Mistress Cruel Love Ch. 03


Mistress Cruel Love

Chapter 3 — Deviated Pervert

Darius leaned against the bathroom counter and inspected himself in the mirror. He needed a break from his chores and his sore nose was itching fiercely. Ultimately, he could do nothing but gaze at his nostrils and try to will the discomfort away. His septum piercing was still healing and would be for another six to seven weeks.

Heather had insisted he get more body candy. For reasons he still didn’t fully understand, Darius had gone along with it. Alcohol had not been a factor this time. She hadn’t even pressed him that hard. All it took was “Do it, Dana!” and his will had folded like a cheap tent.

Darius removed his shirt and examined his torso up and down. He had multiple ear piercings, the “Property of Heather” tattoo just above his manhood and now the nose ring. It drooped below his nostrils, silvery white crystals gleaming in the bathroom light. They stood out remarkably against his dark skin. The contrast was even greater when he wore lipstick.

He knew Heather wasn’t done with his body. He accepted that she would decorate him, alter him, dominate him as she pleased. He put up with it. He allowed it. If he was honest, he’d even started to embrace it. It excited him.

How was that possible? Was it voodoo? Had a hex been cast on him? Had he taken a blow to the head? Was it nothing but man’s oldest and most cruel folly: true love? No explanation made sense to Darius. Everything he’d seen, heard and been taught since he was a boy made it explicitly clear this was not the way men behaved. Not real men anyway. Not respectable members of society. This was the realm of degenerates and perverts.

*knock knock knock*

“Pookie, you in there?”

“Yup! Be right out!”

Darius ran the cold water, splashed some on his face and toweled off his hands. It didn’t help his aching nose any but it was better than nothing. It was surprisingly humid for a late spring day. The mugginess had prompted his bathroom break.

He stepped into the hallway to find Heather waiting for him. She leaned against the wall, dressed in a sleek, black, satin nightgown. Thin spaghetti straps ran from her shoulders down to lacy black holsters that held up her milky B-cups. The garment extended into shiny, solid black as it flowed down her torso and fitted to her plump curves and wide hips; terminating just below her sex.

Her thick thighs and pudgy arms, features she’d once been self-conscious of, were on full display. She wielded her body like a weapon now that she understood its full power over Darius. The poor man could only stand there and try not to drool on himself as he drank in her silky, rotund glory. They’d purchased the lingerie weeks ago, but this was the first time she’d worn it.

“Hey! What do you think?”

Darius smiled. “You look amazing, babe.”

“Thanks!” she said with a grin and a blush. She turned from side to side a few times, showing off her new favorite sleepwear. Her cheerful expression faded into a scowl when she noticed Darius was still dressed in basketball shorts and a t-shirt. “Why aren’t you in your uniform?”

“Baby, it was 8:30 after dinner. You really want me to put all that on this late? On a Sunday? It takes a half hour with the makeup and I’m not even done vacuuming!”

Heather blew an exasperated breath through her bottom lip. “Fine, I’ll let it go… This time.”

“Thank you, Mistress.”

Heather’s lips extended into a fiendish smile. She loved it when Darius used her title, especially when they weren’t in the middle of kinky play. The thought of him acknowledging her as his owner and master was hot. Even hotter when said in the presence of others. She craved to hear it more. More often and more publicly.

“Dear”, “babe” and “baby” were fine on occasion, but they’d gotten stale after two years. Besides, they weren’t exactly terms that correlated with their new power dynamic. She was doing her utmost to alter his vocabulary day by day. Training him ever so slowly. Eventually, “baby” would be a rarity while “Mistress” and “Goddess” became the new defaults.

“Finish your vacuuming. Then grab the laundry from the dryer and put it away. NEATLY.”

“I thought you were doing the laundry today?”

“I did the laundry. Washed it and dried it. The least you can do is put it away for me.”

Darius smirked. A pattern was emerging. He was expected to do an expanding share of the chores as Heather enjoyed her leisure time. Leisure and whatever it was she’d been up to on her laptop. Heather had been somewhat secretive about it, saying only that she was “establishing a social media presence.”

“Yes, dear.”

“Good. I’ll be waiting for you in bed. Don’t dawdle.”

* * * * *


Heather wailed in pleasure as Darius sorted their socks and underwear and packed them nicely into the dresser. His girlfriend lay in bed, a thick black dildo lodged in her dripping cunt and the round rubber end of her “magic wand” spinning away at the top of her denizli escort vulva. She moaned and convulsed, enjoying a thunderous climax as Darius disrobed and slid into place beside her.

