The Breeding Chamber Ch. 04


Chapter Four — Victoria and Madeline’s Backstory


Victoria Eglin

Victoria Eglin’s eighteenth birthday was approaching and she was both excited and fearful. Victoria was a third generation breeder. She never knew her mother because her mother was sold to another city-state not long after Victoria was born but in any event she wouldn’t have gotten to know her mother because children were taken away from their mothers as soon as they were weaned.

When Justin Durden created the breeding program he knew that if mothers bonded with their offspring they might become so protective of them that they might become difficult when their daughters came of breeding age or when their sons were selected to become Comfort Girls. He instigated a regime where there were no familial connections so that the breeders and Comfort Girls had only their contemporaries with which to bond.

Victoria’s first memories were of being raised by older females and retired Comfort Girls known as Brood Mothers. They instilled in her and her ‘sisters’ their ethos, morality and values as breeding stock. They were taught that they were saviours and the key to the future of Durden City.

Young breeders were educated to the extent that they could read and write and studied history especially the recent history of the pandemic which had caused world war three, the subsequent civil wars and the anarchy that followed. Of course the story of how Justin Durden had the foresight, acumen and power to create the sanctuary that was Durden City and implement the breeding program was essential.

They had access to a huge music, video and literary library and were exposed the arts, although access to the interweb was heavily censored until they were adults.

Breeders took deportment classes and undertook regular exercise, their health was constantly monitored and any of them who had imperfections which distracted from their beauty had the imperfections corrected. They were programmed to believe that they had only two purposes in life: to provide pleasure to men and to breed.

When females began to ovulate they were screened for fertility and those deemed infertile underwent aparoscopic or hysteroscopic surgery to correct the problem if the diagnosis could be ameliorated. If an infertile breeder could not be made fertile she was doomed to have one purpose in life and there would be no respite for her from the breeding chambers. Some fertile females used the derogatory pejorative ‘fuckpuppets’ to describe the infertile women and they were often shunned.

Victoria had been friendly with another young breeder named Susan Solister until Susan was found to be infertile and destined to become one of the fuckpuppets and then the friendship ceased.

Young females interacted with Comfort Girls both young and old. Boys were selected for the Comfort Girl program based solely on their appearance. The adage ‘pretty boy equals pretty girl’ was often used. The selected boys were raised as girls alongside the female breeders until they reached puberty when they were removed and taken to one the Comfort Places to continue their education and training until they reached the age of eighteen when they were put to work.

Victoria remembered her childhood as being rather idyllic, being pampered and coddled. The girls were given lessons in how to dress and how to behave. They never wore pants or trousers or anything masculine or dowdy, they wore dresses, skirts and blouses always with sensual lingerie and hosiery. They were introduced to makeup and educated how to make themselves look beautiful and desirable. They were educated in reproduction but there was no explicit sexual discourse and they were not sexualised until they reached eighteen.

There were many disputes about this subject by the Commission when the programs were first initiated but Justin Durden was adamant that both breeders and Comfort Girls were not to be sexualised until they were adults. The first reason for this was based on medical advice regarding the best way to maximise the breeding success of the females. The second reason was also based on medical advice. Both females and Comfort Girls were to spend most of their adult life servicing men and it was soon established that they could only endure the physical and psychological stresses involved for so many years. So it was determined that it was best to let them reach adulthood and keep them active in their respective programs until they reached the age of forty.

After that they would become Brood Mothers tending to the younger women and girls but would still be available to pleasure men on a more restricted basis if warranted.

The third reason was that even though both the breeding and Comfort Girl programs might be considered by some to be sexual slavery, Justin Durden considered sexual congress with adolescents abhorrent. He was well aware that the moral standards of the world had been extinguished but he insisted that his gebze escort own moral code be applied when it came to matters of sex. His son and his grandson had seen no need to change what had proved to be very effective way of optimising and fully exploiting the breeders and the Comfort Girls.

