James Ch. 01

Female Ejaculation

James was a nice man… a really nice man and for some reason Lucy couldn’t understand he was on his own.

Ever since her divorce Lucy had been wary of men… but all her friends knew that this wouldn’t last; but she needed time and space to recover from her husband leaving her to be with the 29 year old PA he’d got pregnant. The need for time and space lead Lucy to take a six month contract in American, at her parent company head office just outside of Chicago; and this was where James and Lucy met. The last five and half months had been good and the old excitement started to fizz back in her veins, but not wishing to mix business and pleasure, Lucy was content with the half glances and smiles. James, enigmatic James, intrigued and delighted her. He stood about six feet in height – perfect for her five feet five, broad firm shoulders and fit. She supposed he must be anywhere from forty five to fifty five… but it didn’t matter, she was nearly fifty one, so sitting at a mid point in her guesstimate. A distinguished looking man with mid brown hair, just being touched by grey at his temples; but his most arresting feature was his eyes. Piercing blue eyes that she felt, could see into her soul.

With only two weeks before her return to England, now was the time to act – if indeed there was anything to act on. As luck should have it, this weekend saw her departmental director inviting everyone she worked with to a “cook out” at his home, his way of saying thank you, and bonne voyage to the lady from overseas. So it was that on a Saturday early afternoon in mid August, Lucy stood before the wardrobe mirror in her bedroom and considered her options.

The weather was hot… so a sundress was the order of the day, and as Lucy stood there looking at the dark pink, square necked dress – memories flooded back of the time that she had worn at the hotel with John. That seemed another life time ago; but she had enjoyed wearing it, and even more had enjoyed taking it off and not wearing it. Sadly the matching shoes were at home in England, and she consoled here self with the fact that they would be too high to wear all day anyway. So a pair of comfortable mid heeled peep toe sandals in white would have to do. To honour her decision a matching white lace bra and panty set completed her ensemble. So with a song in her heart and a bottle of white wine in her arms, she set off in her little rental car.

As the guest of honour, Lucy had been asked to arrive early, so arriving at the address she had been given parking on the drive was easy. Although the thought did cross her mind that she wouldn’t be able to escape until the last guest had gone. Then on getting out of her car, it occurred to her that although this was a very nice ranch style home, it was not the sort of house she expected her departmental director to have. Well, in for a penny… and gathering her bag and the wine, a fearless Lucy went up the step and rang the door bell. Silence… Total silence. No sounds of kids running and playing, no banging of pots and pans, just silence. Then as the door swung open, there he stood in all his 6 foot magnificence – James, holding open the door with that seriously sexy grin on his face.

Lucy could hear the penny drop with a loud clang. “I’ve been set up – haven’t I?”

In reply he just grabbed her wrist, pulled her in through the door and turned closing it with his bum. Taking her bag bahis siteleri and wine bottle from her hands and placed them on the hall side table, then he leaned in and pulled Lucy into his arms. His lips descended on hers, his tongue teasing open the slit of her lips, and the hand in the small of her back splayed out and caressed her and the other slid up her back and his fingers fanned into her hair. The shock and speed of his movement left Lucy stunned, but recovering she knotted her hands behind his head and went along for the ride. The passion packed into that kiss left her breathless, and his desire was obvious as his erection pressed into the soft mound of her tummy.

“I want you… I’ve wanted you since the first day you walked into the office” His hands cupping her face, his blue eyes boring into her very soul.

All Lucy could do was groan. The pulling deep down echoing his desire, her nipples hardened and heat started in her pussy. Her hands gripped onto his arms, hanging on for fear she would fall down.

“So if you don’t want this as well… say now – no regrets.” He whispered, “Because half an hour’s time will be too late.”

“No, no… I’ve wanted you too – for so long, I don’t want to go.” She signed against his waiting lips. “But I don’t understand – today, the cookout? Everyone was talking about it”

“Ah…there was a slight deception. Your invitation was altered… it’s tomorrow and we are going together” he said as he slid his hands down her back and cupped the globes of her bum. Pulling her hips towards his… letting her feel his arousal. “I thought we’d spend the rest of today and tomorrow morning getting to know each other better.” He said as he humorously wiggled his eyebrows.

“But I have to go home… I’ll need clean clothes” as she rolled her hips into his erection.

“Grrr woman… I’d bet good money that this dress and whatever is underneath it, hasn’t been on you for more than an hour. So if we take it all off now, it will still be fine for the morning” With that he spun her around and slowly, tantalizingly, pulled down the zip at the back of the dress. Smoothed his hands up over her shoulders and allowed the dress to fall to the floor. Then holding his hand, Lucy stepped out of the dress, and into the unknown. Bending he took the dress in his careful hands and lead her into his family room. The dress smoothed out carefully over the back of the sofa – he turned and looked at her and groaned again.

“Hungry?” He said just one emotion laden word. Lucy shook her head. “I am… for you” he said.

Walking over to her, he folded her in his arms and kissed her so hard, his tongue claiming hers, leaving Lucy in no doubt as to the depth of his passion. His armed wrapped around her again and expert fingers worked the clasp of her bra.

“James, I just can’t go around naked for the next 24 hours!” Her voice was more of a question than a statement.

“It’s okay, I’ve got a robe you can wear – later!” and with a flourish he tossed her bra to the floor.

He placed a swift kiss on the end of her nose and sank to his knees… working his tongue into her belly button and his hands to the waist of her panties.

“Normally I would pull these up. I like to see panties’ disappearing into a woman’s slit, but you want to keep them clean…” working his index fingers into the waist “Or you could just canlı bahis siteleri go without tomorrow.”

