Losing Leah


I glanced once more at the time on the dashboard, my fingers nervously drumming against the steering wheel as Leah, my wife, flicked aimlessly through some social media app on her phone, her mind clearly a million miles away from whatever she was flicking through.

“So…you ready?” I finally asked, quickly glancing to Leah before turning my attention to the detached house just down the road.

I saw her look up out of the corner of my eye. I looked back and she smiled reassuringly.

“You tell me, you’re the alpha male” she replied softly, her voice silky like it always was.

I laughed nervously. “It’s so weird hearing you talk like that” I replied, narrowing my eyes slightly and looking at her. She blushed and looked down at her lap.

“It’s not too late to back out” Leah said, looking up at me once more with those big, round blue eyes of hers.

We had recently celebrated our two year wedding anniversary which had coincided with the startling realisation that our sex life was growing stale. The most tragic part of this was our age, with Leah being 22 and myself 27. This was, of course, no time to be coming to this realisation, especially seeing as though we were also planning on having a baby which would surely see our sex life grind to a complete halt. Leah had been off her birth control tablets for around half a year now, but we had only been having sex three or four times a month since then. It wasn’t that we didn’t find each other attractive; we were just so exhausted with work and our day to day activities that we haven’t been able to make time for one another.

One night last week when Leah had gone to bed, I had been watching porn and didn’t realise an advert had opened in one of the tabs. After cleaning myself up and returning to my computer, I was greeted by Leah who was stood over it. It turns out the advert which had opened had been for a fetish website which was displaying the page of a couple who were looking to compete with another couple.

“What’s this?” Leah asked slowly, reading the page.

“Shit…erm…I…I have no idea” I stammered, making a move to close the page down, but Leah cut in my way.

“’Compete in a series of games…best three out of five wins and the loser has to forfeit their girlfriend or wife….’” Leah began to read out loud.

“What? I have no idea, it’s just an advert that popped up. I wasn’t looking at this!” I implored, sensing an argument brewing.

Leah turned back to look at me, a spark in her eye I hadn’t seen for quite some time.

“What..?” I asked, breaking the silence as we looked at one another.

“Don’t you think it sounds…kinda fun?” she breathed.

I felt my face twist in confusion. Leah was one of the most innocent girls I had ever met! She’d even blush and go on her phone when a sex scene came on during a movie we’d be watching. I had been her only sexual partner and she never struck me as a particularly adventurous person when it came to stuff like this. She even looked so innocent and cute too, standing in at a little over five foot and weighing a little less than one hundred pounds. Her soft, blonde hair even helped to symbolise this purity.

“Are you..? No, well I mean…” I stammered, glancing quickly between Leah and the advert.

Leah took a couple of steps over to me and took my hand. “Come with me…” she moaned, leading me towards our bedroom. What followed next was perhaps the most intense and passionate sex I had ever had. Despite just masturbating, my cock was rock hard before we even reached the bed and Leah could sense this. She helped me to unbuckle my jeans and my cock was in her mouth before they were around my ankles. I gripped her hair and helped her keep the rhythm and she lapped at the tip, evidently being able to taste the cum still leaking out of it.

“Ah shit, okay okay” I moaned quickly, not wanting to cum too early. Leah grinned and pulled her pyjama top over her head as I followed suit. Within moments, we were both naked, our arms wrapped around one another and kissing each other passionately.

I went to go and flip her onto her back but she stopped me and instead pushed me onto mine.

“Wow, is it my birthday?” I grinned as she playfully rolled her eyes and mounted me. She let out a soft moan as I slid into her and she guided herself down until she was resting on me.

I groaned feebly, knowing all too well I wasn’t going to last long. But Leah didn’t throw any caution to the wind and rode me like a porn star. Well, at least it felt that way to me. I reached up and squeezed and massaged her perky C-cup boobs, rubbing my thumbs over her erect nipples which were like bullets as she moaned in pleasure, tossing her head back and keeping my hands in place with her own.

“I can’t last much longer!” I warned her after barely a minute, the sound of the bed rocking and squeaking filling my ears.

“Good” she growled, leaning close to me and breathing into my ear. “Then hurry up and fuck a baby into me.”

That made me lose it. I gripped her waist hard as I shot my load into her. She clearly felt this as she gasped and leaned forward sharply, head butting me in the process. But obviously I didn’t care about that as I continued to shoot ropes of cum into my wife, my cock pulsing and throbbing like it has never done before.

“Oooh fuck…” I breathed, rubbing her back which was wet with sweat. She sat up and climbed off of me, my limp cock flopping against my stomach as a glob of cum dribbled out of her pussy and onto the bedding.

“Where did that come from!?” I moaned, turning to look at her.

