The Good Neighbor


*Author’s Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.


When Ralph Waters had bought the DeGarde, Louisiana home, it almost seemed too large for a single man of twenty four years of age to own. It had five bedrooms and four full baths and two half-baths, one on the ground floor, and one on the second floor.

But the previous owners had gotten themselves into some bad financial straits, so Ralph was able to pick it up for a song. He actually paid one third what the beautiful home was worth.

Ralph owned a clean-up and restoration business. He’d started out with a beat up pickup truck and a pressure washer. Then, a few years later, he bought out Rayne Sneed’s painting business when the woman was diagnosed with leukemia. With her business, he also acquired her sole employee, Kenneth Kay. Kenneth Kay was a slightly older man, but was as hard working as Ralph. His third business had been a flooring company that was going out of business due to the owner’s wife having a bit of a spending problem.

Ralph then advertised that he would clean up, repair, paint, and re-carpet foreclosures, repossessed houses; clean up after tenants were evicted. It was hot, dirty work but he was good at it, and he had no shortage of customers.

Which was how he found the home on Mindon Lane. DeGarde National Bank had hired Waters Cleaners and Ralph had fallen in love with the home itself.

The back yard was just a plot of dirt, though. Ralph built a deck, installed a hot tub, and then put an in-ground pool. The wooden fence had been an ugly, poorly constructed fence, so he and Kenneth had made a private fence out of stucco, to match the home itself.

Shortly after he moved in, the family to the left of him moved out. The wife was losing a long battle with drug addiction and the husband had reached the end of his patience. Neither could afford the house by themselves, so let it go into foreclosure.

“Waters, you better not charge me mileage on this one,” Dennis Dumas, the bank manager joked when he contacted Ralph to do the clean-up and restoration.

A few weeks after Ralph had done the clean-up, slapped some fresh paint on both interior and exterior, and replaced the garish electric blue carpet with a soft sand colored shag, the Davis Realty ‘For Sale’ sign was replaced with a Davis Realty ‘Sold’ sign.

TAB Properties kept Ralph far too busy to go next door and meet the new neighbors until Saturday. He drove to Early’s Grocery store and bought a six pack of St. Elizabeth’s Rice Beer and an angel food cake then went next door and knocked on the door.

“Yes?” an attractive woman in her late fifties answered the door.

“Hi, I’m Ralph Waters; I live right next door,” Ralph said, nodding toward his house. “Just wanted to come over, introduce myself and welcome y’all to the neighborhood.”

“Well, isn’t that nice! Come in,” the woman said and stepped aside.

Inside, the path from front door to kitchen was strewn with boxes.

“As you can see, we’re still unpacking,” the woman laughed a musical laugh.

“And she heard the doorbell and used that as an excuse to just run off and leave everything to me,” an older man in his early to mid-sixties jovially accused.

“Honey, this is Ralph Waters; he lives right next door,” the woman said.

“And did the painting and carpet for this place; his card was on the counter,” the man said and extended a meaty paw. “Tim Benchcraft, retired hydraulics engineer, how you doing?”

“Ralph Waters, wishing I could retire, doing good,” Ralph said and shook the man’s hand.

“Gail Benchcraft,” the woman said. “I do hope that cake isn’t for us.”

“And I hope it is,” Tim said.

“Cake?” a girl’s voice sang out and Gail and Tim’s smiles grew wider.

“And here comes Amber,” Gail said.

“The beers’ for y’all too,” Ralph said.

A girl with long brown hair bounded into the kitchen and made a bee line for the cake box.

“Can you say ‘Oops, now how did that happen?'” Tim joked as Ralph looked at the pudgy girl.

“I’m assuming it happened the same way they normally do,” Ralph smiled.

“Yeah, but we kind of figured we were done with all that,” Tim admitted.

Ralph was introduced to Amber Benchcraft, their eleven year old daughter.

Over the next seven years, Ralph watched Amber go from a pudgy child to beautiful young woman. He saw her go through huge orthodontic braces, severe acne, pronounced weight gain to developing womanly curves.

He also watched Tim go from loud, gregarious, friendly man, to lurching, slurring man with his first stroke, to wheelchair bound with his second stroke, to barely able to get out of bed with his third stroke.

Gail went from smiling, happy woman, to barely a shell of her former self as her husband suffered these debilitating strokes.

It was Ralph that pulled Tim’s slacks up his spindly legs, buttoned his dress shirt, knotted his tie and hefted him out of bed and into a wheelchair when Amber Marie Benchcraft graduated from Cabrini Catholic High bursa escort bayan School. Amber had three half-brothers and one half-sister from Tim’s first marriage, but none of Tim’s children could be bothered to come to their sister’s graduation. They could not be bothered to come help Gail with their father.

