Waco Ch. 03


Back at the house after the concert, I asked Jon and Sara to excuse me so that I could call home and let Denise know what I was up to- especially since I hadn’t called the night before…

“Oh, of course, Will,” Jon said. “Please, feel free… We’ll just be watching TV… Do you need to use our phone?”

“No… I have one… Uh… would you like it if I asked her to fly out to meet us?” I asked.

“Really?” they said simultaneously, both of them turning quickly and looking at me.

I laughed. “Really… I know she’d like you both… She’s gorgeous and incredibly hot…”

I went up to my room and called Denise on my old clamshell phone.

“You’re in Waco now, aren’t you?” she said after the hello’s.


“So what’s it like?”

“Well, I’m staying with a pastor and his wife…”

“Oh, no! Poor baby… how long are you stuck there for?”

I chuckled. “It’s not like what you think… They’ve been fucking my brains out!”

There was silence on her end for several seconds; when she spoke again her voice was low and husky.

“Both of them?”

“Yeah… I’ve been on a real ’round-the-world tour… It has been incredibly hot, Denise… I wish you were here…”

“Ohhhhhhh… me, toooo! I miss you so much, baby…”

“Check the airfares to Dallas and call me back, okay?”

“Really?! Oh, wow! Okay… call you right back…”

My phone rang in less than five minutes.

“I can get to DFW right now on a red-eye for a couple hundred bucks- round trip!”

“What time? I’ll be there.”

“Uhhh… it’ll be about two-thirty, baby… USAir… will that work?”

“No sweat. I’ll be at the curb… or circling around.”

“Gotta run if I’m gonna make it, Will… Love you… ‘Bye.”

‘Wow,’ I thought… ‘This couldn’t get any better…’

I hurried down the stairs; Sara and Jon were looking at me expectantly when I came through the doorway.

“Denise will be at DFW in a little over three hours,” I said, breathing a little hard just from excitement.

“Oh, wow… oh, wow! She’s really coming?!” Sara said, clapping her hands and bouncing on the couch like a child. Jon was grinning from ear to ear; so was I.

“So, have you guys ever done anything like this before?” Jon asked me. “Except for that one time with Tad, you know, this is new for us, too…”

“No, Jon, but Denise and I have talked about it… You know- how we’d respond if another couple came on to us… so, it wasn’t a shot in the dark when I called her. I know she’ll be a little nervous since you’ve never met, but she’s really excited, too- since I told her that you’ve taken me on a round-the-world tour… and that you’re both really hot…”

“Oh, wow, oh, wow… I can’t wait…” Sara said, still bouncing a little on the couch.

It was just after eleven o’clock; it would only take a couple of hours to get to the airport, so there was no point in leaving just yet. We tried to watch a movie to pass the time, but I couldn’t concentrate on it very well. They obviously couldn’t either; Sara kept kissing me, nuzzling my neck and sucking on my earlobe when she wasn’t fooling around with Jon.

We backed out of the driveway at about a quarter past twelve, getting to the ‘Arrivals’ level at the airport just before 2:30. Jon drove; they let me out to wait for Denise. She came out the door in about ten minutes, dropping her carry-on and kissing me ferociously.

“Did they come with you?” she asked, obviously excited to meet them.

“Yup. They’ll be back around in a minute…”

We kissed again, this time more of a slow, sensual kiss.

“Hey- get a room…” Sara said, rolling her window down as they pulled up.

They both jumped out and hugged Denise; Sara held her a little longer than Jon did…

Denise and I climbed into the back as Jon threw her bag in the trunk; Sara was already facing us, kneeling in the front bucket.

“I’m so glad to meet you, Denise,” Sara began. “Thank you so much for coming…” she reached a hand back to hold onto Denise’s for a moment. “This is Jon… I guess Will’s told you what we’ve been up to…”

“Well… he did say something about getting his brains fucked out…” she said, laughing; then her voice changed to a mock-serious tone: “I can always use that kind of thing myself… Brains are highly over-rated…”

“So, uh… have you done, uh, ‘this kind of thing’ before?” Sara asked uncertainly.

Denise smiled and chuckled. “Well, sort of… When I was a kid, I had a girlfriend who lived up the street… we fooled around some. Then there was this guy that Will and I did a threesome with once… That one was weird- he turned out to be a real asshole…”

“Is that the one you told us about, Will?” Sara asked; I nodded. She continued, turning back to Denise. “I’m amazed you came without even bedava bahis knowing what we look like or anything… What did this guy here say about us?”

