all my soul. I need no one but you. If this experiment would make you happy, I will do anything I can to ensure you are. Besides, I might like it too.” Harry stretched over the table and gave her a soft and loving kiss.
Hermione smiled sweetly at this ‘God she loved this man‘, silently promising him ‘something extra’ their next go. Harry, knowing his wife’s heart, returned the smile.

Then she said “I was thinking of Ginny”
“Ginny?” Harry repeated the name. “Do you think she’d be willing?” He asked, almost afraid Hermione would say ‘no’. although he loved Hermione totally, Ginny was probably the closest to his heart, if there had never been a Hermione he would most likely pursued Ginny.
“Actually I was seriously considering her. She’s always loved you, you know, and she definitely has the experience. And… she did ask once “if I shared“…”

“You know, it’s funny. I don’t see Ginny as a…well, as what Molly would call a ‘Scarlet Woman’. She’s not a slag; she’s just someone who has come too close to death, too often. She’s responsible, has a good job, she enjoys and keeps her affairs carefully controlled. I think she just realizes that her time on this Earth is limited and simply wants to experience all the pleasure in life that she can. I can easily understand that! I can’t think of her as bad, or wrong, or anything like that. I just think of Ginny as, well…Ginny!”
“I like that! It’s poetic.” Hermione leaned across and kissed Harry softly.
“That’s one of the things we both love about you, Harry. You never judge. You just accept people as they are.”
Then, she glared at Harry. “Just don’t you ever expect to see me doing that, Mister Potter! I am quite happy with you, thank you very much!”
“Then you don’t want to try the threesome?” Harry grinned. Hermione blushed and swatted him again.
Harry winced and dramatically rubbed his shoulder, earning himself another swat.

Hermione paused, than asked: “So, do you want to?”
“Yea, if you want. I think I’d like to try this. How about you?”
“So, Ginny”
“Alright, then. Let’s invite her over for supper on Sunday after her game and ask her then. If she agrees, She shouldn’t have another Game until Thursday or Friday. That way we’ll have time to rest…”
“Or recover!” Hermione snarked. Harry’s sexual prowess was not ‘quite’ legendary, but he was still very inventive, and both his staying power and recuperative capabilities had resulted in Hermione’s waking up tender and achy on many ‘mornings after’ during the past ten months.
“Or recover.” Harry grinned back.

Hermione was nervous at the prospect of sharing her husband, but having made up her mind, she was determined to see it through, and she did love Ginny too. “Do you want to ask her, or shall I?”
“I think it would be best if the invitation came from both of us.”
“Alright, then. We’ll ask her on Sunday.” and went to the desk and wrote an invitation for Sunday evening Dinner. Gave it Hermes and an owl treat and said “Ginny Weasley, please” the owl hooted and out thru the window he flew.

She stepped towards Harry
“Oh Harry”
“Yes my love”
“I think I should tell , huh…”
“Tell me what, tell me you and Ginny made love back in school”
“huh yes, how’d you … who told”
“ You just did, I heard rumors, that girls in school hooked up together, often. You miss her?”
“well huh yea, sometimes it was wild at night, musical beds in fact,”
“Oh you hopped a few times, have you”
“Only with Ginny and most time we just cuddled, not always she’s a great lover and ever so often I miss her kiss, feel…”
“Was that one of the reasons you decided on Ginny, knowing you there has to be several reason before…”
“Yes and pooh, know me too well huh, Mr. Potter”
“I love you Mrs. Potter” and he kissed her lightly on the lips.
“I love you Mr. Potter”

Together, they cleared the table and then stood side to side washing and drying the dishes, touching each other, exchanging kisses and just generally being in love. When the dishes were done, a kiss became a hug which turned onto a tickle-match cum grope-fest, and that devolved into the two of them chasing the other around the room and shrieking with laughter like a couple of kids.

“Last one to the bed has to look at the ceiling!” Hermione shouted, shoving Harry aside and racing past him. He sped along behind her, thoroughly admiring the silk-covered arse in front of him. He grabbed the robe in order to slow her, but Hermione had remembered her own actions. She’d yanked on the slipknot, and slipped out of the kimono, bolting up the stairs wearing nothing but a smile. Harry gave chase. He knew that in a few hours, his battered body would demand payment in full, for the abuse he was putting on it at this morning, but decided that it was far more important to pleasure his beautiful wife in any, and every way he could.

He crashed through the closing door, grabbing Hermione in his arms and literally flying the both of them to the bed. He rotated them in midair so that he landed on the bottom and Hermione plopped down on top of him.
“Hey!” She squeaked. “That’s no…” The rest of her objection was smothered in his kiss, as just then, he had a beautiful, loving wife he had to render blissfully unconscious.

Over the next few hours, Harry did his job very well, indeed, .

Sunday evening:

“This is delicious!” Ginny gushed. “What is it?”
“Basically it’s minced lamb and couscous and some spices rolled in grape leaves.” Hermione replied, then went on: “It’s a Greek favorite. The whole dinner is Greek. Red potato salad in balsamic vinegar, Blanched asparagus, with sour cream and shallots, Boiled quails eggs…”
“Hermione. I didn’t know you cooked so well.”
“I don’t. I can do tea and toast, and that’s about it. I’m afraid I cook about as well as I fly.” Hermione admitted blushing.
“But you’ve gotten loads better at flying. If you wanted, you’d make a fair chaser!” Ginny protested.
“She’s a much better cook too.” Harry interjected. “She can do far more than tea and toast. She just prefers to have a husband who caters to her every whim.”

Hermione slapped Harry’s shoulder. He affected a deeply injured mien, and whinged: “You’re so mean to me!”
“Awww!” Hermione cooed, and leaned on to kiss it better. Lingering, she applied her lips in such a fashion that Harry knew there would be an enjoyable evening on the way.

Ginny laughed at the foolery and then added: “So you like to cook?” looking at Harry.
“Well enough. It’s more than that, though. I’ve had done with destroying. Now, I want to create.” Harry shot a loving look at his wife, and added: “When Hermione gives me the go-ahead, I intend to help to create a new life.”
“Soon my husband soon” ‘Tonight’ she thought to herself if he behaves, she giggled. Harry looked at her as to say ‘what?’ alanya escort Ginny just smiled ‘there maybe a little Potter already on the way‘.
There wasn’t, yet.