With that statement his fingers ran around the legs and pulled the crotch up tight, so that the panty gusset did in fact disappear into her slit – tight up against her clit. Resting her hands on his broad shoulders, Lucy gave up the fight, surrendering herself to the wonderful feeling of his tongue in her belly button and his hands soothing her ass.

He sat back on his heels…. “You look wonderful” reaching for her tits and starting to suck on those normally flat pale nipples that were rapidly turning into dark pink pebbles.

“James…. clothes!” Lucy gasped “you’re still wearing them”.

As his arms came around her, lifting her off her feet and carried her over to the sofa, and gently placed her on the cushions. Then he carefully opened her legs and knelt between her knees, putting his hands behind her bottom he pulled her forward and his mouth descended onto her pussy. His tongue probing the length of her slit making sure that the gusset was still firmly in place and flicking her clitoris as he passed; then the flourish of a kiss on her Mons he stood up and licked his lips. Without breaking eye contact he pulled the hem of his polo shirt out of his trousers, crossed his arms, and holding the hem it took the shirt over his head. Lucy sat transfixed and the muscles in his arms and torso rippled as he stretched up. It was the single most erotic thing Lucy had seen in ages.

“Like what you see?” James smiled at her.

Flushing, again Lucy was lost for words… nodding would have to do. She stretched out a hand to get to the belt on his pants… but was playfully slapped back.

“Bad Girl – My show!”

Then never breaking eye contact he undid his belt and clasp then about two inches of zip and let his pants hang off his hips. Still mesmerized all Lucy could do was watch, he turned to pick up the fallen shirt, and as he twisted the waist band of his jockeys came into view and his pants slipped further; then he stood between her knees saying,

“You can finish undoing the zip – but with your teeth”

“Oh it’s a dirty job…..” she said as she lifted the tag with her tongue, gripped it in her teeth and gently pulled the zip down to the bottom. All the time, so very aware of the erection underneath, then moving her hands up to help the trousers fall, she found them in his firm grasp again.

Wagging his finger “No Lucy, teeth!”

So moving from one side to the other and gently tugging the trousers fell to the floor. As he stepped out of them and kicked them to one side he said

“As much as I would like you to remove my shorts the same way, I don’t think I would survive, and I’m saving your very luscious mouth for later” and to soften the comment he leant forward and kissed her gently on the tip of her retroussé nose.

Then sinking to the floor again he smoothed his hands over the globes of her breasts and down her body… tracing his strong fingers around her waist band and settled them at the side of her hips… “Lift”

Lucy lifted her hips, as he hooked his finger through the leg to waistband at the side and slowly pulled them down. The gusset popping out from between her pussy lips made her gasp, as he lifted her legs into the air to finish talking them off; then they joined his pants, güvenilir bahis in a heap on the floor. James sat on his heels stroking her thighs, working this thumbs along the line of muscle on the inside of her thighs, slowly working up towards his goal. His glance moving from Lucy’s face to her smooth pussy and back… watching and stroking as beads of moisture oozed from between her pussy lips. His thumbs meeting at the apex and then pulling back and apart, peeling her open, gasping when the pink flower of her cunt was exposed to him.

“Oh God baby… perfect.” As his mouth descended over her.

Lucy could only roll her head back and groan, as the first feather touches of his tongue hit her sex. Gentle nibbles and sucks on her inner lips as he lapped her juices, his moans vibrating through her body lifting her higher. The broad swipe of his tongue running from her ass to her clit, had her clenching hard, then he lifted his head.

“Lucy, you taste…. taste delicious and your cunt is so pretty. I just want to stay her all day, just looking at you; just tasting you.”

All the while still using those thumbs to stoke and sooth her. Moving his right hand, so that his thumb now starting making small circular movements around her clit. Then rubbing on the hood so that it retracted, leaving the little pearl of her pleasure exposed. Lucy was lost, lost in sensation, lust and need.

“James, please I’m clenching deep inside. It’s pulling at my belly – If you touch me now I’ll cum.”

Moving to lean over her, his face once again hovering over hers; he stooped to kiss her lips.

“Taste Lucy, taste yourself in my mouth. Yes, you’re going to cum, and I am going to drink every last drop”

Lucy closed her eyes, panting and chest heaving… so aroused, and so alive. Every nerve and sensation stretched to breaking point. Then his mouth was back over her pussy… mercifully leaving her clit for the moment, as two fingers firmly slipped in to the wet pulsing heat of her cunt. Her body instinctively gripping them; just as her fingers gripped his shoulders; reveling in the feeling as he stroked the inner wall of her cunt. His tongue now lapping her clit as the pace of his fingers increased. The need to release welled up in side of her.

“James,” she squealed “James… Fuck!”

“Yes, we will – but later. This is about you. Lucy, give it to me!” As his mouth descended again, and he gently bit her clit.

At that moment Lucy was sure the world stopped. The Vesuvius of her orgasm erupted through her, she screamed as she felt the gush of moisture from her very core. The joy and the ecstasy seemed too much to bear, and tears started rolling down her face. She threw an arm across her eyes, not bearing to look at him until she had recovered. His groans and gentle kisses around her pussy lips were the first thing she became aware of… Then his movement beside her, as he dragged her onto his lap, his arms around her and rocking her gently, soothing.

His hand started to stroke her hair and she slowly opened her eyes; as her vision cleared – there he was, this truly handsome and gently man, with his face still shining with her juice.

“Welcome back… That was amazing, and your taste is wonderful, a man could die tasting you as you cum” As his lips claimed hers in a musk and sex scented kiss.

“And to think, for the weekend at least, you are all mine.”

Stroking his chest and swirling a finger around his nipple…

“You’re still wearing your shorts!” she bleated

“Yes, and in need you desperately, but not yet. Rest!”

So Lucy closed her eyes and drifted… Wondering just what this man was capable of.

To be continued…….

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