The Invisible Woman Ch. 13


Final chapter! Keep an eye open for the sequel Discovering Max 🙂


As he worked his way through service, Geoff’s nerves were raw. He’d called the mediator on his break and gone through the interview. He was destroyed knowing he was losing his wife. His emotions were boiling inside him, making it impossible to focus on his tasks.

And his dick was aching. He had no idea how many times he’d fucked Corinna, maybe seven times. Maybe more; he’d lost count. It hadn’t been enough: no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t erase the loneliness that was settling in his bones.

He was fucking her in desperation to somehow feel connected to Max. He knew it wasn’t right but it was all he had. The sex was good, though. It turned him on knowing he was the only man to ever fuck her. She was like the anti-Jess.

His stomach churned as he thought of Jess. He was never fucking her again, and the thought alone repulsed him. He couldn’t believe he’d let her get in the way of his marriage.

Geoff put a few plates into the pass and forced a smile as Corinna took them from the other side. She smiled shyly back at him and hurried off to the table with the food. His smile became more genuine as he noticed she was limping a little. Maybe he’d been too rough on her last night. Not that she’d complained.

He was snapped back to reality as he heard Jess clear her throat. He didn’t rush taking his eyes off Corinna’s ample backside, finally glancing to Jess who looked downright murderous. He nodded to her.

“Need something?” he asked curtly.

“No,” she smiled. “Looks like you might, though. Want us to come over again tonight?” She nodded towards Corinna.

Geoff laughed coldly. “Nah. We did just fine without you last night”

Her confidence faltered. She tried to regain her composure but fell short as she tried to shrug it off.

“Maybe I could come over tomorrow night?” she managed, trying to sound casual.

He shook his head. “It’s over, Jess. Find another man whose life you can ruin. I’m done with you.”

She shrank back from the pass, her eyes welling with tears. He almost felt bad for her. Almost. He went back to work; whatever she needed to do to process this had nothing to do with him.


As service wrapped up, Geoff found himself the last man changing yet again. The door started to open and he panicked for a split second, worrying it was Jess. Instead, Corinna came through the door.

Geoff’s dick hardened as he watched her hobble to her locker reminding him of how he’d defiled her the night before. He turned to his locker and grabbed a condom from the box he’d bought on his way to work.

He sidled up behind Corinna and placed his hands on her hips, pulling her ass to meet his groin, and pressing his hard cock into her cheeks. She moaned as he moved his hands up to her breasts, pressing herself back into him. She still smelled of Max’s shampoo. He groaned and spun her around; finding her mouth with his, he thrust his tongue between her lips hungrily while groping her incredible ass cheeks. She responded eagerly, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him back just as desperately. He pulled his cock out of his pants and rolled the condom on. Reaching his hand up her skirt, he pulled her panties to the side gently pressed one finger in. She was so swollen and hot he knew she must be sore, but she was wet and she was pressing herself onto his finger. He grabbed her legs and lifted her, holding her against the lockers, then pushed the head of his cock past her opening and she yelped, startling him.

“You ok?” he asked as he gently sank deeper into her. She inhaled sharply but nodded firmly.

“Just go slow,” she said, closing her eyes and he rolled out and back in slowly, as requested.

He found a pace, in for five and out for five, then holding at the top for five more. She was pulsing around him, her swollen tunnel wrapping his erection in warmth and comfort as he picked up his pace, seeking release. He pressed as deep as he could at the top. She wrapped her legs around his hips as he plowed into her. He couldn’t hold out any more and he emptied into her, kissing her passionately as he came, his cock twitching inside her. She hadn’t cum, but honestly he was ok with that since she’d cum more than him last night. She smiled up at him as he broke the kiss and lowered her to the ground. He removed himself from her warmth.

As he turned to toss the condom he saw Jess standing by the door, looking heartbroken. Corinna quickly adjusted herself, which struck Geoff as funny considering Jess had fondled her just a few nights ago. Geoff pretended not to even see her, and he grabbed the rest of his stuff from his locker. He turned to Corinna.

“You coming with me tonight? Or would you like a ride home?” he asked boldly.

Corinna blushed and avoided looking at Jess, who was glaring at her. “I’ll come with you if you want me to.”

Geoff held out his hand, which Corinna took, and the two illegal bahis of them left Jess to brood.


