The Spider and The Fly


For the past 12 years I’ve spent every summer vacation on the same Greek island and often at the same hotel; ‘The Caspian’. I’ve got an infamous reputation in the local village for bedding single girls. This reputation amuses the hotel staff. They’ve witnessed my failures and my success rate is a lot lower than those who live and work outside the hotel’s terracotta-coloured walls would believe.

My good friend Felix, who runs my favourite tavern, only sees the promising candidates. Felix smiles, nods and laughs as I joyfully explain to him that my beautiful young dinner guest is my sister’s girl, come to visit me for the summer. I wink conspiratorially at my lover-to-be. She will laugh and shyly nod at Felix. By her silence she implicates herself in the lie and creates a subtle bond between us. Felix greets her warmly as the family of his good friend. He also makes a mental note to chide me later that he has already met nine of my nieces this summer.

He’ll laugh, “What kind of woman is your sister? She breeds like a rabbit!”

Truth be told, my seduction technique is rather crude. What I have in my favour is time, plenty of cash and a thick skin.

The island is a paradise on earth. White beaches, predictably hot weather and sapphire waters. Within a week of arriving under its azure skies, pale, geeky young women are transformed into Athenian goddesses. They’re only too aware of the transformation and the realisation of their new-found beauty is linked to a freedom from inhibition that led them to undress and bask in the sun’s warming rays. Towards the end of their stay, they’re conscious of the impending return to their former Cinderella state. This realisation of the ephemerality of their beauty is often sufficient to guarantee me a reasonable return when I shower them with compliments on their last night.

This summer is no different. I’ve had over ten ‘last night, last dance’ liaisons already. You might think this would leave me a little jaded, but nothing could be further from the truth. The possibility of me being publically embarrassed by a misinterpreted advance or the very real danger of an angry relative looking to strangle my scrawny neck always adds to the excitement of the chase.

I’ve taken to block booking the best room each summer. One of the two penthouse apartments – fully equipped with an infinity pool and Jacuzzi. The effect of exposing my impressionable young female visitors to such a luxury is worth every cent.

Getting ready to go down to the bar in the late evening has become a ritual. Just as a minor league sportsman who loses more often than he wins but still wears his “lucky” charms, I always have my jet black hair gelled back. I wear a silk shirt, which is always a dark primary colour and open to the navel. My underwear is white and way too tight. I like to drift into the bar around 10:30 when the young kids are being rounded up and dragged off to their beds and the older ones are getting ready to dance and sneak a drink somewhere quiet away from their parents’ prying eyes.

This evening while scanning the seating areas it didn’t take me long to find the perfect mark; a girl sitting straight across from me and chatting to the deeply tanned grandmother on her right side. This girl was something else. Latino looking with naturally bronzed skin, dark, round as saucer, obsidian eyes and black hair that fell in ringlets around her gorgeously softly rouged cheeks. Her summer dress, a tie-dyed brown Indian cotton was held against her body by shoestring shoulder ties. Despite the looseness of the dress, I can see her full breasts move unrestrained as she leaned further over to listen to what the old lady was saying.

I stared at her figure for far too long. When I looked up she was looking straight into my eyes and looking a little startled by this old guy ogling at her breasts. Fortunately, she didn’t get up and walk away. Instead she delicately moved her locks away from her ear and leaned towards her grandmother to listen to hear natter. As she leaned forward, her breasts fell together and I glimpsed white skin the edge of her breasts were briefly exposed at the side of the dress.

Seeing that their glasses were full, I moved away from the bar area. Returning half an hour later, it was a nice to see that it was still just the two of them and they were finishing off their drinks.

I glided through the laughing groups of all different nationalities, which now crowded the bar area and introduced myself.

“Good evening ladies. I’m Don. I hope you are having a pleasant evening,” I said placing my near empty drink on the table between theirs. I sat in the unoccupied seat facing them and beamed at the old lady giving her my full attention.

“Yes thank you dear. Are you part of the entertainment staff? I didn’t see you on stage earlier,” she said looking a little confused.

“No. But I do know this place pretty well. I love it here. It’s a beautiful island don’t you think?”

The old lady smiled coyly and said she was a bit old for walking great distances, but Leah her granddaughter – nodding at the goddess opposite me – had been down to the beach a couple of times. “You thought it was lovely didn’t you dear?” she gamely tried to bring the shy young woman into the conversation.

