The Journey Ch. 04


The next morning I had a strange sense that there was something special about the day. You know that feeling you get when you sense that something important is going to happen to you. You can’t really put it into words, or ever be able to explain it to someone else, but deep inside you know it’s true. This was the feeling I had this morning. I took a shower, and headed upstairs to wait for the girls. I dished out some yogurt, put some fresh fruit over the top, and carried my bowl into the family room. Usually I would read or watch a little television, but I decided to put on some mellow music. We had an intercom system in the house, and I set it to play throughout the system, so the music could be heard in every room of the house. I sat on the couch and ate my breakfast as I listened to the music. As I was finishing up and putting my bowl and spoon in the dishwasher, the doorbell rang. I gave a quick look just to be sure that it was Sandy and Suzy, and then walked to the front door and opened it wide for them. “Good morning to my two lovely ladies!” I said, and invited them in.

“Good morning to our handsome gentleman as well,” said Sandy.

“Our very noble gentleman,” Suzy added. They stepped into the entry, and I slipped between them and closed the door. I turned around, and both of them came up to me and took me by the hand.

“Michael,” said Sandy, “We want to talk to you about something.” I had a sudden fear that things had gone too far yesterday, and that the girls had decided not to continue our adventures. I made sure my thoughts wouldn’t be evident to the girls.

“I know,” I said boldly, “You don’t have to remind me about the rules. I’m still willing to obey whatever the two of you may desire.” There was a pause for a few seconds before Suzy spoke.

“Um…this is about something different, Michael. Can we go somewhere and talk?” My heart sank and I was sure I knew what they were going to say to me. I just wanted to get it over with. “How about the family room?” I said, pointing into the room next door. Sandy looked over at Suzy and then back at me.

“That room doesn’t seem right for this. Is there someplace else we could go?” she asked. Now I was confused. I couldn’t figure out why the choice of room would matter. But I decided it was up to them, so I suggested the only other place that seemed to make sense.

“We could use my room if you would like to” I answered. Suzy nodded.

“I think that would be perfect for our conversation” she said. Sandy agreed and the three of us went down the stairs and into my room. We hopped onto the bed, crossed our legs, and sat in a triangle facing each other.

“Yesterday,” Sandy began, “Something changed.” My heart sank again. It seemed that I was probably right about what they were going to say after all. “I know that you felt the change as much as Suzy and I did” she continued. “Suzy and I talked some when we got home yesterday, and then we spent a long time talking together last night. Suzy and I decided something together, and we wanted to tell you about our decision first thing this morning.” Here it comes I thought. I started to say something but Sandy put up her hand to stop me, so I resigned myself to just listening. “When we moved in next door, Suzy and I were glad to find there was a cute guy living next door. And even though we really never got to know each other, when we would see each other you always seemed like a really nice guy. Then when you made such a show about making sure we saw you naked, Suzy and I thought that maybe we could get to know you a little better, and get an even better view of you. So we basically invited ourselves over to your house. We imagined it would be pretty fun, but it was also just a bit scary too. So we thought that if you agreed for us to be in charge, then we would feel we had control of the situation. We asked you, and you agreed, and so this is how the whole thing started.” She paused and looked over at Suzy. Suzy nodded to her sister, and Sandy turned to look at me again. I was unsure why she was telling me all of this if they had decided they were going to put an end to the whole thing. So I thought that maybe they weren’t stopping it, but just wanting to make sure that it didn’t go to far again.

“I think I know what you are going to say” I began.

Sandy put her fingers on my lips and stopped me in mid sentence. “You don’t, Michael.” She said softly, “Just let me finish before you say another word. Okay?” I nodded in agreement. “Yesterday, things went a lot further than I think anyone really expected them to go. We didn’t plan for it to happen – it just did. While it was pretty exciting, it was also a little scary. But it didn’t stay that way, at least for Suzy and me. In the middle of what was happening, Suzy and I both realized that there is so much that we don’t know or understand about these kinds of sexual things. But you were just perfect in how you handled the situation. You could obviously tell that we didn’t know very much about what was happening to you. We already knew that you were very comfortable about your body and letting us see all of you. When you recognized that we were asking questions because we didn’t know, and we wanted to learn, you were great. You didn’t make us feel stupid or embarrassed, and you weren’t embarrassed to talk about things either. In fact you were just like a teacher with us, wanting us to learn and understand. Suzy and I really liked that part. Michael, you are so different from other guys. All they want is whatever they can get for themselves, and they don’t seem to care about anything else. Suzy and I both feel bursa escort like you want to give to us instead of just taking, and that you really care about us. Because of this, we feel comfortable and safe with you.”

