

Note: this story has been written many, many years ago and got lost somehow. I just found it again and decided to publish it anyway. English isn’t my first language, and I apologize for the mistakes.

I groaned out loud as my wife was squeezing the base of my cock with her impressive pussy muscles. “Stop that Jonathan! You’re going to wake Elly!” She whispered, smiling. She was on top of me, naked and sitting straight above and around my cock. Covered in sweat, long gold-red hair plaster all over her neck and shoulders, with a grin on her face the size of the crescent moon. She had just made me cum for the third time tonight and was mightily proud of it. Her big, large breasts still had the red marks my fingers left a few minutes earlier. So did her ass, most likely. After a few minutes regaining our breathing, Helena got up and went to the bathroom to clean up.

Since Helena dyed her hair three weeks ago, our sex life took a sharp turn for the best. Somehow seeing herself as a redhead, albeit a golden one since her natural colour is blonde, was making her extremely horny. For the seven or eight years before that small change, our sex life had been on a steadily declining slope. Our nightly romps came farther and farther apart, while their intensity and variety was also dwindling. But as it stood now, I was a really happy man.

I always has been into full grown women: don’t give me those adolescent-looking girls with no hips and small little breasts. My wife at 38 was still one vividly beautiful woman: big breasts that were still fighting gravity pretty decently, large round hips and an equally round ass, and not to forget: those powerful thighs of hers. This is what had caught my eye (and my cock’s attention) back at college, and this is why the new bloom in our sex life was so wonderful. Work, Elly’s rocky adolescence and 17 years of marriage had put a dent into the passion we had known through our first ten years together.

A dent in Helena’s passion, I must specify: I was still as horny as when I was a young man. I never cheated on Helena, but without the internet I would have ruined myself on porn. As it was I had a very full secondary hard-drive stuffed with every kind of movies. As I enjoyed fully developed women, most of the movies have been chosen on that criteria. But for variety’s sake I also downloaded movies with interracial sex, legal teens, older women, BBW and even a few gay movies. Didn’t watch those last very much, but who knew when my tastes could broaden up?

But during those last few years, I stopped watching teen movies: my daughter has been steadily transforming into a nice young woman. Despite my wife’s and my own girth, Elly was a slim girl, thin, with smallish although nicely rounded breasts, slight hips and thin, model-like legs. I don’t know how she managed to have that body. I’m a 6’2″, 260 pounds man and my wife had more curves at fourteen than Elly’s ever likely to have. A complete mystery. She had my eyes and nose, as well as my straight black hair, so she was mine; no doubt about that.

Anyway, seeing older men making love to girls that had bodies much like Elly’s… Well, it was too borderline for me. I couldn’t help looking at her around the house or the pool, wearing skimpy bikinis or tight pants… Damn it! she could have *been* in those movies. Strange how kids these days dress, move and tease much like the porn-stars of 15 years ago! I had felt my cock stirring a few times, watching her get out of the pool. I felt weird, but on the other hand I knew that it was perfectly natural: a tight and young girl nearly naked, the more so as her nipples clearly showed through the thin and small patches of spandex on her breasts, and that just *had* to shave her pussy because there’s now way that a white bikini bottom so thin would hide any of her pubes.

It was natural that my body reacted, but I knew it was also quite wrong. Each time this happened my face turned red; not from excitement but from shame. What kind of dirty father was I to look at my daughter like this? On the other hand I probably wasn’t all that bad because I knew she really liked me. As opposed to most of her friends, she had told me, she could talk to me about most things and loved hugging me or watch a movie in my arms. Yet these days our intimacy was beginning to bother me… It was getting more and more troubling.

Picture this: a nubile young girl, sexually opened and experienced (I guessed, although she had never spoken about it with me), wearing nothing but a tank top and panties lying across your lap while watching a movie. She was my daughter, I wasn’t especially into thin girls, nor young girls… But what was I to do? Even now that she was 18 and fully legal and responsible for herself, she was still my daughter! Would be still at 50 years old!

