Southern Circle – Pt. 03


Hello everyone! Just a heads-up that this is probably the darkest installment of the series, with elements of non-consent, nonhuman, and erotic violence including death (nothing gross or gory though, I hate that stuff) thrown in the mix along with the usual magic and incest. I hadn’t originally meant for things to get so intense, but sometimes the plot and characters take you to places you don’t expect. Bottom line, I felt they were needed here to advance the story but they won’t be a common feature in the series going forward.

One more thing – if you haven’t yet read the previous entries I’d recommend doing so before delving into this chapter, doing so will help you enjoy this part better. Thanks, and on with the story!


“What part of ‘I never want to see you again’ was so difficult for you to understand? I didn’t want to talk to you on the phone, I didn’t want to talk to you at the Rebel Yell, I didn’t want to talk to you at work, so what in the name of every fuckin’ star in the sky makes you think I’d want to talk to you here?” Riley snarled at her former boyfriend, knowing that she should be more tactful given her lack of backup, but at this point anger was overriding logic.

“I see, so I guess that means you’re still mad at me?” Bo asked stupidly. He never was overly abundant in the intelligence department, or any other for that matter. What had she ever seen in this lunkhead that had made her devote so much time and effort to their relationship?

Riley snorted. “With brilliant observations like that, is it any wonder we are where we are? Now get lost before I call the law to wail on your sorry ass again, I’ve got nothin’ more to say.”

He took his cap off, brushing a hand roughly through his hair before replacing it on his head. “No need for all that. I’ll go, I swear, after I’ve said what I’ve come to say. Look, I know things ended badly between us–“

“Badly? You always did have a talent for extreme understatement, Bo. In fact, that might be the only talent you have worth mentionin’!”

“Be that as it may,” he pressed, “you can’t deny we had some good times together, and it’d be a damn shame to throw all that away.” Riley crinkled her nose, able to smell the sharp, acrid tang of cheap whiskey on his breath from her position several feet away. Bo wasn’t an especially muscular man, but he was rather tall and possessed of a nasty mean streak, especially when he’d been drinking.

“Spat? You bastard, is that what you call throwin’ all my stuff out into the yard? Even those special outfits I bought just for you, all laid out for everyone drivin’ by to see! Not to mention when you tried to…oh, I can’t even say it, you pig!”

He put his cap back on. “I know, I did a lot of stupid things, and that was one of the worst. But let’s be honest, we both made mistakes, but can’t we put them behind us and try to make it, us, work? I promise, I won’t let you down again. Come on baby, come on home and I’ll give you one of my famous foot massages you love so much,” he drawled in that silky, sexy tone of his that used to make her melt, would have made her melt any time before a few hours ago.

But not anymore. She harumphed. “Sorry, Bo, I’m not buying it. Yes, I’ll admit I made some mistakes, terrible ones, and for that I’m sorry. But the things you said and did in response, and not to mention the things you tried to do, I now see ain’t things a person does when they really care about someone, no matter how mad they might be. That’s why I’m done with all of it, with you. Oh, and by the way, the foot rubs and all the other…physical attentions I got from you were barely adequate, and that was on a good day. I’ve had better, much much better. So why don’t you go peddle your poisoned honey to someone stupid enough to actually swallow it?”

His pleasant expression disappeared, and his face turned as dark as the shadows around them. “There’s someone else, isn’t there? That’s why you downright refuse to even consider givin’ me a second chance. Who? Who the hell is it?” he shouted, drawing the attention of a few departing movie patrons.

Despite her best efforts, Riley still felt her face burning. “Whether there is or isn’t, that’s no longer any your business,” she shot back, wondering if there was something in her expression or demeanor that had given away her feelings. She’d have to watch that in the future. “And keep your voice down, you’re causin’ a scene.”

“Who is it?!” he roared again, ignoring her and closing the distance between faster than she could react, grabbing her arm. “I’ll kill ’em, whoever it is! You’re mine, Riley, and there ain’t nothing or no one that’s gonna change that!”

“Let me go, you sick sack of shit!” Riley cried, struggling against his grip and bringing her knee up to strike him in the crotch, but he was apparently expecting this and sidestepped her blow. “Did you really think that was going to work again, my flaming red filly?” he sneered, tightening the grip on her arm. “Now, let’s get you home yalova escort so I can break you in properly, as I should’ve done the first time, instead of tryin’ to play at Mr. Nice Guy like that idiot brother of mine suggested.”