Dinner done, Harry turned to cleaning up while Hermione escorted Ginny to the lounge and sat her down on the settee. In the background, Mozart’s ‘concerto 11 for piano and harpsichord’ played from invisible speakers.
Hermione waited, until she felt Ginny was relaxed enough.

Then she voiced her invitation.

“Harry and I would like you to join us in a threesome.” She’d joined Ginny in the lounge while Harry had cleaned up and prepared some tea.
Ginny thought she was adorable when she blushed. She also knew Hermione could be a firecracker in bed, having experienced her before, so she was more than a bit intrigued. Having heard rumors from Dean and Seamus, during school, about Harry’s ‘natural endowment’, Not to mention Hermione telling of their first days together, she was becoming even more so. She could actually feel her knickers getting damp. She’d wanted Harry since well before they met, their aborted affair in her fifth year, hurt for a while, she hoped to get him back even if she had to…, but Ron‘s lying explanation showed her it wasn‘t to be .
“Believe it or not, Ginny, you gave me the idea. As much as I love making love with Harry. I wouldn’t even considered it, however you remember when you asked “if I share“, I told you I’d think about and if Harry was ok about we’d see. Well I know I‘m ready to share, So…ummm…if you still want to… we would love to have you” Hermione ventured.

Ginny gazed at her friend’s anxious eyes, and answered: “Yes Goddess yes, I‘ve especially wanted to ever since you told me that night, the we planned Ron‘s punishment. As a matter of fact, I think, I know I’ll enjoy it. I’m just surprised that you’d share. You are rather possessive, you know.”
“I can be. And if it weren’t you, I probably wouldn’t even consider this. But you’re my very best girlfriend. We’ve made love before, and I’ve never gone unsatisfied, and I really think it was the same for you. And I know you love Harry”

Ginny agreed that it had been and yes she did.

“You know I love you too, Hermione and yes making love with you was fantastic, you, Susan and Luna are the only females I’ve been with, even consider being with. As for Harry, well I’ve loved him even before I met him. If it hadn’t been for my prat brother, I would have Harry my virginity, all three if he wanted them“.
Hermione frown for a moment, she understood, she wished she could have gave Harry hers, but.
Then smiled at Ginny “Wished I had too”

Harry walked in with tea and biscuits. “I see you two have had a chance to chat. What do you think, Ginny?”
“Well, I’m willing to admit, I’d like to see what I missed out on years ago.”
“Then you shall.” . He poured each a cup of tea, and they spent the next few minutes in an awkward silence, fixing their tea to their tastes.

Harry broke the silence. “So! When?”
“Well, I can’t night. I have a club meeting early and a date tomorrow night, and from what Hermione told me and Dean mentioned once, if I spend the night with you, I won’t be able to walk properly the next day!” She grinned evilly.
She was shocked when Hermione muttered: “Too right!”

Harry spoke, seemingly unaware of his wife’s comment. “How about Tuesday, then? That way, if you are too tired afterwards, you can sleep in. We have a big enough bed.”
“That sounds perfect.” Ginny agreed.

Later Ginny kissed them good night and apparate home, as she slipped into bed. she remembered the day after the planning of Ron’s punishment, and how Harry came by to ask what happen to Hermione that night, ‘Seven Hours’ she got wet again and soon her fingers were soaked as she moaned “Harryyyy“.

Before going to bed Hermione slipped into her old room picked up her wand and cancel the Contraceptive Charm. It was time to give Harry his third wish.
They made slow wonderful sweet easy love that night. God she hoped she’d been caught. If not there always tomorrow.

Ginny slowly drifted off to sleep, the second best version of her nearly nightly recurring dreams returned, this one was where Harry walked into her flat, and without a word, kissed her deeply, ripped skirt and knickers off, set her on her table, went down of her after her orgasm. He stood dropped his pants and slid the head of his beautiful cock up and down her slit, until it was coated in their mixed juices and eased himself into her and after fully inside, began slowly, moved in and out, then rapidly speeding up, pounding his cock into her, loving her, Fucking her. On and on and on, orgasm after orgasm after orgasm she had, finally he filled her with his seed. Harry’s seed, “oh Harry give me your baby“. she moaned.

She woke lying in a huge wet spot. “Humm yes the baby dream“, She cooed. In her dreams she wake sometimes just before Harry entered her, she hated them, sometimes before he released, sometimes as he cumming inside her, sometimes just after, and ever so often the one she just had. She loved that dream. The only one better was were Harry stood by her post delivery bed holding their baby girl.
In the dreams sometimes he was gentle, others rough, occasionally brutal, it didn‘t matter, he was in her. She dreamed of Harry so much, in fact it’s cost her a few possible boyfriends. They didn’t like lying in bed with her and her cooing “Harry” and the ones that didn‘t care were lousy in bed.

She was finally going to get her dream, well partly. She asked herself “wonder if Hermione would get mad if I let Harry get me pregnant, I could cancel the contraceptive spell. No, don’t want to ruin it… First the threesome, a few times, Goddess I hope it‘s not a one-time fling. If we continue, later I’ll ask her if Harry can impregnate me. Oh Goddess what if she says No” She cried a small sob. ‘Think positive Tuesday I finally get Harry inside Me‘. She thought about cleaning the bed, before she went back to sleep, then thought ‘why bother I’ll just wet it again before morning’

And she did.

She woke, got up and looked at the bed, damn did I pee, she cleaned up her bed, then showered and soon fantasized Hermione and Harry was in with her. Her hands went crazy. The water turn cold, snapping her out of it, she got out, and dried, I should cancel my date tonight, save it for tomorrow, no I do want to see the play, He’s already bought the tickets, I’ll go, poor Teddy not getting any tonight. If he’s really good, I‘ll suck him off, that‘ll make him happy, he‘ll understand it‘s only our second date.
She dressed, ate and floo’ed to Holyhead.