I snapped myself out of my reverie. Helena was now back from the bathroom and she even washed my cock and balls with a warm towel before curling up against me. She was bahis siteleri snoring softly two minutes later. I don’t know how she could do that: after intense sex, unlike most men, I wasn’t able to sleep for a good long while. Thinking back about Elly, I considered the current events that had pushed those troubling thoughts from my mind.

She had just come home from a three week stay at the hospital. A bad mono case that had seen two major complications. I couldn’t even remember the names of those complications, only that Elly had come close to dying when she was first brought to the hospital. I remembered carrying her from the car to the urgency ward, realizing how thin and frail she was. The first week had been nerve-racking, incredibly difficult has she had hovered between life and death for two days.

And now, her third day back from the hospital and supposedly out of harm’s way, she was sleeping somewhere between 14 and 16 hours a day. Barely eating, she read while awake and couldn’t really get out of bed on her own. Concerned, I gently got up from the bed and walked to her room. The door opened without making any noises, but I knew that even if it had, Elly would most likely have slept through undisturbed.

She was there, sleeping soundly on her back. Her breathing was shallow but regular: that what the doctor had asked us to check. As long as she was breathing regularly, things were good. As I did the first two nights, I entered and sat the on the chair at the foot of her bed. It was frustrating to know that I couldn’t do anything to help except carry her around. Helena was taking care of her personal needs: going to the bathroom, bathing, dressing her… In her current state I don’t think Elly would have minded if I did some of those things, but since Helena was here anyway…

But all that was about to change. The following morning she received a phone call, an invitation to a seminar. As a speaker. She was teaching sociology at the local college, where we met as students 19 years earlier, and they informed her that she had been invited at the last minute to replace another speaker. Great! the chance she had been waiting for! But also bad: the seminars were held across the country! She would have to stay there two full days and nights.

We talked about it and decided that it was ok. I would be able to care for Elly for those two days, not even having to give her a bath unless something messy happened. Even Elly understood the situation and was happy for her mother, knowing how much she had been hoping for such an opportunity. Elly smiled, the first time since she got back home, and whished her the best of luck. Heck, she even joked about my taking care of her. “I think Dad would be more embarrassed then me if he had to give me a bath!” I laughed with her, but I also knew that she was right.

Helena left the following day. Elly had been awake early in the morning and was in pretty good shape. She hugged her mom and wished her luck again. Elly was at her strongest in the mornings, and after that she would become more and more tired. As Helena had given her a bath the previous evening, I didn’t have to worry about that. And worried I would have been: Elly insisted on taking her baths alone at first but in less than five minutes she was exhausted from washing herself. So I knew that if something happened that would force me to give her a bath, a lot of unanswered questions would pop up.

Yet a storm was building outside. North-America’s north-east was famous for its winter storms, so I wasn’t too concerned. On the other hand, what if it grew so bad that it would prevent airplanes from coming in? Shaking my head I laughed at myself and got up to check on Elly. She was in her room, the shutters down but with enough light so that she could read. I asked if everything was ok and then went downstairs to work. I ran a small, one-man business from my basement: wood-working, mostly furniture that imitated antique pieces.

I checked on her often, too often she would laugh softly, but overall our first day alone together went by without any problem. Except perhaps the awkward moments in the bathroom. I didn’t see anything a normal father wasn’t supposed to, but it certainly was embarrassing just standing there. She wasn’t always strong enough to sit down and up without falling down, so we didn’t take any chances. Elly saw that I was embarrassed, and simply looked back at me with a small smile. She was probably thinking: “Why should I be embarrassed *now* with everything that’s happening to me…”

She hugged me tightly as I picked her up to bring her back to her room. She was hot, as was expected, but I cold distinctly feel her breast against my chest. I couldn’t close my eyes while walking, nor shake my head, so I lived with it until I lowered her to the bed. A quick kiss goodnight and I was gone from her room. She must have been surprised because I usually stay there longer, sitting on the chair. canlı bahis siteleri But as I was ready for bed and wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, there was no way I was going to stay there with a threatening erection.