“I have no idea” Leah grinned sheepishly, seeming to revert back to her old self now the fun was over. But this was short lived, as the following morning I took the risk of mentioning the advert again which resulted in a sex session akin to this one. Of course, the long story short was that she wanted to do it. She wanted to answer the advert and challenge this couple to their game.

“That would mean watching me have sex with another woman…or having me watch you have sex with another man…” I said two days later as we readied our response.

“If you don’t feel comfortable-“ Leah began.

“No it’s not that, I just want to make sure you understand the risks. That’s all” I said quickly, not wishing to dishearten her or say anything to kill her new found hyperactive sex drive.

“I just think you can win…I really do!” Leah had piped up, clutching my arm.

We had already messaged this couple and found out a bit about them. The man was called Paul and was 46 years old. His girlfriend, Beth, was 29. Beth was absolutely gorgeous, a fact I had tried to not pay too much attention too when a topless photo of her was attached to one of their emails. Her boobs were a lot bigger than Leah’s but not nearly as perky, and her hair was jet black, a stark contrast to Leah’s golden hair. Beth was also very pale which helped make her black hair and hazel eyes stand out all the more. She described herself as being five and a half feet tall and 114lbs. I can’t deny it; I would absolutely love to fuck her. In fact, I wasn’t sure if I was looking forward to the prospect of doing that, or finding out what Leah would do to her! Paul on the other hand was described as being six foot two, five inches taller than me, and 185lbs, around 30lbs heavier than me. Leah described him as a “silver fox”.

The rules to their competition was simple: Paul and I would play up to five games and the first one to three wins would win overall and thereby lose their wife/girlfriend to the winning duo for two hours to do with as they so please. We would each pick three games each and put them into an online database where, on the night of the competition, they would be randomly generated using an app on mine and Paul’s phones. I chose rock, paper, scissors, a take on beer pong, and higher or lower, a playing cards game. I wasn’t sure which games Paul chose.

We had also decided on a few house rules, with the most important being the winning man must wear a condom.

“I don’t want to back out” I finally said, back in the current day as I turned to Leah as a car drove by which illuminated her face for a moment. We were parked a few houses down from Paul and Beth’s place.

She leaned forward and gave me a kiss. “Good, because I want you to see what I have planned for Beth” she cooed, causing my stomach to tingle and my cock to start twitching.

Leah stepped out of the car and into the cool night air where a light rain was falling. I followed her out and locked the car doors as I took her hand and led her up the sidewalk.

“I’m pretty nervous” I admitted as we approached the door.

“How do you think I feel!?” Leah shot back as I rang the bell.

I barely had time to answer as the door opened within seconds.

“Leah! Mark! So glad you could make it!” Beth smiled as she opened the door and allowed us in. She was even more gorgeous in person. She was dressed in a black T-shirt and was wearing skin tight white jeans which really showed off her figure.

“Good to finally meet you” I replied awkwardly, squeezing past her as Leah followed me in as Beth shut and locked the door.

“Come on in, this way. Just leave your shoes there” Beth said as Leah and I flicked off our shoes and followed Beth into a large living room area.

“Nice place you have here!” Leah squeaked. I could tell the nerves were really starting to hit her now.

Beth thanked her and took a seat, gesturing for us to do the same. Moments later, the sound of somebody coming down the stairs filled the room as Paul entered seconds later.

“Hey…you must be Mark!” Paul said, taking my hand in his and shaking it firmly.

“Nice to meet you” I smiled back; suddenly all too aware this man could soon be fucking my wife…

He then greeted Leah before going to stand beside Beth.

I stood next to Leah who was sat on one of the chairs, nervously looking down at the floor.

“Are you looking at my nail polish there, honey?” Beth asked sweetly, raising her bare feet up and showing off her bright red nail polish.

“Oh, erm yeah, they look great!” Leah replied as I glanced between the two women.

“Oh good! I’m glad you think so! Because you’ll be on your hands and knees sucking every single one of them after Paul beats your cuck husband over there!” Beth smiled, as sweet as ever.

“Erm…ex-excuse me?” Leah muttered, taken aback.

“Oh sorry, was I not clear enough? I said I’m going to make you my little foot slave after my boyfriend wins, okay?” Beth leered, leaning closer to us as Paul laughed.

Leah was dumbfounded, but I knew what Beth’s game was.

“Okay, okay there’s no need for that just yet” I said, placing a hand on Leah’s shoulder.

“Mark’s right…let’s get the first game started…shall we?” Paul said, taking out his karaman escort phone and opening up the app. “Rock, paper, scissors it is” he announced, showing the room the result after randomly generating one of our games.

“Sure thing” I said, walking over to him as he approached me.

“Okay…on three” Paul said. “One…two…three!”

I laid down rock, Paul had paper.