Heather removed the toy from her over-stimulated sex and pulled the dildo free, sighing in blissful contentment. As she closed her eyes and relaxed, Darius crept across the bed, his arms extending below the duvet. Before he could embrace her sensual curves, his hands bumped into something heavy and rubbery.

“The hell?”

Heather’s eyes re-opened. She turned to him and chuckled before grabbing the edge of the blanket and snatching it up. The barrier between them was revealed and it should’ve come as no surprise to Darius.

‘Moby Dick.’ The biggest, whitest strap-on cock they’d purchased to date for their kinky play. Sixteen inches long and coke-can thick. Heather had used it on him many times and not even come close to bottoming out. Not yet, but Darius knew she would some day. She was determined.

“Give me a few minutes to recover and I’ll fuck you to sleep.”

“Baby, I’m sorry but I can’t tonight. I gotta get up early.”

“What? You get up early every day.”

“I mean, extra early tomorrow.”


“I got a meeting with HR.”

“Ohhhh…” Heather turned and propped her head up on one arm. “Is this about the Rhonda incident?”

Darius sighed and stared at the ceiling. “Yep.”

“So, you filed the complaint after all.”

“I did.”

“I’m telling you, you’re wasting your time.”

“Baby, she harassed me.”

“First of all, based on your telling of it, that’s not the impression I got. Second, even if it were true, they’re never gonna believe you.”

“If that wasn’t harassment, I don’t know what you’d call it.”

“I think a woman who obviously has a crush on you, and probably a dominant streak, sensed that you were coming into your kinky, submissive side and decided to feel you out.”

“Oh, she felt me out alright!”

“Uh huh. And then she helped you fix your bench.”


“Exactly. Everything I’ve said so far is perfectly okay.”

“You’re leaving something out.”

Heather rolled her eyes, her tone growing more annoyed. “Then she asked if you were in an open relationship. When you said no, she backed off, right?”

“She did, finally.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“The problem is I was dry humped at work.”

“Oh, Jesus Christ, Darius! Never mind! No pegging tonight! I’m not even in the mood anymore.” Heather pushed the giant, harnessed schlong off the bed. It hit the floor with a rubbery thud and a clang of buckles. She turned on her side; her back to Darius.

“Babe, I’m sorry…” he said, reaching out to her. He placed a hand on her side but she nudged it away with her elbow. Darius hated going to sleep with Heather angry at him. He never slept well if she wasn’t happy. “I didn’t mean to upset you, baby. Please, let me make it up…”

Heather didn’t move for several moments, but finally sighed and rolled over.

“Give me head you filthy little beta bitch!”

Darius moved to the end of the bed and quickly got into position as she lifted her enormous legs. As he ducked down into her waiting cunny, she grabbed his head and crossed her heavy legs over his shoulders and back. Her doughy thighs pressed against the sides of his face as he dove into her pungent jungle with an eager tongue.

The rubbery aftertaste of the dildo and her thick juices from the previous climax were abundant. A half-gurgle, half-sputter erupted from his mouth as Heather wrapped her hands around his braids and plowed his face into her wet pussy.

“Tongue my snatch you fucking slut! Clean it up good before I cum again! All over your faggot face!”

Her heavy legs closed around him tightly and his head was crushed between blobs of pasty white flesh. His tongue dove into her slick depths as his nostrils desperately sucked in moist, musty air through her slick pubic hairs.

As Heather began to moan loudly and his tongue was worked raw, Darius could feel his penis rapidly hardening below. His would-be erection ballooned up against the metal confines of his cock cage. It grew ever tighter until pain radiated through his sad, trapped unit.

He grunted and groaned between deep tonguings of his girlfriend’s insatiable cunt. His face was sealed in her steaming beaver by Heather’s fierce grip, crushing thighs and his growing love of her brutal unfairness.

* * * * *

After sitting alone in the Human Resources office for fifteen minutes, Darius was beginning to wonder why he’d bothered to come in early. He’d already checked his socials, scrolled through his newsfeed and memorized every feature of the room. The nameplate on the desk, “Ms. Angela Masters”, stared at him mockingly as he awaited his hearing.

He sighed and began scrolling through his phone’s menu, looking for an app to play with. Moments later he heard sharp foot-falls striking the hallway floor outside. They grew louder until someone entered the room. Darius heard the door shut and soon develi escort Angela had walked past him.

