Sisterhood – Breathing Underwater


Lia had a great many embarrassing character traits, from the unmoderated ear-shattering volume of her voice, to her complete inability to remember even the most trivial items of gossip, but among them one of the most excruciating was her near total obliviousness to her own appearance. Lia’s carefree approach to grooming was curiously at odds with her particular beauty, her very thin, long-limbed figure and the slender, angular face that might have been that of a magazine cover model if it weren’t for her gormless happy grin.

As Lia bounded ahead, spinning and skipping on the tips of her feet, Ivy could see the pale, glistening crust of dried cum at the edge of Lia’s forehead, binding a clump of her auburn hair. It had landed there at the climax of the most recent of Lia’s extremely frequent jerking off sessions, along with a splatter across her flat chest. Ivy had yet to meet a girl who masturbated quite so compulsively as Lia. And she did it completely without finesse. No slow start, no savoring, just pumping as hard as she could and rushing straight to orgasm. On most occasions Lia seemed barely even to take time to construct a fantasy for herself. At most she grunted out a few names, those of some of the ka’ini, or occasionally and much to Ivy’s chagrin, Ivy’s own name. And then after completely unselfconsciously groaning herself over the edge, Lia would often simply swipe her chest and stomach once with a towel, pull on a dress, get up, and leave.

Ivy had tried to persuade Lia to wash her hair again before coming down. But Lia hadn’t seen the point, given that they were going for a swim anyway. Ivy supposed that if she got Lia straight into the water then the residual mess in her hair might be rinsed away before any of the other girls got close enough to notice.

Considerably more conspicuous was the rigid horizontal protrusion in Lia’s bikini bottoms. Topless, the slim triangle of gold-colored nylon was the only thing covering Lia’s body. And only barely covering it. The tip of her almost fully stiff dick strained at the fabric as it bobbed and swung from side to side with Lia’s bounding stride, lifting the sliver of material away from her body, held back only by the two thin strings tied in bows at Lia’s hips. Through the gaps at the sides, the base of Lia’s dick was clearly visible as a thick pillar of pale skin, and beneath it her balls, cradled precariously in the gusset.

“Lia,” Ivy grumbled, “Are you ever not hard?”

Somewhat to Ivy’s surprise, Lia stopped and turned, then raised her eyes to the sky, seeming earnestly to ponder the question, “Um, dunno. I mean, sure I guess.”

Ivy raised her eyebrows in disbelief, “Really? When?”

“Well, you know, sometimes.”

“I don’t think I have ever seen you stay soft for more than thirty seconds.”

Lia’s pensive face slowly lifted into a cheerful grin, “Well maybe you’ve never seen it. But that’s, like, because you’re always there when you’re observing me.”

“Shut up,” Ivy grunted.

“You know, because like, when you’re watching me, then you’re there, and so I’m thinking of-“

“Yes, Lia, I get it,” Ivy scowled, “But the joke is of course so much better when you explain it.”

“If you’re there then I’m just thinking of your lovely, luscious llllips,” Lia thrust her grinning face at Ivy, lingering with her tongue on the alliteration.

“Fuck off,” Ivy shouldered past Lia towards the edge of the pool. She waved back, “Come on, just get that… thing into the water quickly and cool off.”

Ivy cast her towel onto one of the white wooden deckchairs by the side of the pool. She kicked off her flip-flop sandals and swept them under the chair with her foot, then stepped down over the lip of the pool. The water was warmer than she expected. The pool was served by water pumped up from the hot springs beneath the house, and though its temperature varied it rarely fell below that of a hot bath. Now, at the end of a summer afternoon, it also glowed with the stored heat of the sun.

Ivy took a seat on the submerged steps that led down into the water and slouched forward, sinking in up to her shoulders. She spread her arms along the edge of the pool behind her and looked out across the surface. The slowly sinking sun cast a tall shadow from the top of the neat, dense row of trees that shielded the eastern edge of the gardens. The shadow now almost touched the edge of the pool at Ivy’s left. The surface of the water was broken into a jumbled mosaic of ripples, bouncing the glare of the sun into Ivy’s eyes.

Ahead of her at the opposite end of the fifty-meter length of the pool were a handful of other girls, sitting at the edge and kicking their legs, some standing in the water, splashing. A few more were lounging on the reclining chairs by the far corner, lying down, their faces out of view.

When Ivy craned her head backwards to check on Lia, she saw Lia standing behind her with her hands on her hips, her dick still jutting out in front of her straining at her flimsy bikini bottoms.

“Lia,” espiye escort Ivy gestured at the pool with her hand, “Come on. Get in.”