“And just like that, it’s a point for me!” he laughed as Beth sniggered.

“Fuck…” I hissed, glancing down at Leah. I pulled out my own phone and opened up the same app.

“Arm wrestle?” I said, looking down at my result a few seconds later.

Beth laughed and stood up as she began to undress. “Might as well get myself ready now” she grinned, looking directly at Leah.

Paul barely took any notice as Beth undressed. He instead knelt at the table in front of us, his arm raised and ready.

I couldn’t help but stare as Beth threw her shirt into the corner of the room, her boobs bouncing almost hypnotically as she did so. She then bent over and pulled down her jeans to reveal a black thong with the strap being swallowed up by her perfectly round, peachy ass.

“Hey…you might as well look” Paul said, breaking me from my trance. “Because there’s no way in hell you’ll be touching her tonight.”

“It’s not over yet” I grunted, my mouth dry as I awkwardly took my place opposite him, all too aware I now had an erection, much to my embarrassment.

“Jesus” Paul laughed, clearly noticing this as Beth laughed too, now completely naked.

“Aw is the poor little cuck excited? Have I made him horny?” Beth cooed, squeezing her tits and bending down to kiss my cheek.

I flinched away but she made a sudden movement and felt my cock through my jeans.

“Get off him!” Leah snapped, getting to her feet before I had a chance to react. Her face was bright red and she was breathing heavily. This was not going to plan.

“Or else what? Maybe we’ll make him our bitch too!” Beth shot back as Leah seemed to shrink before her. Beth had such a dominating aura it was hard not to feel intimidated in her presence.

“Are we doing this or what?” Paul asked. I nodded and gripped his hand, adrenaline flowing through me.

“Alright…on three…” Paul instructed again. “One…two…three!”

I used all of my strength but his arm wouldn’t budge! My arm was literally shaking I was trying that hard.

“Okay…just listen kid, I’m going to make you an offer” Paul said as he watched me struggle fruitlessly. “You can leave now and we’ll drop the girl off in the morning. At least this way you won’t have to see what we do to her.”

“Fuck…you!” I snarled, pissed off at how smug they were being and how humiliated I already felt, coupled with knowing I was never going to pin Paul even if I tried for the next 100 years.

Paul sighed and pinned my arm with his own. “Two to me” he announced as I rubbed my arm.

Leah walked over to me and put her hands on my shoulders. “Let’s just go, Mark” she said softly.

“Yeah, feel free” Paul said, standing up. “Go home and admit defeat. Let your sex life die because your husband here couldn’t be a man and finish what he started. You don’t deserve her, Mark. You’re too much of a wimp to handle her, that’s why your sex life is failing, because you can’t satisfy her. Stay here and beat me at my own game, finish what you started like a man, or leave now and have this embarrassment hanging over your heads for the next few years. Your call. I also can’t help but notice the first game you picked was luck based. Are they all like that? Do you often rely on luck to get you through your life?”

I could feel my face growing redder with each word which came out of his mouth. I bit my tongue, physically shaking.

“We’re finishing this” I finally replied, glancing up and locking eyes with Paul. Beth was now completely naked and was smirking at us from her seat on the arm of a leather chair.

“Good man” Paul grinned, glancing quickly as Beth as he unlocked his phone to determine the next game.

Paul’s eyes lit up as he showed Beth the outcome who clapped her hands together and howled with laughter.

“Whoever has the biggest cock wins this next game, Mark. We doing this?” he grinned as my heart sank. I wasn’t looking forward to this one.

Just as I was about to throw in the towel, I felt Leah squeeze my hand and mutter “You’ve got this one, easy” she muttered as Beth helped Paul to unbuckled his trousers.

Leah helped me too, but I was so nervous it took me awhile to get hard. Leah began to softly jerk me off as I closed my eyes and tried to steady my heart rate.

“I think you’re there” Leah whispered as I looked down and saw my erect cock being rolled around between Leah’s hands.

I nodded at her and turned around.

My eyes were instantly drawn and bulged at the size of Paul’s cock which was at least three inches bigger than mine and probably twice as girthy.

“No need for the tape measure today, I don’t think” Paul said calmly as Beth leered at us menacingly. They had won.

I spun around to look at my wife who was staring open mouthed at Paul’s cock.

“Leah I…” I began, lost for words. I had lost.

Paul put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed hard. “You both know the rules. Leah, for the next two hours, you belong to Beth and I. Okay?”

My blood turned to ice as I stared at my wife who was just as dumbfounded as I was. My cock was no longer erect but fell limp, barely noticeable now between the folds of my trousers.

Leah and I were staring at one another. I could see how scared she was.

Beth walked over to her like a cat to a mouse. Her long, toned and smooth legs cutting across the room majestically with each stride like she was on the catwalk.

