Lustful Hatred


This is a work of fiction. All the characters in this story are 18+.

Lilly:- 20

Josh:- 23


“Lilly, come down for dinner honey,” my mom called out from the kitchen.

I sighed closing the book I was reading and remove my reading glasses. A yawn escapes from my lips and I stretch my body a little as I felt my legs numb from all the sitting for 2 hours straight. I open the door of my room and hastily walk into the kitchen. My stomach grumbled as the smell of chicken hit my nose. Mmm… mom has made something delicious. I walk into the kitchen and see dad already seated on the dinner table.

He looks at me and gives me a bright smile. “Hey pumpkin.”

I smile back as I settle down in the chair beside my dad. “Hey dad.”

“What’s the occasion mom?” I asked as she served us our chicken-filled plates on the table.

Mom had this big bright smile on her face and I knew that there must be some amazing news if she’s this happy. She settles down in the chair opposite mine and smiles at me.

“Well we have some news for you,” Mom said.

I take the fork in my hand. “I figured that out mom. What is it?”

“Your father and I are going for a vacation to Italy!”

I stopped eating and look at them with wide eyes. They were looking at me so happy. I let her words register in my head and I react.

“Uh, that’s great. But when did all this happen?” I asked genuinely curious.

“We thought about taking a break from our jobs and you know spend a little time with each other. It has been a while since we had some alone time to ourselves,” dad answered.

I nod my head understandingly. “Oh yeah… that’s great. You should spend some time together. I’m happy for you guys. When are you leaving?”

“Day after tomorrow and by the way we have another good news too,” mom said excitedly.

Why do I have a feeling that this isn’t going to be good?

“Your brother is returning back tomorrow from New York. That means you guys can really use this time to catch up while we are on our trip.”

Suddenly, I just lost my appetite. The chicken is really good but just talking about my brother made me feel sick.

I gulp down the lump in my throat as I try to speak. “When will you guys return?”

“I guess after a week or maybe even a little more than that. It’s a one time trip and we want to use this time to just relax without any worries. That’s why we asked Josh to return home so that you won’t feel alone,” my mom said as she sipped on her wine.

Oh, mom, you have no idea how much I want to stay away from your sweet little son.

Josh has nothing but been an ass to me since we were kids. He treated me like I’m not his sister at all. I don’t know what I had done to make him hate me so much. Nevermind… I’m just going to stay out of his way. When we were in high school, he made mom and dad believe that I was sleeping with his best friend, Taylor. I didn’t even know who the guy was until one day, Taylor came up to me asking about some important notes he missed during a lecture. Josh saw us talking and assumed that his little sister was sleeping with his best friend.

Anyway… that was that and he used to make fun of me all the time about how I looked like a nerd and always was reading a book. I never gave him the satisfaction that I got hurt by his words. But they did hurt. Josh is my elder brother and he should have been there for me in tough times. Siblings are supposed to have got each other’s back.

But not Josh. He never got my back. He just used to hurt me all the time.

And one whole week without my parents being around, God knows what will happen to me.

“Honey, are you okay?” dad asked with a concerned look on his face.

I force a smile on my face and nod. “I’m happy that Josh is coming back.”

Oh, the fake enthusiasm.

“I know that you guys would love to spend time with each other,” mom said.

Maybe we will if your son doesn’t try to murder me until you guys come back.


I felt something soft on my forehead and I felt my lips tugging upwards.

“Good morning little Lilly,” I heard the familiar sweet voice of my brother.

Wait… what? Brother?

My eyes pop open and I quickly sit upon my bed. It’s him. It’s really him. Josh was looking at me with his bright blue eyes and with a soft smile on his rosy lips.

“What- what are you doing here?” I asked in a whisper.

Josh placed the back of his hand of my cheek slowly feeling it and I jolt away from him. My heartbeat raced hundred of miles away with his touch. He never touched me before like this, with so much affection. I’m not going to lie but the way he was looking at me made me pussy pulse a little.

Oh my god… I’m so dirty.

I notice how he has changed physically. More muscle, that sharp jawline, same messy blond hair. But his eyes… they weren’t as cold as they used to be when he used to look at me in the past. They are… warmer this time. Filled with something more affectionate. istanbul escort

“Didn’t mom tell you that I’m coming back?” he asked.