Lia grinned and pinched her thumb and forefinger to one dangling string of the bow at her hip. She pulled slowly and deliberately outwards until the loop of the bow shrank and disappeared through the knot. The tie fell apart and one corner of the front of the swim bottoms peeled away and slid airily off her dick.

“Ah, yeah,” Lia sighed.

“Lia, just get in,” Ivy growled, “You could at least take it off once you’re in the water. Why do you insist on immediately getting naked at absolutely every opportunity?”

“What? No, I don’t want to lose it in the pool,” Lia pulled the triangle of fabric away from her body then bent very deliberately at the waist to fold it once and lay it neatly on top of Ivy’s towel, “Here, I’ll put it with your things.”

Ivy looked up at Lia’s skinny bare backside and saw the swollen ridge of smooth skin at the very base of her dick, just below the tight point of her exposed butthole.

“Yes, wouldn’t that be a shame,” Ivy drawled, “Seriously Lia, a golden thong? Really classy.”

“Gold is super classy Ivy. It’s like, you know, for treasure,” Lia straightened up and twisted her hips from side to side, her dick swinging stiffly in front of her.

“For fuck’s sake Lia, quit waving it around and just get into the pool already,” Ivy shuffled over to vacate the space just in front of where Lia was standing.

Lia stepped in. She stood for a moment, shivering excitedly and rubbing her hands together. Then with a whoop she sat abruptly down, her backside slapping onto the top step. A spray of warm water struck Ivy on the cheek and she flinched. Grumbling, Ivy shuffled over a little more to spread her arms wider and lean back.

“Well okay I’m sorry Ivy if I’m embarrassing you,” Lia huffed, “But you should take it as a compliment.”

Ivy closed her eyes and cast her face up to the sun, “Lia. Gross.”

Lia giggled, “You make me hard Ivy. With your pretty little face.”

“Lia,” Ivy growled sternly, “Don’t.”

“Oh yeah, you’re even hotter when you’re angry,” Lia’s voice broke into giddy laughter then continued in a playful, childish burble, “Aww, Ivykins all angry. I just wanna cummmm on that angry little face!”

“Lia! What is it with the shouting?” Ivy opened her eyes and looked out across the pool. She became aware that in her irritation she had raised her own voice. In the distance one of the girls lounging by the far edge of the pool took a graceful dive headfirst into the water, raising a glistening splash. Ivy turned to Lia and spoke softer, through gritted teeth, “Seriously, do you have to screech like that the entire time?”

“Sorry,” Lia slid forward, bumping her backside down the next few steps. Her upright dick finally disappeared beneath the surface, only for the tip to reappear a moment later as she arched her back and stretched out backwards, yawning, “Hmm, well, you know Ivy…”


“If you want to help me, you know, cool off-“


“Oh come on Ivy,” Lia whined, “Real quick. And then it’ll stop me being such an embarrassment for you, won’t it?”

“Do it yourself. Just not while sitting next to me, okay.”

“Ivy,” Lia’s face scrunched in irritation as she hung her head back, groaning, “You’re just so much better at it than me. You do it, like, I dunno, but better. With more… tickling or something.”

Ivy couldn’t hold down the sudden giggle that rose in her throat, “Tickling?”

“Or whatever, I don’t know how to say it, but you just have really delicate, ladylike fingers.”

“Ladylike?” Ivy snorted, “Fuck off.”

“Ivy please,” Lia groaned again, thrusting her hips in the air, “Come on, you did it back in the dorm just now.”

“That was just to help us get ready quicker. Purely functional,” Ivy felt the corner of her mouth curl into a triumphant grin. She turned her head away to hide it from Lia. She waited, could sense Lia’s desperation emanating from beside her. Lia wasn’t looking. Ivy slid her hand quietly into the water and let her fingers creep along the submerged tiles of the pool step towards Lia’s hip.

“Uh, it was more than functional Ivy,” Lia mumbled, eyes closed and face to the sky, “It was amazing.”

“Hmph,” Ivy grunted.

“Hah!” Lia turned and smiled triumphantly.


“That little grunt you just did. It means you’re thinking about it.”

“No it doesn’t. It means fuck off.”

“Oh come on,” Lia chuckled, “It’s the little grunt you always make. Right before you sigh deeply and say something like, ‘Fucking hell Lia, the things I have to do to shut you up.'”

Ivy sat slowly forward to reach out and set her hand on Lia’s thigh. She paused, then whispered through gritted teeth, “Fucking hell. Lia. Just fucking shut up.”

“Oh yeah. Yes, yes, yes,” Lia shuddered, her breaths quickening, “Please. Thanks Ivy. I promise I’ll be done quick.”

