The Twins Leila and Sarah

Cock Ring

Warnings: This is a long story that involves group sex, swapping partners, and a brief lesbian scene, as well as a short episode of non consensual incest. It could have been placed in group sex, or erotic couplings, or in exhibitionism. I chose exhibitionism.


Leila had a long commute to work. She lived in deep Brooklyn and took the Number 5 train into Manhattan. She began at the end of the line, at the Flatbush stop, and she always sat in the very last car of the ten-car long train. Leila had noticed that as the train gradually filled up and got crowded, usually very crowded, the last car always was the least crowded.

Leila typically brought a book to read during her commute, which lasted a little less than an hour. She continued up to Grand Central Station, where she got off and walked to the office building where she worked. She was a creature of habit, at least as far as her commute was concerned.

Derek had a similar situation, and he boarded the train at the second to last stop, namely Newkirk Avenue. Unlike Leila, he picked any car to sit in, more or less at random. However, he got off the train at Union Square, since he worked at a high-tech office close to that stop. Union Square is one stop before Grand Central, since the 5 train is an express train.

Derek usually did not bring a book to read. Instead he looked at the pretty office workers, always sharply dressed, who rode the trains along with him. He liked to imagine dating them, but he lacked the courage ever to approach one of them. Besides, often the women sported rings with rocks the size of Gibraltar on their ring fingers of their left hands. Derek was single, and he wanted a single woman. The subway was not the place to find his true love, but it was a nice place to fantasize. And fantasize he did.

Derek had developed methods of not being too obvious while he stared at the women. In the tunnels, one often had reflections of some of the passengers in the windows, and Derek would study those, rather than looking directly at the women themselves. Nobody seemed to mind him doing that.

The various women were of course quite different, one from the other. Derek reasoned that each woman knew her strengths and her flaws, at least as it concerned appearance. If she had good legs, she would sport short skirts. If she had large (but not too large) boobs, she would show some cleavage. Usually it was just a tease, but some ladies would offer a generous display. If the woman had a cute butt, she would wear tight skirts, or very tight jeans. Yoga pants were also possible, and much appreciated, Derek thought.

This was all fun to notice and to appreciate. The way Derek thought about it, some people like to go to a museum and look at the wonderful paintings, with the different styles of the great artists that humanity has enjoyed over the last millennia. For him, the women riding the subway train constituted his museum, and the ever-changing display of humanity on its way to work was a joy to behold.

Derek also noticed that some women were shy about their bodies, some less shy, and some really liked dressing to attract the attention of men like Derek. Derek loved them all.

It was a Monday when, just by chance, Derek entered the very last car of the Number 5 train. There at the end of the car sat Leila, already deeply engrossed in a novel. Leila favored trashy romance novels, and she had the third Breathless book, Burn, by one of her favorite authors, Maya Banks. Leila was not the type to call attention to herself, but she did not have to do so. She was so pretty, in a demure and seductive way (at least for Derek’s taste) that she was captivating, no matter how she was dressed.

Derek knew it was not unusual for women commuters to read novels during their commutes. He liked it, because often they did not notice his wandering eyes, as he would focus on them, undressing them in his mind, or imagining having an affair with them. Leila was dressed to slightly emphasize her legs, but Derek instantly knew that she was the entire package: legs, boobs, and ass. Layla had a body to die for. Best of all, she had a pretty face to go with her body, and a twinkle in her eye as she read her novel.

Derek did not know what the book was; he could not see. But he liked how absorbed she was in reading it: Here was a woman who used her intellect the old-fashioned way. The book was even a real book: No Kindles involved! And she was not playing a game on her iPhone, nor was she catching up on her sleep while sitting in front of strangers. This pretty woman, with her perfect body, pretty face framed by healthy, luscious hair, was Derek’s dream woman.

There were no rings on her fingers. Indeed, he could see no jewelry at all. Her hair might hide earrings, and perhaps she wore a cross around her neck, but from his line of sight he could not tell.

The next day Derek boarded the train as usual, but this time he made a point of choosing the last car. There at the end of the car sat his dream girl. He longed to know her name. But türkçe bahis he knew that was not possible. They rode in silence, neither acknowledging the other in correct subway commuter etiquette, until Derek left the train at the Union Square station.