Denise laughed again. “Just the “brains” thing and that it’s been an incredibly hot time… besides, I was bored, lonely, and really horny… I figured if Will liked you that much, I would, too…”

“I’d have gotten on a plane, too,” Sara said, laughing. “What Will didn’t tell you, I guess, is that Jon and I are in love with him- in every way… even more now that we’ve met you, Denise. I think you’re incredibly beautiful…” She took Denise’s hand again, this time with both of hers, rubbing the back of it gently as she looked in her eyes. They both blushed after a few seconds and Sara let go…

“Oh. Well, anyway… We heard Will at a concert a couple of years back,” she continued, “and both Jon and I felt a deep connection. Neither one of us told the other, though, until last August when I mentioned it in passing. It turned out we both had fantasized about having a threesome with him… The only time we’d ever done that before was several years back with a close friend; he moved away, though…” She looked off into the distance for a moment. “Anyway, when we heard Will was coming back to town, we pulled some strings and got him to stay with us. Then we left some x-rated photos of Jon and me for him to find…”

Both girls laughed. “Really? You did that?” Denise asked, obviously a bit shocked.

“Yeah. We knew we didn’t have much time, and we figured it was the best way to approach a guy who didn’t know us. We put the photos in his room where he’d find them. It was apparently good bait…” More laughter.

“Can I see them?” Denise asked.

“Sure… as soon as we get home.”

It didn’t happen that way. It was nearly five a.m. when we got to the house, and nobody was interested in anything but sleep. Denise and I woke about eleven, hearing some noises below in the kitchen. We showered quickly before heading down; Denise found the photos while I was in the bathroom.

When I came out, she looked up at me, holding them in her lap and licking her lips. “I see why you… uh, got involved,” she said. “They’re both incredibly hot…”

“Yeah… and it didn’t hurt that they’re so into me, either…”

“Sooo… Ready to go downstairs?” Denise asked, standing and tying the belt on her silk robe; her nipples were standing up.

“Just one more thing,” I said, pulling her against me and kissing her deeply. We were both panting slightly when I released her; I was hard.

“You ready?” I asked. She grinned. “Well, let’s go,” I said, tightening my own robe. Denise reached inside it and stroked my hard-on a couple of times.

“Looks like you need a cold shower, mister,” she laughed, closing my robe and heading downstairs to the kitchen; I followed her a moment later, trying to keep my hard-on covered until I sat down.

Both Jon and Sara were similarly attired, sitting at the kitchen table sipping coffee when we walked in. (I was only half-hard by then…)

“You remember where the coffee is, right?” Jon said, pointing to the counter where there was a large carafe, two big mugs, raw sugar and half-and-half. We filled the mugs and sat down at the table in the two remaining chairs.

“Sleep okay?” he asked. We nodded.

“I apologize, but I’ve got to get dressed and run,” Sara said. “The women’s group meets for lunch today and I’m the president… Then I’ve got more meetings until five… Yeah, it’s a bummer, but I’m sure you guys can find things to do while I’m gone…” She smirked. “Save some for me…”

She got up, kissed Jon quickly, then me, then Denise… The longest kiss was with Denise before she turned and went upstairs.

Denise was breathing a little faster as she watched Sara walk out. “Wow,” she said softly.

“Denise,” Jon began, “since we didn’t know you were coming ’til last night, Will and I had planned to just mess around with each other today… But, now that you’re here, it changes everything… What do you want to do?”

“You- and Will?” Denise said, looking from me to him and back, apparently shocked.

Jon laughed. “You remember Sara said we are in love with him, right? Maybe Will should explain…” He turned to me, smiling.

‘What the hell,’ I thought. “I think I’d rather show you while I explain,” I said. “Can we continue up in your room, Jon?”

“Sure… Just give me a few minutes. Coffee’s kickin’ in…”

We all laughed, recognizing the phrase- and Denise and I were having the same issues. We each resolved them before going into their room; Jon was already sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard, still in his robe. He motioned to the rest of the bed.

“Have a seat,” he said, twisting the wire off a bottle of champagne and popping the stopper with a towel casino siteleri over it before pouring into three tall glasses and adding orange juice.

“The only way to drink in the morning,” he laughed, handing one to Denise, then to me. After we’d all finished a glass and he’d poured seconds for us, he began talking. “Denise, I think it might help if I gave you a little history… Sara mentioned in the car that we got involved with another guy awhile back. She didn’t spell it out, but we all uncovered some powerful needs as that relationship developed. A couple of nights ago, Will found out he has those same needs… You want to take it from there, Will?”

I laughed. “Sure… Wow… How do I start, Denise? The whole thing has been so hot that I don’t know if I can find the words… but, baby, when I sucked Jon the first time, I discovered another dimension of sexual sensation- and I nearly came without anyone touching me. I don’t know how to say it except that I’ve learned I’m a cock-slut- I loved having his cock in my mouth. It drove me wild…

“And then he fucked me… I never felt anything like it in my life… Even the best orgasm I’ve ever had couldn’t touch what I was feeling inside the whole time Jon was fucking me… and I know it’s mostly because of how he did it… and for how long… and because his cock is such a perfect fit… and went so deep inside me…”

I leaned over and opened Jon’s robe, letting his hard-on stand up for us to see, stroking it. “Sara had to give me a nudge that first time before I actually got it in my mouth, since I was more than a little inhibited… Then everything changed…” I leaned over a little more and sucked the delicious, warm shaft into my mouth again, making both Jon and I moan.