Sandy paused and looked over at Suzy for a moment. Taking a deep breath, she continued. “So here is what Suzy and I wanted to talk to you about. She and I really want to learn about all of these sexual things. We’re sure there are many things you would like to learn too. Not only exploring things about you and your body, but about ourselves and our bodies too. And we want you to help us, so that we could learn about all of these things together, because we feel so safe with you. We can ask questions and try things and find out all of this stuff together. But you can’t tell anyone about what we are doing – anyone at all or any part of it. We don’t think you would, or we wouldn’t have asked you, but you can understand that we just have to make sure. Michael, we really hope that you want to do this with us.” With all of this said, she took another deep breath. “So what do you think about all of this?” she asked.

I thought about it for a few moments. Keeping it a secret from everybody wasn’t a problem at all. I have always believed in keeping personal things private, especially things about other people. It seemed like a big responsibility – to be their “teacher”, but the idea of learning all about them and their bodies really interested me. And I liked the idea of exploring things together and making new discoveries. I wanted to do this with them but I just needed to be sure it was really what they wanted too. I looked into Sandy’s eyes. “This is really what you want to do?” I asked, “The three of us learning and exploring together?”

She nodded and answered. “I really do, Michael.”

I turned to Suzy. “You too, Suzy? This is what you want also?” I asked.

Suzy looked me straight in the eyes. “I do, Michael. Very much.” she responded.

“She was the one who came up with the idea first!” Sandy added. I knew they were both sincere in their answers.

“Suzy, Sandy, my two lovely ladies,” I said, “I would be most honored to be your partner on this journey!” They both flashed big smiles at me.

“Oh Michael,” said Sandy, “We were sure you would say yes, but it was still a little hard to ask you. It’s great to actually hear you say yes!” I leaned forward and gave Sandy a light kiss on her cheek. I turned to give Suzy the same, but she leaned in toward me without turning her head. She obviously wanted her kiss on the lips. So I obliged her by meeting her lips with my own. It was just a soft kiss and when our lips parted, Suzy sucked a bit on my lower lip. It suddenly became kind of awkward for the three of us. We had just agreed to something extraordinary, and now we were all here together, but I don’t think any of us really knew what to do next. I grabbed their hands in mine.

“There’s no need to rush things.” I suggested. “We have plenty of time ahead of us. Let’s go for a swim!” this seemed to ease the tension for us. I got up from the bed, still holding their hands, and led them out to the pool.

We swam together for a short time. I was standing against the edge with the water level across my chest, when Sandy swam over beside me. I gave her a quick hug and took her hand.

“So Michael” she said. “Does it really feel that different to be in the nude outside instead of wearing something? It doesn’t seem like it would be that different.” I looked at her and smiled.

“It really does make a big difference. Even a little clothing keeps you warmer. Like your bikini. It doesn’t cover much skin, but you would be amazed at the difference it would make to be without it. It’s also because the skin that gets exposed is more sensitive.” She looked back and forth around the yard.

“I’d like to try it, but I’m just so nervous about somebody seeing me,” she said.

“Why don’t you try this.” I suggested. “Just stay in the water. You can slip your suit off and set it on the deck. You can see what it feels like without worrying about someone seeing you.” She seemed to like the idea.

“But I think I’ll start with just the top for now.”

She gave another look around and then reached behind her and untied the strings holding her top on. As it came loose, she lifted it up and over her head, and then laid it out on the deck. I could see on her face that she was already feeling the effects. I was trying not to stare but it was hard to look away from her tits. They were every bit as nice as I had imagined them to be. They were round and full, but they stood straight out without a bit of sagging. She had dark round areolas with large reddish nipples. I could feel my dick harden at the wonderful sight before my eyes. The cool water was already having quite an effect because her nipples were hard and sticking out as well.

“Oh that is amazing Michael,” she exclaimed. “It feels absolutely incredible. I can’t believe it could be so different.” I laughed.

“You haven’t felt anything yet. Try swimming around a little bit.” Suzy had been swimming in the deep end and had just joined us. It didn’t appear that she noticed what her sister was doing yet, but as Sandy pushed off to get to the deeper water, she came out of the water up to her waist. I knew that Suzy had seen her sister’s naked tits by how her expression suddenly changed. She stared after Sandy as she swam away and when she looked back toward me, I could see her eyes fix on the suit top on the edge of the pool.

“What is she doing?” çanakkale escort Suzy asked.

“She was asking if it was so different without wearing anything.” I explained. “She wanted to try, but was nervous. So I suggested she slip off her suit in the pool. That way she could try it without the chance of anyone seeing her. But there’s no one but me around to see anyway.” We both watched as Sandy swam back over to us with a huge grin on her face.

