That Tricky Genie


James & his girlfriend Mandy both 20 had been dating since freshman year of high school. Both now staring their 3rd year of college, one on the east coast and the other the west coast. Mandy thought James was such a wonderful boy but sometimes he could be a bit to macho not always understanding females at all and always thought if he was a girl for just one day he would appreciate her much more.

One day just before they were to leave for school she walked the beach alone pondered about leaving James and not seeing him again until Thanksgiving. As she looked ahead she gazed upon a beautiful old bottle, green & blue outlined in the most ornate gold leafing. Picking it up she noticed an old cork sealing it and pulled on it trying to open it, unable to she put the bottle in her bag and once home put it on her dresser.

James arrived at 6 PM and being alone in the house Mandy took him to her room hoping this last night would be special enough to satisfy her lust for him until they see each other Thanksgiving week.

James upon entering her room noticed the bottle and said, “hey Mands where did you get that?”

“I found it walking the beach this morning, isn’t it b beautiful?” she answered.

“I’ll bet you could sell this and get some good money for it,” he said.

“No I like it too much, it seems like there is something special about it,” Mandy said as she held it up for him to see.

“I don’t see anything special except maybe it might be worth a lot,” he said as Mandy pouted wishing he could just see the beauty in it.

“So we gonna do this or not?” James said starting to take his shirt off.

“It seems that’s all you ever have on your mind anymore, get naked, have sex and then go run to see your friends. I just wish for one minute you could be a girl and know what it’s like when you do that to me.” she said.

“Mands what’s gotten into you? I mean I get you anything you want, we’ve been dating for a really long time I talk to you almost every day from school but I don’t get to see my boys until the summer and not often since they all work I need some time with them too!” James stating his case.

“Yeah but I feel sometimes like I come in 2nd to them, that is after you get what you want,” she said.

James putting his arms around her begins cupping her ass and said, “come on babe I know you want this,” then grabs his crotch as if showing her his hard cock.

“No I don’t, I want to just spend time with you and have you earn this,” she said pointing to the v in her dress. “Maybe you should just go see your boys, we’ll talk tomorrow!”

James left in a bit of a huff, Mandy watched as she thought he just doesn’t understand women.


Later as she dressed for bed Mandy picked up the bottle and once again tried to pull at the cork, this time it easily slid out. As the last bit of cork exited it there was a sudden cloud of smoke billowing out filling the corner of the room. Mandy waving her hands around 1st thought the house was on fire but as quickly as the smoke came if disappeared. Wondering what was going on she suddenly heard a voice from behind her.

“Ah thank you some much I was very cramped in there,” the voice said.

Turning around Mandy saw an oddly dressed man sitting on her bed, realizing she only had her night shorts on with no top she quickly cover her breasts with her hands before saying, “you perv what are you doing here, get out of my room!”

“No my lady I am not a perv, I am the Genie from the bottle and you freed me, I am yours to command. Three wishes I will grant, but only three, think hard and ask for exactly what you wish.” antep escort the Genie said.

“Wow I must be sleeping or something,’ she said pinching herself just to see.

“No master asleep you are not, I am real here just touch me,” he said offering his arm for her.

Mandy reached out and touched it when she realized it wasn’t a dream, “holy shit you are real.”

“Yes master I am and might I ask what your first wish might be?”

“I don’t know I just wish you would go away and let me get dressed!” Mandy said without any thought.

“Your first wish granted,” the genie said before snapping his fingers and disappearing back into the bottle.

Oh crap Mandy thought I’ve wasted a wish, then finishing dressing she called the genie back out.

A plume of smoke and suddenly he was in front of her again, “what can I do for you master?”

“So you can grant me anything? If I wished that my boyfriend could feel like I feel so he could better understand women could you do that?” Mandy asked.

“Oh yes master I could do anything you wished me to do, just ask and it shall be granted.” he said with almost a wry smile on his face.

“Then I do just that, I wish you could make James understand what it’s like to be a woman.” Mandy said imagining the genie would give James a better knowledge of feminine understanding.

