Remember To Remember Ch. 01


My name is girl. I think. Apparently, I have recently been very sick. Although that is what He tells me, I don’t remember it at all. I don’t feel sick, and I don’t feel as if I have been sick. Really, I feel pretty good. All I remember is waking up in a bed feeling very safe and secure as if I were in a cocoon. There was a man laying next to me breathing deeply who was obviously in a deep sleep. His arm was snaked around me, holding me tightly. I woke up to the dark night thinking lazily, “This is nice!”, and then I went back to sleep. When I awoke again, it was morning and that same man was still lying there next to me. He had rolled over so I could finally get a good look at him. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. I thought he looked strong. I know I felt safe. I laid there comfortably dozing on and off until he woke up and noticed that I was awake.

“Good Morning! How are you feeling??”

I didn’t know how to answer so I just looked up at him.

“Not talking, huh? Well, lets get up and get started with our day.”

He pulled back the covers, and motioned for me to get up. I just laid there as he went into the closet and got something for me to wear.

“You will wear this today.” He said as he handed me a pair of shorts and a tank top. “Put them on and we will go and have something to eat.”

I took off the night dress that I was wearing, and put on the clothes he had chosen for me. He came over and took my hand and led me down the stairs to the kitchen, pointed to a chair.


I sat on the chair with my hands folded in my lap. He proceeded to make us some eggs and toast. He brought one plate to the table and sat down next to me.

“I bet you are hungry. Open your ataşehir escort mouth and try some of these eggs. I made them just the way you like them.”

He picked some up with a fork, and deposited them in my mouth. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was, and those eggs were delicious. He fed me the whole plate, and when it was gone he told me how glad he was that I had eaten. He said that it was good for me to eat everything that he fed to me. Then he brought me a cup of hot tea with lemon. He said that I like to have tea in the morning. He carried it into the other room and asked me to follow him. He motioned for me to sit next to him on the couch because he wanted to talk to me now that we were done with breakfast.

I came into the room and sat where he motioned for me to sit. He had me lean back against him so he could hold me while he talked.

“You have been very sick, and have finally recovered. I am your Master, and you will call me ‘Sir’.”

I felt a sense of familiarity, and fondness, but everything seemed somewhat foreign to me.

“I know that you don’t remember anything that happened before today, but don’t worry. I will help you to relearn everything that there is for you to know.”

I was relieved.

“I am going to start from the beginning and go slowly with you, but in time you will learn your role, and feel comfortable with your place in my home. Since the doctors have decided that you are completely recovered, your training will start now.”

I was so happy that he had a plan for me because I was feeling kinda lost! I just looked up at him and waited.

“I require only a few things from you. If you try very hard to obey me, and are diligent ataşehir escort with your training then you will be a very happy girl. If you choose not to participate, you will have chosen a very unhappy path!”

I wanted so much to please him for some reason as he had been so kind to me.

“Do you understand?”

I nodded my head.

“Then good, you have chosen wisely. Do you think you can be a good girl?”

Again, I nodded my head.

“Good girl! Then we will begin your training now. We will go back upstairs for you to have a bath. You can take as long as you like, but I want you to prepare yourself for me. Clean yourself inside and out, shave all of the obvious hair that is not on your head, and apply the makeup that you will find in the bathroom upstairs. Dry your hair and put on the gown that I have hanging behind the door. When you are finished I would like you to sit on the stool at the foot of the bed and wait for me to come to you. Do you understand?”

I nodded my head.

“Good, go now, and do not take too long because I have been waiting too long already.”

He pulled me to my feet, and steered me toward the bathroom. In the bathroom, he started the water in the tub.

“Do you need me to help you?”

I shook my head.

“Everything you need to prepare is in this room. Do as I instructed and I check you soon.”

He left, and closed the door on his way out. I was happy to be able to use the restroom to relieve myself. I undressed and got into the steamy hot water. It felt so good on my skin. I shampooed, soaped, lathered, and shaved. I felt so clean. I got out, toweled off, and used the toothbrush that was laid there for me. anadolu yakası escort I felt so refreshed. I noticed some expensive looking lotion. I smelled it (It smelled heavenly!)so I rubbed it all over my body. I felt so comfortable and pampered. I put on the sheer, obviously expensive, gown that he had left for me. I applied some makeup and dried my hair. When I felt ready, I went and sat on the bench that was at the foot of the bed. I sat there patiently with my hands in my lap, waiting, as I had been told. I was so relaxed that I closed my eyes and peacefully enjoyed the sensation of calmness. When I reopened them, he was standing in front of me with a smile on his face.

“Very good, little one! Stand so I can see if you followed my instructions.”

I stood up, and he turned me around facing the bed. He ran his hands down my shoulders to feel my skin. It felt good to have his hands on me.

“I see that you used your lotion, and it feels very nice. Now move your feet a little farther apart so I can see how good you did with the razor.”

I moved my feet about shoulder width apart.

“Now bend at the waist, and lean on the bed, clasp your hands behind your head, and don’t move unless I tell you to.”

I did as I was told. I could hear him behind me saying that I had done a good job. He made comments about how soft I was, and that he expected me to always be shaved for him. I was happy that he was pleased with me. He told me to remember the position that he had just taught me, and if he told me to go and bend over the bed in ‘ready position’ that this is how he expected to find me. He assured me that I had done well for my first lesson, and that he was proud.

“Climb into the bed!”

I climbed into the bed, and he got in too. He pulled me into his arms, and told me to go to sleep. I could hear him whispering to me as I dozed off,

“You need to rest now because in an hour or so we will begin your next lesson.”

I obediently fell asleep.

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