The Bondage Questions


An empty restaurant in the morning had always been Julia’s favorite place to conduct an in-depth interview. She was friends with the owner so she was allowed to work there while the staff prepared in the kitchen.

She sat across a dining table from a sophisticated older man. They had coffee and a few gourmet pastries, which sat alongside her papers and laptop.

“How does it feel to be the most hated man in the city?” Julia started off in a cheeky tone, which was more serious

Louis couldn’t help but laugh. “Is that what I am? I thought that title was reserved for hardened criminals?”

“Well, according to the local media, it’s you.”

“Aren’t you part of that same media?” he asked.

“I’m just a woman who writes.”

“Hopefully you won’t write a hatchet piece about my character.”

“That all depends,” she replied. “If you give me anything to hatchet, I’ll do it. If not, the article might be a positive spin for you.”

“So you’re a typical member of the media, it seems.”

“If you think so, then why did you agree to this interview?”

“You have a pretty face. Looking at you is a great way to start my morning.”

Julia sharpened her gaze. “That was kind of sexist, but anyway. Tell me a little bit about yourself.”

“I’m an ordinary man with expensive taste. But I’m not the story. You want to know about the sex club.”

“Sure, we can start there.”

Louis collected his thoughts. “The club itself was not my creation. The original club was a high-end place in New York City, where socialites and the rich can go to fulfill their darkest fantasies. All in privacy, of course. The owner is a beautiful woman in her late 40’s. She inherited wealth. And she wanted to do something meaningful with her money. That’s why she opened the bondage club. A place where people can go without being judged. I won’t go into unnecessary detail, but she was my submissive. She later hired me to be a dom at the club.”

There was a brief pause as he took a drink and collected his thoughts.

He continued, “After a while, I was bored of New York. You see, I’ve always been a traveler. I’ve traveled my whole life. I never stop. She understood this. And when I told her I was moving to this city, she mentioned that she had real estate out here. She was interested in creating a franchise of bondage clubs, so she asked me if I’d be interested.”

“Why would this woman ask you to open a bondage club for her? She knows that you like to travel.”

“Because I have experience with business. And she trusts me with her money. Also, I have the option to leave whenever I want. Someone will take over when I’m gone.”

“This doesn’t sound like it’s motivated entirely by money,” Julia noted. “It sounds like there’s more to it.”

“Correct. It’s not necessarily about money. It’s about providing a chance for like-minded people to explore. Or curious-minded people. Anyone with a dark fantasy. BDSM, whatever the hell you want to call it. We provide that platform to consenting adults.”

“But critics say that you provide a platform for abuse.”

“And who are these critics?” he scoffed. “What the hell do they know?”

“Well, the critics are a certain segment of this city’s population, along with a few local politicians and members of the media.”

He brushed it off. “All I can say is that we’ve obtained the necessary permits. It’s our right to open this club. Adults have the right to explore their bodies and desires.”

“But critics would say that your wealthy ‘friend’ from New York had bribed certain officials to get those permits.”

Louis gave a clever smile. “I wouldn’t know anything about that.”

“Of course not,” Julia said with a hint of sarcasm.

“Look, in all honesty, the reason I’m doing this interview is because I’m well aware that the club has generated some negative publicity. I think that’s unfortunate. I really do. We aren’t the deviants that people say we are. We have doctors, lawyers, small business owners, church goers, you name it.”

“So you actually care about your image. And the image of your club.”

“That’s why I’m here. I don’t like to see our clients being vilified for doing what they enjoy.”

Julia nodded. “Very well. Tell me about your club then. What’s it like?”

“It’s a small two-story building. Fully renovated. It has a state-of-the-art design and modern surroundings. It’s a classy place. You’d be surprised. We have rooms for just about everything.”

“Define everything.”

“Everything means we have rooms for bondage, whips, spankings, pegging, voyeurism, and group sex. Everything.”

Julia gave a slow uncomfortable nod. “I see.”

“Does this bother you.”

“Not at all.”

“You seem uneasy about this,” Louis noted.

“Please, I’ve covered a lot of things in this city.”

“Including sex?”

“No. This is my first story with sex as the focal point.”