“No I mean what are you doing here in my room?” I asked.

In the past, Josh never entered my room and I never entered his. He was more like a private guy. He always loved his privacy.

He smiled. He fucking smiled at me. I have never seen him smile at me like that. He took my hands in his and I try to pull them away but his grip was tight.

“I just wanted to see you,” he said.

For a second, I really thought that he was being genuine but then I saw mom standing in the doorway looking at us with a huge smile on her face. Oh, so he was just acting in front of mom.

Mom gave me a smile and then walked back downstairs. I snatch away my hands from Josh’s grip and stand up on the bed.

“Mum’s gone. So you can drop the act and leave now,” I said as I jump off the bed and walk towards the bathroom.

Before I can open the door, Josh grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. He looked confused.

“What are you talking about?” he asked.

I pull away from his grip and fold my arms to my chest. He looks down at my boobs but quickly gazes back up to my face. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and I look away for a moment before looking back at him.

“Look I know that you hate me and I’m fine with it. You don’t have to babysit me and I won’t get in your way,” I said.

Josh looked at me like I was talking some nonsense bullshit.

“I want to spend time with you,” he said.

I looked at him for a second before I burst out into laughter. Damn… the guy was funny. I wasn’t able to stop laughing. I laughed so hard that my stomach started to hurt.

Suddenly, dad entered the room and gave me a curious look. “What’s so funny?”

I continue to chuckle as I pointed my finger at Josh who looked really upset.

“He told me a joke and trust me Dad it’s damn funny. You should hear it too,” I said and then walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I leaned my head back on the door and sigh.

“What game are you going to play with me this time Josh?” I whisper to myself.


I spend the whole day helping mom pack her stuff and taking orders from her. She continued to give the list of dos and don’ts during the whole week they are gone. After dinner, I was sitting in the living room watching a movie. Mom and dad were already asleep as they had an early flight tomorrow morning.

I sighed and leaned my head back on the couch, closing my eyes. My peaceful surrounding was soon broken as I felt someone sitting beside me. I open my eyes and turn to face none other than my dear brother, Josh.

I sigh and get up from the couch ready to go back to my room. I would rather read a book then sit with the devil himself.

“Where are you going?” Josh asked with confusion in his voice.

“To sleep,” I stated as I start to walk away from him.

“Lilly, I really do want to spend time with you. I’m sorry I had been nothing but an asshole to you in the past but I want to make it right now,” he said.

His words were trying to get into my head but I won’t let that happen. I hate him for always manipulating with my head. I hate him for always treating me in the worst possible manner.

I continue to walk away from him and go back to my room. I was so tired of him already. I don’t know how I was going to handle him the whole week. I rub the back of my neck and sigh as I felt a little headache coming through. I didn’t even feel like reading a book tonight. So I just got on my bed and slipped inside the comforter.

Mmm… warm and coz just how I like it.

As I was about to fall in deep sleep, I felt something rather someone slipping in my bed. I knew it was Josh but I was too exhausted to start an argument with him which I knew I won’t win. I felt him slip his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his hard chest.

Okay… that’s it.

“Josh what in the hell do you think you’re doing?” I asked.

“Shhh… I want you to listen to me, okay? Please just let me talk. You can kick me out of the room after I finish talking,” he said.

I close my eyes and let out a deep sigh. “Okay.”

I keep my back to him as he spoke.

“I know that I have hurt you a lot in the past. I said mean things to you and have tried to hate you but I couldn’t. I want you to know what the real reason is for which I have been hateful towards you all this time,” he stopped.

My breath hitches in my chest as I felt him press a soft kiss on my neck.

“I lust you, Lilly.”

My eyes widen in the darkroom and my mind went completely blank. I didn’t know what to say or do. My brother, Josh, has been lusting over me all this time. I turn my body to face him and fuck me if he didn’t look hot with that moonlight falling on his face. My heartbeat increased at his words.

“Wha-what are you saying? Are you out of your mind?” izmir escort I asked.

He moves a little closer to me but I push away from him and get up from the bed. I switch on the lamplight as Josh gets up from the bed too. He walks towards me as he spoke.