As I sat on my bed, my head in my hands, I realized just how bad a time it was for me to have to deal with such problems. Even though I hadn’t seen anything improper while she was peeing, I did look at her thighs, trying to see further up. And now, looking at my cock as it peeked from my boxers, half-hard, I was troubled. Stubbornly I tried telling myself that it was this new wave of intense sex with Helena that was causing those reactions. I was getting used to having a lot of sex and my body was expecting it now. I fell asleep, praying that it was nothing but that…

The next day dawned snowy. Very snowy. This was bad, as the airports in the region would probably close if this kept all day long. Well, nothing I could do about that! At ten o’clock Elly rang her little bell to tell me that she was awake. I brought her to the bathroom and this time I didn’t try to look anywhere near her. As I was carrying her to the couch for her little breakfast, I was happy: perhaps yesterday was a bad day and now things would smooth down.

Not exactly. Things went perfectly fine until we began listening to a movie. We were sitting on the couch together, Elly leaning on me as was usual, and everything was fine. Then she complained that she was cold. As I was getting up to get her a blanket, she grabbed my arm and climbed into my lap. This was not quite as usual. It had been a few months since she had done it, but now that she was sick she probably didn’t mind sitting on her old man’s lap.

I didn’t mind, well not really in any case. It’s just that she was wearing a tee-shirt and hopefully a pair of panties. As she sat on my thighs and settled in, I could feel her panties. I sighed in relief, tried to hide it in a long deep breath. But I could also feel her naked thighs and most of her ass against my skin. Damn it! Why hadn’t I put on some clothes! But since Elly was always cold we kept the house temperature higher than usual and with the fire in the hearth, it was often too hot for me and Helena to put too much clothes one…

Now it was fun to see my wife waling around with nothing on other than lingerie or very thin shirts and pants, but it was something quite different to have Elly sitting in my lap while I had nothing on but boxers! Unable to put it somewhere else, I placed my hand and arm on her thigh. Her skin was so smooth, so hot… I closed my eyes in dread when I felt my cock beginning to fill. Damn it! Why couldn’t men control this thing! I tried my best to think about other things: baseball, woodworking, the neighbor’s cat I had run over last week, my dead mother…

Nothing worked. I tried to breathe normally and decided that the only thing I could do was wait for Elly to feel it. I had no idea what she’d do about it, but I’d weather it, try to explain myself and apologize as best as I could. What else was there to do? What else but to realize that Elly was already asleep in my arms. I sighed again, deeper relief, and even grabbed her thigh to pull her closer against me. Somehow, sleeping like this, she was my little daughter again and not a stirring teen girl. But her thighs *did* feel good in my hand. I caressed her a bit, moving from her knee to the crook of her hip, revelling for the first time in a thigh that wasn’t strong and generous. My thumbed hooked in the small fold of skin between hip and thigh and my hand closed on the firm flesh. Young and solid, muscled even…

What was I doing there! I couldn’t let my guard down for even a few seconds before that old vulgar guy inside me came out! Damn it! I was going to have to work hard until Helena returned! I needed her to take care of Elly, and to fuck her senseless! I waited until my hard-on receded then carried Elly to her room once more. It was twenty minutes past noon, so even if she had done nothing but watch a movie, it was normal for her to be napping again. Before covering her with the blankets I looked at her legs, hips and even at her panties for a second or two. Then closed my eyes and left!

I spent the afternoon working hard, trying to focus on nothing else than ordinary wood. From the basement window I could see outside: it was still a white blizzard. Perhaps not a blizzard in the true sense of the word, but still more than enough to ground planes. Sure enough, at around seven o’clock Helena called, panicked. She had just learned that her plane was not going to fly tomorrow morning. When I told her that everything had gone perfectly fine with Elly she quieted down. She was very happy about her presentation, but also very worried about her daughter.

After a long talk during which she gave me more advice than I could register, or needed, she said that she would try to catch the first plane available. When güvenilir bahis I walked to Elly’s room I could see that the curtains were drawn, letting in both the dim evening light and the snowstorm.

“That was Mom? She’s not coming back tomorrow.”

“No sweety.” I replied.

“Oh. How did her presentation go?”

“Pretty good actually. She was very happy about that, but sad that she couldn’t come back to you.”

