The sexual adventures of Lacey and Ricky – Chapter 16


Chapter 16: Love boat

Ricky folds the cover back from the top of the hot tub. He is nude on our patio, protected from sight by the privacy fence. I stand by, watching him from the warmth of the den. It is so cold outside that his legs are blue. Steam rises in a great cloud from the hot tub. It is just above freezing out on the patio, but the water in the hot tub is a hundred degrees. It is comical to watch Ricky hurry so fast to get the hot tub ready for us to get in. It reminds me of the old fashioned cartoons when the characters are moving at double speed. To top it off, his cock is shrunk to the size of that of a prepubescent boy.

He quickly scrambles into the warm water and waves at me to come join him. I run outside, fling my towel from my shoulders, climb the steps and quickly submerge to my chin in the water. “Brrr,” I shuddered, “that’s cold.” Ricky has a wicked grin on his face. “What?” I say, cocking my head.

“You looked cute bouncing up the steps naked like that. I would like to feel your nipples, but I’m afraid to touch them, afraid I will break them, they’re so hard.” and he chuckles.

“Well, I would squeeze your dick but it has shrunk so much I might not be able to find it.” I retorted. We both chuckle. Touche.

Ricky smiled, “If you will help me find my dick, I will caress your nipples until they soften up.”

“Oh no!” I exclaim. “You forgot to turn on the jets for the hot tub.” Ricky looked troubled at the thought of leaving the warmth of the hot tub.

He looks at me with mock seriousness, “I thought you were supposed to turn it on when you ran by the switch on the way from the house.” I open my mouth to protest, and he says, “just kidding.” Moving at top speed, he leaps out of the water, to the switch, gives it a twist to start the jets, and shot back into the water.

“There.” He says, “I hope that earns me a few brownie points.” I move over next to Ricky and plant a tender kiss on his cheek. “How’s that for a start?” I ask. “It’s not every day that you have a gorgeous, naked chick kiss you in a hot tub.” He put his arm around my neck and pulls me close. Laying his head back against the rim, he sighs and said, “That’s the truth. I just love being spoiled by you.”

I look into his blue eyes and say, “It’s hard to believe that Christmas is only a week away. And, we have two and a half weeks off from school. Tonight, mom and dad should be at the company Christmas party ’till at least nine-thirty. I wonder what mischief we can get into, with that much time on our hands?” Reaching over to Ricky’s lap, I find his dick and give it a squeeze and a tug. It is more than double the length that it had been ten minutes ago. “Hmmm, look what I found.”

Ricky laughs, “Yeah, I think that’s mine. At least it seems to be attached to me. Please be nice to him.” With that we begin to kiss. Gentle kisses at first, becoming more passionate. “Did you see Tiffany and Brett today at study hall?”

I reply, “Yeah. I think she’s into him. I hope he doesn’t break her heart.”

Ricky says, “He’s a pretty good guy. I think he will treat her right. At least I hope he does. If he doesn’t, I will break his neck.”

“You have feelings for her?” I tease, acting jealous.

“Sure.” he says “I had a thing for her once. At least I did for a couple hours.” He winks. “No, of course not. She’s our friend.”

“Just checking.” And we start kissing again. Ricky put his hands on my shoulders. He runs his hands under the water down the curvature of my waist, settling on the spread of my hips. Then I say, “Mom said that she made me an appointment with Dr Ratcliff for tomorrow. She wants me to start taking the pill, so I don’t get acne.” At this I roll my eyes. “I am sure she knows that we are having sex, but she is too uncomfortable with the subject to talk about it.”

Ricky asks, “How do you feel about taking the pill?”

“Oh, it will be a lot more convenient, and It’s supposed to be more effective. Apparently condoms break. That is a real concern with the way you go at it when you get excited. Plus, I like the feeling of your dick better without the condom. And I want to feel you shooting your load into me.” We sit quietly for a bit, then I change the subject. “When am I going to get the luxurious bath treatment followed by a romp in your bed?”

“Now that school is out, we can do it anytime, as long as we are done before mom gets home from work. We could do it Monday. Of course we could have done it anytime, but I know how you are about having sex at my house with mom home.”