“Hello Darius” she said while setting down her briefcase, thermos and a stack of papers. She didn’t even look at him as she spoke. “Nice to see you again.”

“Hi Angela” he said, not exactly sure if he should address her formally or informally. They’d met a few times in the hallway and at company events, but rarely spoken more than a polite greeting to each other. “Good to see you too. I wish it was under better circumstances.”

The tall, slim brunette turned on her heels and shot Darius a disapproving glance. “Ms. Masters” she said, pointing to her nameplate. With her black rimmed glasses, maroon leather jacket, white blouse, navy short skirt and leather boots she looked every bit the ice cold, corporate lawyer. Or perhaps a librarian from hell.

“My bad” Darius replied, grimacing.

“I’ll let it go this time” Angela said while removing her coat. “Besides, I should be apologizing to you. I got stuck in a meeting.”

He waited for the apology that never came. “That’s ok.”

“Turn your phone off” she said, casting another menacing glance his way. “No phones allowed during interviews.”

Darius powered it down. He held the device up to prove it was off before pocketing it.

“So…” she began as she slid into her high-back office chair on the other side of the desk. “You’ve filed a complaint against Ms. Rhonda Jackson. I’ve already spoken to her about the incident, and she informed me-“

“Wait. What?!?” Darius interrupted. “You spoke to her first?”


“But I’m the one who filed the complaint.”

“These days, it’s standard procedure to interview the woman first, regardless.”

“Oh, this is some bullshit…”

“Rhonda told me what happened. If you want to dispute her account, I’m happy to listen. What she described was not altogether different, but much more innocent, than what you outlined in your statement. This is going to come down to he says / she says. Unless you happen to have a recording of the event?”

Darius thought about his phone. He had a good idea why she’d asked him to turn it off.

“No. Nothing like that.”

“Well then, let me blunt. Rhonda has a spotless record. She’s one of very few women who work here and she has seniority over you. On top of that, your recent behavior has given the higher-ups some cause for concern.”

“My behavior?”

“All the new body mods” she said, pointing to the jewelry adorning his face. “I see you’ve added a nose ring. And last week you came to work wearing lipstick?”

Darius sighed internally. He knew that was going to bite him in the ass.

“That was an accident.”

“An accident?” She picked up a plastic ruler from the desk and began flexing it in her hands as she leaned back in her chair. “How does one accidentally put on lipstick before going to work?”

“I didn’t. I woke up late that day and I didn’t get a chance to wash before… Look, it’s personal.”

“So you’re not bathing before coming to work either? My, you are a filthy boy! Personally, I don’t have a problem with the jewelry or lipstick, but it does violate our dress code for men and it’s become a bit of a distraction.”

Darius was flabbergasted. He was out of words. He gazed back at Angela, his mouth half-open as he tried to think of a way to salvage the rapidly floundering interview.

“Would you say you’re a boot licker, Darius?”

“…Excuse me?”

“Do you like to lick boots? A woman’s leather boots, in particular.”

“Are you serious right now?”

“Are you serious about remaining employed? Because if you are, I have boots that need polishing.” She kicked her feet up on the desk. The leather of her footwear gleamed from the bright ceiling lights. “I have an ass that needs kissing too. Not compliments mind you-“

“This is ridiculous.”

“Actual kissing of my ass.” She grinned deviously. “But compliments are welcome too.”

“I’m done. Effective immediately.”

Angela lifted her boots from the desk and smiled. “That’s a shame, Darius, but I understand your decision.”

He stood from his chair and headed for the door as she continued speaking.

“I’ll tell security to let you clean our your locker before they escort-“


* * * * *

Darius was surprised when he pushed his key into the lock and found no resistance when he turned it. That was odd. Heather and Shireen should both be at work. The door should’ve been locked. He pocketed his keys, pulled the door open and entered.

“Hello? Heather??? You home?”

“Yup! In the living room!”

Darius walked down the hallway, set down the bag carrying his locker items and strode into the living room. There was Heather, sitting Indian style on the sofa, typing away on her laptop. She was wearing sweat pants and a lycra top that barely contained her meaty curves.

“Hey baby. What you doin home? You call out?”

“Nope. I quit last week.”

‘Oh shit…’

Her matter-of-fact statement hit him like a sledge devrek escort hammer. Her job had only been part time. If she’d told him that yesterday it would’ve been a surprise, but no big deal. Now they were both jobless. Darius was gonna have to find another gig really fast.