Derek now always sat in the last car. Occasionally Leila would not be there. Gradually he realized she must have been in the previous or the subsequent train. Derek modified his behavior: When the first train came to the station, he would check the last car to see if Leila were there; if she was, he would enter. If Leila were not in the train, he would wait for the next train. The trains ran around 8 minutes apart. Derek thought it was not too long to wait for a girl like Leila.

The two, Derek and Leila, continued silently to share the space of the last car of one of the early (circa 6:30am) trains every working day for at least six weeks. Every day Derek studied Leila, usually by looking at her reflection in the train’s windows, rather than directly at Leila.

A key moment arrived when at Union Square, the stop for Derek, Leila dropped her book. Derek suspected she did it intentionally. Quick as a bunny, he raced over and picked it up for her. He was rewarded with a smile, a shy look of thanks, and a wonderful look down her blouse.

His memory of Leila’s smile kept Derek going for days. The memory of her perfect breasts, lovingly encased in a minimalist lace bra, also kept him going.

The second key moment came when Leila left the train at the Brooklyn Bridge stop, the last stop before Union Square on the express trains. This was unprecedented, and Derek was puzzled. He reasoned she had an appointment downtown or something, and when done, she would continue to work. As she left, she walked by Derek and squeezed his hand around a note. She then quickly left as the train’s doors closed.

Leila had felt tremendous pressure from her mother to have a serious boyfriend. Her mother thought at 25 she was too old to still be single. So, Leila had lied, claiming to have one. She had to give details, and she had used Derek, her silent admirer from the subway, as the proxy for her boyfriend when giving descriptions. Describing the nonexistent sex they had to her sister was more of a challenge. Good thing that Leila had a creative streak a mile wide. Now she had to visit her mother and sister, and worse, to bring her nonexistent boyfriend with her.

Derek sat there, mesmerized by the touch of this woman’s soft, angelic hands. He tried to bottle the feeling of her hand on his, to remember it always. Their first touch. Finally, as the train pulled into Union Square, Derek opened his hand and read the note.

Leila had left the train at Brooklyn Bridge. She waited on the platform, and she took the very next train, so as not to be late for work. The entire reason she had left the train at the Brooklyn Bridge stop was to give Derek the note.

The note said the following: “Derek: Call me tonight, please, after 9pm. Leila, 718-555-7268.” Derek stared at the note. Her name was Leila. He was going to speak with her! Then he began to get panicked. How did she know his name? How did she know he was interested in her? Maybe she was going to tell him to stop stalking her? Maybe she would say stop or she’ll call the police?

When he calmed down, after a quick Xanax, he realized that one time coming home he had forgotten to remove his ID, which the new security in his building requires him to wear at all times. She must have seen it, in “their” last car on the train. Often, they took different trains home, as his quitting time was somewhat random, but occasionally they would be together in the last car. Yes, it must be that!

He could not wait until 9pm! He was too excited to eat dinner. He was not at all prepared for what she might say. He would get to hear her voice, too! They had yet to speak to each other, of course. What exactly was going on?

Derek called precisely at 9pm. Here is how the phone call went:

L: “Hello? This is Leila.”

D: “Hi Leila. This is Derek. I got your note of course, and I am calling you, as you asked.”

L: “Thank you. I know you’ve been noticing me on the subway, and I’ve been noticing you, too. You are a quite handsome man.”

D: “I am? Well, I’m glad you think so. I think you are beautiful.”

L: “You’re making me blush, but thank you. Look, I’ll get right to it. I have a favor to ask, and of course you should feel free to say no. It’s completely inappropriate and I am embarrassed to ask it of you.”

D: “If I can help you, Leila, I’ll be happy to. I feel almost as if we are friends.”

L: “It’s a big favor, and totally inappropriate. I apologize in advance for asking.”

D: “No need. No worries. I’ll do what I can.”

L: “Okay, here it is. Next weekend I am going to visit my parents. It’s complicated, but they think I have a serious boyfriend. I don’t, and in fact I have never had one. Not a serious one, that is. I need to bring a boyfriend. I want to ask you to pretend to iddaa siteleri be my boyfriend. It’s for an entire three-day weekend. This is so embarrassing!” Leila started to cry.

D: “Sweet Leila. Please don’t cry. I can’t bear to hear you cry.” Derek noticed Leila had a sexy low voice. If she sang, she would be an alto. Maybe even a contralto?