I smiled, “Yeah, I’m kinda private like that. You’ve got yourself a date for Monday, though.” I lay my head on Ricky’s shoulder and enjoyed the closeness. After a while I say, “How about we move this party to my bedroom.”

“You don’t want to do it here in the hot tub?” Ricky asked.

I wrinkled my nose and said, “No! I don’t want this water and all the chemicals to get all up in my hoo-haw. And it’s way too cold to sit up on the edge, out of the water. Let’s go. We can come back later and replace the cover when we have clothes on.”

Later in the afternoon, we went to Ricky’s house to cook dinner for his mom and us. I prepare baked potatoes, a nice salad and butter beans, while Ricky cooks pork chops on the grill. He makes the best pork chops with his homemade barbecue rub. Ricky’s mom came home as I stirred together some brownies.

At dinner, Ricky’s mom asks what our family is doing for Christmas. I tell her that we have nothing special planned. She pauses, then says, “I heard about a vacation today that sounds, well, unique. I thought I would share the idea with you guys. Maybe the three of us could do it together, if you are game: Lacey, have you ever been on a cruise?”

“No. Not sure what to think. Some people love ’em and some people hate ’em.”

“That’s true,” she says. “They aren’t for everyone. But think about this: It’s cold and cloudy here, and will be all winter. But in the Caribbean it is warm and sunny. There are beautiful beaches, palm trees and lots of things to see and do. I went on a cruise vacation with Jim soon after we were married and we really enjoyed it. Does that sound like something you two might be interested in?”

I look at Ricky and say, “It sounds like it could be fun, especially with you guys!” Ricky smiles and nods enthusiastically.

Ricky’s mom continues, “Well that’s not all. This is a special cruise.”

I cut in, “A Christmas themed cruise! I’ve heard of that.”

Ricky’s mom continues, “Well, it probably is, but there won’t be anyone dressed up as Santa or elves. This is an adult cruise, clothing optional. Or more properly, clothing is discouraged. It is a nudist cruise. The company is called ‘Bear Necessities’.”

Ricky and I sat stunned with our mouths open, contemplating what we just heard. Then I look at Ricky and he looks at me, each trying to read the other’s thoughts. Ricky’s mom comes up with some off the wall ideas. Finally, Ricky asks the first question, “So it’s going to be a boat full of old naked people with sagging tits and droopy penises?”

Ricky’s mom gives him her most reproachful look. “There will be all ages and body types. It is a no shame, no judgment zone. I want you to remember, young man, we are all getting older. You can’t expect to keep your teenage body for your whole life. If you take that attitude to its logical conclusion, you might as well say that people who are less than perfect should not be allowed to live. We should all live with dignity, up until our dying day. Especially if we are flawed, which we all are in some way.”

Ricky stares at his feet, deep in thought. After a moment’s reflection, he says “I’m sorry for my comment.”

Ricky’s mom smiles, “It’s OK to make mistakes, as long as we learn from them.”

I ask, “It’s not going to be a bunch of lecherous old men, making unwanted advances on young women? And, does it mean that people are going to be making out all over the ship and having sex and stuff?”

Ricky’s mom looks thoughtful as she replies, “I had some of the same concerns. They do not allow sexual behavior or advances in public spaces. The reviews I read are mostly positive. There are actually more women than men on these cruises. People reportedly don’t stare at you. They are friendly and respectful, for the most part. You should read up on it yourself and see how you feel about it. Oh, and everyone must wear clothes in the dining area. I think being exposed to naked people in a normalized, sex positive environment can have some positive benefits to your development. For a guy, it can desensitize you to visual stimuli and help you last longer in bed.”

I look at Ricky and he looks at me and shrugs. He says, “We’ll look into it and let you know.” And I add “Thanks for the offer.” Ricky’s mom hands us a brochure so that we can look it up and do some research.

Ricky and I spent the evening online looking at reviews about the nudist cruise and talking about what that would be like, on a cruise with no clothes. After reading the reviews, we are favorably impressed.