Late Monday Evening

Hermione and Harry was sitting in the lounge. Hermione curled up in her husbands lap, his robe open and his still hard cock deep inside her pleasantly filled pussy, her womb full of his baby making cream, lightly kissing.
“Harry I was reading this book today”
“News flash Hermione Jean Grainger Potter Reads” he smirked, earning him a swat on the shoulder.
“As I was saying, was reading this book early, I found in the bookcase in my old room, funny I never noticed it before”
“What book was that, my love”
“Better” and gave him a quick kiss.
“Custom’s and Practices of the Magical Feudal Society”
“Sounds old” as he started slowly moving in and out of his sexy wife again
“It is, I read this interesting part, did you know in the early years of the wizarding world, wizards were allowed, actually encouraged to have as many wives and concubines they could support, to ensure direct magical blood line, heirs were born and the practice is still acceptable today.”
“That’s interesting” he uttered, thinking more about giving Hermione pleasure than listening .
“ Concubines What’s the difference?” he sort of caught up, as he moved slowly an inch out and back.
“Ohhhh, huh oh one’s the wife or wives of the Master, don’t look that way ‘Master’ as ‘Master of the house’ the old way of saying ‘the man of the house’
“Oh, Master of the House, kind of like the sound of that” earning another slap on the arm “Oww”
“Don’t stop… You would.. ” he pushed as deep into her as he could. “that’s better”
“yes, my love” he whispered.

“Where was I, huh, ones the wife or wives, the other is lower in station of the wife or wives and more or less just gets shagged when the master wants. She was there for his pleasure and to bear his children, if the Lady of the house, mmm that feels good… wouldn’t or couldn’t have a child especially a son, who could only takes the noble’s name if the noble accepts the child as an heir. yess Harry… Even if not accepted as long as she in good standing, she and her non-accepted children would be taken care of, as required by customary law… Oh Harry tha… goooo”
“Oh ever so often shagging, for room and board, kind of sucks for the woman, I guess.”
“No, in parts of the world being a concubine is a great honor, mmmm that feels so good. My love”
“Mmmmm you said that, yeah you know Dean has two“.
“Oh… yea he does…”
“oh Harry!!” she shrieked as he leaned over an nibbled on her nipple. She came!

Tuesday evening:

Harry was busy in the kitchen when the doorbell rang.

Hermione opened the door to reveal a positively glowing Ginny Weasley wearing a bright yellow summer dress and brandishing a bottle of white Zinfandel.
“Lafayette! I am here!” She piped, wriggling her body in an uninhibited and decidedly erotic manner. She finished up with a drawn out: “Let the shag-fessst begin!”

To Ginny’s surprise, Hermione gave her both her traditional all-engulfing ‘Hermy-hug’, and a full-on, open-mouthed kiss, the like of which Ginny hadn’t enjoyed in such a long time. She remembered these! Hermione’s lips were as soft and gentle as ever they were. She probed insistently into Ginny’s mouth, sweeping and massaging her own tongue with barely controlled passion. It seemed to her that Hermione put her entire soul into that kiss. She’d missed this from her later years at Hogwarts. She and Hermione would occasionally ‘play’ during the long nights of winter. Ginny moaned in remembered and renewed pleasure. She still loved Hermione
“Not just yet.” Hermione whispered. “We’ll eat and relax, first.”
Then with a naughty grin, added: “We’re going to need the energy.” Ginny felt herself grow weak.

Behind Hermione, Harry rescued the bottle of wine as it dropped from Ginny’s nerveless fingers, and set it aside.
When Hermione finally broke away, leaving Ginny rather breathless and her knees weak, there was a suspicious dampness in her knickers. Harry took her place.
His hands wrapped around her, one rested on the back of her neck, drawing her to him, and the other gently cupped her arse. Gently, he drew her mouth to his.

If the kiss with Hermione had been intense, this one with Harry was absolutely electrifying! In her mouth, his talented lingus touched her teeth and brushed across her tongue with more force than his wife’s had, yet he was just as gentle, just as caring and most importantly, just as insistent as Hermione had been. This was so much better than the last time they’d kissed.
Ginny’s senses were once more overloaded, as the sheer power within Harry enveloped her. As Hermione had, Harry put everything into the kiss, dueling and teasing Ginny’s mouth with his extremely skilled tongue. His kiss was as deep and as penetrating as Hermione’s had been. She could well feel each ridge of his muscles as he pressed his slight frame against her body. Ginny writhed into Harry’s embrace as closely as she could, grinding her pelvis against what she could feel as a rather remarkable shaft of flesh. Her condition could almost be described as a state of euphoria. Her knees again grew weak, her belly trembled, and her heartbeat raced, pounding so hard against her ribcage she was certain Harry could feel it. She almost lost her entire being in that kiss. ‘damn I still loved him’
Ginny’s knickers, which had dampened appreciably from Hermione’s passionate kiss, were now thoroughly soaked!

Too soon the kiss ended with Harry practically supporting the lithe red-head.
To her intense disappointment, Harry slowly disengaged. “Welcome, Ginny.” He said softly, sending tremors up and down Ginny’s spine.
“Damn you, Harry Potter! Now, I have to change my knickers!” She added in a sultry sotto voce: “I’m dripping wet!”

Both Harry and Hermione laughed. Harry slipped his hand under Ginny’s dress, and pressed his palm against her knickers. Instantly, a warm, tingling sensation filled her skin. Ginny gasped in pleasure, before realizing the panty had vanished entirely!
“We won’t be needing these, anyway, will we?”
Ginny moaned, instantly felt the dampness begin anew. More than ever she wanted Harry.
“I, I most certainly hope not, Mister Potter!” She answered. She grabbed his wrist and pressed his hand firmly against her skin, rocking her hips so that her folds rubbed against his fingers. When she’d said that she was wet, she hadn’t been joking. Her excitement grown since the invitation, and now, she just couldn’t stop!

Harry stiffened his middle finger, parting her nether lips, and sending flashes of lust throughout her body.
“oh… Harry” she whispered.

When she let him go, Harry smiled, withdrew his hand and slowly licked the moisture from his fingers. Ginny’s knees gave out and could feel the wet starting to run down her thigh.

Harry caught her, and together with Hermione, steered her to the couch. Easing her down, Harry whispered: “It won’t be long, sweet!” He smirked naughtily in a way that got Ginny even wetter, then turned and sauntered to the kitchen.

Hermione giggled and lightly kissed her friend, Ginny moaned. ‘Goddess, If I didn’t love Hermione so much I’d try to steal Harry, I couldn’t but I’d try’
“I’m going to leave a spot on your couch, you know” Ginny susurrated to Hermione.
“It’s ok they’ve been spelled to prevent stains, otherwise I’ve would have already stain everyone in the house”
They both giggled.

The kitchen and dining room in their home, was open to the lounge. Only an archway separated the room from the rest of the house. Ginny could see him cooking with a flair that would rival her mother!