“Undress for me, slave” she purred, still with a dominant tone to her voice.

Leah looked at me for guidance but I could offer nothing.

“Now!” Beth suddenly barked which caused Leah to jump out of her skin. With one last fleeting glance at me, she began to undress.

My mouth went dry. Was this really happening? I couldn’t force my eyes to look away as Leah, with shaking hands, stripped out of her clothing until she was just as naked as Beth.

Leah suddenly gasped as if taken aback as Paul rounded me. He was also naked now and his cock seemed to be pulsing at the sight of my naked wife.

“Oh, she’ll do nicely” he murmured as he rounded her. He towered over her and had to stoop as he lifted her hair slightly and began smelling her neck, breathing her in. I saw Leah shudder. Her arms were pulled up in an attempt to cover her boobs and she was fidgeting her legs as if trying to cross them.

Beth then took another step closer to her and stoked Leah’s face with the outside of her hand before delicately tracing her index finger over her shoulder and down her arm.

“I think she needs a lot of work” Beth smiled as Paul nodded.

“Then let’s get to it” he said, picking up my wife as if she were weightless and placing her over his shoulder. Leah screamed as I made as if to rush over to her, but Paul gave me a look as if to say “don’t you dare” which caused me to freeze in place.

“Your wife is a delicate little thing” Beth grinned as she walked over to me as Paul carried Leah away and out of the room. “But we’re going to change that” Beth smiled as I stared at her, speechless. “Now, as you have also lost, that makes you our slave too. Now, undress for me. Any reluctance will be taken out directly on your wife, so it’s your call”.

I could feel anger growing in the pit of my stomach at how smug she was being. Regardless, I did as I was told and was stood naked in front of her moments later. Despite my best efforts, I could feel my cock hardening until it was fully erect and twitching at the sight of her. She noticed this and giggled. “I bet you came here tonight thinking you would be using that pathetic excuse of a cock on me, didn’t you? I wouldn’t be seen dead with that thing in me. I honestly feel sorry for your wife, but hopefully getting fucked by a real man will make her realise how bad she has it with you and she’ll leave you to find somebody who can satisfy her”. Beth said matter of factly as she waited for my response. But I bit my tongue, trying my best to hold it together.

“Anyway, now you’re going to see a side to Leah you’ve never seen before” she finally grinned as she took me by the hand and led me out of the room.

She led me up the stairs, her bare ass jiggling ever so slightly as I followed suit. I could feel my erect cock swaying with each step I took and hated myself for it. The next two hours will be without a doubt the most gruelling moments of our marriage and I had to be strong for Leah.

The sounds of gagging and spluttering filled my ears as I was dragged down the hallway. My stomach folded into a knot as I was led into the master bedroom to be greeted with Paul stood over Leah who was on her knees on the floor. Paul had a hold of Leah’s hair and was forcing his cock down her throat. Leah’s face was bright red and saliva dribbled down her chin and hung in threads from the end of it. Her eyes were filled with tears and her face was stretched awkwardly to accommodate for Paul’s cock. She looked up at me as I entered, but all I could do was stare back.

Paul withdrew his cock which was absolutely coated in saliva. Leah gasped for air but suddenly squealed in pain as Paul yanked her head up by her hair.

“Leave her alone!” I shouted in desperation as Paul shot me a menacing look.

“I feel for you Mark, I really do. How have you manged to cope with a girl who doesn’t even know how to suck a cock?” he snapped as Beth closed the bedroom door and forced me into a wooden chair at the end of the king sized bed in the centre of the room.

I reluctantly allowed my arms to be tied behind my back and my ankles to be tied to the legs of the chair. I no longer felt as though this was a game and that if we demanded to leave it would only make the situation worse.

“Let me show you how it’s done” Beth said smoothly, her voice like silk as she knelt down in front of Paul and took his cock effortlessly in her mouth, not even bothering to guide it in with her hands and not caring it was already covered in Leah’s saliva.

It was almost like an illusion as I watched Paul’s cock disappear down Beth’s throat. It seemed like an impossible task, but she was clearly very experienced. Her nose was pushed up against Paul’s shaved pubic hair as she looked up at him, a sudden submissive nature to her character.

Paul groaned in pleasure as he ran his fingers through Beth’s hair. Leah was still kneeling behind them, watching the act with a pained expression on her face. She glanced up at me but I instinctively looked away, too ashamed to make eye contact escort karaman with her.

Beth withdrew and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand as she turned towards Leah.

“Do you remember when I said I was going to make you my little foot slave after your cuck husband lost?” she said sweetly as she moved closer to her, cupping her chin in her hand.