It was 5pm Sunday evening when Jack entered his hotel room. He was exhausted; it was 4am back home. There was a welcome dinner starting in 2 hours. He was going to need a coffee and shower in order to make it without passing out. He went to the pod machine and selected a bold-looking coffee; pressing the button, it whirred to life, hissing out hot coffee.

He pulled out his phone and saw he’d gotten a picture message from Max six hours ago. He had turned his roaming off en route and it was only now establishing his international settings.

An image of Max smiling and Gumbo’s big happy face with his tongue hanging off to the side filled his screen. Jack felt affection radiate through his body.

His eyes were drawn to her mouth, those full lips. Their kiss in his kitchen ran rampant across his memory for what was likely the millionth time in 20 hours. He hadn’t expected it. He had envisioned kissing her dozens of times but when she pressed those beautiful lips against his it was so much more than he could have expected. The simple touch of their lips ignited a fire deep in his gut that had snaked outwards into his limbs and taken over all of his movements. Every touch was filled with electrical energy. Kissing her felt like being struck by lightning.

He hadn’t wanted to stop. He had wanted to kiss her for hours. Make out with her like they were teenagers exploring each other for the first time. He wanted to kiss every inch of her soft, ivory flesh, seeing how many bombs he could detonate in her body.

But he’d needed to leave, not only because he had a plane to catch. But because he needed her to be sure.

His feelings for her were incontrovertible; she, however was in the middle of leaving a six-year relationship, four of those years bound by vows. He needed her to be sure this wasn’t a rebound.

He typed a reply to her message, knowing she’d be sleeping.

Looks like you two are getting by just fine.

I’m here in my hotel room safe and sound. About to head to dinner in a few hours with the entire conference. I’ll message you before I go to bed.

He threw his phone on the bed and reached for his coffee, drinking half of it in one sip. The bed looked so inviting, maybe if he just lay down for a few minutes he would feel recharged. No. Bad idea. He’d never get up. He needed a shower to wake up. As he stripped off his clothes his phone chimed and his heart fluttered. She couldn’t be up at this hour.

Max: I’m glad you’re there safe and sound. I think Gumbo wants to facetime you. See your new digs.

He froze. She wanted to facetime him. He pulled his boxer briefs back on, clicking the video chat button, and was greeted with the image of a smiling Max lying on his bed. Just the idea of her in his bed made blood rush to his groin.

She beamed at him, her eyes traveling down his bare chest. “You just got there and you’re already naked!”

He laughed. “I was about to get in the shower, but someone insisted I call.”

He could hear a muffled jingling and then Max grinned as Gumbo came into view. His big happy face filled his screen, tilting his head at the phone.

“Hey big guy! You treating her well?”

Gumbo pawed at the phone, knocking it out of Max’s hands. He clearly didn’t understand technology. After a brief wrestling match, Max managed to retrieve her phone. The blankets had fallen away from her and Jack could clearly see the swells of her breasts and her pert rosy nipples through her threadbare sleep shirt. His cock stiffened.

“Show us your place!” she said, unaware of the view she was offering him.

He swallowed hard and started panning the phone around, showing off his cozy room. It took all of five seconds. He did show her the incredible view from his balcony, which was 19 floors up.

“Very swanky, Dr. Carmichael,” she grinned, her hair falling wildly over her shoulders.

“It’s not bad,” he agreed.

“I got a call from my mediator last night letting me know that Geoff did his interview and we’ll meet on Monday to divide our assets. Which means by the time you get back I will be a legally separated woman, hopefully with a place to live or at least a prospect.”

“That’s great news. I’m glad he’s cooperating. As far as places to stay, you’re welcome in my home as long as you’d like.” He smiled at her and sipped his coffee. “I’m looking forward to our date on Thursday.”

She blushed. “You’re going to be exhausted. You don’t need to take me out. We can go another day.”

He looked into her eyes and even though she was thousands of miles away, he felt like she was right in front of him. “I’ve waited years to take you on a date. I’ve already made arrangements. I’m looking forward to it.”

She flushed deeper and looked away, biting her lip. “Me too,” she almost whispered.

“So it’s settled then.” He finished his cup. “You need to casino siteleri get back to sleep and I need to get ready for this dinner. I will talk to you later”

Max blew him a kiss. “Have a great time!”