Later in the evening we approach Ricky’s mom. Ricky says, “We looked into the cruise and we are both game to try it. If you are serious, we would like to take you up on that vacation, if we can get approval from Lacey’s folks. We like trying new adventures and this sounds like fun. What did you have in mind for sleeping arrangements?”

She says, “We can get a cabin that accommodates all three of us. That is the most economical option. If we do that, I will get Bahis siteleri an ocean view room. Or, you and I can share a cabin and we will get another one for Lacey. If we do that they will need to be interior cabins. You and Lacey cannot share a cabin alone unless you are married or over age 21. Sorry.”

I reply, “I don’t mind sharing a cabin with you two if Ricky doesn’t mind sleeping with two naked ladies.” and I chuckle, noticing Ricky turning red.

Ricky’s mom smiles and says, “In the first place, we don’t have to be nude in our cabin unless we wish to be. Second, I don’t have a problem with you and Ricky sharing a bed in our cabin. There will be plenty of time when I can make myself scarce if you need privacy. But, I would suggest we try to dispense with the clothes and see how it goes. If at any time it doesn’t work for whatever reason, we can go back to wearing clothes. There is no rule prohibiting that on the ship.”

I say, “Sure, I’m up for it. How about you, Ricky?” He did not make eye contact with either of us, but suppressed a grin as he agreed to give it a try.

The next morning, Lacey’s dad got out of bed with a headache from the good time they had the night before at the Christmas party. He had just a few minutes before leaving for work. He grabbed a cup of coffee and headed to his office to review his security camera footage. Stimulating material is getting scarce, now that it’s cold outside. No one felt like hanging out topless on the deck with the temperatures we have been experiencing. Oh, well. It will get better in the spring. But looking at yesterday’s footage, he was surprised to see Lacey and her boyfriend had used the hot tub, and they were nude. That was really surprising since it had been so cold yesterday. They both quickly got into the water, but it was entertaining to see them scurry around outside, naked and freezing.

So it happened a couple days later, on a very cold day just before Christmas, Ricky, his mom and I boarded a plane for Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Arriving in Florida, we are pleasantly surprised to see temperatures in the mid 70’s. It is a short cab ride from the airport to the huge cruise terminal. We find ourselves among swarms of people, trying to get onto the various ships docked here, but the long lines move quickly.

Boarding the beautiful ship, there is no indication that it is to be a nude cruise. Public nudity is not allowed in the state of Florida, so we would have to wait until we got into international waters to dispense with the clothes. After checking out our stateroom, we explore the remainder of the ship. Everything is clean and modern and the decor is tasteful, if a little over the top. There is an auditorium for various shows, a fully stocked library and reading room with a panoramic view of the ocean. There is a casino, swimming pool and multiple hot tubs, a spa, a fully equipped gym, four restaurants plus snack bars and much more.

Looking around at the patrons, there is a mix of ages, though it weighs more towards middle age. As mom had said, there are more females than males. The Sail Away party is spirited with great, live music and lots of alcohol flowing. We had made the decision to go light on the alcohol on this trip, but we all had a glass of champagne to celebrate, as the massive ship slowly pulled away from the dock and out into the channel. The ultra modern skyline, with its hustle and bustle, slips away. The waves lapping against the ship sound just like waves crashing on the beach. I feel relaxed as stress slips away. Looking around the ship, it is impossible to not imagine what the various people might look like naked. I covered my mouth and giggled a couple times, drawing a puzzled look from Ricky. When I tell him about my imaginations, he admits that he is looking at people in the same way.

We attend a safety drill where we are told about emergency procedures in case this ship decides to mimic its smaller ancestor, The Titanic, whose fateful maiden voyage occurred nearly 110 years ago. They assure us that we have more than enough lifeboats and that icebergs are unheard of in the Caribbean. We just need to watch out for the sharks.

We are exploring one of the uppermost decks, when the captain blew three blasts on the fog horn, the signal that we can legally lose our clothes and expose ourselves all over the ship. Ricky and I both freeze, and wonder what to do. Looking around, we are not the only reluctant ones. It is easy to see who the first time nude cruisers are. We look on as people smile and put their clothes into handbags which they brought along for the purpose. I was beginning to think that maybe a second glass of champagne might have been a good idea. Within five minutes, more than half the people are completely naked. Quite a few more of the ladies are topless but wearing shorts.