And he did it without magic!

Hermione sat beside her, and offered a glass of white wine. Ginny sipped gratefully, still rather breathless.
“How do you keep him under control?” She asked the lovely brunette.
“I don’t even try.” Hermione replied smugly. “I respect him too much, Ginny. Besides, he’s had enough with controlling, what with Dumbledore and those…creatures, he lived with!” Hermione wouldn’t even say the Dursley’s name for contempt.
She went on. “Almost everyone I can think of, has tried to control Harry for their own purposes.
Snape, Fudge, Voldemort, oh honestly, Ginny!” She added, in exasperation. “He’s dead! You shouldn’t fear his name anymore! You helped to kill him!

Anyway, who else…oh yeah! There’s the Prophet, and ‘dear’ Rita, and well, honestly, Ginny…your mum. Ron.(There was definitely a flat uncaring tone in his name) and even me at times back in school.
They’ve all tried to control him in one form or other. He hates the idea of being controlled. I decided when we got married, I would never try to control him again. My mum never tried to control dad. I believe it’s the wrong way to do things, and I also think it makes for a happier marriage this way. So far, I’ve been right.”
Ginny wanted to defend her family, but she really didn’t have the heart to. She knew Hermione’s accusations were true. Ron, the arse, his controlling lies to Hermione and Harry, the way he did. Goddess glad that’s over, Harry and Hermione were so happy now and defiantly in love with each other. Damn they make a great couple, wished I had that… Mom tried. even thought she has gotten better, well not really. Her Mom did want Her to marry Harry and so did she for the longest time, but finally accepted it wasn‘t going to happen, when Ron told her he was gay, damn his lying sorry arse.

“She was only trying to protect him.” Ginny’s family loyalty was too strong to just let this go without any defense. She had to give one last try.
“I know she was, luv.” Hermione replied softly. “But she just never realized that Harry wasn’t the child she thought he was. I think that she thinks of all of you, as permanent children. She doesn’t want any alanya escort bayan of her babies ever to grow up, and that includes Harry and me, by the bye. She thought he needed her protection, but he didn’t. What he needed was acceptance. He needed to be loved, unconditionally. I think you and I were the only ones who ever did that, Ginny. Everyone else always wanted something, especially your git brother, and all the trouble he caused !”

Yeah she knew Ron’s jealousy cause her two best friends so much pain and even her chance at getting him for herself too, she wanted Harry. Now, she seems to go from one man to another looking for ‘Her Harry’, if only, with a sigh. Well it finally looks like she will find what Harry is like in bed, at least.
Hermione heard “the sigh” as Ginny glanced towards Harry, ‘humm Harry, my love, she still loves you’

Harry had chosen that moment to enter the lounge. “Hey, ladies. There’s no reason to get maudlin. ‘Sides, supper’s ready!”

Grinning, Hermione stood, followed by Ginny. Impetuously, Hermione raised her hand. “Ave Caesar!” She began. The other two raised their own hands and continued the quote. “Morituri, te salutat!”
Laughing merrily, they adjourned to the table.

Harry served up a light but delicious meal, beginning with a wonderful tossed fruit and pasta salad in a sweet vinaigrette. The main course was Salmon Almandine on couscous, seasoned with saffron and scallions, with a variety of exotic vegetables in a light glaze, and buttery, flaky, pastry breads. Both courses were accompanied by wines. The salad, with the bottle Ginny had brought, and the salmon with a white Merlot.

After eating, they returned to the lounge. Harry turned on some music. An interesting selection of unfamiliar strings and woodwind instruments, that Ginny had never heard before. It sounded like the very air was softly singing to them!

As she and Hermione relaxed on the comfy, overstuffed couch, Harry returned with a coffee service on a tray. He set the silver on the low table and served. Placing two pieces of Baklava on each plate, he handed them out. Following this, he poured a rich dark coffee into each of three silver chased, ivory demitasse cups. He handed these out as well.
“Ginny, “ He began. “I don’t know if you’ve ever tried espresso coffee before. It’s extremely strong. If you don’t like it, I have our regular coffee in the kitchen. Or, I can brew us some tea.”
“Don’t worry, Harry. I do like espresso. I developed a taste for it when I was with Andreas. His family owns a coffee company near Athens.”
Eyes twinkling fit to do Dumbledore proud, she added mischievously: “Are you trying to keep me up all night?”
Refusing to be outdone, Harry returned: “Actually, I think I’m the one who’s going to be up all night!”
He waggled his eyebrows independently. “I just want to be sure you can keep up!” Hermione almost choked.
“OOOHHHH! You are so gonna regret those words, Mister Potter!” She yelped, grinning.
“I certainly hope so!” He shot back.

Ginny closed her eyes, replete. The dinner had been fabulous, the afters were exactly what she needed to settle her nerves, and now, with the soft talk between her friends, she began to fall into a dreamy near-sleep.
Hermione shifted her position on the couch and put her hand behind Ginny’s head, absently running her fingers through Ginny’s flame colored hair. Ginny sighed and leaning into the caress, closed her eyes in pleasure. She barely missed the satisfied smirk that briefly graced Hermione’s face. She felt Hermione’s other hand begin to stroke her arm.
The couch settled on her other side and a new set of hands appeared. Harry took the demitasse from her and placed it on the table, which floated to the other side of the room, where it nestled gently up against the wall.
Her dream was interrupted by a soft touch of lips…just the merest brush against her own. Ginny sighed and allowed her own lips to part. The lips brushed again, this time, more demanding. Before she could lean in to the kiss, the lips were replaced by another pair. These were different. She had recognized Hermione’s touch, but Harry’s kiss was a far cry from his previous one. Then, it had been mind-blowing. Now, it was gentle, soothing, passionate and intensely erotic.

