The Cafe


All names and characters contained herein are fictitious and do not intentionally relate to any person, either living or dead. This story is a work of fiction, a fantasy — so read it with a grain of salt and an open mind. All characters are at least 18 years of age. Voting and feedback is greatly appreciated, especially positive feedback and frequent “fives”.

As a traveling tech rep for a large fortune 500 company I visit lots of exciting and exotic cities. Last week while in Florida I was the fortunate recipient of a new, unusual experience.

My tech call ended earlier than expected, with the customer extremely happy with my efforts. To celebrate my success, I went back to my beachfront hotel room and changed into some comfortable, loose-fitting, light cotton shorts (sans underwear – I’m a freeballer), an oversized World of Warcraft Horde T-shirt, and flip flops.

I cruised down the main beachfront drag, doing a little window-shopping and babe ogling. The dress code seemed to be part high-end tourist garb and part bikinis and hoochie-mama shorts. As I strolled along, the women seemed to get hotter and hotter and the bikinis skimpier and skimpier. At one point a girl in front of me, who couldn’t have been much older than 18, bent over to pick something up and flashed me a white thong under her very short denim mini skirt.

As she straightened up, she flashed me a brilliant smile and giggled. I groaned and felt myself harden. Not good. If you’ve ever gone commando in light cotton shorts, you know how noticeable hard-ons can be.

Seeing an outdoor café on the corner ahead, I slipped under the awning and sat down at a table in the corner, against a wall, but with a nice view of the street and pedestrian traffic.

The restaurant was pretty upscale, with long, heavy table cloths that dragged the cobblestone floor. The table was a four-top, but seeing as the patio was only half full, I didn’t think the server would mind.

A pretty brunette waitress flounced up and took my order — calamari and a bottle of Stella Artois European ale.

Kicking back, sipping my beer, I eavesdropped on conversations around me,

“…Vera Bradley is sooo gauche. I can’t imagine why people pay those prices…”

“…see those tits? Ohmigod…they can’t be real…”

“…don’t let Valerie find out about us…if she does, she’ll rip me a new…”

“…at that shopping cart over there…you’d think the restaurant would run those derelicts off…”

A few stores down, on the corner, sat an old dilapidated, rusted Kroger shopping cart. Piled inside it were what appeared to be someone’s worldly possessions. From where I sat I could see several coats, a few pair of old shoes, a milk crate loaded with crushed cola and beer cans, and duct-taped to the side of it was a large, tattered golf umbrella.

The “derelict” was nowhere to be seen.

As the people gabbed incessantly, bedava bahis I stretched my legs out under the table and crossed my arms over my chest. Strangely, I felt a light fluttering and a warm wind wafted over my upper thighs.

I slowly reached down and lifted the table cloth and peered under into the darkness. Two large, red-rimmed brown eyes owlishly peered out at me. Her face was small and elfin shaped, with a small pert nose and cute slightly outturned ears.

She was very tan, almost to the point of being leathery, and her sun-blonde hair was tied back in a tight pony tail, with wisps and strands of hair that had come loose framing her face like a halo.

A grease stain was smeared across her right cheek and her small dirt-stained hands shook as she lightly clutched my thighs. She looked to be about in her mid 40’s, which in homeless person years meant she was probably about twenty years old.

“Hungry…” she rasped quietly, and licked her parched lips.

Her shaky hands so near my groin caused the stirring to begin again, and I watched aghast as my traitorous cock began to harden.

She looked down at the tent, gulped, and looked back up at me.

“Thirsty…” she whispered imploringly, her huge eyes tearing up.

Her breath wafted across my thighs again, and my seven inch member reached its full length, trying to burst out of the tops of my cotton shorts.

Abruptly, the waitress appeared at my table with the plate of calamari and asked me if everything was okay.

I dropped the table cloth and attempted to compose myself.

“Uh, sure…everything’s great. Um, could I get another beer please?”

“Sure thing mister…be right back with it.”

I felt small, elfin hands slowly snake up the legs of my shorts and meet in the middle. Her grasp was firm, the palms of her hands rough from sun and outdoor living. With one hand she softly kneaded my balls, the other stroked my shaft slowly.

Surreptitiously I lifted the cloth to see what she was doing.

“Thiiiiiirsty…please, let me…”

I lifted myself up off the chair slightly and she tugged my shorts down to my ankles. I looked around in alarm, but the inane conversations went on blithely. Thankfully no one stood up, pointed at me and shouted, “HE’S ABOUT TO GET A BLOW JOB FROM A HOMELESS PERSON UNDER THE TABLE!”

She burrowed her mouth into my testicles and nuzzled my pubic hair and I felt her tongue dart out and lick experimentally.

She began by exquisitely bathing my balls with her mouth and tongue, licking up and down and even slurping the sensitive spot beneath.

I shifted myself by spreading my legs and slouching so that my ass was hanging off the edge of the chair. Anyone looking at me might think I was a drunken wastrel with half my body under the table.

She took this as a sign that her ministrations were accepted and she moaned quietly casino siteleri and licked her way to my asshole. She attacked it with vigor and slurped and slobbered my brown eye with relish.