Very few men had access to the females inside of the Breeding Facility except of course in the breeding chambers. There were the trusted Praetorian Guards who protected them, doctors and other medical professionals who cared for them and of course the Commissioners who had unfettered access to the breeders. But even the Commissioners could not have sex with them until they reached breeding age.

Twenty four year old Michael Durden was being given a guided tour around the Breeding Facility by his father who was explaining to him that one day he would be City Commissioner and responsible for the breeding program when Michael first saw Victoria Eglin and fell head over heels in love with her.

Victoria stood 173 centimetres tall (Justin Durden had enforced the use of the consistent and coherent metric system and had abolished the outmoded and archaic imperial system). She had a voluptuous figure but what enraptured Michael was her shoulder-length glossy black mane and her brilliant emerald-green eyes set in that beautiful face.

Michael Durden had broken away from his father’s entourage to speak with Victoria who was both flattered and bemused to be talking to a man about anything besides her function as a breeder. To Michael her voice sounded rhapsodic, she smelled ambrosial, her eyes sparkled and she spoke eloquently.

Michael made frequent visits to the Breeding Facility to meet with Victoria and he became besotted with her. The visits were always chaperoned as was mandated when men were in the company of virgins but he and Victoria disappeared into their own world when they were together.

Word soon got back to the City Commissioner who confronted his son.

“What are you doing?” Stephen Durden pulled his son aside where they could speak in private.

“She hasn’t been to the chambers yet but her birthday is only days away. I want her dad. I want her for my own,” Michael pleaded with his father.

“There are certain secrets to which you are not yet privy but they will be revealed to you when the time is right. As City Commissioner you can pretty much do as you please but if you take a woman and make her your own you will be despised as a hypocrite; you could never become City Commissioner,” Stephen explained to his son.

“When Victoria enters the breeding program you can have her as often as you want but you can’t keep her for yourself. The truth is that she is not worth the risk no matter how you feel about her,” Stephen continued.

“The City Commissioner is the only citizen of Durden City who has an offspring with lineage. He controls the city but only while the Commission and the populous revere him. He has privileges that others do not have but there are some lines that cannot be crossed,” Stephen said sagely.

“You may have your pick of breeders any time you chose but you can’t remove them from the breeding program. You can have no queen, no empress, no consort. All females participate in the breeding program; that is sacrosanct,” Stephen drove his point home.

“I’ll change the rules when I become City Commissioner,” Michael sniped at his father.

“At your own peril! There are certain aspects of the breeding program that you are not yet aware of; that very few people are aware of, only my strictest confidants. I trade females for gold,” Stephen said abruptly, stunning his son into silence.

“If you continue to insist on keeping this girl for yourself I will trade her right now. A beautiful young virgin like her will bring a high price,” Stephen grabbed his son’s lapels and growled into his face.

“You choose! She goes into the breeding program or I sell her off and you will never see her again,” Stephen hissed.

Michael had no choice. The woman he loved would enter the breeding program on her eighteenth birthday and would be available to all those who paid the price to use her.

On her eighteenth birthday Victoria Eglin was prepared for her first breeding. Her makeup was heavy and provocative, she was dressed in a black and red satin basque, the suspenders clipped to sheer black fully-fashioned stockings and her feet shod in black four-inch high heels. Her pubis was freshly shaved and moisturised and she was sprayed liberally with perfume. The Perspex screens had breathing holes drilled into the top to prevent them from fogging up and to allow the man breeding the woman opportunity to smell her as well as watch her.

Victoria had been educated on breeding chamber protocol. She knew that only her lower body would he exposed through the sanctity hole. She knew that this was her destiny; it was why she existed and she had been programmed accordingly gediz escort but she was still trepidatious.

A Brood Mother, it had not yet occurred to Victoria why there were so few, helped Victoria to step up onto the breeding platform and get comfortable on the satin-sheeted mattress.

“Squidge down a little honey and push your legs through the sanctity hole,” the woman said in a soothing tone.