Now Ginny felt the other hand begin to stroke her other arm. Hermione’s hand had reached her shoulder, and was now inching down her chest. Harry’s hands began the journey up to her shoulder. Ginny’s nipples, already hard, began to ache. Knees touched her legs, and she dropped her own hands and began to gently stroke the fabric-covered thighs.
A hand brushed against her thigh, soon joined by another on the other side. Soft stroking, along and over her legs, and Ginny felt herself begin to respond. One hand cradled her neck while another brushed across her nipple.
Ginny moaned in pleasure. The hands running up and down her thighs, began to move in different ways
One would stroke the outsides of her thighs, while the other would caress the inner surfaces.
Ginny moaned again. She’d never been treated this gently before. Not by any of her lovers.
Ginny had been drifting from one man to another for the past few years.
Ginny felt Hermione’s hand cup her right breast, followed moments later by Harry’s covering her left.
The touches were light, teasing, inflaming her even more.
Suddenly, two mouths covered her own, in an interesting, three-way kiss.
Ginny opened her mouth to receive them.
A wave of pleasure coursed through her, and she felt a flare of magic

A sudden slight chill caressed her skin, and opening her eyes for the first time since Hermione had begun her caress, Ginny realized she now wore, nothing. Her own wandering hands no longer felt the texture of cloth, but the smooth bareness of skin. On her right side, her hand rested on a light curl of hair. On the left, she found herself first touching, then encircling Harry’s shaft.

Her eyes popped wider as she got her first look at his cock. “Oh Goddess! Harry! You’re fucking huge!” Hermione smirked. Harry grinned.
She gasped in shocked pleasure as both Harry and Hermione lowered their heads to her nipples, drawing them into warm, wet mouths. Closing her eyes again, she sighed as they both suckled her. Licking, suckling, and gently biting her oversensitive nipples, almost as one. Hands began to slowly trace down her belly to the wisp of soft red curls that guarded her core. A finger touched her wetted folds, stroking lightly until they opened. Another circled her clit, gently just avoiding the bud of highly charged nerves there. She felt a finger ease itself into her. The finger began to slowly, gently push in and pull out. Soon, it was joined by another. Ginny flexed her hips, moaning in pleasure as the digits stimulated her. She was not expecting it when the other finger touched her clit. It was enough.
Ginny had her first orgasm then and there. She did not have to seek it. She did not have to force it. She most definitely didn’t have to fake it! Her climax erupted full-blown, flashing through her, setting her nerves on fire. The only thing Ginny could compare it with was the unrelieved agony of the Cruciatus curse, The difference was, that while then it was agony, here, it was purest pleasure!
Ginny cried out loudly, crunching her belly, which left her in the perfect position for Harry and Hermione. They continued to suckle on her nipples, as they mounted their assault on her. Hermione now stroked her clit, as Harry now drove three fingers into her.
Ginny cried out again and flailed as her next climax ripped through her. Her hands gripped soft skin on her right and the hard column of flesh to her left. Latching on, she held tightly, almost desperately as the orgasm shuddered through her.
As her second orgasm faded, they eased up and allowed her to sink back into the couch. Panting, Ginny slowly opened her eyes.

“Oh, Goddess!” She gasped out. “That was…” Her eyes almost popped from her skull when she saw what she’d been holding so tightly. He’d been half hard before, but now he was as stiff and rigid as a steel bar.

“Harry!” She cried out, then whispered, not without a healthy bit of fear. “How can you possibly stand up!?” For Harry, as short and thin as he was, was truly impressive!

Hermione fell off the couch, laughing hysterically! Harry growled at her, and then turned back to Ginny, who had not yet released her prize. Ginny stroked him as best she could, given that her fingers didn’t reach all the way around him.
“Oh, Hermione! I’m soooo…bloody…jealous!” She breathed, her voice husky from her screams and now…this!
“Call it an incentive.” Hermione whispered mysteriously. She grinned wickedly.

Harry was rock hard, and ready. Ginny was still wide open and dripping from her last climax.
“How do you want it?” Harry asked quietly.
“On my back. I think every girl’s first time, should be on her back.”
“Ginny,” Hermione slipped in, while caressing her best friend’s nipple. “This isn’t your first time.”
“It is with Harry. It’s also my first time with the both of you.” ‘and I hope not my last’ she thought
Rather than move from where they were, Harry simply knelt between her thighs and pressed the tip of his organ into her.
Ginny cried out as she felt Harry’s impressive organ again press it’s way into her. He stopped an inch or so in, pulled out, then pushed back in. Over and again, he slowly teased her, pulling out, then pressing a bit further in. Ginny was in heaven! She’d never felt so stretched before! Harry’s cock was even better than Dean’s, and he was well built.
Ginny squirmed as Harry thrust his member into her. It wasn’t unpleasant, exactly, but it was certainly more than she’d been used to.
“Why don’t we take this into the bedroom, Harry?” Hermione suggested. She was no stranger to making love on the couch, but felt Ginny might be more at ease in a bed.
Harry leaned to the side and kissed his lovely wife.

Without even withdrawing himself from Ginny’s body, Harry picked up his wife’s best friend, and carried her, Hermione walking alongside, from the lounge, up the stairs and into the bedroom. The unfamiliar sensations of being carried in such an unusual manner, came very close to making Ginny come again. Alas, ‘twas too short a time before they reached the bedroom door.

Inside, Harry set her on the large bed, and Hermione crawled onto it beside her. Harry braced his knees against the edge of the bed, held Ginny’s legs wide apart and again began sliding into her.
Hermione, no shrinking violet, immediately straddled Ginny’s mouth. Ginny took her cue and fought the urge to abandon herself to the overpowering sensations from her core. She inhaled the light musky scent of Hermione’s pussy, and sighed in pleasure before easing her tongue in between the now distended folds of flesh.
“How do you want it, lover?” Harry asked. Ginny pulled her mouth away from Hermione’s opening long enough to pant: “Hard Fuck me hard, Harry!” Then she returned to her own chore.
Never one to refuse a lady, Harry did just that. He slid out then pushed back in. Pulling out once more, he began. He stroked smoothly but quickly. Ginny felt herself begin the rise to orgasm far sooner than she had expected. Of course, the entire evening so far had been outside her expectations.

Hermione leaned back, turned her head, and wrapping an arm around Harry’s neck, drew his mouth to hers. Harry stroked over and over, filling Ginny’s inner recesses as she’d never been filled before!

Hearing excited murmurings behind him, Harry twisted his upper body to face the portrait of Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D’artangion, and growled: “Another sound out of you lot, and you’re in the car-park!” before returning to the most pleasant task at hand.

Behind him, the musketeers did their considerable best to cooperate. They turned away to preserve the modesty of the three before them, but soon enough, their curiosity got the better of them. Stifling any potential outbursts, they quietly pressed their faces against the inside of the portrait, and in doing, learned a whole new definition of sexual pleasuring. Even Porthos, who considered himself quite the expert learned several tricks over the next few hours.