He gave a suave smile. “Writing about sex is much different than covering politics or local stories. It’s a lot more exciting, isn’t it?”

“I try to approach sex izle each story the same way. With a fair and open mind.”

“Do you normally do all your interviews like this? Face to face in an empty restaurant.”

“It depends,” Julia replied. “If I’m interviewing a local politician, I would go to their office and we’d talk. Then I’d write the story at home.”

“That sounds like a good plan,” Louis noted. “Send me a message and we’ll continue this interview at the club. I’ll give you a personal tour.”

Louis prepared to leave and Julia looked peeved.

“You know, I don’t have to do this. My editor suggested this story.”

“I think you’ll want to,” Louis replied.

“And why is that?”

“Because you’ve already gotten this far. And I think this is a story you want to pursue.”

With that, Louis got up and left the empty restaurant. The only thing Julia could do was wonder if she had just wasted her time.


Being a journalist was in her blood. Her mother was a news anchor, and her father was a segment producer for a different network. They met at a party and the rest was history.

It was an easy decision for Julia to pursue the family trade. At the dinner table each night, all she heard about was her parents talking about news segments they were putting together at work. It was endless.

With that sort of background, it was practically inevitable that Julia showed up at the bondage club days later, on an early morning. It was much nicer than she had expected, located on a quiet street on the outskirt of downtime. The exterior of the building looked bland, but that was to avoid unwanted attention.

Inside, there was a receptionist and a beautiful lounge. Whoever did the interior decorating had modern taste, she thought.

The receptionist gave Julia the easy directions to the office. She went alone, nervous, wondering if she would see anything obscene on the way. But to her surprise, there was nothing obscene. Most of the doors were closed. No one was around except for staff, which shouldn’t have been a surprise since it was early in the morning.

It wasn’t hard to find the office. The door was open and she saw Louis sitting behind the desk, typing on a computer. They made eye contact and smiled.

“The office look doesn’t suit you,” Julia said jokingly.

“Which is why I’m not the corporate type. But someone has to do it and I’m the unfortunate soul.”

Louis stood up and went to Julia.

“Aren’t we going to do a sit-down interview?” she asked.

“I think it’s best if I give you a tour. That way, you can see exactly what I’m talking about. You can take notes if you wish.”

“That sounds good.”

“I hope you remembered that recorders aren’t allowed here. It’s a strict policy we abide by.”

She reached in her purse and took out a notepad. “I remembered.”

“Excellent. Let’s begin the tour.”


They casually made small talk while walking down the hall. Louis reached for the key in his pocket and opened the door to the main club area. When he turned the lights on, the club was revealed. It was small by most club standards, but it looked effective. The design had a comfortable and vibrant feel to it. Yet there was a darkness to it, the gothic kind. Overall, Julia was very impressed by the layout of the empty club.

“Gorgeous place,” she observed.

“It’s amazing what good designers can do. It takes a very special talent.”

“What about your talents? You’re a professional dom, right? Have you always had those sets of skills?”

“Not necessarily,” he replied after a moment of thought. “No one is a perfect dom from the start. Believe it or not, it takes practice, and experience. But even then, instincts are very important. Not anyone can do it.”

“When did you start? How did it happen?”

“In college with a girlfriend. I dated a girl who had dom/sub fantasies, which she learned about from dirty magazines. Her father had a stash of them and she used to secretly read them. Anyway, she had asked me to try it with her.”

“Were you any good?” Julia asked.

“Terrible. I was the worst. I thought everything was about the pain threshold. It was a disaster.”

Julia took quick notes.

“I’m assuming that particular relationship didn’t last very long,” she said.

“Not really. Pain is a very delicate thing.”

“So how did you learn the proper way?”

“Several years later, I went to a bondage club near my house. I didn’t know what the hell I was doing there. I just wanted to see what it was all about. I didn’t know much about doms or subs. But I quickly realized that I didn’t like being the sub for a dominatrix. That wasn’t for me. I needed to be in control. I had to be the one giving the orders. So I learned.”

Julia took more notes.

“You learned from who?” she asked.