“Oh wow!” Sandy called out. “You were right Michael! It’s so much more intense when I swim! I can see why you like it so much. I could get hooked on this feeling. I think I already am!” I laughed again.

“And you’re only halfway to the full effect.” I pointed out.

“Well that’s as far as I am going to try today,” Sandy asserted. Sandy turned toward Suzy and giggled. “You have to try this Suzy. I can’t even tell you how much fun it is, or how good it feels on your skin.” Suzy had been gazing at her sister’s tits as we were talking. She looked up at Sandy’s face and then turned to look at me.

“Here goes nothing then,” Suzy said. She reached behind her and unhooked her bandeau top. Since there was nothing around her neck to hold it up, her top fell away from her tits the instant she undid the clasp. Suzy was standing more to the shallow end of the pool, and so her tits were easy for Sandy and me to see, and my dick hardened even more than before in response to the sight. They were very different than her sister’s, but every bit as nice. Suzy’s tits were smaller, but they were very firm with a shape like an inverted champagne glass. Her areolas and nipples were smaller than Sandy’s as well. They were a smooth pink in color, and her nipples pointed forward with a slight upturn. Suzy caught me looking them over and just smiled at me.

“They look really nice out of the water, Suzy,” I said. “But you need to get them deeper to get the real affect. She sauntered past Sandy and me as she headed into deeper water. Sandy and I were watching intently, and as Suzy’s tits dipped under the surface, I could see her nipples harden.

“Ooh!” Suzy said breathlessly. “I see what you mean. It’s a lot more intense that I thought it would be,” she said.

“Do some swimming,” Sandy urged her sister. “It gets even better!” Suzy pushed off into the deep end of the pool. She reached the other side, turned around, and swam back to where Sandy and I were standing. Her grin was even wider than her sister’s.

“Too incredible,” Suzy said as she reached us. “I like this. It makes me tingle all over. I don’t think I ever want to wear a swim suit top ever again! Michael, I think you’ve made us converts. Now I know why you like it so much! And don’t you dare say a word about only being halfway there!” she insisted. “I know you would love to see that, but you’ll just have to wait.” I grinned in a silent reply. “I’m going to enjoy this some more. Anyone care to join me?” she asked as she began to swim away. Sandy and I didn’t say a word but simply followed her into the deeper water.

I could tell they were really enjoying the new sensations, and also how their bodies were responding to the rush of the water across their skin. Both of them were regularly inspecting the state of each others nipples, and then checking their own to see if they matched.

I was getting a little tired and so I made my way to the shallow end and sat down on the top step. My dick had softened just a bit, but it was still pretty hard from the sight of the two girls in the pool without their tops. Sitting on the step, the water was splashing against my dick at a level where the tip was left exposed. I was watching the girls for a bit when Suzy noticed me and made her way over. She wasn’t shy at all about her bared tits and actually seemed to want me to get a good view of them. She moved very close and used her hand to casually splash water over my dick.

“So what do you think?” she asked.

“About what?” I replied teasingly.

“Well,” Suzy continued, “About having Sandy and me topless for one thing!”

Sandy swam over to us as I answered. “What can I say? I think it’s absolutely wonderful. Both of you are so beautiful and lovely to look at, and I love to simply be with you two. What did you think I would say? But you said ‘for one thing’. So what’s the second thing?” I questioned.

“Is your…uh…your dick always sticking out like that?” Suzy asked. “I mean, it seems like it’s always pretty hard. At least every time I’ve seen it. Isn’t it supposed to get softer or something?”

I smiled at the question. “Actually it’s softer much more of the time than it’s hard, although it does get hard and stick out a lot – whenever I get excited sexually. Usually all it takes for me to get hard is to think of something sexual, or even just touching it will get it hard. It just gets hard whenever I get excited in a sexual way. Or if someone is splashing water on it.” Suzy gave me a devious smile in response. “Sometimes it just seems to have a mind of its own, and gets hard all by itself. It’s been pretty much hard all of the time you’ve been around because being nude around you two is more than enough stimulation to get me hard. And that was before you two were topless. I don’t see much of a chance of my dick being anything other than hard with you two around me.”

Sandy had been listening intently to my answer. “So once it gets hard, it pretty much just stays like that?” she asked. “For how long? You said it’s soft a lot of the time, so what happens to make it get softer again?”

“Well,” çankırı escort I explained, “sometimes it will go down by itself, but usually only after a long time, and only if I’m not thinking about anything to get me excited. But I have to admit that I think about sexual things most of the time these days. Really the only way to make it get softer is to relieve the excitement. And the only way to do that is to have an orgasm – to make it squirt like we talked about yesterday. After that it gets soft again, although sometimes only for a little while before it gets hard again.”

