Redemption Ch. 14


Devon’s power surrounded him. Above them twisted what literally looked like a black hole within a tunnel of light. The swirling funnel mesmerized Lucien. He wanted to touch it. What would be on the other side?

Don’t—Devon’s voice, accompanied by a thousand others whispered in his mind.

He looked at his brother, a being of pure light, the only slightly distinguishable feature being the glowing blue of his eyes in a face made of white fire. Lucien had no idea how he was able to stand the brightness of the light. It should have blinded him.

Fuck—Lucien uttered. Are we dead?

A soul is incapable of death—Devon answered.

Again, Lucien looked at the dark opening above them.

What is that?

Devon kept his gaze on Lucien. A portal.

Lucien felt confused, his gaze shifting back to his brother. A portal back home? His confusion intensified. Where was home? What was home? He wanted to think of Boy and Girl’s face, but the images would not come. Fear hit hard and fast.

I won’t let you go, Lucien.

Why?—He questioned. After everything he’d done, tried to kill him, hated him…why?

Because I love you—his brother answered.

Lucien wanted to embrace him, but…he was a mass of flowing energy. The only thing holding him together and keeping him from being drawn into the swirling vortex above them was Devon.

Voices drew Lucien’s attention. Looking down he saw another opening below them.

His body was laid out on a metal table, wrists and ankles restrained with cuffs and chains,but it wasn’t dead. The body writhed and thrashed, completely possessed.

What. The. Fuck.

Devon lay on another gurney next to him, eyes also open, except those soulless black orbs just remained unblinking up at them.

They drew closer. More of the room became clear. Thousands of vid-orbs circled them, as well as a dozen Master Guardians Lucien didn’t recognize. Their power flared around them as they formed a ring around Devon and his body, swords drawn.

Lucien studied the swords more closely. These were not divine swords. They all carried Lucifer’s seal.

Someone was talking.

“The others escaped, and we recruited the help of Master Guardians from allied planetary systems to help in hunting them down. Among their crimes, aside from starting the interplanetary apocalypse a little over three hundred years ago, is the kidnapping and enslavement of the long lost Truidian Princess, and a very dangerous hybrid battle pet belonging to the ambassador of Vrongodia.”

The Cyclopean reporter spoke with the congregated Master Guardians, but not a single council member was present.

What was worse, Lucien saw how little devils circled the Master Guardians, laughing and giggling.

They’ve given themselves over to evil?—Lucien asked Devon.

They cannot see what we see, Lucien. They think those creatures are Dominatio.

Lucien looked around and caught sight of their own Dominatios floating in a far corner of the large room.

When the interview was over, the reporters and master Guardians filed out. As they left, the vid recording orbs following them, Devon reached out and caught an orb.

The glowing ball’s light winked out and sank to the floor.

What is that for?—Lucien questioned.


Lucien was about to look up again, wondering if that dark void was still hovering over their heads, but Devon stood in front of him, commanding his attention.

Time to go back—he said, his tone sad.

Lucien looked back at the writhing body. It was spewing up black ooze from its mouth.

Devon lured him closer and when he was hovering just over it, it split down the middle, and opened, exposing a sea of worms and maggots. Screams could be heard, emanating from the hideous sight.

No—Lucien cried out. He didn’t want to go back inside there, back to the horrid memories he knew awaited him.

The body laughed, wiggling its tongue out.

Lucien. You must—Devon pleaded.

Lucien backed away, floating higher, away from the writhing mass of maggots, worms and screams that was the nightmare of his body. A bloodied hand shot out and gripped his aura before he could move farther. From the mass of bloody innards exposed to him emerged the face of a child.

“Don’t leave me here alone,” the child begged.

Lucien stared at himself as a child and wept. The moment sorrow engulfed him, he fell, he screamed. The beatings were real again, the torture, being locked inside the metal box for days, no food or water, forced to soil himself, feeling his mind splintering. The body laughed…no…it wasn’t his body laughing. It was the evil part of himself. He was the child, shivering, terrified, not understanding why all this was happening to him.

Cruel hands gripped his arms and lifted him out of the box, shook him.

“It’s all Devon’s fault, and the Seraphian Master Guardians. They did this to you. They left you. They knew there were two babies and never bothered to look for you. They left you because you were garbage.”

Lucien sobbed. “No.”

“While you were raped and tortured, Devon knew nothing but love and adoration. No one gave a fuck about you.”

Lucien shrieked. He wanted to die. He didn’t want to stay within this carcass of horrors.