I didn’t trust myself to look to Leah for her reply. My eyes would have fallen upon 30D breasts, bobbing unrestrained beneath the flimsy dress as she nodded in agreement.

“Well I can recommend a great little tour firm. They can take you to some of the best preserved ancient ruins on the island in the morning and have you back, poolside at the hotel before lunch. Don’t book through the hotel, they get far too much commission,” I smiled, looking around furtively for effect.

The old dear laughed and thanked me. I looked at my glass and stood up. “I’ll get you ladies a drink. Is that a gin and tonic for you errrr?” I smiled at her.

“Oh Marjorie please. And yes, a gin and tonic would be lovely,” said Marjorie as she crossed her ankles and rocked, smiling up at me quite adoringly. I do have a way with the older ladies.

“And you Leah? A vodka and coke?” I said acknowledging her for the first time.

“Oh no, just a coke for Leah. She needs to look after me,” Marjorie interjected a little too abruptly for Leah’s street cred I think. I smiled encouragingly at Leah who smiled back innocently at me. As I stood, I allowed myself a quick glimpse down the front of Leah’s body before making my way to the bar to order a beer, a very large gin and tonic and a coke with a splash of vodka.

“Cheers!” our glasses came together in unison and we laughed as I sat down and began to tell Marjorie about the island. I grinned briefly at Leah as she took her first sip and she smiled back enjoying her drink.

I made my way to the bar a couple more times before Marjorie patted Lea’s arm and asked be taken up to bed. I tried to avert my eyes as Leah stood and then leaned over to help her grandmother up. That girl could not have been wearing panties under that dress. Her ass was perfect. The thin cotton of her dress clung so close between her ass cheeks as she leaned over to take her grandmother’s weight on her slim arm.

Leah turned and caught me looking.

“Could you help me take her back to the room?” she asked a little embarrassed that her grandmother was having some difficulty standing.

“Yes of course,” I said, getting up.

I stood on the opposite side to Leah and together we gently raised Marjorie out of her seat.

Marjorie patted my arm and thanked me quietly, looking up adoringly into my eyes as she told me how nice I was. Her voice slightly slurred. Thankfully, Leah was also smiling as we made our way out of the bar and towards the elevator.

The elevator was small but mirrored on every wall to give the illusion of space. As I could see Marjorie’s eyes were flicking and I was beginning to take more of her weight on my arms, so I took the opportunity to study Leah in the mirror.

Leah was about 5’3 with the most gorgeously wide eyes. I held her glance in the mirror for a few seconds before making a deliberate show of moving my eyes to take in her breasts, her stomach, her hips and her legs. As the elevator clicked its way up from floor to floor, so my eyes flicked from the line of her hips, her breasts, shoulders and neck on upwards to her face again. Leah stared impassively at me then planted her heels much further apart on the elevator floor to allow her to take the weight of her grandmother who was now dozing quietly between us.

Once in the corridor, Leah took her grandmother’s key card from her bag and used it to open the door. The room was considerably smaller than my penthouse. It was surprising to see clothes scattered across the floor. The untidiness of the room made it appear smaller still.

“Her room is just through here,” Leah said, hauling Marjorie into a tiny room off to the right. With so little floor space it was quite difficult to turn her round and place her on the bed. I stood back as Leah bent over to lower Marjorie onto the bed and place the sleeping old lady’s her head gently on the pillow.

“Getting a good view?” said Leah. Leaning over her sleeping grandmother and undoing her blouse.

I was of course taking in the majesty of Leah’s perfectly rounded ass. I took Leah’s words as a come on – whether or not that was her intention – and reached out to stroke her ass.

Leah stopped undressing her grandmother and turned to look at me over her shoulder smiling sexily, the coy young girl seemingly left in the corridor outside. “Go wait for me through there. I won’t be a minute,” she said, biting her bottom lip, “You can get started if you like”.

I patted her ass and stood up straight. Grinning like the cat that’s got the cream I took one more look at that gorgeous young woman’s body before moving into the lounge area.

The tiny lounge area was dominated an opened sofa bed. Marjorie’s room was immaculately tidy by comparison. Bikini’s, dresses, thongs and D cup bras in luminous colours were scattered across the bed sheets and the floor. They were soon joined by my own clothes. I began to undress at a frantic pace, diving under the covers lest this gorgeous young creature catch sight of my less than immaculate older body in the harsh neon lighting.