His heart thumped wildly in his chest.

“Sleep tight,” he said returning the kiss.

She clicked off and he threw his phone back on the bed before heading to the shower.


Holding a tumbler of neat bourbon Jack was chatting with Sébastien about kinesiogenomics when a familiar voice called his name. He whirled around and saw the stunning, leggy Norwegian it belonged to.

“Else!” he said warmly, embracing her and kissing her cheeks. “I wondered if you’d be here this year.”

Else was 6’1″ and he barely had to bend to embrace her. At 40 she looked 10 years younger but had a surety about herself seldom found in younger women. She owned a practice in Oslo that specialized in post-operative rehab.

She smiled warmly at him and reached to embrace Sébastien as well.

“Of course I’m here. I wouldn’t miss an opportunity to see you handsome gentleman.” she said confidently.

Jack laughed. “I’m sure you’ve no shortage of handsome men in Oslo to keep you company.”

She shrugged nonchalantly.

“They’re ok.” She eyed him up and down, making her intentions clear. At last year’s conference they’d enjoyed each other’s company after hours all three nights; evidently, she hoped for an encore.

Admittedly it had been incredible. It was amazing to be able to fuck a woman standing up without having to get into a full squat. And Else was an experienced and kinky sub with an incredible amount of stamina. They had kept in touch over the year and she even came to visit once while she was in town to speak at the university.

Jack smiled amiably at her. He needed to break it to her gently that they wouldn’t be hooking up this trip.

“As much as I would love to accommodate you tonight Else, I’ve met someone,” he said. “I’m sure you’ll have your pick of the esteemed gentlemen in attendance this week.”

“I’m only interested in one of the esteemed gentlemen here tonight.” She smiled. “Let’s not worry about it just yet and see where the night takes us,” she suggested casually, before strutting off as they were called upon to take their seats.

Jack had a sinking feeling settle into the pit of his stomach. He knew women like Else. They were relentless. He put his drink aside, acknowledging that he was going to need to keep his wits about him if he planned to avoid making any decisions he was going to regret.

“Did you seriously just turn HER down?” Sébastien asked incredulous as they headed to their table. They were seated with the four other doctors from Canada plus a handful from Ireland and Australia.

“Like I said. I met someone,” Jack responded simply.

Sébastien stared at him dumbfounded. “Someone as good as that?” He pointed across the room at Else, who was engaged in a conversation with an older gentleman at her table.

Jack looked at Sébastien disapprovingly. “Her. Not ‘that’. And I don’t rank the women who grant me the pleasure of their company. I’ve been hanging out with someone who makes me forget other women even exist. I’ve waited years for her to notice me and I’m not going to throw it away no matter how incredible Else is. “

They were seated now.

“So who is this mystery woman? How come I haven’t heard of her yet. All you ever do is work and work out I didn’t even know you had a life outside the gym-” he trailed off as the lightbulb went off. He looked at Jack excitedly.

“The curvy girl with the wild hair you’re always working out with! Shit when did that become a thing?”

Thinking of Max made Jack smile.

“It’s not technically a thing.” Sébastien’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Yet. Things are … progressing.”

Sébastien rolled his eyes dramatically. “You’re giving up a guaranteed great time with a stone cold fox. For ‘progressing’ with your gym pal? I don’t get it, man.”

Jack laughed, shaking his head. “The good news for me is that I don’t need you to get it. But I’ll fully support any move you make on Else since you’re so fond of her.”

Sébastien was 32 and not a bad-looking man, if a little disheveled. However, he was not smooth or tactful when it came to pursuing women; he usually played the doctor card pretty heavily, so in this environment he had nothing to rely on. They were all doctors, most published and better respected than himself. He would likely go to a local bar to pick up later.

As dinner wound down, most of the doctors in attendance were a bit wobbly on their feet. Combining an open bar with jet lag could have that effect.

Jack was immersed in a conversation with an orthopedic surgeon from Belgium when he saw Sébastien leaving with his arm around Else. He smiled – well shit, maybe he had more going for him than Jack had thought. Sébastien offered him a drunken grin on his way out.

