My Kinky Grandmother Ch. 03


In this third Chapter, Matthew introduces his grandmother to bondage and he and his mother, Ruth, and his grandmother, Debra, share a bed together for the first time. Later, Matthew re-enacts another father/daughter fantasy with his grandmother.

The story starts where Chapter 2, finished, so I recommend that you read Chapters 1 and 2 first.

If you are ok with the anal sex in Chapters 1 and 2, I guess you won’t be offended by it in Chapter 3, but you have been warned.

Voting and comments welcomed, as always, and my thanks to all those who voted and commented on the first two instalments. There will be one more, I think.


Despite having slept with my mother for the first time on Tuesday evening, and for the second time on Wednesday evening, I was fizzing with excitement about seeing my Grandmother on Friday. Because of this, Thursday dragged its heels and each hour at work on Friday seemed like three or four in normal time. I felt as though I had become addicted to incest. Addicted to sex with my grandmother and mother. It was all I could think of: what I had done with them and what I planned or would like to do with them in the future. The possibilities seemed endless and each was breathtakingly erotic and deliciously forbidden.

Eventually Friday evening arrived and I went home and showered and finished packing my bag and then I drove over to gran’s house and rang the doorbell.

It was a warm evening and she answered the door in a sleeveless, knee-length dress of some satiny material in a yellow, floral pattern. It fitted her petite frame well, accentuating her small bosom and trim waist and the subtle flare of her hips. Further down, she was barelegged and wearing high-heeled sandals.

I went in and closed the door and she came to me and we kissed. She’d overdone the make-up a bit: too much eye shadow and mascara and a lavishly applied, dark-red lipstick, but for me that was more of a turn-on than otherwise. An outward signal that she had prepared herself for me, that she was ready for me. She looked more than ever like the actress Lesley Manville.

I held her tightly and slipped my tongue into her mouth and she wriggled against me and pressed her scarlet fingernails into my neck and thrust her crotch into my growing erection. God, she knew how to turn me on! The endless thoughts of my mother that had pre-occupied me for days receded slightly. This was the here and now. My grandmother was in my arms and I wanted her, badly.

‘I’ve got a little present for you, Debra,’ I told her, after we’d kissed for a couple of minutes and my dick had grown to full size. ‘Well, a couple of presents, actually.’

‘Ooh, can I see?’

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘follow me.’

I picked up my overnight bag and went up the stairs to her bedroom and she followed. Inside I put my grip on the bed and unzipped it and pulled out the box that I’d received in the post that week and which contained a restraint system and a couple of other items.

‘Is that what I think it is?’ she asked, her voice trembling, her face flushed.

‘Yes,’ I told her. ‘It’s for securing you to the bed. Or the kitchen table,’ I added.

She swallowed. ‘How does it work?’

‘Go and sit in the chair, Gran,’ I told her.

She obeyed me and I sorted out the kit on the bed, moving slowly and deliberately, letting tension build up in the bedroom, while my grandmother watched in silence, fascinated, her hands clasped in her lap.

I fixed a nylon webbing restraint strap to each end of the brass bedsteads then attached a Velcro handcuff, or ankle-cuff, to each of the restraining straps. Then I turned to my grandmother.

‘Right, strip for me.’

She looked uncertain, anxious even, but I was sure it was all part of the game. She stood up and unzipped her dress and shucked it off her shoulders and down over her hips. Underneath she was wearing only a white lacy brassiere and matching panties. She reached behind and unclipped her bra and that joined her dress on the floor, her little, orange-sized tits swinging free, the nipples already erect in their dark areolae. Finally she bent over and slipped her panties and sandals off and stood before me naked, her hands clasped at her loins, as though to protect herself. The epitome of an elderly and vulnerable lady.

‘What are you going to do to me?’ she asked, a quaver in her voice.

‘Bend over,’ I told her, ‘and hold onto the bedstead.’

She looked uncertain so I pulled her to me and told her to grip the rail at the foot of the bed and bend over. She complied, keeping her legs straight and slightly parted.

‘Open your legs wider,’ I ordered and she shuffled her feet further apart. Then I went into my bag again and came out with a five-inch black, latex butt plug and a tube of KY jelly. Putting the butt plug on the bed, where Debra could see it, I uncapped the lubricant and squeezed a big gob onto my fingers. Gently, but firmly, I smeared the stuff round her little pucker and şişli escort slid my first two fingers inside her, pressing the sticky lubricant into her rectum. When I was satisfied that she was ready, I took up the butt plug, applied a bit of lube to that and, pulling one of her bum cheeks aside with one hand, I touched the tip of the plug to her anus.