Amber had two half-brothers from Gail’s first marriage; Ralph had heard of them but had never met them.

“I’m so grateful God moved us right next door to you,” Gail said to Ralph, tears in her eyes.

“Know what? Me too,” Ralph said as he hefted Tim’s dead weight from wheelchair to bed.

It was a few days after Amber’s graduation when Ralph came home in a foul mood. They’d had to clean up a foreclosure. The owners had stripped the house of any salvageable metals, including the hot water heater and air conditioner. To add insult to injury, they’d smeared feces throughout the home. It was hot, the smell was intolerable and Kenneth had pulled his back so Ralph had to shoulder the brunt of the work. Three hours into the job, Ralph fired two of his employees; one for hiding in the tool shed, rather than working, and the other for improperly using his pressure washer.

“Not your God damned machine; no skin off your ass it breaks,” he yelled at the insolent youth.

So when he entered his home and saw Amber sitting on the edge of his pool, legs dangling in the water, he did feel a small smile begin.

From the day he’d brought cake and beer to the Benchcraft home, Amber had been allowed to use Ralph’s pool. When she was younger, it was with the express understanding that she would only use it when Mr. Ralph, or her mother or father were present. But from fifteen years of age on, she was allowed to use it whenever she wished, with or without adult supervision.

Four days earlier, she’d held a graduation/eighteenth birthday party on Mr. Ralph’s back deck and swimming pool and hot tub. The majority of kids had been good kids, the kind you’d expect to come out of a Catholic high school.

There had only been one arrogant loud mouth boy; he had very grabby hands and a very vulgar mouth and after Ralph had firmly told the boy to keep his hands to himself, the boy told Ralph to go fuck himself.

“Tell your little friends good bye; you’re leaving,” Ralph ordered.

“Fuck you, mother fucker; I ain’t going… Awwk!” the boy sneered then grunted as Ralph picked him up with one hand by his throat and physically carried the struggling boy to the gate and shoved him out of the back yard.

“Amber! Come on! Your ass hole friend don’t want me here; let’s go!” the boy yelled through the gate.

“Amber, you are not leaving with him,” Gail told the clearly conflicted girl.

The boy continued to scream demands and insults until two of the football players politely asked Ralph if he’d like for them to escort Brian off of his property.

“Just a minute,” Ralph smiled, filling a bucket with ice water.

“Amber, get your fucking ass out here, Aiieeeh!” Brian hollered, and then screamed as Ralph tossed the bucket’s contents over the gate.

“Loudermilk, time to go,” the two boys said, flexing their muscles.

Now, Amber sat, wearing the bright red bikini she’d worn at the birthday/graduation party. Gail had disclosed to Ralph that she’d had to special order the suit; the top was a thirty five F and the bottom was a thirty two.

“Gets that from me, I’m afraid, Gail had smiled tightly, indicating her substantial chest.

Ralph grabbed a beer from his refrigerator and was about to open the patio doors onto the back deck when he saw Amber look around furtively.

Then she reached into her bikini top and Ralph froze for a second. Her aureole, what he saw of it, was larger than a silver dollar and the nipple itself had been easily the circumference of a quarter.

But it had not been the sight of her large, heavy breast or the beautiful nipple that had made Ralph Pause.

When she flipped up her bikini top, Amber had pulled out a cigarette. And a book of matches.

Ralph knew that Gail was a staunch anti-smoker; her first husband had died from cancer. Tim, likewise, was very much against smoking as well.

Amber lit the cigarette and took a huge drag on it.

She coughed violently when Ralph slammed the door open; the tinted glass had prevented her from seeing him inside the house.

Ralph could tell, the moment he stepped outside, this was no tobacco cigarette; it was marijuana.

“Mr. Ralph!” Amber squealed even as she continued to cough.

“I cannot believe,” Ralph growled, outraged.

“Please, Mr. Ralph, don’t tell my Momma,” Amber begged.

“What?” he bellowed. “Really? You really think I would keep…”

“Please Mr. Ralph,” the beautiful girl sobbed as she scampered toward him.

“And how long you been smoking weed anyway?” he demanded.

“I only done it a couple of times; Brian said it’ll help…” Amber whimpered.

At the mention of the brash lout’s name, Ralph’s anger grew.

“Get in here,” Ralph ordered, grabbing Amber’s arm and yanking bursa anal yapan escort her into his living room.

The air conditioning had been set to turn on at four o’clock; it wasn’t even two o’clock yet. But even so, the seventy eight degrees inside was still cooler than the ninety seven degrees outside. Amber’s fat nipples immediately tightened in the cooler air.