Snapping his fingers the genie said, “it is now so, James will learn the full knowledge of being a woman.”


Three days later after they had both departed James awoke in his apartment suddenly feeling a bit lighter as he stood rubbing his eyes then walked to the bathroom. Dropping his shorts for his morning pee before showering he reached down to aim his dick only to his surprise there was nothing to grab just a mound of pubic hair with nothing protruding from it.

Turning in panic he looked into the full length mirror on the back of the door only to see in horror he had long blonde curly hair, breasts and a pussy where his cock used to be.

“What the fuck, this must be a nightmare,” he thought before slapping himself in the face.

As the pain from the slap sunk in he realized he was in fact awake and sank to the floor of the bathroom laying there for what seemed like hours before finally standing and taking a shower.

As the water ran off his body he lathered himself up suddenly feeling a tingling sensation as his hands ran over his breasts. He almost seemed amazed at how they felt and then found more amazement as the new pussy he had began tingling almost as if calling him to explore it further. Leaning against the back wall of the shower he slowly soaped his new pussy and taking the shower head set on pulse pointed it towards himself with his free hand massaging himself as the water pulsed at his new lips.

After several minutes a feeling overcame him almost as if a cross between a convulsion and spasm he had an orgasm like nothing he had ever felt before. The spasms he felt in the past as his cock shot streams of cum was nothing in comparison to the waves his new pussy was now having.

After several waves completed his orgasm James collapsed onto the shower floor the handheld shower spraying all over his body, he sat there exhausted from the massive waves his orgasm sent through his body.

Finally able to stand he shut off the shower and toweled off. As he stood at the sink looking into the mirror he said, “what the fuck is happening,” he suddenly heard himself and was shocked his voice was higher and he sounded like a girl and no longer like himself.

Staggering he lay back down in bed, horrified t gaziemir escort even try to go outside where someone could see him falling asleep as he lay in the fetal position.


Later that day his phone rang, he sleepily answered and was horrified when he saw on the caller id it was Mandy but before he could think he said, “hello Mandy how are you?”

Mandy hearing this girly voice said, “who the fuck is this where is James?”

“Mands um it’s well I mean it’s me James,” he said.

“No I mean it get him on the phone now!” Mandy screamed.

“Mands, stop think who else calls you that but me? I don’t know what happened but I woke up in a nightmare, I’m shit I mean I’m a girl, breasts, pussy and all,” James said almost tearfully.

“Oh shit the genie, crap I’m sorry I didn’t think it would be this,” Mandy said stuttering as she spoke.

“What the hell are you talking about, genie what are stoned or something?” he said.

After a lengthy explanation she told him of the genie and her wish.

“You wished for me to become a girl?” James hollered.

“No I just wanted you to understand girls better and didn’t think this was even possible,” Mandy tried to explain.

“So go tell him to change me back again,” James said.

“I can’t I left the bottle in my closet locked in a suitcase, I won’t be able to get to it until I am home on break,” she told him.

“So I’m supposed to live as a girl for 3 months,” James screamed.

“I’m sorry I think you will,” Mandy said almost smiling in her mind as she thought about it hoping he would get a full understanding of what a girl wants and needs.

“Shit shit shit,” was all James could say.

Suddenly his phone buzzed as a message came though, when he opened it he saw it was from Mandy a naked picked with the caption I showed you me no let me see you.

“Mands what the fuck, this is serious,” James said to her.

“Well we are stuck with this, so show me, we might as well make the best of it,” she said.

Almost shaking he raised the phone up and took a naked picture of himself as he lay in bed. As he looked over it he was amazed at how hot he was, 5′ 9″ long blonde hair making his blue eyes appear to shine, the slimmest of waists, perky b cup breasts with large light brown areolas, long slender legs and finally an almost perfect lightly covered blonde mound with bright pink lips protruding out from it. Hitting the send button the picture was on it’s way to Mandy.

Opening the message Mandy was shocked, “holy crap you’re the best looking girl I’ve ever seen, crap I’m hot just looking at you, I’m jealous!”