Lia’s etiler escort eyes flickered closed. Her eyebrows bent to a frown as her legs tensed and she thrust faintly with her hips to meet Ivy’s hand as it curled around her dick.

Ivy turned away to hide the spreading smirk on her lips, “Just-“

She was interrupted by a loud groan in time with her first gentle stroke, “Uhhh yeah! Ivy! Fuck! Delicate… princess fingers. Stroke me princess, make me-“

“Shhh!” Ivy hissed, “Be quiet, for fuck’s sake!”

Lia’s face seemed to contort in concentration, her lips trembling. Then when Ivy stroked her a second time, running her clasped fist up the length of Lia’s throbbing warm shaft to the tip, Lia’s mouth burst open and released a long moan, “Ohhh… ffffuck!”

“Right,” Ivy let go and sat up. She swung her legs around to stand, then flounced briskly up the steps and out of the pool, “If you can’t shut up, then I won’t help you.”

“Oh no. No, no, Ivy,” Lia turned and looked up at her, a suppressed giddy laugh beneath her imploring expression, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I can’t help it.”

As the water drained from off her skin, Ivy became aware of the constricting tightness of her own swimming bottoms. She was wearing a more practical two-piece swimming costume in plain navy blue, a top with shoulder straps that held her small bust firmly against her body, and a slim bottom piece that did the same for her dick. She noticed that she had grown steadily harder while teasing Lia, and the outline of her dick now bulged sideward as far as her hip.

Ivy skipped quickly to the deckchair and retrieved Lia’s gold string bikini bottom. Bundling the triangle of fabric in her fist, she leaned over Lia and thrust it into Lia’s whining mouth, stuffing it in firmly with her fingers while gripping a bunch of Lia’s hair to hold her head in place.

“Mmph! Hhhyy!” Lia’s arms flailed until she fell back and had to set them on the edge of the pool behind her to support herself.

“There,” Ivy pursed her lips sternly at Lia as she trotted quickly down the steps back into the water, “Now I don’t have to listen to your ridiculous moaning and groaning Lia.”

Lia’s nostrils blew wide as she snorted. She rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders, then lay back with a sigh.

Smiling to herself, Ivy made her way down the steps deeper into the pool until she was submerged up to the shoulders, then turned and swam up between Lia’s spread legs. She reached out and took hold of Lia’s dick, felt Lia shudder in response to a gentle squeeze. Ivy let her head sink in, the warm water enveloping her smile, leaving her eyes and nose above the surface. She steadied herself with one hand against the tiled step beneath her, and began stroking Lia gradually more firmly.

Ivy worked her way up to a brisk pumping. When she stopped for a moment and tugged down hard towards the base, pulling the skin of Lia’s dick taut, Lia’s body shook with a stifled moan and her legs thrashed and shook. Aware of the loud churning that Lia was kicking up in the water, Ivy glanced back across the pool and then brought her elbows down on Lia’s thighs to pin them still, before resuming her stroke.

Lia shuddered and burbled something behind the improvised gag stopping her mouth. Two syllables. Ivy guessed it might be ‘princess’ or something stupid like that. She rolled her eyes and giggled, the water bubbling in front of her mouth. Ridiculous. She didn’t think her touch was particularly delicate. Lia probably said things like that deliberately to rile her. Or else Lia just had no idea what a really good stroking felt like. Ivy felt that she was much more skilled with her mouth. She was quietly very proud of it, especially how good she had become at taking it deep into her throat.

And tonight was the Summer Ball. Ivy’s skin prickled against the heat of the water as a little frisson of excitement swept through her body. The focus would be on dmurrhisi girls, of course, which was exciting too, but Ivy was sure there would be an opportunity for some dick-sucking at some point. The other girls would be aroused, worked up into a state of eager frustration by the presence of so many guests. They would be more receptive to Ivy’s teasing, and she might be able to get some of them on their own, show them in secret what she could do.

Maybe Katharina might finally open up. Ivy could tell that Katharina liked other Sisterhood girls. She had seen Katharina get hard in their dorm room, watched from the corner of her eye the slow, twitching rise of that delicious big dick, impossible to conceal. Ivy considered herself a reasonably good judge of character, and she suspected that Katharina was a dominant girl at heart, had simply not discovered it yet. Katharina had the passion and the confidence to take what she wanted, she just needed to be provoked. Ivy’s insides throbbed and a pulse of excitement strained against her swim bottoms. She quickened her tugging on Lia, yanking down etimesgut escort hard with each stroke.