At midnight poker siteleri the fatigue hit Jack like a freight train. He excused himself from the group he was with and made his way up to his room. He smiled to himself as he walked in. He shared what appeared to be a very thin wall with Sébastien and could hear him and Else going at it. Good for them, he thought. He was off the hook and everyone was happy.

Stripping naked, he fell into bed, barely managing to set his alarm before passing out cold. It must have been a few hours later he felt warm moisture on his lips. His eyes shot open. He saw platinum blonde hair twinkling in the soft light cast from the open drapes.

Jack reached out and pushed Else gently away. She was as naked as she was drunk.

She stood beside the bed, looking unbelievably sexy. “Come on, Jack. Your girlfriend isn’t here. She’ll never know.”

Jack realized she must have come in through the adjoining door between his and Seb’s room. That explained why she went with him.

“Else, it’s not going to happen.” Jack yawned, sitting up feeling exposed under the thin white sheet.

She kneeled on the bed, crawling towards him. He swiftly gathered the sheet around his waist and got to his feet on the other side of the bed, anger rising inside him.

“I’ve said no. I’m being clear. Now get out of my room.” He pointed towards the door between his and Seb’s.

She giggled and got off the bed, strutting right to him. She placed her hands on his face and planted a warm soft kiss on his lips before turning and heading back through the door she’d come from. Jack rushed to lock it. He looked at the clock: 4am. As he settled back onto the bed he heard Else moaning through the walls as the headboard started banging. He knew she was trying to affect him but he was really just glad she was out of his room. He had never had a hard time saying no to women. Usually they gave up. He was worried Else might do this the entire conference.

Checking his phone he decided to message Max.

Good afternoon gorgeous. I hope you’re having a great day. Just wanted you to know I’m thinking about you.

The phone chimed almost immediately.

Max: Isn’t it the middle of the night there. Why are you up thinking about me when you should be getting some sleep?

Jack smiled.

It’s 4 am. Actually 4:03 now. I’m up because an old lover just tried to sneak into bed with me while I was sleeping. I told her I’d met someone and that I wouldn’t be fucking her at this conference. So now she’s next door fucking my colleague Seb. Sounds like they’re almost done now though. I might be able to get back to sleep.

Max: Omg! Are you serious? Like actually sneak in? While you were sleeping? That’s really scary actually. Like fatal attraction scary. You feeling freaked out at all?

Jack typed a reply

Honestly it did freak me out. A woman has never tried to force me into sexual acts before. I’ve never had someone not respect my no before. It’s upsetting. I think it’s just because she’s drunk. I’ll talk to her tomorrow about it to be sure she understands my boundaries.

If you’d crawled into my bed naked in the middle of the night however…

Max: However what?

Jack grinned.

If you’d crawled into my bed in the middle of the night and kissed me I would caress your face and kiss you back, showing you exactly how I feel about you.

A pause in the messages.

Max: And then what would you do?

Jack’s heart hammered in his chest as he gripped his phone. All the thoughts he had about how their first encounter might go ran through his mind. He started texting rapidly.

I’d roll you onto your back, allowing the length of my body to press into yours. Your chest against mine, your hips against mine. I’d kiss you the way I’ve imagined kissing you for years. I would run my hands over your bare skin, relishing every gorgeous inch. I’d hold your hips, running my hands up your ribs up to your breasts, finally feeling them under my touch.

Max: My nipples are hard just thinking about your hands on them.

I would trace the outlines of your muscles with my fingertips, all the way from your shoulders to your perfect glutes. Then I would pull your hips to mine, lifting my legs so my knees were bent to the sides of your hips pulling you to me.

Jack stared at his phone. His engorged cock was throbbing. He couldn’t believe she was this bold sexting with him, since she seemed so easily flustered in real life. He was legitimately shocked, and decided to test her bravado.

Where are you right now?

Max: on your couch. I got home from work early.

Jack smiled.

Go to my bed. Take off your clothes and lie down. Tell me when you’re there.

A few minutes passed before his phone chimed again. Relieved, he checked.

Max: I’m lying in your bed naked.

Jack groaned as the image churned his balls. He needed to see her. He pressed the video call button and was greeted by Max’s beautifully rosy cheeks and bare shoulders. He swooned.

“Hold the phone with your left hand and use your right hand to touch yourself. I’m going to continue telling you what I would do to you while I watch your face.”

Max nodded shifting slightly.

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