Natalie – Pt 41


Thank you so much for reading my story, I hope so much that you enjoy it. I love to receive feedback to hear what you liked. As always everyone is over 18. Mica xx

I had been working with Roman today at college. We had a scenario to work through and give our considered options. It was quite interesting, and I liked working with Roman, he was easy going and always listened to my position. Sometimes he agreed, sometimes he offered an alternative, and we would talk through them before agreeing on an option.

“Grab a coffee?” He asked after the session had finished.

“Yeah, can do,” I said, where?”

“Well, there is Jamaica in town or, yours or mine.”

Well now, he likes working with options, so I gave him some option filters.

“I am twenty five minutes away by bus, parents probably out. Jamaica is a five minute walk away and is definitely not private, and I don’t know where you live so privacy and travel duration are unknowns.”

“Good work Miss Jones” he said, “you have taken the lessons from the last lecture to heart. Now may I give you more data to work with. Mine is fifteen minutes by bus and will be empty until around three thirty when my young sister will return from school, then around four, mum will turn up all flustered about what to do for tea. Dad gets home at around six. Jamaica, the nearest at five minutes, may be private apart from waitresses, but there is only one privatish booth, and its occupancy is unknown. Your house, twenty five minutes away may or may not be private, it is an almost Schrödinger situation. Does that help you with a preferred option?”

“Yes, what bus do we catch?” Well, no point in messing around, I hoped his body proved to be as good as his mind.

The bus journey was bumpy and the bus crowded, I managed to sit and Roman stood hanging on to the bar. “Next stop” Roman said and made his

way to the front of the bus. “Phew it is hardly ever that busy,” he commented as we alighted. “It’s this way.”

“I think it is market day, that could be why the bus was busy,” I suggested, taking his hand as he led the way to his house. It was just a few minutes walk. He lived about halfway down a Cul-de-sac of largish houses, three or four bedrooms, double garages, that sort of thing. I think dad calls this kind of road a Middle Management Designer compound.

We went in and Roman lead the way to his kitchen. Impressive, his mum and dad had pretty much every gadget, most of which I had no idea how to use. One I recognised; it was one of those expensive coffee machines. He put two glass cups on it and pressed a button. There was whirring and steaming and coffee started dripping. Cool. Their very own Jamaica.

“Milk?” he asked, I nodded. and he filled a stainless steel jug with milk and put it on the machine and pressed another button, the sound of steam again, and then, frothy milk which he poured onto my espresso. Nice. Worth it? For them possibly, for mum, dad and me, I doubted it. Nescafe worked for us at home.

“Let’s sit in the sunroom,” he said and varto escort led the way through their dining room to another room with a glass roof and big windows. He put the coffees on a glass table and gestured to a cane chair. I sat and he sat opposite, the table between us.

“Well now.” He said.

“Indeed,” I replied.

“Boyfriend?” He asked.

“Maybe, maybe not.” I answered, “Girlfriend?” I enquired.


“Ah. Yeah, not the best stage.”

“Better than ‘maybe’ which implies an uncertain situation.”

“But that may give us options to explore.” I was still in lecture subject mode.

“But where to explore them?” He asked.

I smoothed my skirt and then looked directly at him as I picked up the coffee he had made me and took a sip. “I little warm yet I think, should I wait or perhaps move on to something else for my mouth?”

He stood up and walked across, dipped his head and kissed me, tentatively at first, as if he was unsure of what reaction he would get. I responded by pressing my tongue past the purse of his lips and into his mouth, and a hand on his upper thigh. Good enough answer I thought.

I felt his hand on my left boob, not kneading it like it was bread dough, but gently holding, his fingers moving, not quite squeezing. I moved my hand slightly up and to the left and found a bulge that interested me. A button, a zip and I could explore the bulge. I pulled his pants down and released his cock. A nice hard big cock.

“Shall we take this somewhere more comfortable?” He asked.

“Where do you suggest?”

“Follow me.” He stood up and stepped back. He took my hand that had been holding his cock and helped me to my feet. He led the way through his house, up the stairs and into what I presumed was his bedroom. It certainly smelled like a boy’s room. Double bed under the window, desk to one side, wardrobe, chair, just the usual stuff. There was a poster on the wall of what looked like the internal workings of an engine. Boys room.

Pulling me to the bed he turned my face to him and kissed me again, slight pressure on my shoulders and I fell back onto the bed, his kiss not breaking. I found his cock again and started to stroke his skin, moving his soft outer flesh over his very hard core. A hand found its way up my leg and brushed against my panties, and then went under the hem. His finger slid along my sex, dipping in, going past my lips to my wet and slippery valley.

I pushed him away. “The best option,” I said, “is to become freer to move.” I pulled my top up, undid my skirt and let it fall. Hands behind my back I undid my bra, letting it fall forward off my arms, and to the floor. I put my hands into the waist of my panties and pulled them down, I was naked, but only just ahead of Roman who was just removing his pants.

That was a very nice-looking cock that was for sure, “My options now are that I think I need a taste,” I said and knelt before him. I held his cock in my right hand and cradled his balls in my left. viranşehir escort Leaning forward I kissed the end of his cock and then pushed his foreskin back; his head was a ruddy purple and had a smallish rim. I ran my tongue around his rim and then sucked him into my mouth, gently rolling his balls in my left hand.

