Unconventional Awakening Ch. 09


At 8:00 I was roused from a rather deep sleep by a persistent buzzing sound. As the fog began to lift, I became more conscious of my surroundings and realized that the persistent buzzing sound was the phone ringing. Ugg, I felt like ….

I was hung over. The cobwebs. I have difficulty orienting.

But it all comes back to me in a flash. And I realize that how I feel now is worth what happened earlier. My pussy is swollen and puffy and my ass feels like it was royally fucked, but I am not sore. I feel remarkably good for the activities engaged in. I realize I have cum caked all over my face, and it peels off as I rub it. My lips are covered with flaking bits of cum, and my mouth feels like I swallowed cotton candy, only with a salty and tangy taste. And I tingle at the memories. My breasts are a bit tender, and I think it may be a good day to go braless, let my puppies breathe.

The phone rings again, and this time I answer it.

It is Paul. He and Peter are up, a little worse for the wear, but were calling to see how I was, and if I was available to grab a quick bite to eat, “No not that type of bite, but a breakfast bite” before the start to our workshops. Breakfast wasn’t on my mind, but trying to get ready for this morning was. I wasn’t sure if I would have been able to, if not for the phone call, and my response – “Give me ten minutes.”

I quickly got up and noticed the condition of the bed. I wonder what housekeeping will think? They will probably tell stories of what they think happened. There was still a faint scent of this morning’s activities still hanging in the air. What a way to wake up.

I threw on a pair of jeans and my sweater from last night. Feeling the sweater against my bare breasts made me shiver reliving last night, and also provided a quick pick-me-up. Umm, better than coffee. I am thankful that my hair is short, as all I needed was a quick comb out and I was good to go. My eyes looked puffy and red, but, what could I say. Acting like a teenager at my age and I was paying the price. And I would gladly pay it again. Not realizing that I actually would!

I was just about to grab my shoulder bag when I heard a knock at my door. I opened it and smiled as Paul and Peter stood there. I think we were feeling a bit bashful! I enjoyed that moment. Paul asked me how I was doing.

I told him “Well, how do my eyes look?”

He just smiled a bit, and we laughed. Their eyes didn’t look all that different from mine.

I stepped out into the hall and closed the door and we walked to the elevator, in silence.

I think we were all mulling over the activities of earlier, and wondering how does that affect us today, not only us, but beyond us. But also, would we be able to look one another in the eye and not feel ashamed.

The Starzbet Güncel Giriş elevator arrived and we boarded. We were the only ones in the elevator, but not sure if anyone would be getting on from a lower floor. I took a chance, and said “Thank you”.

That seemed to break the ice, as Paul gave my hand a quick affectionate squeeze, and Peter placed his hand on my hip and left it there. I felt like that what we had started was going to turn into a relationship that did not end Wednesday. Paul and Peter were concerned about me, and this morning was not just a fling. I think Paul and Peter didn’t want me to feel used or cheap, and I appreciated their concern and the warmth shown so far this morning.

Paul threw his arm around my back as we exited the elevator and Peter was right next to me. I felt as if we wee best of friends on a journey here together. We went to the hotel breakfast bar and took seats next to one another. We chatted about what our morning schedule was like as we sipped our coffee’s and looked forward to getting together for the mid day break.

We agreed to meet at the restaurant in the hotel at Noon. We finished our coffees and signed for the tab to our rooms. Paul and Peter hugged me before we departed for our respective seminar rooms, and I felt a warm glow fill me. I never dreamed that this workshop would be what it has already been. And I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I would meet two people who would have such an influence on my life. Yes, I felt tired and dragged out, but the memories of just a few hours ago were like adrenaline, and I was ready to greet the workday ahead.

The adrenaline like surge began to fade around 11:00, and I was having difficulty keeping my eyes open. The seminar leader had started out the morning by informing us that if we had brought along a laptop, that all the course material would be available for us to use as we choose, and could work on it during any free time. I was extremely grateful for that, as I was sure that I might be missing the afternoon session. I was seriously thinking about sleeping away the afternoon session.

Somehow I made it to the mid day break. I picked up the software packet available, and managed to get myself back to my room. I noticed the freshly made bed, and felt a warm blush course through me. What did the housekeeping staff person think as they tidied up. Was the person who made the bed a woman? Or a man?? Were 2 mints on the pillow yesterday?

I went into the bathroom and did a quick refresh, and noticed my eyes were red and a bit baggy. Great! Not the way I wanted to be seen by Paul and Peter.

I went to the restaurant and Paul and Peter were waiting just outside of it. I realized that they looked worse for the wear too, Starzbet Giriş and I giggled. They smiled as they say me approaching, and wondered why I was giggling. I told them that we all looked like something the cat dragged in, and they laughed. With that we entered the restaurant, and Paul’s arm was around my back.