“Hey, what’s going on here?” one of the nearby moviegoers asked, approaching the pair. In reply, Bo swung around without letting go of Riley, jerking her around beside him, careful to keep her angled so she couldn’t take another shot at his groin. “What’s goin’ on? I’ll tell ya what’s goin’ on! Another stupid son of a bitch is learnin’ the hard way to mind his own damned business!” he yelled as he decked the man with a hard left hook, sending him spinning and tumbling to the ground. “Kyle!” a woman nearby screamed and ran to the sprawled unconscious man as the other onlookers backed away, one woman talking hurriedly into her phone.

Fortunately for her but not for her would-be rescuer, his intervention gave Riley the few seconds of distraction she needed strike at the best target available in her position. She summoned all the strength in her that’d been unleashed by fear and anger into her free arm and slammed it hard up and under her ex’s ribcage square on his kidney, just as she’d learned in her self-defense class, the impact so hard she heard one of his lower ribs snap in the process.

Bo howled in pain, releasing her and dropping to the ground, screaming and cursing her name as she dashed up the sidewalk, saying a quick prayer of thanks as she saw the small green sedan she’d ordered coming down the road. She flagged it down, got in quickly and slammed the door shut, cutting off Bo’s loud and venomous rant about what he’d do if he ever caught her again, breathing a sigh of relief as the car drove away from the scene. A few minutes later two flashing sheriff’s cars and ambulances sped by them heading towards the theater, sirens blaring.

Riley leaned back against the seat, rubbing at the sore spot on her arm where Bo had grabbed her. She knew she shouldn’t have fled, but in those first glorious moments when she’d found herself free of Bo’s grasp the only thing her terrified mind could think of was getting as far away from that brute as possible. Besides, her mind was already overloaded with potentially life-shattering ponderings, and she simply didn’t have the mental energy or patience to deal with the authorities and their questions tonight. She’d go down and talk to them tomorrow, she told herself to herself as she headed home, hoping everyone would be asleep when she got there.

Especially Tim, she considered, her thighs pressing together involuntarily at the thought of her brother.


“Poor baby,” Bo heard someone say almost patronizingly through the haze of agony that gripped him like a glove of needles, a small hand taking his. And just like that the agony was gone, and he could breathe normally again as the hand tugged gently, lifting him to his feet. As his vision cleared, he could see that the hand belonged to a lithe woman that looked about his age with strange silver hair running down to her hips. She was clad in a simple but elegant black silk dress that accentuated her curves. And damn, did she have some nice ones. “Are you alright? Is all your pain gone?”

“Yeah,” Bo said, gently probing his side where he’d been sure Riley had broken a rib, positive he’d heard the telltale snap. But there was nothing, not even a bruise. “Who are you, and how’d you do that?” he asked, amazed. It never even crossed his mind to thank her.

She smiled seductively. “I’ll be glad to answer all your questions, darling, but first why don’t we get in your truck and go somewhere more private? After all, the cops are no doubt on their way, and I’d hate the thought of them spoiling our evening together.”

Not just her words, but the way she said them set his blood afire, and all thoughts of Riley were forgotten for the moment. “Hop in darlin’,” he said, winking at her as he practically leapt into the driver’s seat, the mysterious woman sliding in beside him, her alluring spicy scent filling the cabin as he fired up the engine and sped away.


Bo cursed as he tripped over another tree root, righting himself as he wondered for the thousandth time why they hadn’t just found a motel instead of traipsing around out here in the dark woods at night. But no, she had insisted on driving, and then walking, to the middle of nowhere, insisting there was a special spot in the woods where she wanted to be with him for the first time. Any other girl he would have told to fuck off, even the busty and ever-tantalizing Riley.

His hands balled into fists just thinking about what that crazy whore had done, how she’d spurned him after he’d lowered himself and tried to make amends so many times, all capped off by humiliating him in public and making him punch that stupid jerkoff’s lights out. Now thanks to her, he’d have to leave town and lay low for a while.