“That’s right,” his evil self hissed. “Die, because not even I love myself. I hate everything. Everything. I tried to kill Devon, I tried to seduce his woman…tried to seduce any woman, but they would never have me, only the pleasure I could give them. I hate myself—I hate myself—I hate myself—”

“Lucien,” Devon shook him. “Snap out of it.”

Lucien opened his eyes the screams of his past still ringing in his ears. “Fuck you,” he yelled in his brother’s face, enraged he’d made him return when he’d been so close…so close.

“I want to die—” Lucien let out a wail of despair.

Again, Devon shook him. “Stop it. Think of Boy Rayne and Girl Rayne.”

“I’m cursed. Can’t you understand? Cursed—”

Pain bloomed in his face and he sucked in a shocked breath, staring up at Devon’s enraged face.

“D-did you just slap me?” Lucien whispered.

“Have you pulled your shit together now, or do I need to do it again?” Devon snarled.

Lucien closed his gaping mouth and swallowed. His heart was pounding in his chest and the table beneath his chilled ass was hard.

Looking down at himself, he saw he was still in one piece. Over their heads was a metal ceiling with subdued lighting. Smoke filtered from his lips as he exhaled from the cold. His teeth began to chatter.

Devon broke the chains from his wrists as if they were made of paper. The cuffs followed soon after.

As he watched his brother work in stunned silence, Devon’s black Alpha Angel’s uniform materialized over his pale body. By the time Lucien’s feet touched the cold silver floor of the obvious morgue they were in, he was also encased in his own uniform.

Lucien’s hands were still trembling as he remembered…not even I love myself.

Devon, cupping his face and forcing him to look into his eyes startled him.

“I won’t ever let you go,”

Lucien swallowed, struggling against the silly urge to embrace him.

Devon smiled, released his face, and bent to pick up the darkened vid-orb.

Next thing Lucien knew, his brother was gripping him around the waist and Teleporting them back to the base of the Freedom Tower, beneath the city platform.

They floated slowly back down until their feet touched the dirty ground.


Both brothers turned to look at the girl reaper as she flew down from her perch atop an abandoned building.

“We’re not here to traverse the portal,” Devon assured.

Her eyes narrowed at them. “I only have one more year to go before my hundred year service is up, and I’m not going to let anything happen on my watch to ruin my chances at an honorable discharge.”

“What’s your name?”

The girl blinked, her cheeks going a little pink. She licked her lips, her gaze darting between him and Devon. “Kokobiel.”

Devon smiled. “What are your plans when you’re done?”

She tipped her head higher. “I’m going back to Seraphia to join Amaranth’s army.”

Lucien felt his brows shoot up to his hairline. “Ama has an army?”

Kokobiel snorted at them. “Of course. It is her sworn task to bring down any who would dare open the gates of Hell. Now that she is free of the bonds of priestesshood, she can come and go as she pleases. It is so much simpler to complete one’s life task.”

Lucien was sure he looked as bewildered as Devon. Amaranth had been keeping Seth at arm’s length since forever…but she didn’t have to.

Devon was the first to react.

“Right. Luke, let’s get moving.”

“I’d help,” the girl blurted when they turned to leave again, “But I can’t leave…well, you know.” She jerked her thumb over her shoulder in direction of the fountains.

Devon nodded. “We understand.”

As they headed toward the front entrance of the Freedom Tower, Lucien’s mind drifted to his loves, mainly Boy, who last he remembered being ordered to set down. His steps faltered. Boy.

“He’s already with the others. Ashriel rescued him. They were about to give him back to his creator.”

They watched her. Rayne lay on her back in the center of the throne room. All the male inhabitants of the court surrounded her, sitting at their tables, fed by the females. She was the entertainment.

Not desiring to shame her father, the king, Rayne spread her legs, letting all see how swollen and wet she was. She tweaked her nipples and moaned.

A lone man rose from his floor cushion and approached her. Rayne watched him through her lashes. The glowstones lighting the throne room kept the male in shadow. He gripped her legs and parted them more fully.

Rayne could feel herself clench, her arousal making her throb. She like being stared at while she lay bare for all to see. She also loved the feel of the flogger marking her, of being tied down hizmetçi porno and at the mercy of…

“Master,” she whimpered.

Her fingers rode down the center of her body, and she touched her clit, flattened her feet close to her buttocks, and lifted her hips in supplication.

“Fuck me,” she rasped, the mere thought of being ravished by a stranger making her blood boil.

