Unusual Threesome


Chapter 1

Sammi had never felt such a beautiful coming together of her emotional and physical needs. She had never experienced such a combination of feelings and sensations. Never before had her mental state so coincided with her physical needs in such an awesomely satisfying and pleasurable manner. Tenderness, caring, sensitivity, being wanted, being needed, belonging, giving and taking, were all there. The feelings went deeper than liking and fancying, maybe they bordered on, or were, love! Every sexually sensitive part of her body was aflame, every inch of her skin was tingling, her breasts felt so full and heavy and her nipples ached with need. It was like one continuous, ongoing orgasm that increased in intensity as it went on.

It hadn’t been like this when she lost her virginity, nor during her two brief love affairs. It also hadn’t been anything like this when she and her half-brother Gareth had had sex several times. But she was feeling this amazing amalgam of feelings now, in a threesome with her friends, Claire and Greg.

Chapter 2

Immediately Claire broached the subject, Sammi’s mind had gone back to a long, slightly drunken conversation Claire and she had had just before Sammi finished at uni. a year or so ago.

“I think she’s absolutely gorgeous,” Claire had said as they watched Helen Mirren in a film on TV.

Greg, Claire’s thirty five year old partner was out for the evening, and Sammi and she had been out to dinner. They had ‘staggered’ back to Claire and Greg’s tiny cottage in town near to the university where Sammi was just completing her finals. They had become friends after meeting in cafe where Sammi sometimes went to study. Claire had a degree in English from London. As Sammi was also studying English they had an instant interest in common. From that, their friendship had grown and now included Claire’s partner Greg. Sammi occasionally went to dinner at the cottage, the three of them would now and then go out, for Sammi didn’t have a boy friend, although both Greg and Claire had offered to ‘fix her up’ many times, and both of them had visited Sammi at her parent’s house in Essex.

Although there was an eight-year age gap between them, Claire and Sammi had always got on very well. “Just like sisters,” Claire’s mum had said when she met Sammi. Apart from Sammi’s, almost natural, long blonde hair, they were similar. Claire had shoulder-length, brown hair with natural auburn tints. They were about the same height, both were slim, size tens, with b to c cup boobs, trim waists, flat tums, nice legs and great bums. ‘Two fantastic packages,’ Greg had once described them.

“I do too, her and Susan Sarandon are two of my favourite film stars,” Sammi had replied.

“Yes I think both are fantastic.”

“They’re both very ready it seems to get their kit off,” Sammi said smiling.

“Well they have got the bodies for that, haven’t they?”

“Yes, did you see the photos in the newspapers of Helen in that red bikini?” Sammi asked

“Mmmm, yes and she’s sixty you know.”

“And I guess SS must be about the same.”

Claire paused for a moment as refilled their glasses. “Have you ever seen Hunger?”

“No what’s that?”

“A film with Susan Sarandon and Catherine Deneuve.”

“How old is it?”

“It must ten or fifteen years, Catherine is a vampire.”

“What like Dracula?”

“Sort of, but much more subtle than that,” Claire explained.

“I’m not really into that sort of stuff,” Sammi explained.”

“Oh it wasn’t that which made me ask.”

“What was it then?”

“It was talking about their bodies, you see rather a lot of hers in it.”

“I saw quite a lot in White Tower, I think it was called, she seduces a young guy, very sexy.”

“In Hunger she’s the one who gets seduced.” Claire advised.

“Oh who by?”Sammmi asked.

“Catherine Deneuve.”

“Oh are they lesbians then?”

“No not at all, they both just enjoy sex. It’s probably the most erotic scene I have ever seen in a film. Watch it on youtube.”

“Ok I will, for sure,” Sammi said making a mental to do so.

“You ever done anything like that Sam?” Claire asked.

“What with another woman?”


“No I haven’t, have you?”

“Yes when I was at uni, nothing serious or heavy.”

“I often think about what it would be like though,” Sam told her, before they heard Greg’s key in the lock and they changed the subject.

Chapter 3.

Sammi had been a slow starter with sex. For no particular reason and certainly not because she was a prude, she had hung on to her cherry until well into her nineteenth year. Losing it hadn’t seemed that big a deal and the occasion was certainly nothing that special. Shortly after that, she went to university in Bristol and wasn’t that active there either, having only two brief affairs, both with older guys. So, by the age of twenty one, she had only had full sex with three men.