She flinched as it touched her sphincter. ‘Please don’t hurt me Matthew.’

I didn’t reply. Instead I pressed the plug harder and watched as the tip stretched her sphincter open and slid inside with a faint squelching noise. I went slowly, pushing gently, allowing the increasing girth of the plug open her muscle ring. Wider and wider, until the thickest part was in and she contracted around the neck of the plug.

‘Now get on the bed,’ I told her.

She climbed slowly on and lay down on her back, watching me with her dark eyes.

‘Stretch your arms out,’ I ordered.

She obeyed and I secured one of the hand-cuffs around her thin wrist, making sure it was snug and secure but not too tight. Then I clipped the cuff to a restraint strap and pulled up the slack in the strap, pulling her slender limb straight and stretching her tendons and the loose skin of her upper arm. Without a word, I walked round to the other side of the bed and repeated the exercise with her other wrist and arm, then with her ankles. Then I spent a few minutes fussing with the straps, tightening them so that they stretched out my grandmother’s limbs in an erotic cross, leaving her spreadeagled on the bed, naked and virtually unable to move, pulling feebly at her restraints, flexing her muscles and trying to arch her back.

I was in a state of almost overwhelming excitement: heart thumping, breathing short and fast, sweat on my brow and liquid seeping from my cockhead. I undressed and climbed onto the bed and lay next to my grandmother, firmly strapped to the bed, helpless and looking at me with fearful eyes.

I kissed her lips and cheeks and neck and stroked her breasts, tweaking her nipples, pulling them out so that her breasts formed little cones, squeezing them between finger and thumb until she squealed and tried to wriggle. I raised my head and licked her breasts, sucking her nipples into my mouth, biting them until she cried out.

Then my hand was running over her flat tummy, over her navel, down to her loins, where I cupped her mound with its wispy pubic hair, squeezing and caressing as my grandmother pulled at her straps and moaned with arousal.

‘I fucked your daughter on Tuesday,’ I said, softly. ‘And Wednesday. It was like you said, she has a wonderful body.’

‘Oh God, you bastard, what did you do to her?’ gasped my grandmother.

‘Oh nothing she didn’t crave,’ I replied. ‘She was ready for me when I got there, just like you said she’d be. She’d even got stockings on. That was clever of you to tell her how much I like them. We kissed in the hallway and then we went up to her bed. You know, the one that you and she make love on.

‘I stroked her breasts and sucked her nipples. You’re right, by the way, she’s got delicious breasts. Full and round and with those lovely big, rubbery nipples. I can see why you’re attracted to your own daughter, Gran.

‘And her pussy! Lord! All that lovely black hair! She was very wet when I slipped my fingers into her.’

As I said this I slid two fingers into my grandmother and she arched her back and strained against her bonds and I slid my fingers deep into her.

‘I fucked mum with my fingers,’ I went on, remorselessly, ‘and then I stroked her clitoris and massaged it and rubbed it until she came. Then I penetrated her, with my big, thick, cock. I pushed it all the way inside your daughter’s cunt. And it was heaven and I kissed her and bit her nipples and fucked her until I came inside her. Just like I’m going to do with you.’

I knelt between my grandmother’s outstretched legs and entered her easily with a practised thrust. She felt tight, and I could feel the latex plug in her anus. She gasped and closed her eyes and gave a huge, deep groan that seemed to go on for ages and I realised that she was having an orgasm. The combination of masturbation and my penetration together with the feeling of the plug in her arse and what I was telling her had tipped her over the edge into an abyss of pleasure.

Afterwards she relaxed against her straps and I fucked her slowly, kissing her and forcing my tongue into her mouth. I didn’t last long after that, it was just too thrilling. About two minutes after my grandmother’s climax I felt mine grow like a balloon of heat through my body and then I was gasping and my gran was telling me to fuck her hard and I was pumping spunk into her cunt, the world around me dim and grey.

When it was over I released my grandmother from her bonds and we lay on the bed in a daze.

‘Thank you so much, darling. I’ve dreamed about being tied to the bed for years,’ sivas escort Debra said eventually, ‘but I never imagined it would be as exciting as that! Thank you for getting the bondage stuff and the plug and everything, it was wonderful! I can hardly describe it! I had a huge orgasm!’