I think she was whispering something but I couldn’t hear what. I couldn’t even see Leah’s face. All I could see was Beth’s exposed asshole and pussy lips as she leaned towards Leah. I could see Leah’s arms twitching slightly when suddenly it hit me that Beth was kissing her! I could hear the soft smacking sounds as their lips connected and could also see the side of Beth’s jaw moving up and down as she tilted her head to the side.

Beth eventually withdrew and sat on the bed before stretching out her legs and rubbing Leah’s cheek with her foot.

“Don’t make me ask you, slave” she purred as Leah again glanced towards me for guidance. I looked down and saw pre-cum emitting from the tip of my cock. I couldn’t believe I was getting turned on watching my wife being dominated and humiliated. And it was all my fault!

I glanced up again and saw Leah tracing her tongue between Beth’s toes. She looked up at her, not even blinking as if she was making sure she was doing it right. Beth’s smile seemed to suggest she was, so Leah continued doing as she was doing, even going as far to take a couple of Beth’s toes in her mouth and begin suckling on them.

As this was happening, Paul walked over to me. Given my position and Paul’s height, his erect cock was level with my face. It was coated in the saliva of the two girls and twitching slightly which caused a bead of saliva to break free and drip onto my arm. Paul grabbed my throat and forced me to look up at him.

“Your girl can’t suck cock too good…maybe you should show her how it’s done?” Paul leered at me as my eyes bulged.

“No…please that wasn’t a part of the deal-“ I began, only to be interrupted by Paul.

“The deal was that we get your wife. True. So that will mean you will have to suck my cock willingly. Maybe we’ll go easier on her if you do?”

I tried to form words but couldn’t think of the right ones. Paul smiled at me, revelling in this hold he had over me.

“Tell me Mark…who is the alpha male here?”

I gulped. “Y-you are…Paul” I stammered as he tightened his grip on my throat.

“Good girl” he grinned, mocking me as my heart raced and dread filled me. “So you be good and do what we say, otherwise this night will get a hell of a lot worse for you. Got it?”

“Yes” I replied as Paul raised his eyebrow as if expecting more.

“Yes Master” I finally said, utterly defeated.

He forced my head to turn so that I was looking at Leah again, still on her knees and worshipping Beth’s feet.

“See that girl there?” he whispered to me. “I’m going to corrupt her. After tonight, she won’t be able to get me out of her mind. Every girly night out she has, every time she says she’s working late…she’ll actually be here with me” Paul said, slapping me gently on the cheek.

He let go of me and snapped his fingers so loud it was almost like a gunshot. Leah jolted up as Paul motioned for her to get on the bed. Leah once again looked at me which caused Paul to react angrily.

“Don’t look at him for support!” he boomed, his voice filling the room. “You come to me for guidance now, got it?”

Beth nudged Leah with her foot after a few seconds of silence. “Y-yes M-Master” she piped up as she got to her feet, her legs shaking so much it was a wonder she could still walk.

“No!” Paul boomed again which caused Leah to recoil in fear.

“From now on, you call me Daddy, okay?”

“Y-yes…Dad-Daddy” Leah said timidly as Paul walked over to her and hooked his hand under her arm and effortlessly threw her onto the bed.

My mouth was dry as I watched on, powerless to intervene as Beth forced Leah into position.

Paul rounded Leah and positioned himself behind her who was now hunched forward with her ass in the air. It was incredible how small Leah looked in front of Paul who was over one foot taller than her and weighed twice as much.

She looked up at me, her eyes barely visible through the strands of blonde hair which had fallen over her face.

I could see Paul getting ready to mount her as he teased his thumb up and down Leah’s pussy whilst simultaneously rubbing his own cock to ensure it was fully erect.

He then began to guide it into her and I couldn’t help but make a noise in protest which caught everyone’s attention. He wasn’t wearing a condom.

“Something wrong, Mark?” Paul asked, his patience being tested.

“…No…I’m sorry Master” I mumbled, almost choking on the words.

He narrowed his eyes and nodded and continued pushing himself into Leah who yelped and looked back over her shoulder to the source of her discomfort.

Her face twisted in pain as she gripped the bedsheets so hard her knuckles turned white.

Eventually she gasped out “It’s too big! Stop! Please stop Daddy!” which caused Paul to deliver a harsh spank to her ass.

“I know what I’m doing. Your pussy is just too used to little cuck cocks. It’s never experienced a proper cock before. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure it stays nice and stretched so it won’t be so uncomfortable in the future.”

He gripped her hips and gave one final push so that he was now balls deep in my wife. Leah’s mouth was open and her eyes were wide. Her petite body shook slightly as Paul began to ease back out before pushing back in, gradually picking up the pace as he fucked her.

I watched on, almost hypnotized as Leah’s tits bounced around in a circle. I wasn’t sure if it was Leah’s tits clapping together or the sound of Paul’s stomach colliding with Leah’s ass which was creating the slapping noise which filled my ears.