Increasing his pace again, Harry began to drive hard. Ginny lost it then. She howled as she came, her body shuddering as the waves of pleasure ignited her nerves yet again. Harry never stopped. He just drove faster, harder.
Ginny tried to continue her assault on Hermione’s pussy, but this was just too much for her. Harry just kept on plowing into her, relentlessly. Soon he was pounding into her aching body. Ginny was becoming exhausted, but Harry showed no sigh of stopping. Ginny screamed as she climaxed yet again. Suddenly her belly was filled with warmth as pulse after pulse erupted into her pussy, she felt the overflowing.
Harry groaned harshly as he came, his body shuddering in release.
Hermione noted that he’d not come so intensely with her, in quite some time. Trying not to be jealous, she pivoted on one knee, and turned to sit beside her girlfriend, facing her husband.

Harry fell on top of Ginny, panting hard. His abdominals were aching. He turned his face to his wife, and found concern there. He understood at once, for despite what Snivellus thought, Harry was a bright boy. He reached out with one hand, and pulled his wife down, joining her mouth with his own.
Hermione relaxed into the kiss, enjoying Harry’s devotions. She knew then, that Harry would never betray her. Breaking the kiss, he husked “It’s your turn next!”

From underneath him, Ginny groaned: “Gerroff!”
“What’s that, luv?” Harry asked, although he’d heard perfectly.
“Gerroff, Harry! You’re comfy warm, luvvie, but you’re too damn heavy!”
Harry eased over onto her side, his gradually softening cock still within her. Hermione sighed, as she knew the pleasure Ginny was now experiencing. As Harry rolled his cock came free. Ginny winced at the sensation of loss.
Harry looked down at the exhausted and nearly spent woman on his bed.

Hermione smiled softly and with much love. “How do you feel?” She asked.
Ginny smiled weakly up at them.
“I’m so deliciously sore. My body aches…and I think you broke something! Goddess I loved it!!”
She gave Harry a mock-glare at this. He laughed. Hermione whispered: “Harry can do something to make you less sore if you want”
“He can? Sure, I don’t want to lose all the soreness thought”
“Feels good doesn’t, he’ll take the edge off”
“Ok Do me Harry” which gained a smirk from Hermione.
“OK. Open your legs.”
“Harry! That’s why I’m so tender now.” She giggled. “I opened my legs to that monster you carry!”
Hermione joined in the light laughter.
“One bloody track minds, the both of you!” He growled. “Ginny, this is something I learned while we were in Japan. It’s healing magic, but it requires skin-to-skin contact. Now, open your legs!”

Ginny opened her thighs; wincing at the pain that movement caused her. She was sore! Loved getting that way, but sore. She winced again, as she felt Harry’s hand press against her inflamed pussy and hissed in pain as he inserted his middle finger into her, as deeply as it would go. Then she felt the warmth of magical healing. The glow suffused her entire core, easing aches she’d not known she had, as well as those she knew, all too well! Within seconds, the healing was done, leaving behind only the pleasant ache from a really good shag. The shag she as wanted for so long. The one she wanted again and again forever. Harry withdrew his finger from her body, and held it before Hermione. She wrapped her tongue slowly around his digit, ensuring she got every remaining bit of Ginny’s essence. Ginny began to wet again, right there.
Harry noticed. “Oh, no! It’s Hermione’s turn.”
Hermione chuckled. “It looks like she can’t get enough of you either, Harry!”
Harry answered by joining his mouth to hers.
Ginny looked up at the two of them, and sighed. “I so wish I had something like this!”
Hermione heard her. She broke the kiss, and leaned over to press her mouth against Ginny’s.

As she did, Harry eased behind her, lowering his mouth to her own dripping pussy. He tongued her experimentally. Hermione growled as she felt Harry’s tongue probe her inner folds. Closing her eyes, she sighed into her kiss with Ginny. Ginny, being no one’s fool, realized what Harry was doing. She met Hermione’s escort alanya kiss with passion. Her other hand wandered, gracing her girlfriend’s breast and pinching a nipple. Hermione groaned as she experienced the two of them stimulating her simultaneously. She’d never been in this situation before, and intended to enjoy it thoroughly!

Shifting around, Ginny lay back, legs spread widely, offering her core for Hermione’s inspection.
Hermione rested on her elbows, and applied her mouth to Ginny’s pussy, not incidentally raising her arse upwards for Harry’s pleasure.

Seeing that she was more than ready, Harry knelt behind his wife, and eased his aching organ into her. Hermione pulled her mouth away from Ginny’s wetted core, and then let out a pained squeak as Ginny’s hands pulled her hair in protest. She sighed deeply as she felt Harry’s cock invade her, and returned her tongue to Ginny’s pussy. Ginny cried out, as Hermione began again, to apply loving attentions to her clit. Harry began to stroke slowly and fully, the way he knew Hermione loved.

For long minutes, the only sounds that could be heard were the gentle creak of bedsprings, and the panting enthraled passions of the combatants. It really wasn’t a fair contest. Hermione had become so aroused by Harry’s treatment of their flame-haired friend, that she was very close to climax anyway. Ginny didn’t help any. At a signal from her, Harry withdrew from his beloved’s body and rolled her over onto her back. Lifting her arse, he stuffed their ‘very favorite’ pillow, a hard block of dense foam, under her, then pulled her legs up and out as far as he could. Ginny spat upon her hand and took Harry’s cock in her grip, wetting it with her saliva. Together, they eased his shaft back into Hermione’s enflamed pussy.
As soon as Harry had reestablished his rhythm, Ginny lowered her head to their joined sexes, liberally laving them both with her tongue. Gentle nibbles and the nearly constant flickering of her tongue against Hermione’s overheated clitoris, as Harry’s shaft slid in and out, ensured this would come to a very powerful end…very quickly. Hermione reached over and slid her finger in Ginny, wiggling it stroking her, as her thumb rubbed Ginny’s clit, she moaned sending a vibration thru Hermione’s clit.

Hermione came first, with a mewling cry, as Ginny’s tongue circled her clit. Followed by Harry, who sped up, seeking his own release. Ginny had to pull her head back to avoid being hurt and orgasmed coating Hermione‘s hand.. Faster and harder he plowed into his beloved, until with a grunt of satisfaction, he thrust mightily forward, burying his length into her and erupted.