‘Was it nice with the plug?’ I asked.

‘Ooh, Yes! And it went in really easily. No pain at all, just a lovely erotic feeling of fullness, especially when you entered me.’

‘I have to say that you acted the part of the nervous maiden very convincingly,’ I smiled.

‘I love the role-playing we’ve done. I loved it when you were my dad and I was playing the wilful teenager. I’d like to do it again, if you would.’

‘Yes, I’d love to,’ I told her truthfully.

Debra stroked my cheek, tenderly. ‘It was clever of you to talk about you and Ruth while you fingered me. I was so turned on. Is that how it really happened?’

‘More or less.’

‘How did it feel? Making love with your own mother, I mean?’

I hesitated, aware that if I told my grandmother exactly how wonderful it had felt she might feel that she was now second-best. Just a substitute for the real thing. And although that was true to some degree, I loved my gran very much and I wanted her to feel special and loved and wanted.

She interpreted my hesitation perfectly.

‘It’s ok, Matthew. It’s not a competition. I count myself very lucky to have had what we’ve had. Your mother is younger than me and prettier and curvier than me and I know the attraction to your mother will be stronger than it is with me. I’m ok with that.’

‘Like you said,’ I told her, kissing her lips gently, ‘it’s not a competition. It changes nothing between us. I will still want you. I love you, Debra. I love what we do and I love your delicious naughtiness. I bet my mum doesn’t take it up her arse like you.’

My grandmother gave a great shout of laughter. ‘No,’ she said, wiping her eye, ‘I don’t suppose she does. Not yet, anyway.’

‘Have you spoken to her since Tuesday?’ I asked.

‘She came round here yesterday,’ admitted Debra.

I suddenly felt less guilty. ‘So you had her on this bed yesterday?’

‘Yes,’ she replied. ‘But I’ve changed the sheets since then.’

‘So you knew what had happened on Tuesday and Wednesday?’

‘No. She wouldn’t really talk about it. She just said how lovely it had been.’

I felt guilty again that I’d told Debra the gory details whilst my mother had kept her peace. ‘Please don’t tell her I said anything,’ I asked gran, cravenly.

My grandmother sat up and propped a pillow against the bedstead, then she reached between her legs and gently pulled out the butt plug, setting it down on the bedside table, shining with lube.

‘Look, Matthew, I’ve been thinking about this. About all three of us. I think it’s all in danger of descending into some sort of theatrical farce: I’m sleeping with you and my daughter; you’re sleeping with me and your mother and your mother is sleeping with both of us. And if we’re not careful we’ll all get paranoid about whose having the best time and what the other two are up to in bed and are we all getting equal shares. It could be quite damaging. I think it would be better for all three of us if we were completely honest and open about everything. About all our sexual activities, I mean.’ She paused for a moment. ‘And I think the best way of making that happen would be to have an ice-breaker.’

‘What do you mean?’ I asked.

‘Well what if all three of us went to bed together one afternoon or evening. I think if we did that we’d all feel a bit more relaxed about this weird triangle of incest that we’ve got going on here. What do you think? Would you be up for that?’

‘Up for it? Christ, Gran, it’d be a dream come true! But what about mum? Would she agree?’

‘She already has,’ replied Debra, quietly and my guts turned to liquid and I closed my eyes and tried to calm my breathing.

‘Fucking hell! Seriously?’

‘Yes, Matthew, seriously. Ruth thought it was a good idea for the same reasons as me. And I think she’s also curious about you and me and what we do together. With the difference in ages.’

‘Does she know that we do anal?’

‘No. I haven’t mentioned that. I’m not sure how she’ll react.’

‘When is this going to happen?’ I asked.

‘Whenever you like,’ she replied. ‘I thought perhaps Sunday afternoon. Shall I give your mother a call and see if she’s free?’

‘She’ll be free,’ I told her. ‘She never goes out anymore, except to the shops. And to see you,’ I added.

My grandmother got off the bed and put on her black, silk dressing gown. She went downstairs and I heard her talking on the phone. Shortly afterwards she popped her head through the bedroom doorway. ‘Right, I’m going to cook dinner. I expect you’ll be hungry by now.’

‘What did mum say?’ I asked.