In the moments before Leah emerged, I surprised myself at how nervous I had become waiting obediently in her unmade bed as instructed.

Still in her heels, Leah walked into the lounge with a confidence that was nowhere in evidence earlier. She looked down at me and slowly reached down to take hold the hem of her short dress.

“You like looking at my legs don’t you?” she said as she gently lifted the hem further up her smooth, tanned thighs, “You’re wondering whether I bothered to put on panties aren’t you?” she held her hem at the tops of her thighs, “What have you got to show me?”

I slowly pushed down the white sheet to expose my long, thin erection.

“Good boy!” she exclaimed teasingly. Leah reached down and lifted my cock in her slim fingers. She felt its weight and gave it a quick friendly shake.

Leah laughed loudly and I giggled in nervous excitement. This girl was going to be a lot of fun and all the more exciting for having Lea’s granny sleeping soundly in the next room.

Leah reached into her suitcase and drew out a thin blue cotton sarong.

“I’m a bit shy. Would you mind if I blindfolded you?” a mock winsome smile played across her lips.

My cock sprang up and danced at the thought.

“You can tie me up and whip me if you like,” I joked, eager to get going.

“Oh good” she said and dropped her hands to her lap, “No whipping I promise, but I’d love to have you … Restrained.”

“Be my guest,” I said, making a confident show of reaching back to place my hands on the sofa bed’s arm rest. In truth, I’d never let a partner tie and blindfold me before.

As she leaned over me holding the makeshift blindfold, the warmth of Lea’s sweet perfume became intoxicatingly heady. Her heavy breasts, still encased in thin cotton grazed over my nose and mouth as she wrapped the sarong around my head, covering my eyes.

After a moment’s silence I felt my right arm being secured to the arm rest with a rough towelling cloth. A piece of satin was used to tie my left arm.

I wasn’t left in the silent darkness for very long. Leah’s hands once again took my erection between her slim fingers and repeated the earlier movement. Sliding down to the hilt and then shaking it. The shaking continued this time and the head of my penis repeatedly glanced her soft, yielding skin. What I could only imagine was my new lover’s soft breasts. I groaned. The isolation and silence allowed me to focus on the sensations and my cock’s reaction to these sensations.

And then there it was; a soft, wet warmth that enveloped my cockhead. Her sweet tongue was soon wrapped around the underside of my cock. Warm saliva dripped down my shaft in slow rolling rivulets before pooling around my ball sacks. I was in heaven. My hips bucked upwards to meet my lover’s warm tender mouth, desperate to feed my eager cock deeper into her oral embrace.

Leah must have placed herself above me and facing my feet because I could feel her scanty clothing softly dragging over my tensed torso. I would have loved to caress and coax her ass to move further down my torso and ride me until she squealed. But it was Leah’s game and I was enjoying her expert blow job technique far too much to risk trying to take control. I was also partially in shock at the expert way she teased and played my manhood like a concert flautist.

She held my cock firmly at its base with her right hand, the foreskin drawn-back as far as it could go my cock was held stiff and the rise of any urge to shoot a mouthful of semen into her pretty mouth could be stifled with a swift tightening of her grip around its base and a slap of the head against her flattened tongue. This she did countless times, each time allowing a few seconds of tightened grip to quell the rising cum before she began to roll her tongue around the glans once more.

Another illustration of this girls surprising expertise was the pressure she put on the pee-hole with the stiffened sharp tip of her tongue. The feeling was overwhelming. Like she was trying to enter me with her tongue.

The repetition of circular and pointed tongue work, inevitably followed by the rise of cum in the shaft and the sudden grip applied to the base of my shaft left me thrashing like a mad-man on the bed. Suddenly she shifted sideways and placed a hand on my beating chest with a “sh-sh-sh-sh-sh” sound to calm me. I was in complete ecstasy and under her complete control.

As the urge to ejaculate began to subside once more the grip on my penis was released momentarily as Leah moved position. I could feel the gentle brush of her summer dress on either side of my naked thighs. My penis has held at its’ base and drawn forward and perpendicular to my body. Gripped like an Olympic torch. The prize!