“I think,” Roman said, “that my best option right now is to submit.”

My mouth was full so replying was not a viable option for me. I shagged his cock, taking him fully down my throat then pulling back, letting the cool air back onto his cock, then back into my warm and wet mouth. I could feel the pulses in his cock as his arousal grew, his hands holding my shoulders, their grip increasing as I bobbed back and forth on his cock.

“Stop” he said pulling back, “I don’t want to cum too soon, and anyway, this option is very one sided.” I got up from my knees and took his hand pulling him to the bed.

“Well then, perhaps you could even it up a little,” I said as I lay on the bed, my fanny glistening, wet and ready for him.

He climbed on to the bed and settled between my legs, knelt forward, and inhaled along the length of my sex. “Nice,” he said, “very nice, I have exhausted all options, enough college talk, and I am going to do this.” And with that he ran his tongue the length of me, pushing it between my lips, and inserted what felt like two fingers into my fanny. He wiggled his fingers, he waggled them, he closed them, he opened them, and every movement sent electric through my body, and it was not long before I was holding my breath.

His tongue softly dabbed at my clitoris, his tongue gently pressed my valley, my inner lips caressing it as it moved and two fingers did magical things inside me, I was rapidly approaching a point of no return. His mouth surrounded my clitoris, and he sucked it into him. His fingers withdrew and I felt empty, voided, and then his mouth left me too. I felt abandoned. He moved up and kissed me, my taste on his lips and his cock nudged my opening. He reached down and using his hand he guided himself into me. I felt his cock as it spread my entrance, my lips parting to let him inside.

It was as if I was being covered in Indian spices, the heat from my crotch was intense, electrics shot from my fanny to my nipples, to my bum, to my toes and to my ears, I was sure I was about to erupt, and he was only still pushing in. I realised my fingers were clutching, my knuckles white, my toes were curling and still he was not fully inside me. His cock was stretching me, not as much as Jase, but certainly widening me as it made its way to my depth. He stopped moving, it felt as if he had more to go, but he stopped. I felt him withdraw, oh no, his cock pulled back and was right at my entrance.

Slam. He jerked forward and his cock penetrated my depths reaching my end, hard, my fanny gripping his cock and sucking it in not wanting to let go, the electrics coursing everywhere, I was sure I must be lit up like a Christmas tree. He kırklareli escort pulled out, almost then slammed back in. His shagging was intense, starting slow, then pummelling me, faster and harder and then I lost awareness. I screamed and screamed, my fingers trying to rip his sheets, my toes digging in and my back spasmed, arching, my hold body rigid as my orgasm erupted.

Slowly I relaxed, my back straightened and lay back on the bed, my fingers stopped trying to destroy his sheets and I gulped in air, gasping, my eyes came into focus, and I looked up at Roman. He smiled and I felt his cock slide from me. “Shall we have that coffee now?” he asked.

“Mum will come up in a bit,” Dad said, “she suggested that I come up first.”

“Okay dad,” I said, guessing what was coming next. I had come up a few minutes before, wee, teeth, quick flannel wash and got into bed, my side now, my side nearest the window. Mum would take the side nearest the door, and dad slept in the middle. When asleep he tended to lay and have his arms around mum, which was good as it meant I wasn’t so hot.

Dad took his clothes off, folding them neatly on his chair. I don’t have a chair; I leave all my clothes in my bedroom. Finally naked dad checked that the little windows were open, it can get stuffy with three of us in the room, and then walked around and got into bed. He shuffled across and put his arm around me, pressing down onto my breasts. He kissed me, softly, for dad anyway, and his fingers slipped inside my crease, feeling my warmth and slipperiness. I was ready for him, it seemed it was my turn for evening sex, I guessed mum was hoping for an evening off, and I was hoping she would do the morning shift.

“Lay back dad,” I said, and as he rolled onto his back, I sat up and moved across to straddle him facing his feet. I lowered myself, and using my hand, I guided him inside me. I love the feeling of slowly lowering myself onto dad’s cock, feeling it widening me, opening me, filling my void, but controlling how slowly his cock fills me. When I was fully down, I could feel the pressure deep inside me, my fanny almost pulsing as I tried to flex my muscles and shag him without moving, it never worked, I never stopped trying. I started a gentle rock back and forth, his cock hard and at the wrong angle giving me a really good stretch as I moved forward, filling me again as I rocked back.

I heard mum come upstairs and go int the bathroom, ignoring her, I started to rock a little faster, back and forth, stretch and fill. In this position dad’s cock really rubbed against my internal wrinkle and my electrics started from the inside. The tickle grew and my nipples tingled. I felt a squeeze within my buttocks, and I felt hands on my bottom, dad pushing and pulling as I rocked. I leaned back further, rocked forward lower, not fast, but steady, my fanny stretching wide, my lips rubbing on dad’s cock.

“Sweetheart,” dad gasped and I felt his spurts, coat my inside, lubricate my inners and my climax landed and I squeezed his cock as my orgasm pulsed through me. Not a big one, but big enough. I leaned forward and dad’s cock slipped out. I was just rolling back to my side when mum came in, turned the light off and slipped into bed.

“Goodnight mum,” I said and rolled onto my side to sleep, dad’s wetness seeping slowly out of me.

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