“Look, I know that this is unbelievable for you but…”

I cut him off. “Unbelievable? Yeah damn right. I don’t believe you. I know this is some kind of plan of yours to humiliate me or something. I know that you hate me so why don’t we just stay away from each…”

I was cut off by a strong and hard kiss. His soft lips dominated mine, biting my lower lip slowly. He backed me up to a wall as his lips never left mine. It was so wrong, I knew in the back of my mind but I just couldn’t stop it. My mind immediately filled up with lust and the fact that I wanted my brother was something new to me. My hands went around his neck pressing him closer to me. His manly scent surrounded me and my pussy tingled.

His lips left mine and he started to place soft kisses on my neck. His hands started to roam around under my shirt and my head falls back. I gasp as he gives a quick lick to my earlobe and leaves a soft bite. The only sound in the room was of our wet kisses and heavy panting. He suddenly grips my right leg and places it around his waist. I moaned as I felt his growing erection on my covered pussy.

He slowly rubs himself on me and we both let out a soft groan.

“Do you feel it now? Do you feel how much I want you? How much I lust you. All these years I have wanted to do nothing but fuck you.”

I gasp as I felt his hands on my bare breasts. His thumb slowly making circles on my nipple and I close my eyes, feeling those tingles again in my pussy.

“It was so hard for me to hate you Lilly because I only wanted to kiss you hard when I saw you. I wanted to touch you, feel you and make you mine.”

My eyes pop open as I registered what was happening. I push him away from me and he looked at me with surprise on his face.

“Get out,” I whisper in dead silence.

“But Lilly-,”

I cut him off. “Get out before I shout at you and wake up mom dad.”

Josh ran a hand into his hair and looked at me for the last time.

“I’m really sorry Lilly,” he said softly. He walks out from my room and I close the door behind him.

What in the world just happened?


I felt the sunlight falling on my face and I open my eyes, blinking a few times. I let out a yawn and stretch on my bed as a smile appears on my face for no reason. I close my eyes again and snuggle deeper into my comforter.

But then, my eyes open and they widen with fear. I look at the clock and it was already 10:30 am. I remember about what happened last night between me and Josh.

“Fuck,” I whisper out as I run a hand through my hair.

I quickly get out of my bed, brush my teeth and go downstairs. The house was empty and there was no one to be seen. I walk towards the refrigerator and find a yellow note on it.

Lilly, sweety, be good to your brother until we come back and listen to whatever he says. Love you – Mom.

I sigh. “Yeah, right mom.”

“You missed them,” Josh said from behind me and I turned to face him.

“What?” I asked

He moved closer and stopped in front of me, staring right into my eyes as he spoke.

“Mom and dad, you missed them. I told them you were sleeping. They didn’t want me to wake you up,” he said.

I look away from his intense and lustful stare and give him a nod.

“I am gonna go take a shower,” I said as I walk away from him.

“Me too,” he said.

I look at him confused. “What?”

“I’m gonna go and take a shower too,” he said.

I look at him for a second and then give him a nod. “Okay.”

I walk away from him but I felt his stare burning into my back. Oh god, I just want to get away from him as soon as possible.

I walk into the bathroom and remove all my clothes and turn the cold shower on. I step in and sigh as the cold water hits my body. I close my eyes and can’t help but think about what happened last night between Josh and me. My cheeks heat up as I remember the way he touched me. His soft lips on mine, his hands all over my body, feeling me. His hand on my breasts, playing with my nipple.

Just thinking about it made my nipple harden with pleasure. I bite my lower lip just the way he did. His hard cock pressing on my pussy. My fingers slowly moved towards my pussy, touching it, rubbing it. I moan as I pinch my nipples with my other hand. Imagining Josh’s fingers touching my clit, playing with it. I moan out and my head falls back.

“Fuck Lilly.”

I get startled as I find Josh standing in the bathroom looking at me through the glass.

“Josh,” I whisper.

“Sweet Lilly, do you remember what mom and dad said?” He asked as he started to remove his clothes off.

I shake my head slowly unable to say anything. My eyes were concentrated on his body. izmit escort That hard chest and all muscles, wanting me to run my hands on it. I turned away from him as he started to remove his pants.

I close my eyes as I think about what was going to happen next. I am so wet and ready for him. I want him so much and I don’t know since when that happened. All these years I have just hated him and now? I want him.

“They said that you’ve to listen to me and do as I say,” Josh said as I hear him walk closer to me.