It felt awkward to look around. What if someone would catch us looking? People might think we are perverts. If we took our own clothes off, we might be more free to peek at our shipmates. Sitting on our comfortable chairs, looking outside at the people out on the deck. Ricky and I whisper to each other about what we are seeing and wondering what we should do. A voice from behind us says, “Alright you luddites. Time to join the party.” Turning, we see Ricky’s mom smiling down at us. She is topless with just her bikini bottom on, hands on hips. As we look at her she jiggles her boobs to taunt us and laughs.

Ricky looks at me, afraid to make a move. I shrug and pull my top over my head, while Ricky shed his t-shirt. Turning my back to him I ask for help unhooking my bra. He sweeps my long hair over my shoulder and deftly unhooks my bra and slides the straps off my shoulders. He traces the back of his finger down my back, eliciting an involuntary shudder from me. Ricky says, “This should make for some great vacation pictures.”

I laugh and say, “don’t you remember the ship rules? No pictures.”

Ricky replies, “We are not allowed to take pictures of people on the ship, but we can take pictures of the scenery. And you are definitely scenery.”

Ricky’s Mom says, “Ricky. What are you waiting for? You have to take off more than your tee shirt.”

Ricky looked stricken. “I can’t! People will see that I have a boner! They will think I’m some kind of pervert. I have to somehow get my thing under control.”

Ricky’s mom chuckled, “See, I told you this would be good for you to learn control. Don’t be such a prude. You will see other boners on this ship. Some people will suspect that you are new to the nudist scene. Others will realize that you are just young and horny, just as they were as teens. Remember, this is a judgment free zone.”

That stung, being called a prude by his mother, but he realizes that she is right. Ricky let out a long sigh and took all his clothes off. He looked uncomfortable and it looked really strange, seeing him naked in a public space, even though there were lots of other naked people around. This will take some getting used to. It struck me as funny and I had to hold my hand over my mouth and giggle. Ricky’s mom just looked at him and said, “That’s real nice. You got nothing to be ashamed of.”

Speaking of Ricky’s mom, she looks amazing. This is the first time I have seen her nearly naked. Her boobs look fantastic and she seems so confident. Her belly is taught, with just the beginnings of a six-pack. She is only wearing a bikini bottom. And to think, Ricky has been sleeping with this goddess! It’s a wonder that he even looks at me!

Ricky finally says, “You know what. I feel really awkward just sitting here. How ’bout we go for a walk.”

Ricky’s mom says, “Deck five is a walking deck. We can go there and walk laps around the ship. I think seeing others and interacting with people who are used to this will help us become more acclimated and comfortable.” We decide to stop at our stateroom and leave our clothes there so we would not have to carry them. When we got there, I decided to take off my shorts and leave them in the room, since Ricky is totally naked. Seeing me get undressed, Ricky’s mom decides to join us and take everything off. I stood looking at her crotch and she stood looking at mine. It was surprising to see the similarities. Her pubes are darker than mine, and her inner labia more prominent, but we had Landing strips that are remarkably similar. I finally stammered, “You look really nice. I mean all over, not just down there, but down there looks really good, too.” What is the matter with me, stuttering like a nervous wreck.

Ricky’s mom smiles and says “You are very beautiful, too, Lacey. I was just a little surprised that you are trimmed the same way that I am.” She looked down and pulled up on her mound, to show her pussy to better effect.

Ricky just stood at the window and looked out across the sea. When we are ready to go, Ricky’s mom says, “Ricky, are you OK? You are not looking at us at all.”

Ricky turned his head towards us and said, “If I do, I’ll have to go out with a raging hard-on. I would be so embarrassed that I might jump overboard to avoid people seeing me! Either that or one of you is going to have to fuck me so I won’t be so turned on!” At that we all laugh.

So we walk laps. I feel really proud to be one of such a good looking group. We meet a lot of people. Some are sitting on lounge chairs on the deck, some are walking like we are. It is amazing. People are friendly and make eye contact. Sometimes you catch people looking down, checking us out, but that’s OK. I want to check them out, as well. It is quickly Casino siteleri becoming less and less awkward. It’s as though we are wearing clothes instead of being totally naked. We gradually became more comfortable with our nudity in response to other people’s comfort.