Victoria was so nervous that she got a heel caught in the sanctity curtain. A Chamber Maiden standing on the other side of the chamber untangled Victoria’s foot and helped position her buttocks on the part of the breeding platform that protruded through the chamber. She cinched the sanctity curtain around Victoria’s waist.

Victoria could hear the girl in the chamber beside her going through the same ritual.

“Are you ok honey? Are you ready? Just relax. The male breeders will be entering the breeding room soon. Try to smile, the first one might sting a bit but you’ll soon get used to it,” the Brood Mother said sweetly and closed the chamber before Victoria could answer.

What was there to say anyway? This was her destiny.

Victoria could hear the women either side of her breathing heavily, going through the exercises that the females had been taught to do so that they would be as comfortable as possible and not cramp up in the confined space.

Victoria’s head rested on two satin pillows that lifted her head sufficiently so that she faced the Perspex wall. She felt a little awkward with her legs dangling in the air but she’d practiced being in this position for extended periods and the other breeders told her that most of the men held the women’s legs while they bred them so they were supported through most of ‘the procedure’.

There wasn’t much time to think of anything else because the lights in the breeding room became subdued and background music began to play and the doors to the breeding room opened and the men began to file in. LED lighting in the chambers was switched on ensure the men had an unobscured view of the women they were fucking.

Outside the breeding room men were lining up anxiously. They were kept in order by City Guards but they behaved themselves anyway. Any form of disobedience would result in their removal, forfeiture of credits paid and possibly a ban on using the Breeding Facility. Chamber Maidens, who were Brood Mothers and breeders not working the chambers that day, also scantily and provocatively dressed to keep the men aroused, greeted the men and scanned their devices to see which breeder the man had been allocated and what place in line the man held.

Not all of the breeders cost the same. Younger breeders cost nearly twice as many credits as those approaching retirement and the cost of a virgin was beyond the means of most of Durden City’s middle class. Only those with the highest incomes could afford the luxury of purchasing a virgin. A man’s position in line was also relative to the credit he was willing to put forward, those who spent more went to the front of the queue.

Not that it mattered to Michael Durden. He arrogantly brushed past the City Guards and ignored the Chamber Maidens; they knew who he was and what he was here for.

As was his right Michael had claimed the virginity of Victoria Eglin; if he could not have her exclusively for himself he would at least be the man who took her first.

Michael entered the breeding room. The women lay on the breeding platforms side by side separated by the thin walls, twelve women on each side of the room, their legs and lower extremities poking through the sanctity holes with elasticised curtains drawn tightly around their waists so that the men had access to the women’s sex parts and legs but not their bodies and faces

The women’s names were engraved in white letters on red traffolyte signs above the chambers which were also numbered with large numerals to make it easier for the men to find their allocated breeder, like numbered racehorses sequestered in their starting boxes.

Victoria was easy to find because she was in chamber number one.

Michael approached the chamber and saw the woman he was besotted with lying on her back looking apprehensive. She was beautiful, her figure enhanced by the basque, her raven hair fanned out on the pillow, her face a visage of sensual beauty enhanced by her gaudy makeup and those long legs sheathed in sheer nylons poking out of the sanctity hole. Her pubis was smooth, the cleft inviting.

He wished that he was alone with her lying on a bed so that he could kiss and caress her. One day soon he would be able to do so but not today, as it was mandated, she must make her debut in the breeding chambers.

He reached out and stroked her long legs, delighting in the feel of her flesh clad in the silky nylon stockings. Victoria felt someone caress her legs and she looked through the window panel and saw that it was Michael. gölbaşı escort It felt so wonderful and sensuous as his hands stroked her thighs she felt herself becoming moist. Michael was rampant and ready and when she looked at him and smiled with those gorgeous red lipsticked-lips, her emerald eyes twinkling, his heart lifted and his passion soared.