Hermione cried out as she received her husband’s seed, his hot almost burning seed filled her, where did that come from, not she was complaining, God she love it and wanted more as her pussy milked Harry, on its on, almost sucking him into her. Unfortunately he finally stopped spurting his liquid heat into her, there was a huge spot under her. “God, how I love him” she muttered

Harry slowly let his body relax, leaning forward until he rested on his wife’s slighter form.
They lay like that for the longest time, panting and whispering gentle protestations of love in between kisses..

Ginny watched with a longing smile, as the two lovers exchanged gentle, tender and loving kisses, she knew that if they asked her, she‘d move in with them, today, this minute, she would happily share the both of them, forever. Anyway they wanted her. It hurt a little, knowing she would be leaving them in the morning. She hope they would ask her to come back again and again. She almost could see herself an old maid witch waiting for their call.

Separating, they both reached out arms, and guided Ginny into their little nest, touching, kissing, ’Goddess I love them’ caressing, until the three off them slipped into the arms of Morpheus.

An hour or so later, now rested, the two young woman decided to return to Harry some of the loving tribute he’d given them.
Harry woke, to the feeling of two mouths sliding up and down the sides of his engorged organ. Tongues flicked as lips nibbled. His cock couldn’t get harder! He reached out only to find that he’d been bound to the bed.
With mischievous eyes, Hermione smiled naughtily at him, before returning to her most pleasant occupation. Ginny took that opportunity to look up with exactly the same kind of smile.
Harry groaned. He knew he was in trouble!

Hermione shifted position to lay one side of him, and resting an upper arm over his thigh, returned her mouth to the fleshy purple head of Harry’s cock. Ginny, being no slouch in the oral skills department, maneuvered herself between Hermione’s thighs, and ensuring Harry could see the entire process, proceeded to gently assault Hermione’s nether lips. He could actually feel himself grow harder yet!
With fingers and her extremely skilled tongue, Ginny showed Hermione a few tricks they hadn’t gotten ‘round to in the seventh years’ dorms. Hermione began to shudder as gentle waves of orgasm coursed through her body.

When she’d recovered, she mock glared at Ginny, who smiled innocently back. Then she turned once more to her task.
Long and slow, Hermione bobbed up and down his shaft, until he thought he would surely die! Then she eased her mouth off him.
The cool air shocked him to the point he actually spurted a bit of come into the air. ‘Naughty Hermione’, as he had once named her, carefully and slowly licked the white fluid from the tip of his glans, and drew her tongue into her mouth. Swallowing and then grinning, she licked her sparkling teeth.
Harry nearly lost it entirely then!

Ginny rose up and elbowed Hermione, who shifted to the side. Ginny took her friend’s place, while Hermione positioned herself between the redhead’s thighs. Hermione applied her tongue much like Ginny had, and Ginny, lowered her head onto Harry’s cock.
Slowly then quickly, she lowered her head before raising it. Slowly then fast, ten times each. Harry felt himself getting ready to blow.
Fortunately, so did Ginny. She popped her mouth off him, and squeezed hard around the base of his shaft.
“Oh no, sweetie!” She scolded. “I’m not quite done with you yet!”
She gasped as Hermione touched a particularly sensitive spot, Ginny squeaked and had to clench Harry’s cock almost painfully, as she scrunched her eyes shut in orgasm and gave out with a most undignified squeal.
When she relaxed, she glared at Hermione, who smiled innocently back, and returned her attentions once more to Harry’s erection.
Hermione smirked. She’d felt that! Happily, she turned to again and in a few seconds, had Ginny panting once more.

Trying to distract herself, from the lovely things Hermione was doing to her, Ginny first licked all the way around Harry’s swollen head, then began to blow gently onto the overstressed head of Harry’s cock.
He shuddered in agonizing pleasure, as the cool air brushed the wet skin there. Before he could think, Ginny engulfed his head and plunged her mouth down as far as she could. The intense heat and suction of her mouth was far more than merely ‘too much’.
With a harsh cry, he let go.
Ginny suckled on his head as he spewed into her mouth. Ginny mentally swore as she felt the pulses at the back of her throat, because she’d over stimulated him, then swallowing every drop of his essence, made him come all that much harder. Harry’s eyes crossed, and he passed out.
“I think you broke him!” Hermione opined wryly as Ginny released Harry’s spent member. “He’s never done that before.”
“There’s a first time for everything.” Ginny pulled her girlfriend down onto her and probed her mouth deeply. Hermione moaned in pleasure.

Breaking the kiss, she murmured: “Hmmm. I think we’re going to have to invite you over again!”
Ginny smiled brightly at the prospect, her heart leaped. She asked: “One more?”
“OK. Oral or manual?” Hermione replied with a gleam in her eyes.
“Oral, of course! Let’s see if we can time it so we go over together.”
They didn’t quite make it, as Ginny was already primed, so she came first, but it was close. Hermione came only a minute later.

After releasing the binding charm on Harry and checking to make sure he was still breathing, they curled together around him, drew a light cover over them and drifted off to sleep. During the night Harry woke, woke Ginny with a kiss, pulled her on top of him and placed his cock at her center and she filled herself with him, when she collapsed, he eased her off. pulled Hermione over, she took him, rode him hard. No one said again, just moans and groans of passion, Hermione finished, they cuddled both half on Harry and return to slumber land.

Ginny woke on Wednesday afternoon to the gentle rocking of the bed. Opening her eyes, she stretched hard, popping loose many knots of tension. Knots she hadn’t felt the night before. Looking to the left, she watched as Harry and Hermione were curled together, so tightly, Harry on top, that they seemed to be a single creature. They rocked back and forth slowly, and from the muted sounds Hermione was making, she knew Harry was shagging her deeply.

Ginny rolled to her knees, Goddess she was so wonderfully sore, and crawled across the stained sheets to the coupling couple. Carefully, she lay beside them, kissing and nibbling Hermione’s shoulder. With her right hand, she reached down and tentatively stroked Harry’s scrotum Harry arched his head and moaned.
Ginny set to with a will, gently squeezing and rolling Harry’s testicles in her hand. Pulling her hand away, she muttered a spell to lubricate her fingers and returned to the task at hand.