Since her twenty first birthday party just over a year ago, things had changed massively. And she put a lot of that ümraniye escort down to wearing stockings. Why? She wasn’t sure, but they seemed to do something to her. She wore them under her long ball-gown at her party and she was sure they were the main reason that she and Gareth, her half brother, had full sex that night. She wore them at her graduation when she ended up being fucked by one of her ex tutors. And when she had worn them other times she always seemed to nearly get laid.

Her first taste of sex with Gareth had, coincidentally, been at her eighteenth birthday party. There, he had fingered her to a climax, although at the time, she wasn’t completely sure what they were. In the subsequent three years, they had gone further. Sammi had masturbated him, he had sucked her nipples and several times they had both been naked, but they hadn’t fucked. That happened, though, at her twenty-first when he had worked out she was wearing stockings. It had been repeated several times since, even though both of them were critically aware of the problems for they both had the same father, Kevin, but different mothers.

As Sammi’s interest in, and experience of sex increased during her twenty second year, so she found herself becoming curious about sex with other females. She had thought about it a lot for some time and being a blonde haired, blue eyed beauty, she had been propositioned many times, with several of these being whilst she was at university, including one from a lecturer. She had turned them all down. Again, she was not quite sure why, for she was hellishly curious, and she didn’t really have a moral issue with same gender sex. Probably just circumstances and the dykie old birds that had tried it on she smiled ruefully whenever she thought about it. She was aware, though, that just as had she had been with Gareth, she was primed for it and felt that sooner or later it would happen. No rush though.

Chapter 3.

She opened her legs wider. He reached behind his legs and grabbed her ankles. Yanking them upward he pushed them over his shoulders. He then surged harder and faster into his wife’s stretched and gaping hole.

“That’s what you want isn’t it?” He asked.

“Yes, I want it deep.”

“You want a deep, long fuck don’t you?”

“Yes,” she grunted back loving the ease with which her partner’s cock slid up and down inside her. She was so wet.

He proceeded to shag her with long deep thrusts. Each surge into her sending shudders of sexual delight through her slim, but nicely rounded body and creating those glorious ‘male’ feelings in his balls and cock.

Sex between lovers can be so wonderful.

“Harder, fuck me harder.”

He slammed himself up her as firmly as he could both of them delighting in his balls slapping against her arse.

“You near?” He asked, holding himself stiff and rigid deeply inside her.


“Then wait,” he said pushing himself up and supporting his body with his straightened arms.

Greg liked looking at Claire as he made her cum. He loved the way she tightly closed her eyes, opened her mouth, ran her tongue over her lips and lolled her head from side to side. He liked see the beads of perspiration on her forehead, the way her hair fell over her face, how hard her little nipples got and the way her breasts wobbled as the tremors of sensation ripped through her. She orgasmed quite easily and tonight was no exception.

He watched fascinated as she held her own breasts, squeezed them and pinched and pulled her nipples.

“Make me cum now,” she groaned. “Shoot your cum in me.”

Rolling her head from side to side, moaning and groaning, grunting and sighing Claire started to climax. The shudders going through her body caused her to contract and let go of his cock with her cunt muscles, which together with two more slow deep thrusts was enough for Greg. He exploded inside her and fell down on her.

She was snuggled up to him. His arm was round her shoulders and her head was resting on his chest. He was holding her breast, she was running her fingers down his flat stomach into the tighter curls of his pubic hairs at the base of his cock. They were both still wet with the secretions of their sexual pleasures.

It was at times like these that they talked about sex. They exchanged past experiences and touched on their fantasies. They were both sexually pretty liberated and adventurous. They were sexually ambitious and wanted more experiences. That’s why they had been swinging, twice, one time unfortunately being less successful than the other. They had even talked about dogging, but were yet to take that on.

“I want to see you with another woman,” Greg had said several times in the past and repeated it now.

“I know.” Claire replied.

Several times before, he had asked Claire to tell him about her ‘girly affairs’ as she called the two flings she’d had at uni. Each time she had, he’d almost instantly got hard and they’d had sex for the second time far more quickly than usual. As with many men, Greg had a fascination with pendik escort girl on girl action.