The deck we are walking is not wide enough for us to walk three abreast. Most of the time, Ricky’s mom walks in front of us. Her walk is something to behold. Her muscular ass is firm and round. She takes long strides and her hips swivel seductively as we move along at a brisk pace. Ricky studies her ass as we walk, and his dick shows it. He is erect enough to be at full length, but not quite stand up.

We come to a wide place on the deck where a man and woman are moving aside some chairs to make room for them to practice yoga. The woman is unrolling a mat as we approach. This arouses the interest of Ricky’s mom and we stop to chat. When they find out that Ricky’s mom practices yoga, they invite her to join them, and Rick and I move on by ourselves. On our next lap, we pass by the trio and they are gracefully going through their routine, with a small audience. We notice that the fifth deck has a huge swimming pool, and we decide to take a detour and enjoy a swim. This is so convenient, with no clothes. We can jump in any time, with very little forethought. There are fresh towels provided near the pool. It is somewhat familiar for us, since Ricky and I have been swimming together in the creek naked since we were children.

From the vantage of the pool, I feel free to look around and watch people without feeling like I am staring. There are two employees, sitting on high benches marked, ‘Lifeguard’, one on either side of the pool. One is a guy and the other a girl. They look like they are of Filipino origin, and, of course, are naked. They are two very beautiful human specimens. They are giving each other looks across the pool, smiling. Are they a couple? There is a bar at the back of the space and everyone there is naked, including the two female bartenders. The fact that everyone seems at ease affects me and makes me feel comfortable. There is a certain beauty to all the naked people. Even the elderly, who are indeed sagging, are no more repulsive than they would be if they were clothed. It is just a part of being human.

After swimming and “people watching” a while, we find that we have worked up an appetite. Ricky suggests that we get dinner, and I couldn’t agree more. Dining is one activity on this ship that requires clothing, so we head back to our stateroom to get dressed. On the way, we stop by to let Ricky’s mom know what we are doing. We find her, still engrossed in her yoga, but their group has grown to eleven people. There is a small crowd gathered to watch, and Ricky’s mom is the undisputed star. She moves with more grace, flexibility and strength than any of her peers. It makes me hot just to watch. Some of her moves places her in a position that left me wanting to go lick her pussy myself. Her clit is larger than average and stands out proudly in its hood. Her little landing strip is trimmed to perfection and the rest freshly shaved. Perhaps someday I will have an opportunity to lick it for her as I had done for Tiffany! It will be fun to take her large clit into my mouth and suck it, just like a little penis.

Ricky and I hold hands as we continue to our stateroom. Arousal has been building in me. Seeing all the naked people, swimming nude, which always makes me horny. Watching the naked yoga performance, it is all too much. My pussy is wet from thinking about what I plan to do when we get back to our stateroom. The anticipation is driving me wild. Surely we would have time for a quickie before dinner. And we won’t even have to waste time taking our clothes off!

As soon as Ricky closed the stateroom door, I turned to him and say, “oh god, I am so horny right now. I gotta have you!” With that I pull him into an embrace. My tongue stabs between his lips and into his mouth as we kiss. My tits push into Ricky’s chest. His hard cock is at attention now, and I feel it press into my lower abdomen, just above my pussy. I can feel it twitch, and it is driving me crazy. I can hardly wait to get him inside of me. As a bonus, Dr Radcliff said that I would not need a waiting period for the pill to take effect due to the time in my cycle when I began to take it. This will be our first time to make love without a pesky condom, and I can hardly wait to feel him cum inside of me!

As we separate from our embrace, I say, “Let’s fuck now, before your mother gets here. I need you inside me right now.” I back Ricky to an ottoman at the foot of the bed and he sits down. I straddle him and began to squat over him, taking his erect member in my hand to guide it home. I give it a few strokes to get his engine reved a little more. Then I lower myself down onto his shaft. I am so slick and wet that there is no resistance as he slips deep inside me. The feeling of fullness is exquisite. His dick feels a little different, bareback, and I like it! I had been dreaming of this all day. Since I am sitting on his legs, he is able to kiss and suck my titties. I am so excited I pushed them into his face as he kisses first one, then the other twin. He also caresses and lightly pinches my nipples. He really knows how to push my buttons.