Suzy spoke up again. “Does it hurt to get hard like that? Or to stay hard for a long time?”

“It certainly doesn’t!” I laughed. “It feels great, and it’s also really sensitive when it’s hard. It doesn’t hurt to be like this for a long time either. Although if I’ve been hard for too long, I have to release the tension, or sometimes my balls will kind of ache for awhile. Is there anything else you wanted to ask?”

“No.” said Suzy, “At least not for now anyway.”

“Then you two should really get some oil on before you get burned in a sensitive area.” I suggested.

Sandy looked down at her tits and pressed a finger against one. “They’re not burned yet, but they will be soon if I’m not careful. Let’s get out of the pool.” She started to get out and then stopped. She looked around again and I could tell that she was worrying about someone being able to see her.

“Sandy,” I said, “There’s nothing to worry about. Nobody is around to see you if you get out of the pool. Nobody except for me, and I promise not to tell anyone. Just try it – you’ll like it.” She took another step, and then stopped again. I got out and moved the loungers into a position that was still in the sun, but in a more secluded portion of the deck. I went over to Sandy, took her hand and with some encouragement she followed me out of the pool and over to the loungers. “See? Nothing to it. Now put some oil on because I know you don’t want to get burned.” I turned back to where Suzy was standing in the pool. “I suppose I need to escort you as well?”

“I think I can find my way by myself,” she said. She stepped out of the pool and casually made her way over to join Sandy and me. I could see the she had small goose bumps on her skin and her nipples were hard and lifted up. “The air feels pretty nice on them too,” she remarked. “Don’t you think so Sandy?”

Sandy had already started to put oil over her skin. It gave her skin a slick shine, and she was paying special attention to the area around her nipples. Her fingers had her nipples completely erect. “Okay, okay. I admit it does feel good – both the air and the sunshine.” She continued spreading the oil over the rest of her exposed skin and then handed the oil to her sister. I watched as Suzy poured some oil into her hand, rubbed her hands together, and then spread the oil on her exposed skin. She laid her hands on her skin just below her collarbones, and then swept her hands down, running them over her nipples to just below the curve of her tits. Suzy worked her hands from side to side, moving them back up until she had completely covered herself. She took more of the oil and worked at covering the rest of her skin. Suzy asked me to take care of her back, so I had her put some oil on my hands and began to spread it across her back. I worked my way down until I reached the edge of her suit bottom. I was ready to stop when she reached back and slid the material lower, exposing a band of untanned skin and the top of the crease between her cheeks. She obviously wanted me to continue so I slid my hands across the bared flesh, being sure to dip a finger lightly into the crease. She turned around to face me, and slid the front of her suit down as well. There was more light skin and in the middle was a small tuft of soft blonde hair. I gently slipped my fingers from the sides across to meet in the middle, and lightly touched the small patch of her hair. As I was taking care of Suzy, I felt a pair of hands on my back that I assumed must belong to Sandy. They were quickly covering me with a coating of oil she was massaging into my skin. Suzy took hold of my hands, placed them on her hips, and then slid her hands across her breasts. She reached out and began to slide her hands across my chest, sharing the oil from her own skin. Sandy’s hands had reached my waist. She slipped them around to my stomach, encircling me with her arms, and gave me a hug. I could feel her hard nipples against my ass as she rubbed her oily skin on my cheeks. She slid her body down the back of mine, as her hands covered my legs. Suzy had finished with my chest and her hands had made their way down across my stomach to take hold of my dick. As she held it, she moved closer to me until the tip touched her abdomen. She let go of my dick, placed her hands on my hips, and pulled herself tightly up to my body. My dick slid up against her until the tip was nestled into her navel, and I could feel the bit of exposed hair tickling the underside. She held me close, sliding herself gently across my chest, as Sandy slid up my backside and pressed herself onto my back. I had two pairs of hard nipples and firm tits slipping and sliding over my skin, and my hard dick was rubbing over Suzy’s tight abdomen. The three of us wriggled together for several moments, holding each other tightly. Suzy released her hold, and trailing her body across me one last time, moved away from me, and sat down on her lounger. Sandy reached around from behind me and wrapped her hand around my dick. Holding it tightly, she slid around to the front, and sat on the end of her lounger. She gave my dick a firm squeeze, and bent forward, looking intently at the tip of my dick. A drop of precum had formed at the opening. She squeezed a second time, swept her finger over the tip, and brought her finger up to her mouth. She licked her finger and looked up at me.

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