But then, he considered yalvaç escort as a sinister smile curved his lips upwards, he’d find Riley and make her regret it. He smiled at the thought of tearing out those pretty red braids by the roots that she seemed to hold so dear and strangling her with them, but not before he and his brother had a last bit of fun with her in a nice, private place where no one would hear her screams.

He looked around, smile broadening into a grin. Just like these woods.

But for now, he’d follow this insanely hot creature anywhere as long as he’d get his chance with her, he thought as he became mesmerized by the sensuous, almost vicious swaying of her hips. “By the way,” he said in a far-off voice as thoughts of sex and vengeance stirred his shaft, “You never told me your name.”

She twisted her head around, giving him a coy look before turning back. “Maybe later, after I see how you perform. I only give out my name to those that satisfy me.”

“Oh, don’t worry, darlin’, I can guarantee that you won’t have no complaints in that department.”

“Ohhh…a man with confidence,” she cooed. “I love that. Well, now’s your chance to prove it,” she declared, coming to a stop. “We’re here.”

Bo came up beside her and looked around what looked like some kind of clearing in the trees, not being able to see much due to the new moon and his alcohol-impaired vision. “You dragged me all the way out here for this?” he grumbled, feeling a chilling wind sweep over him even though the night was hot and muggy. He looked up at the sky, the stars and moon shrouded behind a thick layer of clouds. There’d be a storm tonight, a big one by the look of things. “What’s so special about this place?”

The woman said nothing as she raised her hand, and immediately torches set into thin stone pillars he hadn’t noticed before flared to life all around the space, illuminating the entire area with a weak and eerie orange glow.

“How’d you do that?” he asked, figuring she must have some sort of remote or something. In the exact middle of the area stood the strangest-looking tree he’d ever seen, the torchlight reflecting off what looked like shiny black bark. The branches and limbs were twisted and gnarled, joined together like some sort of grotesque lattice. And in the limited light he couldn’t be sure, but even the sparse leaves themselves seemed to be as dark as the shadowed forest around them.

“Oh, you’d be surprised at what I can do,” she said suggestively, winking at him. “But before we begin, I must be sure of something. You and Riley O’Connor, you two have been joined together, right?”

“If you’re askin’ if we had sex, then yes,” Bo answered, irritated that Riley had been brought up again. “Why? Afraid I caught something from her skanky ass? Don’t worry, I don’t see how but I’m still clean. And we can use a rubber if you want.”

She chuckled. “No, that won’t be necessary. Tonight, it needs to be…natural.” Then before he could respond to these provocative words, the woman fell silent as she walked forward until she was standing directly before the odd tree, saying something Bo couldn’t make out. Was she one of those New Age freaks like those O’Connors? That would explain that odd hair of hers, which actually gleamed in the torchlight like real silver. Could she be a friend of Riley, making this some sort of trap?

But then she turned back to Bo, her eyes full of smoldering intensity as she slowly worked the straps of her dress off her shoulders and it tumbled down to the ground, revealing her naked body, and every rational thought was banished from Bo’s small mind as it drank in the sight of her – the luxurious hair plummeting down over her luscious breasts, the shapely curve of her hips, her smooth legs with only a wisp of that strange silver hair between them. His already twitching cock stiffened immediately. “Hot damn, you’re one fine piece of ass!” he exclaimed in his typical eloquent manner.

Again the woman laughed, more mockingly this time, not that Bo noticed. “Well, then, don’t just stand there admiring the view, come and take me,” she purred, turning around and pressing her hands against the tree, wriggling her ass at him enticingly. “Come on, Bo, make me scream your name.”

A small part of his brain was shrieking that this was a bad idea, to run while he still could. But it was drowned out by a much louder voice from his groin telling him to get over there and fuck that filthy slut until she couldn’t walk straight. He moved toward her, unzipping his pants as he walked, shoving them to the ground when he neared her, now able to see the outline of her cleft jutting out enticingly below her ass.

He pressed himself against her, rubbing his cock along her ass as he reached around to grope at her tits. She wasn’t as well-endowed in this area as Riley, few women in town were, but they were still impressive and felt wonderful in his hands. Most importantly of all, they and every other part yenibosna escort of her belonged to him tonight, and for the foreseeable future. He would see to that.