Being on top, I am in control. I begin by rocking fore and aft, grinding into my clit. Then I slide up and down on his rod, rotating my hips while doing so to make contact with my g-spot. Ricky gasps, “Lacey, you are so tight! So soft and velvety.” We accelerate the pace and he meets my plunges with his thrusts, my pussy making sloppy, wet sounds. All too soon, I feel his dick jumping in my pussy and I feel an exquisite warmth deep inside from his jets of hot sperm. The feeling of him squirting inside of me is fantastic. The thought enters my mind that this is how it is supposed to be. I cannot help thinking about all the little spermies, swimming around inside of me. It gives me a special, warm feeling inside. Our thrusting slowed gradually until we both stopped, panting. Ricky holds me tight in his embrace. I was thinking about getting up, when Ricky stands up, with me in his arms. He turns and lays my body across our bed. Moving between my legs, he opens them and I feel his deposit run out of me. As it happens Ricky’s jeans lay on the bed under me and prevents us from soiling the bed. Ricky begins to stroke the inside of my legs as he moves up to lick my clit and labia. Then he reaches up and massages my breasts with his hands, and at the same time, he skillfully flicks my clit with his tongue. It doesn’t take long before my body begins to tremble and I feel an earthquake inside of me. The release is so intense, it leaves me shaken and spent and my need fully satiated.

Ricky lay beside me on the bed, panting, in our post-coital glow. He runs the palm of his hand lightly up and down my belly. It makes me think of Ricky’s mom and her six pack. At a time like that, you feel so close, so vulnerable. You feel safe, like you can say anything. I turn to Ricky and say, “Your mother is gorgeous. I had no idea she had muscles like she does. And her clit is huge. It’s almost like a miniature dick. It must be at least three quarters of an inch long! It’s a wonder to me that you even want to be with me.”

At this, Ricky turns on his side toward me and says, “Look at you, Lacey, you are beautiful. I feel so lucky to be with you and to be loved by you. But, it’s more than that. We have a special connection. There is no one who understands me like you do. I love every minute that we spend together. I could never take you for granted. Don’t you remember, you’re my soulmate?”

At that I pull him in and embrace him. I feel like I want to pull him right into me. I tease, “if that’s so, then why are you so flaccid?”

Ricky grimaces, “Oh, him. Well, I think he’s pumped out about everything that he has to offer. And he is a traitor. He’s always getting hard when I don’t want him to, and then when I need him, he is a no show. I am trying to train him, but he is so unruly.” We both have a laugh.

“Why do you speak about your dick in the third person like that?” I tease.

“Because he seems to have a mind of his own. And he gets embarrassed when we talk about him. Anyway, we should get ready for dinner. I expect mom will be here soon.” With that we get up to get ready for the evening.

The showers in these cruise ships are tiny. There is no way to get two people into them, so I shower first. Then, while Ricky showers, I work at getting dressed. I am wearing a low cut evening dress. Since this is a nudist cruise, I am taking the liberty of going braless and without panties. No panty line for me! My nipples can be seen through the thin material, if the light is right. The look would be scandalous if this were not a nudist ship. Just as I am finishing up my makeup, Ricky’s mom arrives. Ricky steps out of the bathroom, just as she walks into the stateroom. She scans him, up and down his body, and the longing in her eye is unmistakable. He gives her a chaste kiss on her lips in greeting. Ricky’s mom is probably experiencing sexual tension on this cruise just as I have felt. It would be nice if I could give her and Ricky some alone time together to make sure her needs are met. With that in mind, I went online and booked a massage at the spa for the hour immediately after dinner.