Nearby, she heard the king laugh. “Ah, the body and face of an angel…the soul of a true whore.”

Rayne bit her lip, her eyes welling. It was what she’d been trained to be…a whore, not an angel.

Master…he was the angel.

Pain choked her, made her heart ache. Where was her beautiful master?

The stranger dipped his head, a rough tongue licked her weeping cunt. Why was her father permitting this? She was supposed to be untouched until her wedding night. They were going to sell her to…someone else. Another king in a far off solar system. She’d been shown his holographic replication. The male looked like a frog, warts and all, but her father, the king, needed the alliance of his kingdom. She would be forced to crave his warty tongue and phallus invading every orifice of her body.

The stranger’s tongue shoved deep into her, fucking her steadily. He growled like an animal, purred. Rayne gasped, her eyes focusing on…Boy.

His silver hair stroked the sides of her legs before sliding up her body as he rose to spear her on the full length of his cock.

She cried out, blinking the rest of her sleep from her eyes.

Boy gripped her wrists, yanking her arms over her head. The blades of his lean hips pushed roughly against the cradle of her thighs. He fucked her savagely, forcing an orgasm from her. Her scream was muffled when he took her mouth as well.

Rayne thrashed beneath him, her eyes going to the camera just above the bunk. Were they watching? She wanted to be seen. The thought sent her over the edge again.

“Oh, yes, Master—fuck me,” she howled. “Use me.”

Boy’s movement stuttered. His wide eyes stared at her and then he snarled, his hips slamming brutally into her. The end f his cock kissed her womb repeatedly. He was going to come inside her.


Samael would kill him.

She couldn’t get loose. He held her down, forced her to take him. She was helpless to stop him.

“No,” she cried. “No, please.”

Boy released her, to her shock, and sprang away. He looked feral, his hair wild and tangled, his chest sweating and heaving. Rayne stared at his bared claws and fangs and jumped when he threw his head back and roared.

Seth barreled through the doorway that separated the front of the transport from the sleeping section.

Boy attacked, much to Girl Rayne and Seth surprise. He was out of control.

The transport shuddered to a halt. Amaranth and Remi barreled through the door and jumped on the rolling, snarling pair on the floor.

Girl closed her legs over her throbbing core and begged Boy to stop fighting.

Remi yanked his hair, pulling Boy’s head back and yelled, “sleep.”

Just like that, Boy went limp.

Rowie rushed to Girl’s side. “What the hell happened?”

Girl felt her face flush with shame. “Boy. Is He hurt?”

Remi was hauling him up, placing his limp form on the bunk opposite Girl’s.

Rowie shook her, her eyes two angry pools of black. “What the hell happened? Answer me.”

Amaranth was helping a cursing Seth to his feet. He had a nasty gash on his face and bloody teeth marks on his shoulder.

“I-I was having a bad dream,” Rayne stuttered.

“You two were outright fucking,” Remi accused, tawny brows pinched over dragon green eyes. “Did Boy force you?”

Rayne shook her head, not sure what to say.

“Wait a minute,” Natanael interrupted from the doorway. “You were asleep when Boy mounted you?”

She looked at all the disapproving faces around her. She didn’t want them to think Boy a monster. She was half asleep, yes, but she’d welcomed his touch.

“I was dreaming of Master,” she choked out. “Of Master Lucien and Boy. I just want my Master too. Please don’t be angry with Boy. I welcomed him into my body. I guess I just panicked.”

Her sobbed declaration was met by silence. What were they thinking? Remi frowned, turned and ran a gentle hand in Boy’s mussed hair. Yanking the sheet off the top bunk, he then proceeded to cover Boy.

“Where is our Master?” Rayne whispered, looking at each of them beseechingly.

Rowie continued to frown in confusion. “You’re calling him Master again.”

Rayne gulped, remembering…everything. She’d been her own person for a while…but it wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted Lucien…her Master. She needed him…loved him.

“What’s going on in there?” Ashriel’s voice called from outside.

Rowie and Remi rose, following Natanael out.

Seth sieved a hand through his shaggy white hair.

“Change of plans, Ama.”

The girl reaper blinked at him. Rayne sniffled and stared at Boy, sound asleep ifşa porno on the other bunk. She suddenly had the urge to burrow against him.

“You’re taking them back to Garethiel’s place on Rhydiam Nine,” Seth was instructing Amaranth.

The reaper’s eyes narrowed. “Why me?”

Seth scowled. “Why does everything have to be a battle with you?”