He had made many mistakes with Riley; he saw that now. But with this woman, he would right off the bat give her the fucking of her life to latch the hook, then work slowly and subtly to dismantle her self-esteem until she was convinced that she couldn’t get any other man besides him. Then she would be his forever, until he got tired of her anyway.

“What are you waiting for?” she urged with what any bystander would have immediately recognized as false enthusiasm, rubbing back against him, pushing his rod upward to sandwich between her ass cheeks. “Give it to me, now.”

He needed no further encouragement, eager to stick his cock in a woman instead of his hand for the first time since Riley had left. He pulled back away from her a little, angling his cock against her entrance, the tip rubbing against her surprisingly dry labia. How could that be, given how eager she seemed for this? Oh well, that’ll soon change, he thought conceitedly as he, instead of sliding in slowly, pushed himself all the way in her with one forceful thrust.

Despite her lack of moisture, he slid into her quite easily, almost as if his staff had been pulled in. It felt incredible, making him moan with pleasure at how exquisitely soft it felt. He expected a gasp or moan from his partner, but there was nothing, she continued to face the tree, no physical or verbal reaction at all. “Whenever you’re ready,” she said in an offhand, almost indifferent tone.

“I’m already in!” he snapped, resenting the subtle dig and about ready to pull his pants up and leave. But she felt so good…

“Oh, so you are,” she said without a trace of embarrassment, looking down at the cock buried inside her as if amused. “Then by all means, please continue,” she said, as if speaking to her manicurist.

For probably the first time in his life, Bo swallowed his pride and proceeded with his pummeling, doing everything he could think of to get her as excited as he was, things he usually considered a waste of time when having sex since they were of no benefit to him – he kissed her neck, nibbled at her earlobe, alternated between short and deep thrust thrusts. Hell, he even reached around and touched her nub, which he vaguely remembered someone saying really got girls going. But nothing he did got any sort of response from her. His frustration mounted, and he began to feel like he was fucking a dead fish.

A really hot dead fish.

Screw her! He thought to himself. If she didn’t want to enjoy herself with the best lover in town, that was her problem. He, meanwhile, would take full advantage of this opportunity as he settled into his usual, unbroken routine of deep, hard pounding, relishing the sensation as he felt himself approaching climax.

He thought about asking her where she wanted his spunk, then said the hell with it. She, by not showing any reaction at all, was showing her disdain and contempt for his efforts to please her, that he meant nothing, and that this was probably the last time he’d ever see her. In her own way, she was humiliating him just like Riley had, and must be punished accordingly. So he just decided to cum inside her, since there was no way she was gonna get pregnant.

Because she wouldn’t be alive long enough.

He smiled at the thought of burying this ungrateful slut out here in the woods, maybe near this weirdass tree she seemed to love so much, and then packing that worthless cunt Riley in beside of her. Maybe he’d even arrange them so they’d be holding hands as their bodies rotted and their souls burned in hell for spurning the best thing that ever happened to them. Yes, he thought, that pleasing image sending him past the point of no return.

He grunted and grabbed hold of her ass as he deposited his load into her unresponsive body. Due to her lack of enthusiasm and passion it wasn’t the best climax he’d ever had, but it was still an incredible feeling. It was the best pussy he’d ever been in, so hot, the way it just seemed to seize at his dick. Too bad she hadn’t enjoyed it, he considered as his cock fired off a few more feeble shots, for it was going to be her last chance at ecstasy. Oh well, not his fault if she hadn’t taken advantage of it, he ruminated as he attempted to pull out of her and get on with what had to be done.

Only to find his cock was stuck inside of her. He grabbed at her ass and tried and tried to pull himself out or to push her off of him to no avail, starting to panic as the woman turned her head around, flashing a wicked smile. “What’s the hurry, sug, don’t ya wanna cuddle?” She cackled as her sheath continued to hold fast to his cock as its warm walls somehow began to twist and contort around his rod even though she herself didn’t move at all, slowly bringing it back to life as her walls swirled around his member. “You’ve gotten what you wanted, you sorry excuse for a man, now it’s time for me to extract my payment. Shit, you really aren’t very impressive down there, are you? No wonder Riley dumped your ass. No personality, no equipment, no nothing. Oh well,” she said with a disappointed sigh, “I guess tonight it’s all business and no pleasure for me, huh?”

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