“When were you planning on tellin me?”

“At the right time” she said, looking up from her computer. She smiled innocently. “Why are you back so early?”

Darius scratched his forehead before folding his arms defensively. “Well, baby. That’s the thing. I kinda…”

Her eyebrows raised, waiting for him to continue.

“I quit too.”

Heather snickered. “Wow. Meeting went that well, huh?”

Darius grimaced. “Yeah, not so great.”

She laughed and shook her head before returning to her work. “I told you not to make a mountain out of a molehill.” Her fingers flew across the keyboard, clacking away.

“Well I’m glad you think it’s funny, cause it doesn’t sound like either of us qualifies for unemployment. We got no income.”

“Not true” she replied, holding up her index finger sternly.

“How’s that?”

“Come over here” she said, patting the sofa cushion next to her. Darius unfolded his arms, walked to the couch and sat down beside her.

Heather navigated through a few links before turning the laptop so he could get a better look. Where she pointed, the screen displayed a dollar amount just shy of four digits. “We’ll have at least this much coming in every month from now on. More over time.”

“Ok. That’s almost enough to pay our half of the rent, but not the rest of our bills. Where’s it coming from?”

With a few keystrokes, Heather surfed to her homepage. The words Duchess Daphne Divine appeared in big letters beside a picture of her posing in a corset and fishnets. Her face was hidden behind a Victorian mask, but the body and eyes were undoubtedly hers. Darius had never heard of the website, but it was obviously one of those sites where people could subscribe and pay someone directly for their “services.”

“So this is what you’ve been up to. And when were you going to tell me about this?”

“At the right time” she repeated with a sly grin.

“You’re not selling nudes, are you?”


Heather reflexively smacked him across the chest.


“Of course not! A proper Goddess doesn’t disrobe for a bunch of pay-pigs!”

“So what is this? Like feet pics and cleavage shots?”

Heather cocked her head, her blonde locks shaking as she offered him the stink eye and a sardonic sneer.

“So far, it’s mostly just pics in my Domme outfits and a little interacting with my fans.”

“You have fans?”

“More every week.”

“And they’re paying you that much? Just for clothed pics and chit chat?”

“Mmmhmm, and this is nothing! It’s really gonna start growing when I start posting videos.”

Darius raised his hands, his palms outstretched. “Whoa! Baby, slow down. I’m gonna get another job. You don’t need to do all that!”

Heather’s shimmering green eyes locked on his. “I want to do this. And I want you to help me.”


“I’m going to need someone to help with the camera work. And someone to co-star in my videos. You don’t want to give that honor to another sub, do you?”

“Baby, wait a minute…”

“Darius, you just quit the only job you’ve had since finishing trade school. If I’m not mistaken, you left on bad terms. What do you think is gonna happen when you interview at another shop and they call your only previous employer to ask about you?”


Darius hadn’t thought that far ahead. She was right. Getting a second gig without a good reference would be tough.

“It might take a while, but I’ll score something eventually. I can work a part time in the mean time!”

“No. I don’t want you working a hazardous job anymore. And I don’t want you working in some retail hell either. I want you right here, under my thumb where you belong.” She slid closer to him and put her hand on his thigh. “It’ll be good for our bank account and our relationship! Say yes, Pookie.”

Darius didn’t know what to say. She kept upending his life and this was just the latest big change she was asking for. It felt like his existence was spinning out of control. Or maybe it was completely under control. Her control. He couldn’t deny it was exciting.

“I… let me think about it for a-“

She moved her hand to his crotch and brushed it over his caged unit before giving his balls a firm squeeze. “Say yes, Dana.”

His heartbeat spiked. Darius’ mouth went dry. Her eyes were green steel cutting right through his soul.


She released his testes and gave him a playful swat on the thigh. “That’s more like it!”

Heather turned back to her laptop and noticed the clock in the monitor’s corner. “Oh! It’s almost time for my story!”

“Your story?”

“Yeah, now that I’m staying home I started watching the soaps again. What can I say? Mom got me hooked when I was young.” She shrugged cheerfully before moving the computer off her lap and getting up.

Heather stretched her arms upward and flexed her hips from side to side. She shook out the kinks after being seated awkwardly on the couch for a while. Her ample ass stuck out prominently in the gray cotton of her pants, the elastic waist stretching around her considerable girth.

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