Ricky’s mom donnes a short wrap around kimono style dress with a tie belt at the waist. She has her brunette hair done in a bun on top of her head and Deneme bonusu resembles a Japanese Geisha. Ricky dresses up in nice black slacks with a black turtleneck shirt. We make our way to the dining room, a lady on each of Ricky’s arms. Dinner is delicious. Ricky has a steak, Ricky’s mom and I have the grilled salmon. Ricky’s mom’s kimono is open enough to provide tantalizing peeks of her beautiful breasts, including occasional peeks at the outer edges of her areola. Her long legs are on display and crossed seductively . She and Ricky stole looks at each other over dinner. The electricity in the air is palpable. She flirts with her son shamelessly. She licks her lips, throws her hair over her shoulder, lowers her eyelids as she speaks to him, and touches him as much as she can. I learn a lot from watching her work. She is a master of the art of seduction. From the way that Ricky is responding, it is apparent that she is effective with him. This is practically public foreplay without being gross.

I slip away after dinner and head to my appointment with the spa. The receptionist bows to me in the Oriental tradition. She checks my appointment, then introduces me to Aranya, my masseuse. She is a petite girl from Thailand, who speaks accented English. She is naked, but with a towel around her waist. Her skin is a lovely bronze color and her areola are dark with prominent nipples. Her breasts are smallish, but high and well formed. The room is tastefully decorated, with Asian flowers and bamboo. It is warm and smells of lavender. Calming flute music plays, perhaps of Oriental origin. She has me lay, face down, on her table. Pouring warm massage oil over my back, legs and buttocks she begins to work it into my skin. Her small hands are amazingly powerful, kneading my skin and muscles. Ricky has given me massages before, but I have never had a professional massage. It is very relaxing but, surprisingly, also super erotic. I feel a tingle all over my body, especially in my lady parts. I think that Aranya noticed, because of my low moans and the fact that my breath is coming quicker and more labored. I can feel my arousal building and I am afraid I might cum right there on her massage table. I bit my lip, hoping that if I came, I might be quiet and discreet about it.

Aranya asks “Would you like to turn over so that I can do your front side?”

I roll over, face up, and place my hands at my side. “Yes, please, ” I said. I would like that very much.”

Then she grins and asks conspiratorially, “We don’t usually ask this on the cruise ship, but I thought you might like a ‘happy ending?’ We do that sometimes at my mother’s shop in Bangkok.”

“I smile up at her and say, “Yes, indeed. That sounds lovely.” She smiles and I think that she seems very pleased to be able to do this for me. She dropped the towel and stood beside me completely nude. “You look very nice,” I say. “Can I touch your breasts?”

Now she really looks pleased, “Yes ma’am. Touch anything you like.” I run my finger along the bottom of her breast, moving up to her nipple. I can feel the little bumps on her areola around her nipple. Her nipple protrudes even more, so I grasp it between my thumb and finger. She smiles broadly, but remains stoic. I bring my hand down her side, to her hip and reach around back and grab a handful of her ass cheek and give it a firm squeeze. Then I return my hands to my side, and give a little nod, letting her know that she should proceed.

Aranya brings two flat, smooth river stones out of a heater box and places one over each of my nipples. They are so warm that I can barely stand it. I close my eyes and after a moment, they cool a little and I become acclimated to the heat. The sensation makes my pussy tingle with excitement. She pours more warm oil over my belly and the front of my legs. She begins to knead the front of my calves, working up my thighs. Opening my legs, she moves down the inside of my thighs. Working her way back up, she nudges my pussy firmly with the back of her hand, then she repeats the same process for the other leg.

I so want her to stick a finger inside my pussy, but instead she moves to my belly and begins to massage that area. She works up to the bottom of my breasts, then removed the rocks. “You have very nice breasts, “She comments. ” I wish mine were that size. Your’s are perfect. Do you have a boyfriend?” She asks.

“Yes,” I answer. “His name is Ricky.”

“Very lucky man,” she says. “Will he mind what we are doing? I won’t tell.”