Katharina would require a bit of delicacy though. There might be other opportunities sooner, with which Ivy could keep her excitement stoked. Perhaps here at the pool already. The underwater offered a certain discretion. Pausing her strokes for moment but keeping a tight hold of Lia’s dick at its solid stiff base, Ivy turned her head to glance out across the water. She startled momentarily when she saw the splash and then the bob of wet hair of a girl swimming towards them, only meters away. The girl’s broad breaststroke pushed out a frothy wake just ahead of her. Ivy only noticed how fast the girl was swimming when the swell of water reached her and washed up against her half-submerged head.

The swimmer ceased her stroke and glided the last arm’s length to the edge of the pool beside Lia. When her outstretched fingers struck the tiled lip, her face rose from the water and she swept herself gracefully round to sit on the step. She leaned forward, gulping in hearty breaths, and turned to them, “Oh hello girls.”

“Hi. Hello Miss May,” Ivy blurted.

Miss May was one of the senior girls that supervised novices at the Summer House, a friend of Vera’s. May led many of the sports classes, volleyball, aerobics, Ivy had even had to endure a mountain hike with her once. May’s physique was impeccably trim and athletic. Her sturdy breasts were squished together in a single soft heap beneath her bright red swimming top. Her tanned skin glistened wet in the sunlight, taut across the subtle layer of softness that cushioned the muscle beneath. Her hair, golden blonde darkened by the soaking water of the pool, was tied in a high ponytail and wisps of it clung to the sides of her cheerful face.

May scrunched her freckled nose and smiled at Ivy, “Ahh. It’s good to get in a few laps before the big evening. Let off a little steam.”

Ivy nodded. Then she realized that she was still holding tightly to Lia’s dick beneath the water. She let go and whipped her hand away. Lia groaned into the bundle of fabric stopping her mouth. She arched her back to thrust her hips upwards, her dick breaking the surface of the water to twitch once as it flung a long jet of cum up into the air.

“Damn it Lia,” Ivy muttered.

She watched Lia shudder as her dick twitched up a second time, pouring out another long fountain of cum onto the surface of the water where it lapped at Lia’s chest. Ivy winced in embarrassment, seeing how ridiculous Lia looked, groaning and thrusting up into the empty air, her crumpled bikini bottom hanging from her mouth. Ivy took hold of the string of the bikini bottom where it trailed from Lia’s lips and yanked on it quickly to pull it out.

Lia gasped and sat upright, opening her eyes, “Gah! Ivy, what the fuck? Stopping right when I’m there. Why you always got to be so mean?”

After the faintest of startles, May pursed her lips and lifted her eyebrows at Ivy. Her accent was very prim and refined, each sound enunciated clearly, her tongue striking her lips in a very subtle lisp. Her manner was always cheerful yet brisk, the sort of clean, confident speech that somehow conveyed that it did not expect to be contested, “Girls. Not into the pool. Think of the filter.”

“Uh. Oh. Miss May,” Lia groaned and set her hand on her dick, cupping her fingers around her balls. She cradled herself, whimpering, as she shook out the last few spurts of her climax and her dick began to soften and wilt, “Ugh. Sorry. Ivy was just…”

Ivy cast aside the crumpled bikini bottoms, “No Lia, you were-“

“Never mind girls,” May shook her ponytail behind her, wringing it dry, “It’s understandable you’re excited about the Summer Ball. So are we all. Just make sure you show a little more discretion once the guests arrive,” she twisted her neck to look back at the house, “Which will be very soon. I shall be clearing the pool in a short while.”

“Yes Miss May,” Ivy nodded.

May shuffled down into the water and leaned back, submerging her flat stomach. She drew a deep breath and smiled at Ivy, “So, there’s time for you both to get in a few laps still. Come on, it’ll do you good.”

Lia moaned and shifted herself up and almost out of the pool. She rolled towards Ivy, resting her head awkwardly on the tiles around the rim as she continued to nurse her softening dick, “Uh, I’m not sure I can swim right now. Ivy’s just too good at this Miss May, she always leaves me drained.”

May cocked her head and smiled at Ivy, “So I have heard.”

“Lia!” Ivy yelled.

“You should see her when she’s sucking it, Miss May,” Lia’s dick shook with a little twitch of renewed stiffness and she squeezed it hard, shuddering, “With her lovely lips all drooly and her big brown eyes looking up at you.”

Ivy felt the smirk rising beneath her scowl, and bit down on it, “Lia.”

“But she’s so mean,” Lia whined, “She hardly ever does it for me.”

May chuckled, “Well, that is of course her prerogative. No doubt she is a discerning girl.”

Ivy’s heartbeat quickened. She felt herself on the edge of an impulse. She looked back at May and held her gaze for a moment, resisted the urge to glance down at the smooth gold tan of May’s shoulders and her firm stomach, then she spoke softly, “Yes, I am.”

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