Amaranth crossed her arms over her chest. “Maybe because I know what you’re up to.”

Seth’s face went blank. “I’m not up to anything.”

Amaranth scoffed. “Really? So, let’s just say I take these two back to Gar’s place, what will you be doing?”

Seth’s eyes narrowed, a sly grin kicking up one side of his lip. “Why do you want to know, baby?”

Rayne blinked when Seth stepped up against Amaranth. The girl did not back away, but every feather on her black wings stood ruffled.

“Do you want me to…come with you,” Seth purred suggestively.

Amaranth grinned, her arms dropping to grip his hips and rub against him. Seth snarled in arousal. “You always did love coming with me,” Amaranth replied throatily.

Seth slammed her back against the door to the hygiene booth, their lips fusing together.

Rayne watched, eyes wide, mouth gaping as the pair devoured each other. Amaranth curled her leg around Seth’s hips and rode the erection he most likely had pressed against her.

Deep throaty purrs poured from Seth. Rayne had never heard the man purr before. Stripes appeared on his straining biceps before he shoved away from the female reaper.

They were both panting. Rayne was panting. The sexual pheromones in the tiny sleeping cabin could be tasted and felt.

They just stared at each other, panting, until Amaranth began to chuckle.

Seth scowled. “You just love teasing me don’t you?”

Amaranth bit her lip, her eyes going cold, almost angry now.

Seth suddenly looked lost. He took a deep breath, opened his mouth again, his hand lifting almost in supplication. Not a single word came from his kiss reddened lips.

If anything, what little remained of Amaranth’s smile vanished, her eyes burning with disdain now.

Seth’s outstretched hand clenched into a fist, dropping back to his side. His lip curled, exposing sharp fangs as a low growl rumbled in his chest, sky-blue eyes flashing. “I’m done begging you,” he spat.

“Good,” Amaranth snapped, her eyes glittering suspiciously.

Seth turned away from her, as if the sight of her was too much to take. “If you don’t want to take them, I’ll send for Garethiel, somehow—”

“I’ll take them,” she interrupted. “Don’t worry about it.”

Seth stared at her over his shoulder a moment longer. The longing in his eyes was plain even for Rayne to see. What happened between them? They were obviously attracted to one another. What had Seth done to garner Amaranth’s anger toward him?

Lucien and Devon entered the empty building. There was so much garbage and debri, it was hard to tell they were actually inside a building. They made their way carefully around the piles of broken concrete, metal, old furniture, and bones until they came upon…Sammy sitting on a mountain of the stuff.

“You’re wasting your time. They’re going to take the clone away.”

Lucien frowned, but it was Devon who spoke. “If you’re so worried about that clone, why the hell don’t you whisk him away yourself?”

Samael snorted. “And give myself away? Don’t be stupid.”

Wait. “What the fuck do you mean by give yourself away?” Lucien asked confused.

Sammy only rolled his eyes and rocked forward on his haunches. “No one knows my intentions, you fool.”

Both Devon and he were mute. Not by what Samael had said, but by how he looked. Samael was fully adult now.

“Have you been taking steroids?” Devon asked stupidly.

Samael’s face turned seductive. “Like what you see?”

“What the hell happened to you?” Lucien asked just as stupidly.

Samael crouched a little closer, muscles rippling, mane of corkscrew curls cascading over ropey shoulders. “I’m magnificent, aren’t I.” his black tongue licked lush lips, eyes narrowing before he snarled, “Enough. You’re wasting time. The clone—”

“Can wait,” Devon snapped. He removed the vid-orb from his pocket and let it float up near his head. It began to glow again, signaling that it was transmitting. “A trade. Take us to the Edenian council members’ chambers and we’ll find this clone for you.”

Sammy’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Why are the council members so important?”

“Because we want to clear our name,” Lucien snapped.

Samael snickered, looking at Lucien incredulously. “We? Really?”

Devon took a menacing step forward. “You tricked Lucien into trying to kill me.”

Samael spat a curse. “No trick. I told him the truth. Garethiel was sent to bring back Davariel’s demon spawn. Lucien was left behind. They didn’t think he would pose any danger.”

“Garethiel didn’t forget Lucien. He was too young and there’d been a bad storm that night, but Malvano Black knew where we were. He came after Garethiel took me from the orphanage. He obviously hadn’t been told there were two babies. When Garethiel came back for Luke, Black had already stolen him away.”

Samael looked at his claws, seeming to find them of great interest. “Hmmm-yes…there is that.”

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