Claire had so far not agreed to going with another girl as he watched, but equally she hadn’t said totally no. Whilst she couldn’t quite get her head round the practical details of firstly, finding and then propositioning another girl and then secondly, arranging things so Greg could watch, she had to admit the idea excited her. She had enjoyed her bi adventures and had always thought that one day she would have more. She knew she wasn’t fully bisexual, whatever that is, as she equally knew that having sexual pleasure with a sister certainly was not, and did not lead to, being lesbian. The feeling of her partner’s lovely cock in her hand and the wondrous feelings it had just given her attested to that.

She nibbled his nipple, a little too hard.

“Ouch,” Greg said, “That hurt, you vicious minx,” he said giving her bum a light smack. “If you’re not careful I’ll put you over my knee.”

“Always promising aren’t you? All words and no action.”

“Would you like me to spank you?” He asked.

“I’m not sure, maybe some time.”

“The trouble is Claire we’d probably laugh.”

“Yes that’s true it’s all a bit contrived isn’t it?”

“Yes, not like you and another girl.”

“Would you want to join in, Greg?”

“Not sure, what would you think?”

“I’m not sure either.”

They were silent for a while as they both thought about what Greg had been saying. Claire lifted her head and kissed Greg, fully on the lips. At the same time she stroked his balls, she knew he liked that. She was rewarded by feeling some movement in his cock.

In a rather coquettish tone Claire said. “What about me with another man, would you like to see that?”

“No,” was his immediate reply. “What about me with another woman?”

“Would you like to do that?”

“What shag another woman?”

“Yes as I watched.”

He was in the typical male Catch 22 here, on a loser whichever way he went. He had been faithful to Claire as she had to him since they had become a number some ten years ago.

“I really don’t know Claire.”

“Ok let me make it easier. If I said I really don’t mind, would you like to then?”

“I dunno, I really don’t,” Greg said keeping his thoughts to himself for, in reality, he would love to do that.

“Ok let’s say I picked the girl and introduced you to her?”

“Claire this daft and bloody unfair.”

“You started it.”

“Yes I know.”

“Ok let me go further.” She said, now eagerly stroking his growing erection.

Greg couldn’t work out what she was getting at and put it down to their conversation just drifting. ‘Interesting though,’ he thought, enjoying the feel of his wife getting him hard and her breast in his hand.

“How do you mean go further?”

Claire paused, partly for effect, but also to make sure she really wanted to say what was in her mind.

“Go on then,” Greg said.

“Ok, what would you say if the other girl was Sammi?”

“Fuck off Claire,” he reacted, “Stop pissing about.”

“What if it was Sammi laying on our bed, just dressed in the black stockings she wore at the graduation.”

“Jesus, was she wearing stockings?”

“Yes, and the next day when that bastard David D fucked her in them.”

“Would you like to fuck her in them Greg?” She asked, knowing full well the answer for what was in her hand gave her that. She squeezed his now full erection. “Is this your answer?”

“Oh fuck this is so unfair.”

“Good fun though isn’t it?


“Ok then, big boy, now you are good and ready, why don’t you fuck me again and don’t imagine you’re fucking Sammi will you?”

Chapter 4

“Greg’s going to meet us at the restaurant, we’re going to Harvey’s, which you know is just round the corner,” Claire was saying to Sammi on the phone.

“Bit posh isn’t it? Is it a frock job then?”

“I think so don’t you? It’s quite nice to dress up a bit now and then, and it is a sort of special occasion isn’t it Sammi?”

“Not a sort of Claire, a bloody stupendously, big occasion in my book.”

Claire laughed.

“I mean it luv,” Sammi went on. “After all it’s not often a girl gets shagged by her best friend and her partner in one night is? To me that is a very big occasion.”

“I know darling and it will be for us. Greg’s had an almost permanent stiffy since I told him it was on.”

Claire had broached the subject to Sammi a couple of weeks ago.

She had previously told her how Greg sometimes asked her to dress up in sexy undies; sussie belts, stockings, basques and waspies and even crutchless panties and half cup bras. She had also told Sammi that at times her relationship with Greg needed to be perked up.

Claire was staying with Sammi at her mother, Amanda, and father, Kevin’s house in a London suburb in Essex. She was there to do some early Christmas shopping. They had plenty of time to talk and again, somehow, in Sammi’s view, but purposefully in Claire’s, bostancı escort after they had eaten a delivered Thai meal and drunk a bottle of Kevin’s Premier Cru Chablis, the topic was girl to girl sex.

