The Vacation House Ch. 20


“Rob, psst., Robbie are you awake?”

I’m groggy, disoriented, in a state of twilight sleep. Not sure if I am awake or asleep, dreaming I had heard my name. Lays silent, I try to focus on any sounds that might have been similar to what I might or might not have heard.

“psst, Robbie, you awake?”

There’s no doubt about it, I’m hearing my name, a low whisper, nearly imperceptible. My eyes open, a dangling hand moving back and forth above the edge of my pillow. A good foot away from my face yet I can feel the light breeze washing across my cheek. I’m in the lower bunk, finally recognizes my surroundings.

“Yeah? I’m awake now, what’s wrong? You OK?”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you, just thought if you were already awake you could maybe answer a question I have.”

The whispered voice was barely louder than moments before. The dangling arm retracts followed by a loud, “THUMP, SHIT.”

“Watch out for that low ceiling there Tonto.”

“Shut it you.”

Tag finally uses his full voice, he growls his demand for my silence. Chuckling inside, I sit up, propping my left elbow on the pillow, palm flat, ear pressed into the clammy pedestal.

“You know that stuff we were talking about before we hit the sack? Well, are you serious about the offer?”

For sure, this is not what I thought was going to be the topic of this middle of the night chit chat. Looking out the open window, the crescent moon shines brightly, not a single cloud to diffuse it’s brilliant whiteness. I’m awake now, totally awake, listening intently to the breathing of my friend in the upper bunk.

“OK, what part of what we were talking about are you referring to Tag? We had a few different conversations, some of them I don’t even think I will remember until you remind me about them.”

“Well, hope it was not something that I got messed up in translation, did you offer to act out a bit of our fantasies? No sex stuff though, just role play stuff, you know maybe a little good cop, bad robber? Was that what you were talking about just before we turned in?”

“OH, that! Shit, I didn’t think you even heard what I was saying cause you got up, seemed kind of out of it by then. Yeah, that’s sorta the gist, what do you have in mind?”

My body begins to tingle, feel the swell of my penis under the thin sheet, sheets that Tag’s mom must have gotten for him a good decade ago. Baseball players, bats in hand, pitchers throwing what could be interpreted as a fast ball with lines leading from the ball back to the pitchers hand to exemplify speed and flight. It’s really aldatma porno kind of cute, like a young stud still wearing Superman underwear. Innocent yet sexy all at the same time.

“I don’t know, this was your idea. You tell me what you have in mind, I’ll let you know if it’s something that’s in my wheel house.”

He’s putting all of this on me, to come up with a play scenario that we can both be possibly into yet still comfortable enough about that it wouldn’t mess up our friendship, maybe a little turn of the screw is in order.

“Tag, let’s get something straight first, no matter what happens, no matter how good or bad this play turns out, it does not effect us, our friendship, promise? It’s the only stipulation I have, we’ve got to agree with that or we should just forget the whole thing, deal?”

“Deal, I want to have some input though, not that I don’t trust you or whatever experience you might have had playing out your fantasies but I really want to make sure that what ever happens is just as much my doing, just as much my fault as it is yours, so DEAL.”

What before we had gone to bed seemed so simple has begun to take on real stress. The reality that our imaginations could possibly become reality causes me to break out into a cold sweat.

“Listen, Tag man, you said you consider yourself to be a forced alpha male, well here’s your opportunity to take a swing at that ball. I believe in you man, go for it, give me your best shot, put me in the position I need to be in.”

Hears ruffling of sheets, the creek of the bed frame, decides to choose to lay flat on my back. Stares directly above me, springs and slats beneath the upper bunks mattress strain as Tag’s body moves from side to side, shifts, lifts. He’s obviously uncomfortable having been put on the spot, I wonder if it is all a little too much, too soon.

“OK, listen up, your old man and Lee are set to return this weekend, right?”

Pushes the back of my head deeper into the surface of the pillow, ears partially covered with the downy cushion. This is definitely not what I had expected to hear. Where the hell is this coming from? Even worse, where is it going?

“Yeah, I got Dad’s text yesterday, said he was arriving at the house some time mid afternoon Saturday. Lee is staying at the job site, sleeping in the trailer. He’s gonna get things up and running there. Dad will get everything back home and unpacked, settled so that Lee can just come home Monday evening. Dad will bring him back from the job site that way, they won’t have to switch ensest porno vehicles.”

“Good, that’s what I thought you had said, well not exactly that much detail but the basic timeline. Listen, I want you to consider what I’m going to suggest, think about it before you say yes or no. I’m in no hurry but we are going to be working on a time constraint, that is if we can come to an agreement.”