Debra smiled. ‘Two o’clock on Sunday afternoon. We’re meeting at your mum’s siverek escort house.’ She disappeared downstairs and I heard the clatter of pans in the kitchen and I lay on the bed, my mind trying to make some sense of what was happening.

We ate late that evening and afterwards there was a film on the television that gran wanted to watch so we didn’t get to bed until after midnight. We were both tired – gran was exhausted – so we went straight to sleep. I got up early and made tea and I brought Debra a cup in bed and kissed her and told her I was going back to my place as I had things to do.

‘Is everything alright?’ she asked me anxiously. Normally I would have been all over her on a Saturday morning.

‘Everything’s fine,’ I told her. ‘I’ll see you on Sunday, at mum’s.’

The truth was that it wasn’t completely fine and I wanted to take some time to think things through. So I drove home and had a hurried breakfast and then I changed into my walking gear and drove the twenty odd miles to our local National Park where I left the car and walked over the rolling hills and scrubby moorland.

And while I walked, I thought about the events of the past few weeks, how everything had started when I saw my grandmother at Uncle Jack’s funeral and how we had become lovers shortly after that, despite the forty-three-year age gap. I thought about how we had developed as lovers, from the first tentative kiss to full penetration, and then on to more exciting, darker activities: roll-playing and bondage and anal sex.

Did I regret anything? God, no! It had been a revelation. The sex had been wonderful right from the word go, and I hadn’t felt a shred of guilt over the fact that she was my maternal grandmother. In fact that had undoubtedly made it even more exciting. Real, honest-to-goodness incest. And she might be sixty-seven and weigh about seven and a half stone, but she still had a deliciously trim figure and she was still very attractive, if you ignored the odd wrinkle and liver spot.

And then it had come out, like something from a cheap porn novel, that my mother was available to me too and, furthermore, my grandmother was very happy to facilitate our first sexual encounter. And it had been sensational! My mother’s always played the stuck-up bitch, but she’s very pretty and if you like a bit of meat on the bones, she’s got a lovely, sexy figure with plenty of curves and the most exciting hairy pussy. And it had been a monumental thrill for me to have her, my mother, in that most forbidden of acts: mother/son incest. And to cap it all she had been deliciously submissive in bed, showing a new side of herself to me.

But despite telling Debra that a threesome with my mother would be a dream come true, I wasn’t feeling quite right about it. Why? It wasn’t the fact that it was incest, that just added spice to the mix, especially as the incest would be with my mother and grandmother. Wasn’t that about as good as it gets for a horny twenty-something with an appetite for the more forbidden fruit? Ok it could have been sex with my sister and my mother, but I didn’t have a sister. No, it wasn’t the incest.

In the end I realised that my feelings of discomfort came down to something my grandmother had said: “… I think she’s also curious about you and me and what we do together. With the difference in ages”. That’s what was bothering me. The vision of my mother looking on while I had sex with my elderly grandmother. Looking on while I sated my sexual desires using her thin frame, while I pushed my thick cock into her aging pussy. And never mind about looking on while I pushed it into her tight little arse! I had a vision of my mother’s horrified look. The shock and disgust of seeing her son venting his animal lust on her aging mother, spending his seed inside her grey-haired cunt.

But that was crazy. Mum knew what her mother looked like naked and what I looked like naked. There’d be no surprises there. Except… Except it might be different when it came to the reality. That was what I was afraid of.

I got to my mother’s house before my grandmother, on Sunday afternoon. It was a miserable, wet day, the sky a uniform lead-grey, the rain sheeting down, turning the gutters into little rivers.

Mum was in the kitchen when I arrived, making some nibbles, and I went in and kissed her and hugged her and she smiled a bit nervously. ‘You’re early.’ She was looking good in a grey, woollen cocktail dress that hugged her curvy figure and accentuated her big, round tits. Below, she wore grey stockings and the inevitable high-heels. She was heavily made-up, her dark-chocolate hair shining. Crimson fingernails completed the picture.

‘I wanted to have a quick chat, before gran got here.’

‘Sure. Let’s open a bottle of wine and take a glass into the conservatory. I could do with a drink,’ she added, quietly.

We went into the sunroom where the rain was drumming on the glass of the roof and overflowing the shallow gutters. We sat together on the rattan settee so that we could hear each other over the noise of the elements.

‘How do you feel about this afternoon?’ I began.

‘Why?’ replied my mother, ‘are you having second thoughts, Matthew? I thought you’d be dead keen. I thought it would be just me that’s nervous.’

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