Leah closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip before forcing her face into the bed sheets. She must now have been perfectly lubricated as Paul seemed to be sliding in and out of her with ease. Paul lunged forward and dug his fingers into the sides of Leah’s mouth and forced it wide open, fish-hooking her into a huge grin which showed off all of her teeth.

Leah could only gag in response, grunting “AH! AH! AH! AH! AH!” with each thrust from Paul.

Beth, who had been watching the scene from the edge of the bed, climbed onto it and began kissing Paul passionately on the lips as he brought his hands back down to Leah’s hips again.

I could hear Leah moaning softly to herself as Paul huge cock stretched and dominated her pussy. I honestly didn’t know if she was enjoying this or not. She appeared to be gritting her teeth as if bearing it, but then suddenly her features would relax and she’d moan or gasp before tensing up again.

Beth laid down in front of her and dragged Leah’s face towards her pussy. Beth kept her in place with her hand on the back of her head as she bit her lip and smiled in victory at Paul.

“She takes to pussy well” Beth announced, looking down at the back of Leah’s head. “Have you been with another girl before, slave?” Beth asked as she allowed Leah the freedom to respond. “No, mistress” I heard her say before her mouth was shoved back down again.

“Mhmm well you’re a quick learner” Beth cooed.

This scene continued for several minutes with Paul fucking Leah doggy style whilst she lapped at Beth’s pussy. My cock was pulsing in desperation. A trickle of pre cum had rolled down it and over my balls. At that moment, I was certain a stiff breeze would have caused me to cum.

Beth had let go of Leah’s head who was now licking her of her own accord. Beth had instead began massaging her own boobs and tweaking her nipples as she leaned back, eyes closed as she relished in the moment. She was also rubbing her foot up and down Leah’s back which was glistening in sweat.

Paul had grown tired of that position and dragged Leah back by her arms. Paul laid with his back flat on the bed and balanced Leah so that she was on top of with him with her back to him. Leah’s mouth was covered in Beth’s grool. Her eyes seemed to be practically rolling back in her head as she bounced up at down on Paul’s cock. From this new position, a sickening squelching noise could be heard as Paul’s cock continued to slide in and out of Leah.

Beth got on her knees and began kissing Leah again. I couldn’t help but feel a pit open up in my stomach as Leah freely kissed her back. If anything, Leah seemed more eager than Beth at this point! I could see her tongue lashing out as they explored one another’s mouths. When Beth pulled back, they remained momentarily connected by strings of Beth’s grool clinging to their lips.

Paul held Leah’s arms back but wasn’t thrusting like before as Leah seemed content in bouncing up and down. With her arms pulled back like this, her boobs looked bigger than ever, especially since they were bouncing so wildly.

Beth hopped off the bed and collected something from the bedside cabinet. It was a vibrator, one of those ones which had a straight handle with a big sphere at the end of it intended for stimulating the clitoris.

She flicked it on and the sphere began vibrating dramatically. The buzzing filled my ears and I saw Leah’s eyes instantly snap to it when she heard the noise.

Leah’s face was flushed and she looked uncomfortable again. She knew this would be too much for her…

Beth didn’t hold back and pinned the vibrator to Leah’s clit who gasped dramatically.

“Ugh! Oh fuck! Fuck!” she moaned as her entire body seemed to jolt and convulse.

Beth smiled and licked her lips as Leah struggled and tried to pull away from the vibrator to no avail.

“Oh my god! Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck!” She gasped, shaking her head and convulsing as if possessed.

Beth decided to take a risk and pulled it away. Even from here I could see how swollen Leah’s pussy seemed and how engorged her clit was.

“No! No put it back mistress put it back please!” Leah begged, her entire body shaking.

Beth and Paul both laughed as Beth fulfilled her request.

“Is my good little girl going to cum for daddy?” Paul asked, his voice broken slightly due to the intensity Leah was now bouncing up and down on him.

“Yes daddy, yes!” Leah moaned as Paul smirked at me.

“You need to ask for permission first” Beth piped up in a sing-song voice.

“Please may I cum? Please please let me cum!” Leah gasped, each word coming out in a higher pitch.

“What do you say Mark, can your wife cum or not?” Paul shouted across to me.

Leah suddenly looked up at me, a pained expression on her face as if she had only just remembered I was there.

I sighed, my voice shaking as I said “Yes, she can cum.”