I’m getting hard, the tent created by my boner sticks straight up in the air. Looking down at the rise of fabric, the humor is not lost on me for one second. Along side the tented fabric is an image of a baseball player, a large bat being swung, wouldn’t you know it, the length of the bat traces the outline of my hardened prick.

“What does this have to do with when Dad and Lee arrive? I’m not following you.”

“See, this is what I think would be cool, we go to your house Saturday morning, make sure that everything is spotless. This way your Dad won’t have anything to get upset about or distract him from our little game.”

This is getting interesting, kinda like a challenge or dare. So we are going to do some kind of role play before Dad comes home? The very idea, possibility of getting caught sends shivers of excitement to the very ends of the hairs on my head.

“Look, it could go down like this, after we clean the place spotless, we go into your bedroom, I’ll tie you up, you know sort of like hands to feet, something in your mouth, you know, trussed up but good.”

Whoa, I really like this. I’ve always had a thing in the back of my mind about doing some bondage and discipline stuff. Well, I’ve sort of done the discipline thing but the bondage? This has me reaching for my tented pole. Fingers wrap around the soft flesh, rock hard muscle beneath is so hot, it nearly scalds my palm.

“Go on, you’ve got me were you want me so far Sir.”

Did I just call Tag, SIR?

“I like that, Sir it is for now on when we’re role playing. Not in normal life, nothing like that mind you, then I’m just Tonto side kick to the Lone Ranger, gotcha?”

“Come on, you already have me ready to rub one out, Sir. If you don’t get to the punch line soon, there’s going to be one hell of a mess to clean up.”

“YEAH? Well if there is, then you’re cleaning it up, boy..”

Hmm. I like that one too,, boy.

“See, once I’ve got you on your back, your knees up by your ears, hands tied to your ankles, I’m gonna take a pair of scissors, slowly cut every stitch of clothing off of your body. Then,”

“Wait, wait, I don’t escort porno have that much crap cloths that I can afford to have my stuff cut up. Dad would kill me.”

“That’s kinda the point, don’t worry, I’ll give you some of my old things, they’ll fit you pretty well now that you’ve filled out and become a man-boy..”

“OK, go on..”

“SHH! You listen, I talk. It’s like this, once you are fully exposed, I take a can of shave cream, cover you from your shoulders to your toes. I’m going to shave you clean as a babies bottom. There you’ll be, glistening in the sunlight shining through the widow, your ass pointing upward, directed so that when your Dad walks into your bedroom, it will be the first thing he’s greeted by. You’ll be gagged, you’ll be struggling against the ties that bind you. I’ll be sitting in the corner of your room reading some text book, acting as if I was not even aware that you are there in the room with me.”

The rise of passion held in my hand gets to be more than I can resist. My hand moves up and down my rigid cock as it pounds hard and furious. My eyes squint, barely able to make out that Tag is leaning over the side of the upper bunk, his eyes glued to the sight of me beating off. Wetness spreads under the sheet, slides down between the skin of my dick and calloused fingers. Slime of cum makes it’s way between my clutching digits, my belly is saturated with seed. My breath goes from being held deep inside my chest to being exhaled with such force that I wheeze.

“That’s my boy, guess that answers my question. So, you in?”

“God damn it, I’m not only in, I’m uber in. Wait, wait a second, what about my Dad? What the hell are we going to do about him once he finds us like this?”

“That’s the point boy, that’s what we’re going to find out. It’s the danger, the thrill, I’m dying to see the look on his face when he finds you laid out like a Thanksgiving turkey. Let’s see if he likes his stuffing in the bird or a little on the side.”

“Jeezus Christ Tag, I mean Sir, this might go really wrong, did you even think about that?”

“Yep, that’s sorta what I’m hoping for. Now, get back to sleep, we’ve got a lot of cleaning to do and not a whole lot of time to do it in. Night.”


I don’t think I’m going to be able to sleep, ever again. I have to get up, clean myself, change this sloppy cum soaked top sheet. Waits until I hear the rhythmic sounds of Tag’s breathing turn to light snores. Slowly bringing myself to my feet, pulls the sheet off the bed, tip toes out of the darkened bedroom, down the carpeted hallway.

The house is totally quiet, unnerving in it’s dead silence. Enters the Jack and Jill bathroom between the spare bedroom and Tag’s fathers den. Finds the stash of sports related sheets and pillow cases. To my surprise, there on the same shelf is a Superman design bath towel set.

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