“Did you ever watch that film Hunger, that I told you about?” Claire had, quite innocently at first, asked.

Sammi said she hadn’t.

“Like to watch a youtube clip now?” Claire suggested.

“Sure, but we’d better go to my room as mum could walk in here any moment,” Sammi advised.

They went into the suite over the garage and pool changing rooms where Sammi had a bedroom, bathroom and study.

Sammi had never watched much porn, just the odd clip here and there, and had seen no real erotic material on film. Nevertheless, she sat transfixed as the gorgeous Susan Sarandon asked the equally gorgeous Catherine Deneuve if she was trying to seduce her? She was even more transfixed when Catherine did just that. As the stupendous, classical music filled the room and as Susan undressed and laid on the bed, her beautiful breasts bare, Sammi felt her body reacting, very strongly. Claire, as always when she watched this scene and she and Greg did that regularly, became very aroused; she imagined herself on that bed with one or both of them.

“I see what you mean,” Sammi said as the laptop stopped after reaching the end of the clip.

“Is that erotic or what?” Claire asked.

“I have never seen anything like it,” Sammi replied.

“And it can be like that.”

“Really can it?” Sammi said, flustered and confused.

“Yes Sammi,” Claire said placing her fingers lightly on the back of her younger friend’s hand.

They looked at each other.

“Can I ask you something terribly personal Sammi?”

“Yes, of course Claire.”

“Well you know I said Greg and I need things from time to time to spice up our relationship?”

“Yes, as I imagine most do.”

“Well we do and we want to try a threesome Sammi,” she blurted out, crossing her fingers behind her back.

Sammi was still aroused, confused and somewhat flustered, so she didn’t work out what was inevitably coming next

“Really?” She said totally nonplussed and non-commital.

“Yes Sammi and we would like you to be the third person in it with Greg and me.”

Chapter 5.

Sammi was wearing a dark blue, just above the knee, sheath dress which had gilt buttons all the way up the front. Several buttons were undone so she was showing an interesting amount of flesh and, for her breast size, a very respectable cleavage; ‘It’s a wonder what good bras can do?’ She often thought. Around her neck, she had one of those modern multi-strand necklaces with what looked like little silver leaves hanging on it. She was wearing a wide, belt, which emphasised the narrowness of her waist and the womanly flair of her hips. She had left the bottom three buttons of the dress undone, so that when she was seated and crossed her legs, it rode up and fell apart. A close inspection of her legs would have almost, but not quite seen the darker band that held her self-support, fishnet, seamed stockings in place.

Claire was wearing a stunning red dress. It had a halter neck that gaped when she leaned forward, was pinched in tight at the waist and flared out down the knee-length skirt. She was also wearing one of those fashionable ‘big’ necklaces and diamond stud earrings, which Greg had bought her to celebrate their ten years together. She had beige, suede, peek a boo high heels on which had a thin ankle strap. Just above that, Sammi was pleased to see, there was some wrinkles, which were the give away that she too was wearing stockings, white ones. Claire usually wore her hair in a pony-tail, but tonight it was piled up on her head with ringlets falling down her face and neck. It looked lovely.

“Bloody hell, look at you two,” Greg said giving them both a peck on the cheek when he joined them. He was wearing a dark blue, open neck shirt, a beige jacket, blue, linen trousers, tan loafers and no socks. He looked good.

‘I am going to make love to Claire and be fucked by Greg,’ were the words that kept going through Sammi’s mind as they ate the disappointing dinner. None of them could relax.

“Maybe we should have eaten at home?” Claire said as Greg paid the bill and they left after just an hour or so.

“Perhaps,” Greg said as they walked the less than quarter of a mile to the cottage. They said little more, they were each feeling the tension in different ways.

Although Claire had been the main promoter of this, she was far from sure she was doing the right thing. Mixing friendship with sex can be very dangerous even when the sex is straightforward, like shagging a mate. When it is as complicated as what they were going to do there was so many areas where problems could arise. Would she be jealous when Greg made love to Sammi? Who would she be jealous of, also occurred to her? How would she feel making love to Sammi as he watched, would she be able to, even? How would Greg choose who to shag first, would there be a meaning if he chose Sammi and would Sammi feel left out if he chose her? God, the complications had been increasing and becoming more complicated ever since Sammi’s reply to her question, “Will you be?” had been, after a suitable thinking time. “Yes Claire, I will.”

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