Now, she eased her middle finger across Hermione’s little anus. Hermione gasped now, as Harry plowed her steadily. As she felt the little ring of muscle tense, then relax, Ginny carefully, probed her finger into the little hole. Hermione squealed as Ginny gently forced her finger into the brunette’s body.
Soon enough, her finger moved in and out in time to Harry’s cock. Hermione was in heaven! She’d never been this stimulated before! She felt her climax wash suddenly over her, not like it usually did. She erupted, crying out harshly as she came, shuddering around Harry’s cock. Harry was close anyway, and as Hermione’s vaginal muscles clenched around him, he surrendered to the inevitable. Harry let go with a groan, spilling himself into his wife like he hadn’t in some time, abundantly filling her, overflowing down the crack of her arse coating Ginny’s hand and the bed.
Ginny felt the tight ring of Hermione’s ass clamp down on her finger, trapping it where it was.
Spent, they fell into a sated tangle.

“Good morning, lovers!” She chirped as they recovered. “Bath time!” She eased herself from the bed and staggered across the carpet to the bath. ’ohh so wonderfully sore’. Harry and Hermione reluctantly untangled themselves and rose from the bed, to follow her. The huge tub was already filling as Ginny turned on the shower. Aromatic herbs lay heavy on the air.

“No peeing in the tub. You have something to do, do it!” She pointed to the toilet behind the waist high rock wall. “And shower before you climb in. This is for soaking, not for cleaning!”

Harry stepped forward only to receive a heavy shove to the side, as Hermione elbowed past him, snarling: “Ladies first!”
Ginny snickered as Harry muttered something which sound like “yes, dear“.

Moments later, after a loud sigh of relief, Hermione returned, wearing a huge smile. She entered the shower and quickly scrubbed down, grimacing at the tender places. Harry turned to the toilet and took his turn.
Done, he showered and then stepped into the tub where the girls were soaking.

By mutual, unspoken consent, they decided that their sexual exploits were over for the day…at least.
Well that was the plan and downstairs they went to have breakfast.

After Harry cooked breakfast and then ate they sat in the living area to chatted.

When Ginny went to the loo, Hermione sat on Harry’s lap and said “last night I heard Ginny saying to herself, well sort of moaned actually “she wished she had something like this“, just after you finished her and eased her soreness and we were kissing. And with all that happen…my feeling for her… I was wondering if you would… like to continue huh…So”
“Well I do love Ginny, but you’re my first and always love. And if you want, I do too.”
“You wouldn’t mind sharing Ginny with me”
“if it’s your desire, no. I would enjoy sharing her, But”
“But What” Hermione ask timidly.
“If we do this, and you seem to want it too, it, huh, shouldn’t it be err permanently… then we need to marry her… you and me” ‘he understood the book conversation yesterday now, the little minx’
“You meant it, you’ll be willing to take a second wife” She said with a elated smile.
“Yes my love, if you want” Harry widely grin,
“Yes, yes my love, I love you more than I thought possible… when the time right we’ll ask her” and she kissed him, his toes curled and once again he rose to the occasion. She slid off him and took him in her mouth. Just as Harry slid a finger into Hermione, Ginny walked in and watch smiling ’ damn do they ever stop, goddess I’m getting wet again’ she sat next to Harry, turned and kissed him, Hermione reached over and tenderly stroked Ginny’s flower, she moaned groaned into Harry’s mouth. Soon they all orgasmed almost as one.

Late that afternoon, the three of them sat in the kitchen having a light brunch.
“Well.” Ginny began. “Was that everything you imagined in a threesome?” still slightly feeling the exquisite soreness
“And more!” Hermione grinned.
Harry nodded his head rapidly in agreement. “That was one of the most exciting experiences I’ve ever had, Gin. I think I can say the same for Hermione, too.”
This time, Hermione did the nodding. “Absolutely the best time!” She stretched languidly, showing her body to it’s considerable best. “What about you?”
Ginny flushed in pleasure. She was used to sexual shenanigans, but had never been anyone’s ‘best time’ before. “It was absolutely lovely, my best too.” She replied. “So.” She asked hopefully. “What now?”
“Well, we‘re not sure, it was brilliant and all… but“.
“But?” Ginny prompted, knowing, hoping she was being baited.
“If you ever want to share our bed again, you are more than welcome, anytime… and….”
“Yes, love to, tonight to soon… I huh mean … And” Ginny replied quickly. Hermione smiled sexy and nodded.
“And if you’d like to move in ” Ginny smiled and nodded “….. and make it… well err.. permanent” a moan and a ecstatic nod, “Then… well I guess we’ll just have to… huh… marry you”
“Marry Me!!! YES GODDESS YES” Ginny blushed brightly, erupted from her chair and flung herself into the arms of her two best friends/lovers. Tears of joy flowed, hell the dam busted. She kissed one then the other. To say she was in agreement, was to say that the sun radiated heat and light.

“Yes” Harry said dropping to one knee “I don’t have the ring at the moment, but Ginevra Molly Weasley will you marry me?”
“Yes, Yes” Ginny looked at Hermione and she nodded “Yes, Harry James Potter of course I’ll marry you… I Love you, I’ve…wanted you for so long…”
And Harry kissed her, with so much love and tenderness her toes curled, her knickers were soaked.
Then Harry step back.
Hermione turned to her and asked “ Ginerva Molly Weasley will you marry me?”
“OH Goddess yes, I’ll marry you Hermione Jean Granger Potter, I Love you”
And Hermione kissed her just as caring as Harry, now her juices were running down her legs.
“And we love you” Hermione said then kissed her again, Ginny knickers were flooding.
“Mom will be so happy, I’ll move in tomorrow, I’m going to be Mrs. Potter, just a family wedding, will be fine, the cake, Luna and Susan bridesmaids, next week too soon, what theme for the wedding, practice tomorrow damn, I want five kids, caterers, Tonks and Remus of course, wedding dress, The Grangers they understand right, have to wait for the honeymoon season not finished quite yet, oh Goddess I’m so happy, Mrs. Ginerva Potter, oh I‘m so wet, Mrs. Ginerva Molly Granger Potter, I’m so lucky, I love you both ” she ran out of air.

Harry shook his head saying “tomorrow we’ll go and your ring from the Family vault, before practice”
“Ring… Ring….My Wedding Ring, Engagement Ring… Oh Harry, Hermione I Love you both so much, mom gonna bust” Harry kissed her before she started up again.
“And we love you… huh shall we” And motion his head towards upstairs

Then Ginny cooed “looks like I’m going to be deliciously sore for practice tomorrow” as she grabbed her lovers arms and headed upstaits

(More to Come)

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