Her hands grasped my thighs and her long, ragged fingernails lightly scratched their way down my legs.

After thoroughly bathing my balls and asshole with her tongue she lifted herself up (bumping her head slightly on the table) and looked down at my turgid manhood.

Her eyes shifted to mine as she reached out with her dark red, wet tongue and hotly licked my shaft, from balls to tip.

“Here you go sir, would you like to see a dinner menu?”

Startled, I looked up into face of my server. A smile twitched at the corner of her mouth and one eyebrow was raised quizzically.

“Um, no thanks…could I get some bread? And some of that olive oil stuff?”

“Sure thing, sir. Back in a jiffy.”

As she skipped off I stared openly at her tight ass. Here I was getting a tongue-job from a homeless girl and I’m still ogling the ass of anything that walks by.

I scanned the crowd and everything seemed to be normal. Thankfully, no one was leaning down, trying to see if someone brown and dirty was on her knees under the table, servicing me.

I felt a hot, wet mouth engulf the head of my cock, and her tongue flickered back and forth over my glans. She suckled like that for a few moments and I could hear a soft, muffled slurping sound coming from under the cloth.

“Here you go, sir. Bread and olive oil. And here’s another beer.”

“Thanks…I’m good for a while. I’ll let you know when I’m ready for the check.”

Under the table, the homeless girl had begun bobbing up and down on my hard shaft, her tongue still swirling and licking. One hand was lightly gripping my upper thigh, fingernails scratching gently, the other had thumb and forefinger wrapped around the base of my cock, jerking me in unison with her sucking mouth.

The slobbering sounds ceased for a moment, and the word “thiiiiiirsty…” emanated up to me.

She began jerking the base of my shaft again, and I distinctly heard a loud slurp as her mouth eagerly sucked in the head of my cock.

I looked around and noticed a well dressed older lady a few tables over looking at me out of the corner of her eye. I picked up my beer and slurped it loudly, then belched.

“…ewww, is that guy disgusting, or what…”

“…all slouched like that, drooling into his beer…must be drunk…”

“…cut him off, if they know what’s right…”

I realized I might have overdone it, and straightened up slightly. Homeless girl mewled quietly and kept right on sucking me gently as I moved.

I tried to appear normal, and reached out and cut a piece of bread off the loaf. Chewing it slowly, I reached down and lifted the tablecloth slightly.

She was tightly gripping the base of my shaft bahis siteleri and her tongue was wetly licking the shiny, wet purple head of my cock, swirling around and around.

Her big, brown eyes looked up at me, “huuuungry…” she beseeched softly.

One small hand reached up, and I noticed how rough and tan it looked. Grime was caked under her fingernails.

“Finish what you are doing, and I’ll give you the bread and the second beer,” I whispered, glancing up at the other tables.

She nodded and attacked my cock like a starving banshee. Her mouth engulfed me, her tongue working the underside of my shaft, flicking back and forth. Her hand jerked me more insistently, and I could feel the cum pressure building.

I reached under the table with one hand, and gripped the top of her head with my palm. Applying pressure, I forced her mouth up and down over my cock.

Mmmph…mmmph….mmmph sounds reached my ears, and I heard a muffled gag as I forced her down deeply.

Her mouth came off briefly, she slobbered wetly, licking the crown of my cock, and whispered, “pleeeease mister…cum for me…”

I forced her head down, spearing her throat with my cock, feeling her gag over the shaft.

With one hand, she kneaded my balls, with her other she pumped the base of my shaft. Her mouth eagerly, insistently slobbered up and down, her hard, wet tongue licking urgently.

My ass cheeks clenched and unclenched and my hips spasmed and I felt the tingling start from deep down.

I sucked in a deep breath and surveyed the other tables. No one was paying me any attention, but I noticed my waitress was across the patio at the drink stand watching me. One hand was at her throat, and she looked slightly flushed.

Homeless girl sucked me deep down her throat and I spurted violently. She moaned, backed off slightly and jerked me while her tongue wetly swirled.

I pulsed again and couldn’t hold back a soft groan, she slurped up my cum and sucked me deeply once again.

With every clenching of my ass cheeks I fountained another burst of hot cum down her throat. She swallowed every drop, stopping every few moments to run her tongue around my sensitive head.

Cum dripped down my shaft onto her grime-caked thumb and forefinger, and she licked it up ravenously.

I sat there, stunned, as she thoroughly licked me clean of every drop, even squeezing my shaft and milking the last few drops out.

Finally she stopped and reached down and pulled up my shorts. I glanced around as I pulled them up to my waist, but no one noticed my furtive movements.

I held the loaf of bread down, and one of her little hands snatched it away into the darkness.


The second, mostly full bottle of Stella Artois disappeared as quickly, and I heard the sound of her guzzling it down.

“Here is your check, sir. Come back and see us again soon.”

I left $50 on the table for a $30 tab, and smiled languidly as I moved through the tables toward the exit.

At the hostess stand a pretty young girl smiled at me and winked.

“Want us to reserve the same table for you tomorrow, sir?”

The End

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