“You listen to me; you are never ever to see that little piece of shit Brian Loudermilk ever again, you hear?” Ralph ordered.

“But I love…” Amber squealed.

“Well, he doesn’t love you; he loved you, he damned sure wouldn’t be getting you hooked on drugs,” Ralph snarled.

“It’s not a drug; it’s legal in Colorado and Wash…” Amber protested.

“It’s a drug, Amber; this is not Washington or Colorado,” Ralph snapped.

“Brian says…” Amber sneered.

“Let’s see what your mother says,” Ralph said, reaching for the telephone on his counter.

“No! No, Mr. Ralph, please don’t!” Amber begged, trying to grab his hand.

“And doing it on my property; sneaking over here,” Ralph said, easily pinning Amber’s arm behind her smooth lightly tanned back.

The move had her large chest sticking out; Ralph felt an erection beginning in his work jeans. Her bikini bottom had slipped up a little, exposing a pale slice of her cute little butt.

It had been a few weeks since Ralph’s last sexual encounter. A woman had seduced him, hoping he’d reduce his rates on the restoration job to get her house ready for sale. She had been fairly lackluster in the sack and had been outraged when Ralph pointed out that, pussy or not, he still needed to pay his crew.

“Well, since Tim can’t do it, and since Gail won’t do it, I guess it’s up to me to give you that spanking you got coming,” Ralph said.

“What?” Amber gasped.

“That’s the deal, Amber,” Ralph snapped. “You get the spanking you’ve had coming ever since you started seeing that little fucking loser, or Gail and Tim get to hear about you smoking a joint out here.”

Amber tried a trick that had worked from the moment of her birth; she started crying. Ralph was unimpressed though. He just reached for the telephone and her tears dried up immediately.

“Okay, okay, I get a spanking,” she shrilled.

“Bend over this,” Ralph said, pushing a bar stool forward.

Shaking, Amber did so and Ralph’s semi-erect cock jerked as her cute little bottom stuck out.

“Put your head and your hands on this,” Ralph said, pushing a second bar stool over.

This maneuver stretched her shapely legs and really forced her butt out. Ralph wanted to grab, to fondle her buttocks and upper thighs and the little mound he could see between her legs.

“Wait, what? You didn’t say…” Amber protested as she heard Ralph pull his belt through his belt loops.

“What? What’d you think I was going to spank you with? Spaghetti?” Ralph asked and pushed down on her back.

“Mr. Ralph!” Amber screamed when Ralph pulled her bikini bottom down to her knees.

She clamped her legs together tightly, but not before Ralph saw that she was waxed completely smooth.

“Brian make you wax your beaver?” Ralph asked.

“Yeah; says he likes them like that,” Amber quietly admitted.

“Uh huh, and what does that little shit do for you?” Ralph asked, keeping his hand on her soft, smooth back.

“He uh, he lets me fuck him,” Amber admitted. “That’s why he wants me to smoke; says it’ll make me better at fucking.”

“You’re bad at it?” Ralph asked, half-amused, half-disgusted.

“We uh, we only done it that one time and he said I was really bad at it,” Amber sniffled.

“Brian’s a dumb ass too, you hear?” Ralph said. “Now, I’m thinking twenty, what do you think?”

“Twenty what?” Amber asked, actually enjoying the soft tender way Mr. Ralph rubbed her back.

“Twenty times with the belt,” Ralph said.

“Ten!” Amber demanded.

“Oh, okay, twenty five it is,” Ralph countered.

“What?” Amber protested, again trying to get up. “Mr. Ralph I said…”

“And it keeps going up the more you argue with me,” Ralph said.

“But Mr. Ralph!” Amber whined.

“Thirty,” Ralph announced and Amber clammed up.

She shrieked when the first blow landed and again when the second blow landed. She wailed through the next eighteen and sobbed when Ralph stopped.

He had stopped because her pale white buttocks were now a flaming red; Gail would surely notice and ask her daughter why her buttocks were so red.

“Stay right there,” Ralph demanded and left the room.

He returned a moment later and squirted some Aloe Vera lotion into his hand and began to rub her burning hot flesh.

She jerked slightly when his fingertips grazed her anus and again when his fingertips grazed her very puffy pussy lips.

He pulled on her arm and she righted herself, sniffling and quickly pulled up her bikini bottom. Ralph saw that her nipples were extremely hard, poking through the shiny material of her bikini top.

Go wash bursa rus escort your face; you want a grape soda?” he said.

“Yes sir,” she answered and went into the half bath.