It was comforting to feel his presence in this manner, as it gave me confidence that what we had done so far was going to be a one night fling. I wanted more than that. And I hoped that both Paul and Peter did too. If the events of the past evening and this morning were to be just that, I would have felt degraded and cheap. What had happened was spontaneous but it was none the less something special to me and I am not sure if I could have felt good about myself if all that it was going to be to my two new friends was just a quickie, or wham-bam-thank-you encounter. Paul’s gesture suggested that our relationship was just at its beginning, and I took a great deal of comfort and security in that.

We were seated, and I enjoyed sitting between Paul and Peter. The room was crowded enough that we engaged in friendly conversation only. Paul and Peter gave me hints that they had truly enjoyed themselves and enjoyed my company in non verbal ways, by soft fleeting caresses under the table, hopefully when no one was glancing our way. Their gestures suggested that they also hoped that I had enjoyed their company, which I hoped my smile conveyed.

The conversation was mainly focused on our respective morning’s sessions, and if we felt the workshop would be what we had anticipated. Well, we hadn’t anticipated the extra-curricular activities, but so far the workshop seemed to be something that will increase or possibilities of success in our respective fields. We enjoyed our lunches, and I didn’t realize how famished I was until my lunch had arrived. I realized I hadn’t really had anything to eat since last night, and our activities following dinner should have burned off quite a few calories.

After lunch, I told Paul and Peter as we were preparing to go back to our afternoon sessions that I was going to skip mine and take a nap. They were immediately concerned if I was not feeling well. I smiled at their concern, and let them know with a coy smile that I needed to catch up on my beauty sleep! After all, it isn’t everyday that I get to enjoy an evening like last night! I kissed Paul and Peter lightly on their cheek and was going back to my room, when they inquired about getting together for dinner. I said “Sure, call me after you guys are done with your program”, and nearly skipped back to the elevator.

Back in my room, I quickly disrobed, and took a hot relaxing bubble bath, courtesy of the hotel bathroom provisions. I decided that Starzbet I would have to come back to Chicago again, and make reservations to stay here. I felt pampered. After the warm water had cooled, I quickly dried off, and crawled into the freshly made bed, naked and warm, and immediately feel asleep.


Umm, what’s that buzzing? I slowly open my eyes and realize that it is dark. I look at the alarm clock and it is just past 6:00. And the buzzing sound is the phone. I pick up the receiver and hear a warm friendly voice. Paul and Peter are back from their afternoon session and Peter was wondering if we were still on for dinner. I half whispered “Sure”, as my voice hadn’t awakened yet, and I giggled as I realized how I must have sounded. Peter said that they had just gotten back to their room and wanted to freshen up a bit, and would I mind going back to the restaurant we ate at last night? A soft tingle shot though me, and I smiled as I said I would enjoy that very much. We agreed to be ready to go in a half hour. I replaced the receiver, and stretched under the sheets, and let out a contented moan. I felt like a college girl!

I had slept away the afternoon and now I was getting ready to go out on the town. I quickly got up, and went into the bathroom. The sight greeting my eyes was looking a whole lot better. No more bloodshot eyes, and the bags were nearly invisible. I wondered how Paul and Peter looked? And then I looked at the reflection more fully, and realized that the woman staring back at me looked pretty sexy! Her boobs were not too saggy, and her neatly trimmed pussy could still be enjoyable. The reflection didn’t look all that bad for the recent wear and tear, and she smiled. I turned around, and smiled. I had enjoyed the pleasures of last night and this morning, and I enjoyed knowing that my ass was very capable of being both pleasured and giving pleasure.

I was enjoying the fact that I was becoming more comfortable with the knowledge that making love was open to a lot of possibilities, and if I was open, what else would I find out was possible to enjoy. I caressed my buns, and felt the satiny smoothness, and smiled. Time to get dress girl! You have a date with two rather attractive guys.

I decided to continue going braless, and wore a sweater, and jeans. The feeling of my boobs as they swayed and slightly jiggled underneath the sweater made me feel free. I enjoyed the way the fabric caressed my nipples, and was glad that the material was heavy enough so that my hardened nipples were not all that noticeable, although I could see my nipples poking out very slightly.

I grabbed my purse, and went to Paul and Peter’s room just down the hall. I knocked, and Peter opened the door. They were just finishing up, and Paul was just buttoning up his shirt. Both Peter and Paul had slightly wet hair, and they looked good with their hair slightly damp. I could smell aftershave and deodorant, and was surprised at the slight tremor I felt stirring within. They had a room with two queen sized beds. To be continued –

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