Victoria too wished she could feel Michael’s body pressed against her, feel his lips on hers, she wished she could hold him and caress him and feel his heart beat as fast as hers was beating now. She knew that after today, even though she would have to continue to perform her duties in the breeding chambers, Michael would be able to visit her in the Breeding Facility any time he pleased and they could be alone together.

Michael looked around the breeding room, men were lining up in front of their allotted stalls in the order they had been assigned. The men at the front of the queues had already dropped trou and most were vigorously fucking the women, the men behind them looking on, some of them masturbating in anticipation of taking their turn.

Comfort Maidens prowled the floor ensuring that order was maintained and no rules were broken. They each held a call-button that would summon a City Guard within seconds should they push it and the offender would be ejected and face the consequences. The Comfort Maidens seldom had to do so. These men were privileged to be a part of the breeding program and had spent hard-earned credits to enjoy that privilege.

Michael looked behind him and saw a line beginning to form, the men respectfully looking elsewhere but anxious to take their turn with a newly deflowered breeder. It was at that moment that the stark reality of the situation hit him. He could claim Victoria Eglin as his lover and see her as often as he wanted but she would have to take her turn in the breeding chambers. Hundreds of men would fuck her. Her vagina would be flooded with the comingled seed of strange men. She would give birth to fatherless children. She would be his but not his exclusively.

He already knew this of course but the reality of the situation was on him. He looked at Victoria again, lying on the platform, her lower extremity poking through the sanctity curtain. He loved her but he hated her. In any event he was going to fuck her.

He lowered his pants and positioned himself between Victoria’s legs and opened the outer crease of her sex exposing the coral pink lips of her labia and her clitoral hood. He could see the dewy wetness there that he had elicited when he stroked her legs and caressed her thighs. His manhood was fully engorged and rampant.

Victoria looked at him through the glass and she closed her eyes when he began to gently circle her clitoris with his finger. She bucked a little, surprised by the sensation. He watched her enter an almost dreamlike state as he expertly fondled her labia and clitoris. He lowered his mouth to her and began to lap at her slit and lick her clitoris.

This practice was expressly forbidden in the breeding chambers but who was going to stop the heir apparent to the throne of Durden City? He was the one and only son of the City Commissioner.

Victoria began to writhe and buck on the breeding platform; she kicked her legs and screwed up her face. A deep tingling began in her lower extremities and crept upwards through her belly. Then it intensified as ringlets of extreme pleasure radiated from her clitoris as Michael Durden held her legs wide open and lapped at her cunt, lashing his tongue over her sensitive nubbin.

Victoria cried out as her orgasm blossomed into a crescendo of delight and extreme pleasure. She was the first of the breeders to cry out in ecstasy in the breeding room that evening but she would not be the last. The level of excitement in the room became palpable. The men in the lines turned their heads to watch Michael perform this illicit act and to watch Victoria Eglin writhe in passion through the Perspex window.

What they didn’t know was that Michael Durden would never perform cunnilingus on Victoria ever again

Michael gripped Victoria’s ankles and opened them wide and stepped up close to the chamber, positioning his glans in the folds of Victoria’s vagina.

There is a misconception that the hymen is some kind barrier deep inside the vagina that a man must rip open during a woman’s first penetrative sex. It is in fact a thin piece of tissue that surrounds or partially covers the external vaginal opening and when Michael pushed the head of his cock inside Victoria he felt only slight resistance. Victoria hissed at the pain. It was like a paper-wasp sting: sharp and fleeting with no residual soreness after.

Michele looked down and watched the head of his penis slip inside Victoria’s tight channel and he heard her gasp. She winced and it gave him wicked pleasure to see her do so. He adored this woman but she would never be exclusively his and he unreasonably blamed her for this. He thrust again and his cock slid all the way inside her, fortunately her vagina was lubricated by the orgasm she had just experienced.

Victoria stifled a scream as Michael’s huge phallus plunged into her virginal sex. It felt like it was going to tear her open.

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