Ralph had a few cans of her favorite soda; he’d taken to keeping a few in his refrigerator for her ever since finding out that grape soda was Amber’s absolute favorite beverage in the whole wide world.

She returned and flashed him a weak smile and took a big gulp of the purple beverage.

Then she went outside, gathered up her things, wrapped her towel around her waist, covering up her still quite reddened buttocks and left his back yard.

Ralph had stroked his cock to a hard climax when he’d fetched the lotion. Ralph found himself stroking his cock a few more times that afternoon and evening, his mind’s eye seeing the leather strap slapping the pale buttocks, crisscrossing them with pink, then red stripes.

The next day, Kenneth was still out with his back. Ralph found two Latin males outside of the Elgee Home Depot, and agreed to hire a cousin of Arnie, one of his regular crew.

Nine, Arnie’s cousin, was a large black man that showed up wanting to work. He ripped up carpet and carried out whole rooms by himself. When Ralph showed the man how to use the pressure washer, the man’s eyes gleamed with excitement.

“Nine, by the way, why they call you Nine? You show up tomorrow, you got a job,” Ralph said as he paid the men for the day’s work.

“I’m the ninth kid my momma and daddy had,” the man shrugged.

“And you got all the milk?” Ralph asked and the man laughed.

“You want milk? You better be quick, that’s all I got to say,” Nine agreed.

Ralph was in a much better mood when he arrived home and backed into his garage.

Through his kitchen, he could see Amber as she sat, dangling her legs in his pool. She did not look furtively around, but right at his patio doors as she put the joint to her lips.

Ralph smiled; the marijuana joint was not even lighted.

“What are you doing?” he loudly demanded and she squeaked.

“Get in here,” he said forcefully and Amber came around the pool and walked briskly to the door.

“Please don’t tell my Momma, Mr. Ralph,” Amber begged.

“But this is the second time I caught you,” Ralph said, seeing that her nipples were two hard points in her bikini top.

“Please, Mr. Ralph,” Amber begged, twisting her hands.

“Well, I suppose I’d better give you that spanking you got coming,” Ralph said and saw her belly flutter.

“Okay,” she feigned reluctant acceptance.

“How many?” he asked, pulling the two stools out from under the counter’s ledge.

“Twenty, I guess,” she said, already assuming the position.

“But this is the second time I’ve caught you,” Ralph pointed out.

“Thirty?” Amber suggested.

She did not resist as he slid her bikini bottom down and Ralph could see that her pussy lips were puffy and dripping wet with excitement.

“Hey, wait, what?” Amber squeaked when Ralph unhooked the bikini top, letting her magnificent orbs dangle free.

He pushed her back down and Amber put her head and one arm on the second stool, but covered her large breasts with her other arm.

Ralph pulled Amber’s long brown hair over to the side and lightly ran his hand over her shoulders and up and down her back. She let an involuntary sigh escape, slightly relaxing her protective arm.

“Thirty, you said?” Ralph asked, pulling his belt free.

He saw her pussy pulse and more fluid trickle out.

She shrieked loudly with the first and second blows and wailed steadily through the next eighteen.

Then he grabbed the bottle of lotion from the counter; he had not moved it since yesterday.

“There’s supposed be ten more,” Amber sobbed.

“Uh huh,” Ralph chuckled and rubbed her burning hot buttocks.

“Mr. Ralph!” Amber protested, pushing herself up slightly as he tickled her anus with his greasy fingers.

He pushed her back down and she did lie back down. She did, however, try to clench her buttocks tight when he again tickled her anus but he forced the tip of a finger into her rectum.

“Mr. Ralph!” she screamed when his fingers dipped lower and rubbed up and down her slit.

She shrieked and grunted when he found her pulsing clitoris and gave it a hard pinch.

Her orgasm actually drenched his fingers and she slumped weakly, supported by the two stools.

Again, he applied more lotion to her buttocks and gave her back and upper thighs some attention as well and Amber sighed.

Then he pulled her upright by her arm and Amber again tried to cover her breasts with both arms.

“Up on the stool,” Ralph ordered and Amber hopped up and then gasped as her smarting buttocks came in contact with the padded leather seat.

“And…” Ralph said and eased her backward

“Wait, what? What are you doing?” Amber protested as he laid her onto the second stool, pulling it slightly so that it supported her shoulders.

“Move those arms,” Ralph ordered, but Amber wrapped them tighter around her massive breasts.

Ralph Grabbed an old dishtowel off of the bar tore it in half and forcefully grabbed one of Amber’s wrists. He pulled the arm back and tied the dishtowel strip around her wrist. Then he tied it to the stool her bottom rested on. The other hand was grabbed, while Amber protested loudly all the while.

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