“That’s ok Dad.” She looked tired but not really distressed about Helena’s delay. “I’m sure we’ll manage for another day!”

Her smile warmed me up: she was a good kid! “Of course we will. You want more of my spaghetti?”

“Perhaps a little bit, yes.”

“Ok, I’ll bring it to you.”

I returned a few minutes later with a small bowl for her. She ate it quicker than I thought: perhaps she was regaining her health faster than we expected! We talked a bit about the storm and what was happening in the outside world. It was her expression for the world outside the hospital and our house. For an eighteen year old girl, missing four weeks (and counting) of action was a big deal! I tried to fill her in on what I could. Everything was going great! Until I got up to leave. Then she said the simplest thing: “Dad, since Mom’s not coming back tomorrow, would you mind giving me a bath? I’m beginning to smell and I…”

“Uhh, ok, if that’s what you want… I’ll go… I’ll go fill the bath.”

As I sat down in the bathroom to adjust the temperature, I realized that I was in shock. Granted, not the kind of shock that leaves you senseless, but nonetheless… Elly had asked me to give her a bath, which implied that I would undress her, lift her in the bath so that she wouldn’t slip, watch her in the water, wash her all over… all over. This was going to be really hard. Before going back to her room I picked up my bathrobe and tied the belt securely around my waist: I was not going to let my erection get in the way now.

Elly was sitting in her bed when I came back, and invited me to sit beside her. “Dad. I know this is uncomfortable for you. No, please, don’t try to hide it. It’s not fun for me either, but I know you love me and that we’re going to get through this. I don’t really want to be naked in front of you, but right now I don’t care. My body is some sick thing right now and I need to take care of it even if I don’t want to. So please don’t try to look away or pretend that everything’s perfectly fine. I know it won’t be easy, but let’s make this as painless as possible. Is that alright with you?”

“I guess. But, you don’t mind being naked in front of me?”

“I do, but not as much as you think. And anyway we have to do this. So don’t treat me like I’m a nun… Try to think of me as a little girl not yet old enough to take her bath alone. Remember that time?” she asked with a bright smile.

“I do. We had fun with those bubbles didn’t we?”

“We sure did Dad.” she smiled again. “I don’t use bubbles in my bath anymore, but we could still make this as fun as possible. Ready?”

She opened her arms and leaned into me. I hugged her for a second or two before lifting her up. A few seconds later and we were there, the first test: I had to undress her. Luckily she only had a tee-shirt and panties. Everything happened in a blur after that until she was in the bath. My eyes roamed over her entire body, taking in her small but delightfully beautiful breasts, the long-untrimmed bush that didn’t manage to hide a compact pussy underneath, the firm hips and ass so thin and yet so sexy. Then she was in my arms again, naked, vulnerable, looking straight into my eyes as my breath was blowing across her breasts.

She smiled softly when I lowered her into the water. A long sigh of delight as the hot water covered her. Her eyes were closed, she was stretching her legs then twisting her torso to stretch more muscles. When she straightened her arms down and arched her back, her breasts broke the surface and shone with all their innocence. Soft supple nipples; pale red, somewhere between red and pink, were like small crowns on her mounds; young flesh thrusting upwards.

My cock was already hard, already erect as if I was a teenager myself. Luckily my position kneeling beside the bath, as well as my robe, prevented that from becoming a problem. But damn it! I’d never been attracted by thin girls! Why did the first time have to be my daughter? Forbidden lust, forbidden thoughts, forbidden flesh. Yet my body was reacting beyond my will, beyond my ability to control it. A few minutes later the really difficult part began: the washing. As she handed me the soap, Elly said “Dad. Listen to me. You have to wash me, wash every part of my body. We just have to do it. Don’t try to spare my feelings and even if your hand touches something it’s not supposed to… just keep going. Now’s not the time to bother with that. Ok?”

“I’ll do my best Elly, but I’m really not comfortable with this…”

“I know Dad, but I need you now.”

She was smiling again, trying to make me feel better. If she only knew! I did feel good, and that was the problem. It felt a heck of a lot too good. And then I spotted a big glove Helena sometimes uses. I put it on and rubbed the soap into it. “Do you really have to use that?”

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