L: “There’s not much time. Could you give me an answer tomorrow?”

D: “I can give you one now. The answer is yes.”

L: “There’s more, too. Can we go out tomorrow night? Get to know each other a bit? I need this to be convincing. Also, can you pretend to be Jewish? I told my parents my boyfriend is Jewish. I am so sorry to ask so much!”

D: “Yes to all. And I am in fact Jewish, at least on my mother’s side. I even had a Bar Mitzvah, long ago.”

L: “Oh Derek! You are my hero! And anyway, all my parents care about is your mother’s side! I already cannot wait for our date. I really want to get to know you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Leila began to cry again, this time not from shame, but from relief.

D: “When and where shall I pick you up? I can take you to dinner. Then for drinks.”

Leila suggested they meet at Union Square, near the statue of George Washington on horseback. They agreed to meet there at 7pm. Derek reserved at a cute little Italian restaurant at Second Avenue and East 12th Street. He arranged for flowers to be delivered to the restaurant, addressed to Leila.

When the flowers arrived, Leila was overwhelmed. This was a first date that went better than any other Derek had ever had. Leila seemed to be enthralled. After the dinner, Derek took Leila to a bar with some live jazz, deep in the East Village, and then they both boarded the train going home.

“To make things credible to my parents and my sister, you should see where I live, if you do not mind?” Leila said. She took him to her apartment. Derek made his move and went to kiss her at her door. Leila greeted him with her lips open, putting her arms around his neck, and running her hands through his thick, brown hair. She moaned almost inaudibly while they kissed, but Derek heard her of course.

Derek had an erection that he knew would not quit. “Give me a big hug, Derek,” Leila said. Derek did, and Leila knew he was hard. She smiled. “Thanks for a lovely evening. I’d invite you in, but I think I know what might happen, and I cannot — not on the first date.”

“Are you free tomorrow night?” Derek asked. “There’s not much time before the weekend and our trip.”

Leila smiled at him. “You like me, don’t you?” she said, but it was not really a question.

“It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?” Derek said, again not a question. He was thinking how could he not like the girl who gave him the best kiss of his life just then?

“Sure. 7pm again, at the statue?”

“Or I could pick you up at work?” Derek suggested.

“No! Please, no! Nobody at work can know. This is our secret for now, okay?” Leila said. It was obvious she was frightened.

“No worries, Leila. 7pm at the fountain. You like Mexican food?”

“Yes. Now I should put these flowers in water, and you should go. Thanks again for tonight, for everything,” Leila said.

Derek bought some condoms on the way home at a 24-hour drugstore. Maybe he would get lucky on the second date? Didn’t Leila even hint as much? Derek also went to the Strand Bookstore the very next day. He bought all the Maya Banks books that the store had. He had never heard of the author before, but he had seen that was what Leila was reading.

He read the back cover of Burn, the third Breathless book of Maya Banks. It read, “When it comes to sex, Ash McIntyre has always explored his wilder side—extreme and uncompromising. He demands control. And he prefers women who want it like that. Even the women he’s shared with his best friend, Jace.”

Wow, thought Derek. Is Leila a submissive? And does she like to be “shared?” Or does she just like to read about submissive women? Well, time will tell, he thought. But then, he probably should not be too solicitous with her and simply take charge from time to time. Maybe she’s kinky? Derek likes kinky.

The date the next night went well, too, and this time Leila invited Derek in “for a nightcap.” They ended up making out on the couch. Leila resisted at first, but later relented and let Derek undress her, and he got to feast his eyes on her almost naked, perfect body. All she had left on was her panties.

“Derek, you should undress, too. I need to see what you look like. We have to convince my sister this is real, and that’s not easy!” Her sister? This was new. But Derek did not overthink things, and he happily complied and quite quickly he was standing before her wearing only his briefs. His erection underneath his briefs was painfully obvious.

“Okay. You look even better naked, Derek. But now I think you should go. I know I should take care of your erection, but I just can’t. We barely know each other. Please understand?” Leila said, almost pleading at the end.

Derek deneme bonusu veren siteler was disappointed. He really wanted to get Leila into bed, and he had thought this was his chance. But he understood. Nice women don’t just jump into bed. They’re not programmed like that. But a hand job, or a blowjob? Maybe that was not Leila’s style. Anyway, it was not going to happen, at least not on the first date, and apparently not on the second date, either.