“A dominatrix who worked there,” Louis replied. “I waited outside the club at 3 am. In hindsight, I must have looked like a real creep. I was young, barely a man, but I wanted to learn. I guess she saw something alt yazılı porno in me, and she decided to be my mentor. The dominatrix taught me everything over the months to come. Little by little, she gave me her knowledge. She taught me the psychology. She was getting older, so I suppose she wanted to pass her knowledge.”

Julia took more notes.

“Obviously this knowledge served its purpose.”

“I run a successful BDSM club now. I was taught very well.”

“Why do some people enjoy this so much?” Julia asked. “For the normal person, how would you explain the appeal of domination and submission?”

“I would explain it like this: Why do married couples love their spouse? Why do people have hobbies? Why do people have goals?”

Julia thought about that statement. “So you’re saying, it’s something that people naturally have inside of them.”

“In a way,” he replied. “I can’t explain why some women crave to be submissives. But in my experience, there are women with great backgrounds who want nothing more than to be called ‘sluts’ while on their knees. In privacy, of course.”

“Some would call it abuse.”

“And sometimes it is. But we don’t do that here. We take every precaution to ensure that everything is consensual and willing. We don’t tolerate abuse.”

“Many of the prominent community leaders say that your sexual practices do contribute to abuse. They say that your club provides an avenue for abusers and sadists to legally hurt people. How do you respond?”

“They’re wrong,” he bluntly replied.

Julia took notes.

“Can you be more specific?”

“We screen very carefully. I’m a great judge of character. And what you’re saying is actually a negative stereotype towards our lifestyle. If it’s abuse, then we don’t allow it. Unless, of course, the person wants to be abused.”

There was a slight smile on Louis’s face, which made Julia a little uncomfortable.

“And how do you respond to the allegations that your club is misogynistic towards women?” she asked.

“How so?”

“You keep women tied up, don’t you? There have been reports of group encounters and so forth, with women being on the rough end of things.”

“First of all, many women that come here want to be tied up and restrained,” Louis said. “Secondly, there are men who also want to be restrained. Men and women both enjoy bondage. In a place like this, there are no traditional gender roles. A man could be in charge, or he could be submissive. The same goes for women. We have plenty of dominant women who proudly enslave submissive men.”

Julia furiously took notes.

“I see.”

“Why don’t you come and have a look?”

She raised an eyebrow. “I’m already here.”

“I mean at night, when the real action is happening. You’ll have so much to write about. And your writing will be authentic because you’ll have actually seen the lifestyle.”

“I can’t.”

“You can’t, or you won’t?”

She crossed her arms to stop the interview. “Look, I’m here to write a story. Please don’t be an ass.”

“Don’t forget, you arranged this interview. You chose to come here today.”

“Okay, you’re right,” she admitted. “But that doesn’t mean I want to see, whatever it is you do here.”

He nodded, “There’s your problem.”


“You want to write an article about a sex club, and after everything we’ve discussed, you still have no idea what happens here. That’s not the sign of a good journalist, is it?”

She crossed her arms even tighter. Louis had a valid point and she couldn’t deny it.

“Suppose I came to watch,” she said. “How would that work?”

“Well, the way our club works is, you can do whatever you want, with whomever you want, in any room.”

“And I can just stand back and observe?”

“Observe, participate, whatever you want.”

“Watching sounds doable,” she finally said. “You still provide masks to the people who request it, right?”

“Yes. But there is a condition for wearing a face mask.”

Julia sharpened her eyes. “Which is?”

“In this club, we expect our guests to be open and honest. However, that is not always possible since many of our members prefer their identities to be concealed. Which is why we provide masks.”

“So what’s the condition?”

“If you wear a mask, you have to be naked,” he said.

“You’re out of your mind if you think I’m getting naked.”

“That’s the rule.”

“I get the feeling that you’re trying to take advantage of me. You’ve been eyeing me since the moment we met.”

“Rules are rules,” he explained. “If you want to remain clothed, you have to show your face. If you want a mask, then you have to be naked.”

She shook her head. “I can’t be seen in a place like this.”

“That’s a sentiment shared by a number of our members.”

“Really? What percent would you estimate?”

He thought for a moment. “Probably about 1/3 wear the mask. Those people include doctors, lawyers, accountants, teachers, and even some of the church going zealots who oppose altyazılı sex izle this place.”