I felt his breath at the back of my neck and my mouth parts open in a silent gasp.

“So now you’re going to do what I say. I’ve been avoiding you and this attraction for a very long time. Now it’s time that I accept it.”

“Josh you can’t.”

I gasp out as I felt him place a soft kiss near my earlobe. I moan as he licked the skin below my earlobe and I felt the blood running towards my pussy.

“Josh,” I whimper his name as he cupped my breasts in his hands.

My head fell back on his hard chest and I let myself free. I let myself enjoy the feeling of lust. I decided to let go of the resistance and just enjoy his touches. My nipples harden as he played with them. Rubbing them, pinching them just like I imagined it to be a few minutes back.

“You want me, don’t you? Sweet little Lilly wanting her elder brother. Do you want me, Lilly? Tell me how much you want me,” Josh whispered in my ear.

His fingers move towards my pussy and stop right at my pussy lips not moving it at all.

“Please Josh, please touch me,” I begged.

Fuck… what was wrong with me? I should be hating him instead of begging him to touch me.

“Not until you tell me that you want me,” he said.

“Oh fuck, I want you. I want so much. I want you to push those fingers deep inside me and fuck me.”

His fingers rubbed my pussy lips and I let out a moan. I grip his arm tightly as his thumb rubbed my clit. His cock hardening against my back and I wrap my hand around it, slowly rubbing it up and down. Josh groans as I continue to play with his thick and hard cock.

My knees buckle as I felt him push two fingers deep inside my wet pussy.

“Oh fuck you’re so wet for me Lilly,” he groaned.

We continue to pleasure each other like this for some more time when suddenly Josh removed his fingers from my pussy and within a second my back hits the shower wall. He lifts me up against it and I immediately wrap my legs around his waist. I sigh and look up at the ceiling as I felt his cock rubbing on my pussy.

“Oh you’re going to get fucked, sweet Lilly. You’re going to get fucked by your elder brother. Does that make you wet? Does that make you horny?”

I moan at his words. Fuck… he’s really good at it.

“Oh yes,” I moan out as I felt him rub his cock up and down my pussy lips.

“Oh you like the teasing, don’t you? You like it when I rub my cock on your pussy, teasing you, making you want it even more. Do you want me to push my cock inside your sweet little pussy? Do you want that?”

“Oh yes brother, I want that. Please push your cock inside me. Please,” I begged.

Without waiting any further, Josh slammed his cock inside me making me cry out. He didn’t give me any time to recover and instead started to fuck me faster.

“Mmm… you feel so good, sis, wrapped around my body with your pussy tightly holding my cock like a glove. You want it just as much as I want.”

I put my head on his shoulder as his cock pushed in and out from my pussy. His cock felt so good inside me, filling me up. I run my hands on his back as the water from the shower continued to fall on us. Our breathing heavy and our bodies slapping against each other. It was so intimate. And the fact that he is my brother was just a cherry on the top.

I lift my head and give a soft bite on his shoulder and lick his earlobe.

“Oh god,” Josh groaned.

Suddenly he stops and makes me stand on my feet. He turns my body towards the wall and grips my lower waist, pulling my ass out. I place my hands on the wall for support as Josh starts to take me from behind.

“Oh fuck,” I cry out as I felt his cock going deeper this way.

“You like it? You like your big brother taking you from behind, don’t you? Don’t worry, sweet Lilly I have plans for you. I am going to fuck you this whole week in every damn way possible. I will fuck you in every corner of this house and you’re going to like it, right?”

“Oh yes,” I moan.

“Hell yeah,” he chuckles.

His cock continued to push in and out from my pussy and soon I felt my orgasm building up.

“Oh I’m gonna cum,” I whimper.

“Oh, you are going to cum? Your brother too is going to cum for you little Lilly. Cum for you big brother Lilly. Cum for me,” he ordered.

I felt myself cum on his cock just as I felt his cumshots deep inside my pussy. I felt his cock slipping out of my pussy and his cum drips down my leg from my pussy. My knees weakened and I felt like I was about to fall but Josh turned me and wrapped his arms around my body supporting me.

The water continued to fall on us as we stood under the shower trying to catch our breath.

I pull my face away from his chest and look into his eyes.

They were warm… just like I saw them yesterday.

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