Leah’s karaman escort bayan expression seemed twisted again as if she was feeling guilty for enjoying it. However, Paul gave her no choice to have second thoughts as he gripped her hips again and began thrusting up and down harder than ever. Leah screamed in shock as she tried to free her arms. As muscular as Paul was, he seemed to be having a tough time containing her. Beth also seemed to be struggling to keep the vibrator in place due to how violently Leah was convulsing. Eventually, both Paul and Beth seemed to sense something as Beth pulled the vibrator away and Paul pulled out of her at the same time. In a flash, Paul grabbed the underside of Leah’s knees and reared her up so that her knees where practically by her ears and her pussy was spread as much was physically possible.

Leah screamed like an injured animal. Her face was unrecognisable and I grew legitimately concerned for her well-being. I tried to stand, desperate to break free to help her. I saw her pussy gaping and convulsing as if gasping for air.

“OH FUCK! OH GOD FUCK NO! UUGHHH-AHHHH!” she wailed as her toes curled which signalled the beginning of an explosive orgasm. Her entire body shuddered once again as a clear stream jetted out of her pussy with such force that it hit the wall behind me.

I saw her eyes roll back and her mouth hang open stupidly as her juices spilled out of her and onto the bedding and down her ass crack.

It sounded as though she was trying to form words but was physically unable to do so. Paul hung onto her tight as Beth stared, open mouthed and in complete shock.

Drool ran down Leah’s cheek as her pussy continued to pulse and quiver which spat out globs of grool as it did so.

“Th-thank you Daddy…thank you Daddy…th-th-thank you Daddy…” Leah began to moan, her voice broken as the orgasm finally began to subside.

Paul released her and she crumbled onto the bed twitching mechanically as if she had been electrocuted. Paul and Beth both exchanged shocked expressions.

“Well…fuck me…” Paul laughed, looking down at Leah.

“Good girl…” Beth cooed as she stroked Leah’s golden hair which was now damp with sweat.

Leah’s head began to rise. When I saw her face, she legitimately looked like a different person.

Without being told to, Leah crawled over to Paul’s cock and began sucking it vigorously. I had lost her.

Paul groaned as Leah’s head bobbed rapidly back and forth, slurping and gagging on it.

He gripped Leah’s hair as he continued to deep throat her. He eventually pulled out of her mouth as Leah looked up at him, eyes wide in desperation.

“Cum for me daddy, please cum for me” Leah moaned which practically broke my heart to hear.

Paul glanced at Beth who licked her lips and nodded.

Beth slid underneath Leah and took up the “69” position as Paul rounded Leah again and mounted her like he had done so before.

Leah gasped and shuddered once again as Paul slid into her overly sensitive pussy, still raw from the orgasm moments ago, and began pounding away at it again with a strained expression on his face as if trying to prevent cumming for as long as he could.

Meanwhile, Beth was tracing over Leah’s clit with her tongue, poking and teasing it before leaning further upwards and lapping at Paul’s cock as it slid in and out of Leah.

At the other end of the bed Leah was hungrily feasting on Beth’s pussy, licking and suckling it as if she were addicted to the taste, an image reminiscent of a hungry vampire.

“I can’t hold back much longer!” Paul suddenly grunted, his fingers digging into Leah’s ass as sweat dripped down his face.

“Cum in me daddy! Fill me with your seed! Please daddy please!” Leah announced which seemed to send Paul over the edge.

He thrust deep inside of her and groaned. Leah instantly gasped as she felt his cum squirt into her and fill her up. She shuddered and jolted again as another orgasm overwhelmed her. I could see Paul’s testicles pulsing as he emptied them into my wife.

Paul withdrew his cock and I could clearly see cum oozing out of Leah’s pussy like a waterfall. Beth shuffled upwards and allowed the cum to dribble out of Leah and into her mouth. Paul wasn’t’ done yet as he shot out a few more thick, gooey ropes of cum over Leah’s ass and back before allowing the rest of his load to dribble down onto Beth’s face.

Beth continued lapping at the cum flowing out of Leah’s pussy. Leah’s orgasm wasn’t as strong as the previous one, but her pussy still convulsed which caused big globs of Paul’s cum to squirt down Beth’s tongue and up her nostrils.

Around a minute or so later, Beth pushed Leah off of her who rolled over onto her back. She then leaned over her as if to kiss her again, but instead opened her mouth and allowed a mouthful of cum to pour directly into Leah’s mouth.

Leah happily took this gift as Beth began kissing her again. The two girls kissed one another passionately, passing the mouthful of cum between them as they did so. Some of it spilled from their mouths between kisses and dribbled down Leah’s chest and boobs. Eventually, Beth pulled back and put her hand over Leah’s mouth. Leah didn’t need telling what to do as I saw her throat bulge as she swallowed the mouthful of cum.