And then came the feeling of her soft inner thighs, touching my flanks. The movement of the mattress as she raised herself over my cock told me Leah was now going to take her pleasure. Now she was ready to use it, to cum hard using it and I felt proud to be the one servicing her.

She didn’t slide onto my cock. She plunged down onto it, her full weight – and a little more force than I’d expected if I’m honest – driving down on the cockhead. I was a little disappointed that I hadn’t got Leah as wet as I’d hoped. The walls of her vagina dragged a little over the tip of my penis. At least my cockhead was a bit less sensitive following her earlier ministrations.

If Leah wasn’t wet yet, I was going to make damn sure she was dripping by the time I shot my seed inside her. I bucked my hips to meet her downward pressure and forced every last quarter inch of my rock hard cock deep inside her.

The gasp that met my thrust was very satisfying, I have to admit. Her left hand was planted down firmly on my chest and her right hand moved behind her back to grasp my balls, urging me in a deep growl to, “Do that again”.

With a squeeze of the nut bag for encouragement I proceeded to fuck her hard with a rapid gunfire of upward thrusts. Throwing her around like a cowgirl making her grip my chest hair so tightly that her nails dug into my skin and some hairs were torn away. I didn’t care. I knew how to make a woman scream. I was soon in a rhythm that had her literally bouncing on my cock. Each bounce releasing a deep guttural yelp from deep within her. Leah’s pants and yelps were deeper than I imagined her petite frame could produce.

The cloth and silk binds dug deep into my wrists as I attempted to leverage my entire body to maximise the depth and speed of each thrust. Her body now slumped forward a little, her full weight now landing on top of me at the end of each thrust. She must have been thrown around like a rag doll because the weight of her body slamming down onto mine and the whelps and gasps emitted from deep within her with every thrust were so much more animalistic than I had imagined possible.

Of course this just encouraged me to up the pace. Although I was bound and blindfolded I clearly had control of her body now. Even tied to the bed I had mastered her. The feeling was incredible. I could feel she was completely lost in ecstasy somewhere above me, her grip long loosened from my balls and now both hands on my chest holding herself steady to receive each new brutal thrust.

The satisfaction I felt was overwhelming. I could feel my cum rise once more and she was powerless to control it. I was going to drive my seed deep within her and she was going to love it.

With what remaining energy I had I shook my head and could feel the makeshift blindfold begin to fall away.

The room was much more harshly lit than I remembered. I’d pushed my head back to add power to my upward thrusts so I was staring at the ceiling as the blindfold dropped beneath my eyelids. Perfectly manicured rose pink fingernails peeled the blindfold away completely.

Above me, bathed in sweat and stretching her nipples out as far as they could possibly go was Marjorie. Marjorie! Fuck the old lady was riding my cock! I kicked and tried to buck her off me but that only served to drive my still hard cock into Leah’s granny another inch deeper. She screamed with pleasure.

“Oh Don. You’re the best piece of fucking young cock I’ve had in a long time. You really know how to fuck a woman hard don’t you my boy?” said Marjorie, who was how rubbing her clitty and grinding her hips down onto my shaft, keeping up the friction between our bodies, keeping my member hard.

“Leah?” I said looking around.

“Leah’s a prostitute Don. A rather pretty one don’t you think? And young too. We both like them young don’t we Donny boy?” Marjorie said, her fingers were jigging her fat pussy lips deep between what was left of the wispy white hairs than barely covered her old pussy.

Marjorie lifted the slight sag in her belly with one hand and raised herself slightly to show me how my still hard cock was pleasuring her. “Oh. Still so hard for me Don. You’ve got an old lady so fucking wet you good, naughty boy,” with that, Marjorie plunged down again onto me, squashing my balls flat with the force of her broad ass’ landing.

She leaned forward and then moved her hips up and down with a rapidity I would never have expected, even for a woman half her age. “Oh that is so fucking good Don. You’re so hard for me,” she panted. Marjorie’s long saggy tits dragged over my chest before she lifted one breast and pushed her long, rubbery nipple into my mouth to suck.

I duly did suck.

And I fucked her. I met her rapid fire thrusts with thrusts of my own. Sucking and biting on Marjorie’s nipple as I attempted to punish her for fooling me and succeeding only in extracting deeper pleasure from her old body.

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