It wasn’t a very surprising comment to Julia. In her line of work, she knew that hypocrites were everywhere, especially when it came to sex.

“Well, the answer is no. But if you ever make an exception, I’d be happy to observe, masked and fully dressed.”

“That’s too bad,” he said with a half-shrug. “I would love to see you accept my invitation.”

“And see me naked, right?”

“You could always keep your clothes on. But of course, you’d have to show your face.”

She gave a half-smile. “That’s never going to happen. Ever.”

“I understand. But think about it. You’re a beautiful young woman with so much potential. Why not give it a try? There will be a lot of other naked people too. If you don’t like it, then leave. But at least try it. Then maybe you can capture the essence of the story you desperately wish to write.”

There was a confidence in his voice, like he knew what he was talking about. And of course, he did.


That night. Julia sat in front of her computer and wrote much of the article. She was determined to make the most comprehensive and journalistic article she had ever written. It was her ticket to the mainstream news organizations, she hoped.

So far, she had written about Louis’s beginnings and his journey towards running a sex club. Then she wrote about America’s secret obsession with bondage and the bdsm lifestyle. Then she described the club and how the process worked.

No matter how much she wrote, the article still felt incomplete. The details felt missing. The real life stories. The interactions. In Julia’s past articles, she had a meticulous approach to research. She prided herself on having a high journalistic standard. And she prided herself even more on telling the stories of the American people.

When it came to the dom/sub lifestyle, she didn’t know much. Only the basics. She was a complete newbie on the matter.

What she needed was inside information. She needed to get up-close and personal, just like she always had before.

The question she then asked herself was, was she able to handle the nudity?

She was proud of her body. She worked hard to keep herself in good shape. Besides Louis, no one would ever know. And in a weird way, the whole thing seemed kind of arousing. It was like a secret taboo adventure to help further her career.


The next morning. Julia stood in a bondage room of the club, where the receptionist had told her to wait.

She marveled at the place. It was a nice looking room. Simple, yet there was an elegance to it. But it wasn’t too comfortable. There weren’t any soft chairs. It definitely wasn’t a place for relaxation.

The room had a hard edge to it. And that was affirmed by the array of sex toys and devices. There was an assortment of neat looking blindfolds, whips, cuffs, and chains. There were also tables and seats which were designed to restrain a person. Everything looked clean and new.

It was no wonder that membership to the club was so expensive.

“Here you are,” Louis said, entering the room.

Julia turned to face him. “You’re a very persuasive man.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

She looked passive for a moment. “Look, I’ve thought a lot about your offer, and, I think you’re right. The article I’m working on is some of the best stuff I’ve ever written, but it feels like something’s missing.”

“That’s good,” he slowly nodded. “I knew you’d return. You’re a smart and dedicated woman. People like you always strive for the best.”

“And I always succeed.”

“Now onto the big question: Masked or unmasked?”

“Masked,” she said without hesitation.

Louis smiled, “Nice choice. Frankly, I had no idea which decision you were going to make in regards to the mask.”

“Are you glad you’ll be seeing me naked?” she asked sarcastically.

“I see plenty of naked women. But I find this amusing.”


“An uptight, well-educated journalist getting naked in a sex club. What’s not to like about that?”

She rolled her eyes. “Let’s get to the point. How is this going to work?”

Louis walked further inside the bondage room they were in. He looked around, admiring the different devices on display.

“New members are required to fill out a questionnaire. We want to know the specific preferences of the member, that way, we can cater to them. We make sure that each new member has everything needed, and leaves satisfied.”

“Sure,” Julia shrugged. “I can’t promise that I’ll give truthful answers though.”

“Undress. Then I’ll take you to my office.”

She reflexively crossed her arms. “You must be out of your mind.”

“Well, you’ve clearly thought about this. You’ve already made the decision to get naked in the club.”

“Yes, but with a mask.”

“Being naked in a room full of people can be a terrifying thing- mask or not. It’s not something that can be easily done. You’ll need practice, Julia.”

She sighed, “You’re a slick cunning bastard, you know that?”

It was the fork in the road and she knew there was no point in debating him any further. She had to get naked eventually. Louis was right, it’s a difficult thing getting naked in front of so many people- mask or not.

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