“Thank you daddy. Thank you mistress” Leah breathed. Cum was still leaking out of her pussy which had formed a mini pool on the bed sheets and had trickled down around her ass hole. There was also a long rope dangling off her chin which swayed like a pendulum. Beth noticed this and broke it with her finger which caused it to fall and splatter onto Leah’s breasts. She then lunged forward and licked her boobs clean which caused Leah to lean her head back again and close her eyes, moaning heavily as Beth’s tongue traced over her nipples.

“My turn” Beth demanded sweetly, motioning to the cum splatters over her own body. Leah fulfilled her wish and licked up every stray drop of cum from her body, paying special attention to Beth’s nipples which she dared to suck and gently nibble after getting the approval from Beth.

Paul stepped off the bed and grabbed a towel which he used to wipe himself down with before walking over to me.

“That’s quite the lady you have back there” he grinned as Beth and Leah were both entwined around one another, kissing and groping one another as they rolled around on the bed.

“We told you we’d break her, didn’t we?” Paul said, looking down at me.

“Yes Master, you did” I replied. I felt remorseful and angry. I wanted nothing more than to slug him across his face. I couldn’t believe what they had turned my wife into.

“Is she on birth control? Is that why you wanted me to use a condom?! If so, then I might have just fucked a baby into your wife!” Paul hissed, grinning down at me as I tried my hardest to keep my cool as my hands balled into fists behind my back.

“So, as you know…” Paul continued, “…we still have another hour of playtime with her. But we feel that you being here kind of, you know…makes things a little awkward. So why don’t you go and wait in your car, and we’ll send her out when we’re done, okay?”

I looked up and him and he must have seen something in my expression.

“Hey, don’t you look at me like that. Remember what I said about making this a lot worse?”

I looked away. “Yes Master. I’m sorry, Master”

“Good” he replied as he released me the chair.

I stood up having forgotten how much he towered over me. He held out his hand and looked at me expectantly.

I hesitated ever so slightly before shaking it, his grip nearly turned my bones to dust.

“Good man” he winked, smiling as if he had just told a joke as I flexed my hand painfully.

Leah looked up from the bed, a form of concern on her face.

“Mark is going to wait in the car for the rest of the night, aren’t you Mark?” Paul said.

“Yes Master” I replied, my head down but glancing up at Leah.

“Oh…sure…okay” Leah replied as she shuffled uncomfortably on the bed.

“We’ll be seeing you then, Mark” Beth said with a wink as she peered at me from over Leah’s shoulder, her fingers tracing up and down her body.

I nodded and turned away and shuffled out of the room. I closed the door and stood with my forehead against the wooden panes for several seconds.

“Now, if I’m remembering correctly, you raised your voice to me when we were downstairs, didn’t you?” I heard Beth state.

“Yes mistress. I’m sorry, mistress” Leah’s quiet voice replied.

“Well, that simply won’t do. Now, come over here so you can receive your punishment!” Beth snapped.

Moments later, the harsh sound of Leah being spanked filled my ears. I couldn’t take anymore and walked away back down the stairs and into the living room.

I collected my clothes, got dressed and left the house and walked down the empty street. I looked back over my shoulder but nobody followed me out of the door.

I got back into the car and drove it in front of the house where I waited for nearly an hour and a half for Leah to step out. When I saw the front door begin to creep open, I jolted up in expectation. I honestly thought she would be staying the night.

My mouth dropped open as she stepped out. She was still completely naked. Behind her, I caught a glimpse of Beth and Paul as they shoved her out and slammed the door shut behind her. She looked up at me and began rushing over to the car.

I watched her run round the front of the car and hop in the passenger side before slamming it shut, not daring to look at me and breathing heavily. I could see the words “FUCK PIG” scrawled in black marker printed on her stomach.

I stared at her for several moments as if expecting her to say something. She was covered in streaks of cum, from both Beth and Paul. Her nipples were also dark red and puffy and her hair was a mess.

“Just drive!” she snapped after several moments as I rolled my eyes and peeled away as I began to drive back home.

*** 2 Weeks Later ***

“But that’s the third time this week!” I said as I paced around the dining room, phone in one hand whilst my other scratched the back of my neck.

“I’m sorry, but it’s not up to me. It’s been super busy lately and overtime is part of the contract! I’ll be home by 9pm. Mark, I’m sorry, but I need to do this…I love you” Leah said imploringly.

I sighed. “Yeah…I love you too”.

“See you soon” Leah replied as she hung up the phone.

I slumped down at the table and looked across at the meal I had prepared for her.

“Fuck it” I said as I flicked my phone back on and dialled her work number.

I sat there with bated breath as it rang.

“Hello, Leah Parker’s phone” a voice answered.

“Oh, hey! Erm, is Leah Parker available?” I asked nervously, my heart thudding in my chest.

“Um no, sorry but she left about 20 minutes ago. Is there anything I can help you with?” the voice replied.

I ended the call and buried my face into my hands.

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