Laughing, I say “He won’t mind, although he would probably like to watch us.” Aranya kneads my breasts carefully, watching me for my reaction. I look down so I can watch her skilled hands at work. She pushes them together. Applying more warm oil to my breasts and goes to work on my nipples. Then she works on my arms, massaging out the tension from deep within my muscles. By now I am gyrating my hips, so close to cumming. She takes a lubricated finger, slowly tracing it down my slit. I open my legs wide, in the way of encouragement. She traces the area between my outer and inner lips, then circling my clit. I thrust my hips into her, needing more. She moves faster in response, and applies more pressure. Finally, she inserts two fingers deep inside me, making me gasp aloud. She started thrusting, in and out, with her fingertips along the top somehow knowing right where my G-spot is. Her hand is now sloppy with my juices. In less than a minute, I feel my orgasm build to a crescendo, boiling over into spasms, from deep within my abdomen.

Meanwhile, Ricky’s mom decides to take advantage of the opportunity, having Ricky to herself. After the flirtation and teasing she had done during dinner, she noticed Ricky’s slacks becoming tight in the groin area. With Lacey occupied at the spa, she rises from the table, taking him by the hand and hurries to our stateroom. Once inside, she closes the door and begins to undress Ricky. She had never undressed him before. Taking her time, she runs a finger down his chin, his arm and his belly. She kisses his chest, while rubbing a finger over his nipples. When he stood before her naked, she took her own clothes off, which only took a moment, since she only had on the kimono. She squats down to plant a kiss on the head of his penis, then took the tip into her mouth. Swirling her tongue around the tip, then removing it from her mouth. She gently stroked and caressed it, then repeated the process.

Ricky’s mom correctly assumed that he and Lacey had sex earlier in the evening, so she would have more time before he built to a climax. They lay together in bed, kissing, laughing and talking. They explore each other’s bodies as if this were the first time that they had been together. Ricky tells his mother how beautiful she is, how graceful she looked doing yoga, and how he had wanted her throughout the afternoon. She is so glad that they have this time together alone.

Back in the massage room, I am spent from a very happy ending to my massage. I actually dozed off, laying on my back on the table, and Aranya quietly left the room, dimming the lights for me. I gradually surface from my nap, feeling rested and refreshed. It took a moment to remember where I was and what had happened. Slipping to my feet, I make my way out of the massage room. Aranya is sitting on a chair at the reception desk with a towel around her waist again, awaiting the next appointment. I say, “Thank you so much, Aranya. You were great. Do you do men? I mean the happy ending?”

She smiles broadly, “Oh yes. To my special customers, that is. You want me to service your boyfriend?”

“Yeah. Well maybe. I will speak to him about it. If he wants to come, can I watch?” I ask.

She says, “Yes, of course. You have good evening, ma’am. Thanks for coming.” I laugh at the unintended, double entendre.

I want to allow plenty of time for Ricky and his mom, so I stop by the pool for a swim and a soak in the hot tub.

Back in the stateroom, Ricky and his mom take their time in foreplay. Ricky’s mom is flushed, fully aroused and her orgasm is eminent. “OK, Ricky. I need you inside me. Please fill me up.”

He is poised over her, using his soft mushroom head to rub her clit, making her moan. She is so close to orgasm, she grabbed his dick, guiding it in. He pushes in half way, paused, then began to thrust. She constricted her kegel muscles, grabbing onto his dick, increasing the friction on his shaft. This brings her such intense sensations deep inside that she is soon pushed over the edge and she experiences La petite mort, known as ‘the little death’. Ricky’s mom can get a little noisy during such occasions, and she does not disappoint. Her moans and cries are sure to be heard by the neighbors next door, if any are in their stateroom. Perhaps it will inspire someone else to action.

The extra friction from the strong kegel muscles is not lost on Ricky. The physical stimulation, the elation from knowing that he is making his mother cum, and her cries and moans all conspire together to cause him to erupt for the second time that day. When they are spent, they lay, still joined together, panting and sweating. Finally, Ricky drags his slack member out of his mother and he lies beside her. “Wow” he says. “I don’t remember any announcement about the fireworks display on this ship today.”

Ricky’s mom gets in the shower, and Ricky waits his turn. While waiting, he falls asleep laying on top of his bed. His mother does not want to wake him, so she slips out of the room quietly. That is how I found him. I knew immediately that his mother had been successful. It makes me feel good to have given this to them. I lay my naked body down, next to Ricky on the bed. We lay hip to hip, and I revel in the knowledge that I have the best lover ever!

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