“I got to say I am kind of hot,” James said suddenly not as shaken as he was earlier.

“Hang on I’ll call right back,” Mandy said hanging up.

“What the fuck,” James thought as the phone went dead.

Within seconds the phone rang again this time a video call, seeing it was Mandy he answered only to find her naked laying on her bed her legs spread open.

“We’ve done this before as boy and girl, how about we try it out girl and girl?” Mandy said with a wry smile on her face.

Not knowing if it was the new female hormones or the remains of his male testosterone James lay down and spread his legs open. Mandy started exploring herself and he mirrored her movements on himself.

“How does it feel,’ Mandy said as her fingers slid in and out of her own pussy.

“God it’s so wet and hot at the same time,” he said shivering as his finger slid inside himself further.

“Ok I assume you don’t have a dildo around do you?” she asked.

“No I don’t, gaziosmanpaşa escort why would I?” he answered back.

“I don’t know, do you have anything shaped like this?” she said holding a flesh colored 7″ dildo up to the camera.

“Only this is all I got,” he said nervously holding a small 5″ long cucumber to his phone.

“Clean it off good for me pleaseee,” she asked.

James washed it in the kitchen sink patting it dry before returning to bed, “Ok now what?”

“Do it just like this,” Mandy said rubbing the length of her dildo up and down her pussy.

James followed mirroring her every move again her could feel vibrations running through his body and began moaning softly.

“Wow you are loving this I see,” Mandy impishly said.

“It feels so good,” he said.

“Ok now I want you to know what I feel when you fuck me, follow me,” Mandy pushing the whole dildo inside her rapidly pushing it in and out like James does when he is with her.

“As if in a trance he follows her movements before finally saying, “I lost the feeling, it was there when I was moving it slowly outside of it but now it’s gone.”

“Ok you’re starting to learn, now do this,” she now moves the dildo in slow rhythmic motion, her other hand running across her own breasts.

James again follows along with her as the cucumber moves slowly with his hands massaging his own breast the feeling returns as his body tingles with excitement.

“Now this, just like this,” Mandy said her free hand leaving her breasts lowering down until her finger is just above the dildo sliding in and out of her wet pussy, then she begins rubbing herself in circular motions as the dildo continues fucking it’s way inside her.

James does as she the moment his finger begins circling his new womanhood he feels a wonderous feeling, his eyes open wide as his breath is almost completely taken away. “Oh God, I can’t believe is this how you feel all the time?”

“No baby this is how you should make me feel all the time, now concentrate I am close, I want you to explode with me,” Mandy said as her fingers move even more rapidly.

James increases his movements as he stares at himself when a sudden wave takes over his body, “Oh God what is this?”

“You’re about to feel what I’m about to feel,” Mandy said moving her fingers feverously before her back arches up and down as she screams, “Yes Yes Yes”

James moves faster just as she screams and he feels an explosion of passion and release his body spasming with each clench and release his orgasm sends through his body.

Both of their bodies collapse on their beds James unable to catch is breath for many seconds before panting and saying, “I’ve never in my life felt anything better than that, sorry babe when my cock explodes inside you it doesn’t feel quite as erupting as that!”

“Now you know how I want you to make me feel. Ok so back to our problem, can you go to your classes on-line and take you exams until November?” She asked.

“I can do some maybe, but others I’m not sure,” he answered.

“Well if you sat in the back and took the exams putting your name on who will know, I know we have a lot of people audit classes her and nobody even knows who is there or not as long as you pass the exams,” Mandy said.

“Well I guess that could work, boy I didn’t realize till just now how tired I am after that, can we talk tomorrow?” James said

“Ok baby goodnight,” Mandy said ending the call.

James lay in bed staring down at his new body before going to the bathroom and twirling like a ballerina admiring himself and this new sexy body he had. He thought about his clothes and decided if he had to live like this he would have to go shopping for some new clothes for himself, no he thought better for herself to wear.

Finally laying back down he quickly fell asleep, his dreams that night seeming much softer and tranquil than his normal boy dreams…

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