Life Lessons Part 1


LauraMy lesson began when I had been divorced for a couple of years. My marriage had gotten stale after our daughter, Diane or Di had gone off to college. It became obvious to my husband and me that we were living together more like roommates than lovers. We had grown apart concentrating on our careers while making money to put Di through college.We’d both been very successful in that endeavor. Since she was gone, we really didn’t do anything together. We tried counseling, but that just made it more obvious we were friends, not lovers.The divorce was amicable, he got most of the cash while I got the house. Di had seen it coming in her sophomore year. She wasn’t shocked that we were separating then eventually divorcing. What came as a shock to her and especially to Dave was my confession that I was interested in future relationships with women and not men. I’d had a couple of flings in college and a tryst on a business trip during our separation. I loved how she made me feel sexually and emotionally.It took some time for them to adjust, but they did which I was truly grateful for. During this time, Di met a guy in college; fell in love and married soon after graduating. She was following in my footsteps which I cautioned her about marrying so young, but my advice to wait fell on deaf ears.I never would have guessed how close that little piece of fruit would fall from the tree. About a year after they wed, Di and James had a little girl, Cassandra. She became the light of my life, even though at forty-seven I felt I was too young to have a grandbaby.My learning experience began on July fourth at a half marathon I was running. My dating life hadn’t been going well up to this point. I’d sort of settled into a couple of ‘friends with benefits’ relationships thinking I was content with them. This was until I met Claudia. It was at the water station at mile six for me, she was running the marathon. I’d seen her tight ass and glorious physique ahead of me for at least a half mile before catching her at the station.I managed a brief ‘hello’ as we sipped electrolytes departing the stop. I asked if she wouldn’t mind if I paced her the rest of the way in. She smiled, looked me up and down then told me she didn’t mind at all. We chatted the remaining distance, getting to know each other and discovering commonalities.Claudia had an amazing body. She was taller than me by about three inches at five foot nine, toned, and from what I could tell, the only fat on her were her breasts which weren’t that big, but they did stand out in my eyes. Her hair was a flaxen blonde. She wore it in a ponytail that swished back and forth as we ran which I found very attractive.It turned out she was one of the track coaches at the local community college. She was running the marathon as a fundraiser for a youth group. That’s why she was so damn fit.By the time we finished the race, we’d covered many topics, mostly about keeping fit and running. After we received our medals, we cooled down and stretched. She asked if I’d like to meet her some time for coffee. I’m not the most outgoing person in the world, I agreed, blushing a bit that she would ask this old lady out to get to know her better. I was secretly hoping it would lead to more. We exchanged numbers then went on our merry ways.ClaudiaMy life lesson began when I met Laura last July fourth while running a marathon. She actually introduced herself which was a bold move on her part, I was later to discover. Despite her good looks and great body almanbahis for an older woman Laura was quite shy, a tad on the submissive side. I found her extremely attractive since I’m more alpha delighting in women who aren’t quite as confident as I am.We got to know each other somewhat during the run and when it was all over I asked her out innocently for coffee, hoping to seduce her at some point if she wasn’t into girls already. I do love a challenge. She accepted. I grinned as she blushed while I gave her my number. I knew I’d made an impression, she’d just taken the first step into my bed.I called her about a week later and we set a date for coffee. Since school was in the Summer session, I was doing some training off the record for a few of the students and had lots of free time. We met for coffee probably three times before she confessed she found me attractive.The first time was almost totally innocent. I’d touch her hand ‘accidentally’, laugh at all her jokes, made her blush a few times, which I thoroughly enjoyed, and treated her like a princess. The next two times I got a little bolder, complimenting her just to watch her blush, ‘accidentally’ brushed her leg with my foot while staring into her beautiful blue eyes.The third time did the trick. I suggested we go someplace and we ended up in my bed for the remainder of the day.She opened up to me between lovemaking sessions that she’d always considered herself bisexual. She’d acted on it once during her marriage, having been seduced at a time of brief loneliness. I’ve encountered this before and delighted in reawakening that inner lesbian.Our first lovemaking session was frantic. She nearly ripped my clothes off me before we got through the doorway. We practically undressed each other kissing our way to the bedroom. We were in our panties by the time we hit the bedroom. It was there I took control slowing her down.I placed my index finger to her lips to stop her. She gave me the saddest look ever as I quietly gave her instructions to remove my sandals before we got into bed. I noticed she delighted in being told what to do. I sat on the edge of my bed as she knelt before me. Offering my legs one at a time, she carefully removed my sandal, not before lovingly massaging my calve and ankle. She repeated her worship you might say on my other leg as I smiled down at her.My praise for her actions was a simple, ‘good girl,’ which struck a chord in her eliciting a smile and a moan. She asked if she could remove her sandals which made me smile. Someone had instilled in her some proper manners. This was going to be juicy. I told her yes go ahead. She tried to be as sexy as she could sitting on the floor removing them. Not the most alluring task, but I was impressed. I invited her to get on the bed after making her strip her bikini briefs in a cute little dance.She was enjoying performing for me in addition to taking instructions. I stood, motioning her to me. Her sweet face was trying to hide her excitement as I placed my finger under her chin. Whispering, I asked her if she liked being told what to do. She blushed while nodding confirming my suspicions with a, ‘yes, ma’am.’ I grinned, calling her a, ‘good girl,’ once more which sent goosebumps up and down her arms.Wrapping my arms around her waist, our breasts pressed together. I began swaying back and forth looking into her eyes. I told her a couple of my ground rules regarding how to address me along with I don’t do pain, but I will punish her with other almanbahis yeni giriş means if she disobeys. She agreed, nodding her head while confirming with the required, ‘yes, ma’am.’I turned her around, her back to the bed, gently pushing so she lay, legs straddling it. I told her to scoot up to the pillows and get comfy. I watched as she focused her attention on me while making her way to the head of the bed. When she reached her goal, she lay anxiously awaiting further instructions. I told her she looked delicious laying there for me.Her blush along with her response of, ‘thank you,’ sealed the deal. It was then I really noticed her dark pubic area trimmed into what looked like a teardrop. The soft hairs sprinkled sparsely with strands of grey denoting her maturity. Here I was at least ten years younger craving her body as well as her mind.Smiling, I climbed on top, straddling her at the waist. The look in her eyes told me she hadn’t had anything like this in quite some time. That, along with how enthusiastic she was, delighted my soul.Leaning down on top of her, I nuzzled her neck, softly kissing her face, then teased her lips with mine. Sweet soft gentle brushes against them. I loved how she whimpered. She tried to make my teases more passionate by kissing me. I resisted making her want them, actually crave them. When I had enough, I moved down her mature firm body.Sucking each breast in turn, enjoying how her nipples felt on the roof of my mouth. Playing with each one, gently biting then grazing those little taut nubs with my teeth, she squirmed beneath me. I could feel my own arousal building inching my way down.By the time I placed my face between her sweet lips, she was so close to climaxing that I had to slow down. This drove her crazy which delighted my inner domme. I wanted her so close to the edge that she’d beg me to let her cum. Tracing her inner thighs with my tongue, my fingers toyed with her breasts, pinching her nipples, squeezing, and massaging them.When I thought she was going to burst, I brushed her swollen lips with my tongue. Her reaction was like an electric shock as she practically bounced on the bed. Cupping her ass cheeks with both hands, my tongue slid between her labia. She was already soaking wet as my saliva mixed with her sweet nectar. Swirling and savoring my new conquest, I drank from Laura until both she and I were sated.When she’d finished writhing on the bed, I slipped in next to her telling her what a good girl she was. Her eyes lit up, she smiled calling me Ms. Claudia. Her expression was one of anticipation as she waited for my reaction. I smiled, telling her once again she was a good girl. It was then she smiled and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me with all her might.When she released me she whispered she’d hoped I would react that way. I told her I would outline the rules to follow in detail later on. I wanted to be sure we had our roles clear. She nodded enthusiastically as we lay naked. She looked up at me with her doe eyes asking if she could pleasure me first. I laughed telling her of course.She kissed me full on the lips, her tongue playing with mine as she tasted herself. I had a feeling she’d repeat my actions, surprisingly she didn’t. When she’d had enough of kissing she asked me to straddle her face. Of course, I replied moving away from her so she could lay flat with me close enough to grip the headboard.Placing myself over her sweet face, she guided my rear end down over her to begin pleasing almanbahis giriş me. She stuck out her tongue proceeding to slide it back and forth. I moved over her heightening my arousal. She gripped my ass at times, massaging, releasing then gripping it again. I kept all of my weight off of her which began to be extremely difficult as the deliciousness she invoked in me spread throughout my body.She seemed to enjoy pleasing me as much if not more than I did being brought to orgasm. She varied the intensity of her swabbing so perfectly that with my heightened state of arousal from our previous lovemaking I soon white-knuckled the bed in a glorious climax.Giggling as she cleaned me, I gracefully rose from her face only to plop down next to her with a serious case of afterglow. The domme/sub characters were put away for a bit as I held her close kissing her. I whispered how good she made me feel and thanked her for being.We lay talking, kissing, and cuddling until we both fell asleep. When we woke she told me it had been about six months since her last lover apologizing for her enthusiasm. I laughed, asking her if she’d heard any complaints from me. She blushed, answering with a timid ‘no’. We stayed in bed for the rest of the afternoon, making love, napping and talking. These sessions continued for around a month before she asked me to meet her daughter, Diane.Laura I met Claudia a few times for coffee and banter. I’m not a go-getter when it comes to women, preferring to be led. Claudia seemed to sense that at some point. We ended our third coffee date with me having multiple orgasms at her house. I lost track of how many times she made me cum that afternoon. I returned the favor as well. We discovered or at least I did, she knew from the beginning that I was on the submissive side when it comes to lady friends.We came to an agreement regarding how we would interact in the bedroom. It seemed like I had finally found someone who would be with me for a very long time. I was a happy girl. After our first lovemaking session, I was exhausted so much the next day I stayed home from work. We started dating after that like a real couple.She planned most all of our time together which was fine with me. I was infatuated, lusting after her body like no other woman I’d ever met. After about a month of dating, I decided it was time for her to meet my daughter, Di.Di was happily married and her daughter, my darling grandbaby Cassandra was nine months old. I invited Di to go shopping with me to give her a break from the baby and James. That way she could meet Claudia without the baby being a distraction. I was hoping they would get along since Claudia seemed to become a big part of my life.Hopefully, Di would ignore the ten year age gap between us. I planned our little excursion for a Saturday afternoon. James didn’t mind watching my little munchkin, so Di could get a break. When Di arrived she walked in asking about the sporty car in the driveway. I hadn’t expected her so early. She caught Claudia and me kissing in the kitchen rather passionately.Her look was one of surprise; she’d never seen me being intimate with another woman until now. She stood there staring as we broke our kiss. I apologized profusely while Claudia grinned, walking over to introduce herself.I could see Di’s eyes widen as my blonde bronzed amazon approached her. She looked over at me as Claudia shook her hand, introducing herself in the process. A tiny stammer emerged as my girl greeted my lover.We were all dressed very casually since it was Summer. Shorts, tees, and sandals were the order of the day. However, Claudia’s top was a bit tighter than the loose tees Di and I wore. She loved showing off her taut body and I couldn’t blame her.

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