“I understand, Leila. You can’t blame me, or my penis, for my erection. You’re almost naked right in front of me, you’re beautiful and sexy, and I like you. It’s a natural reaction,” Derek said.

Leila smiled. “No need to apologize, Derek! I am thrilled that you are hard for me. Maybe when we get to know each other better….Well, we’ll see, okay?”

Their third date went similarly, and this was going to be their last date before the visit to Leila’s parents, and also her twin sister, who would be there too. The third date was like a crash course on Leila’s family, and everything Derek might naturally know if he and Leila had actually been dating and intimate for quite some time. Derek’s head was reeling.

Derek noticed that Leila was wearing a gold chain around her neck, and hung from it was a six-pointed star, the Star of David. This was the Jewish alternative to the more common gold cross many Christian women would wear.

Derek took Leila home, as usual, and they kissed at her door. The kissing was getting better, and clearly had more passion. Leila was getting more comfortable with Derek, and Derek now held a torch for Leila. It was a big torch, burning brightly. He decided to take a chance.

“You know, Leila, if we want to be convincing, we really should be a little more intimate before we go to your parents.” Derek left his thought there, not finishing it.

“We’ve already gotten naked for each other!” Leila said. “What more…” and she stopped when she saw Derek’s arched eyebrow and accompanying expression. “Oh,” she said. “That. You think we should…” and Derek nodded.

“But we barely know each other! I like you, sure, and you even got hard for me so I guess you would be okay with it, too, but what if there is no chemistry? It will make it harder, not easier. No, it’s better if you still have unfulfilled desire for me, and I for you. Everyone will pick up on that,” Leila said, sounding definitive.

“Leila, I’ll have even more desire for you after we, uh,…”

“Make love? Have sex? Do the deed? Fornicate?” Leila helpfully supplied, sounding more and more irritated with each subsequent synonym. Derek was thankful she did not spit when she said the word fornicate.

“Do I have to put out for you in order for you to do this? Am I just another conquest to you? I’m not that kind of girl, you know,” Leila added, with tears welling up.

“No! No, you do not, Leila. Please don’t cry. I’m happy to do this. I do lust for you, however. And the last few days I’ve been falling for you. Hard,” Derek said, putting himself out there. “Anyway, it was just an idea.”

Remembering the novel Leila had been reading, Burn, Derek added, “I could tell you what I’d do with you when — if ever — the time is right for us.”

Leila looked at him, shocked. “Derek, you should go,” she said.

Derek took a huge chance. “Sure. I’ll be going,” he said, as he turned around and began to put on his jacket. “I’ll strip you naked, and tie you up spread eagle. Then I’ll eat you out until you beg me to stop. I’ll take pictures of you like that, and then I’ll take off my clothes and…”

Leila stopped him, holding up her hand. “God, Derek, that sounds absolutely wonderful. I hope you mean it. I’m tempted, I really am. But now you have to go,” she said.

Defeated for now, Derek left. He had seen Leila’s eyes widen as he spoke, and he could sense, he could almost even feel her arousal. He now knew how to get to her. He was in love with her, he realized, and instinctively he knew if he could get her into bed, she would be his.

Leila knew that, too. She knew if she took Derek to bed, she would be sunk. She had fallen for him. This had not been her intention. But if they slept together, it would solidify the fall, so to speak. She would fall all the way into the abyss, lost in love for him, head over heels, and when he turned out to be a jerk, as every man before him had turned out to be, her heart would not just once again break; no, this time it would break forever. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men would throw up their hands in front of her broken heart.

She just could not risk that. She loved him the way he was, the way they both were, with intense unconsummated desire. And it had only been a few days! Plus of course the fun she had teasing him on the subway before they met. If they were really meant for each other, the time would come, and she would know it.

When Leila had realized Derek was studying her in the subway, back before they had spoken to each other, she had made some small changes in how she dressed. One day on the subway she showed off some cleavage. Another day she wore as short a skirt as she dared, showing off her legs. That day, when she saw Derek was looking, she flashed him her panties for a split second, as she shifted in her seat. She had worn her purple, Italian lace panties for the occasion.

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