“Ohhhhhyeahhhh,” he sighed, but lifted my head back up, looking in my eyes. “Let’s smoke some weed before we really get started, okay, Will? It always takes everything to another level. Don’t worry, my friend- that cock ‘ll taste even better for the wait…”

Remembering clearly what it was like to suck him when I was high, I smiled back at him. He got a joint off the bedside table and lit it, leaving his robe open and his cock exposed; both Denise and I stared at it. We passed the joint around several times before Jon set it in an ashtray, then lay back on the pillows and looked at me, idly stroking himself.

“Forgive me for interrupting you, Will,” he said sincerely. “I hated doing it… I won’t do it again…”

I got between his legs at once, pulling his knees up so I could wrap an arm around a thigh; I lowered my mouth onto the magical shaft once more. My heart pounded as I tasted and felt his cock on my tongue. ‘Watch me, Denise- watch me suck this cock…’ I thought. ‘I know it turns you on…’ I worked the bottom of it with my tongue as I sucked, sliding further down on it until my lips touched my hand as it stroked and gently squeezed the base. I looked up at him, showing him with my moans and how my eyes rolled back and closed, just how much I loved what was in my mouth.

“I love your cock, Jon… I love your cock… mmmmmmm…” I said, just before I sucked it in again.

I felt Denise’s hands on my shoulders. “Put your arms behind you for a sec, baby,” she said quietly. “Let me get this robe off…”

I obeyed, and was immediately naked; I put my arm back around his thigh and my other hand on his cock, now consumed even more with lust for it- and the knowledge that my wife was watching me as I showed her what a cock-sucker I’d become… She lay down next to us, her face by my head; she’d taken off her robe, too. One of her hands caressed Jon’s stomach as she ran her fingers through my hair with the other.

“Ohhhhhhh… suck that cock, Will,” she said softly. “Show me how you love to suck that cock… Suck that cock, baby… Ohhhh… you really are a cock-slut, aren’t you? mmmmmm… you look so fucking hot with that cock in your mouth, baby… Sooo hot… Here, now, give Mama some, too…”

The hand in my hair moved to my shoulder and she began to pull me up. As soon as Jon’s cock-head slipped out of my mouth, Denise sucked it deep into hers with a loud moan, pushing me to the side as she crawled over Jon’s leg. At once, I got behind her and slid my throbbing cock all the way into her hot, slippery cunt, pressing against her soft, full ass. A long, low groan came out of her and she began to slowly roll her hips around on my shaft. I kept my cock deep inside her, flexing it several times before pulling it halfway out for a few short strokes, holding her narrow waist. When I drove it deep again, she pushed back onto it, squirming.

“Ohhhhh… wowww… You really love this, don’t you, Denise? You’re a cock-slut, too, aren’t you?” Jon said softly. Denise looked up at him, but kept on sucking. “That’s a good thing… bein’ a cock-slut… I’m not puttin’ you bahis siteleri down at all, baby… We’re all cock-sluts here… and cunt-sluts… and ass-sluts… So suck that cock… show me how much you love it, Denise… and wiggle that fine ass for Will, too… Show us how much you love gettin’ double-fucked… like a hundred-dollar whore… Suck, Denise, suck…”

Denise’s efforts increased as Jon talked to her, even reaching back and grabbing my hips to pull me deeper into her cunt, squirming on it while she gasped around the cock in her mouth. She finally even let that go to turn her head back toward me…

“Ohhhhhhh… fuck me, Will! Fuck me hard… slam it into me… ohhhhhhh… oh… oh… oh… OH! Fuck meeeee… nowwwww… oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohhhhhhhhhhmmmmm…”

I drove my cock into her ever-juicier, spasming cunt until I felt her relax and release her grip on my hips, her hands going back to Jon’s cock. She kept stroking and sucking on it as I held her hips back tight against mine, still flexing my own cock inside her. She moaned and kept on squirming, apparently building to another climax.

Jon looked at me. “Trade places with me, Will… I want to fuck your wife, my friend…”

He pulled her mouth off his cock and got up; I withdrew and knelt in front of her head. She sucked me in immediately, both hands on my ass, moaning as Jon’s cock slowly slid into her. She kept moaning and squirming, and we fucked her like that until I came in her wildly sucking, whimpering mouth.

When she let me go, Jon started slamming into her like I’d just done, and she raised her long torso up with her eyes closed, mouth open soundlessly, neck tendons stretching as her head went back. Her second orgasm hit then, and she held onto her breasts, rolling the nipples between her fingers, throwing her head back and forth in high-pitched gasps as Jon continued to slap his hips against her ass.

Her climax faded, her eyes opened and she looked at me and smiled; her skin was flushed and she was panting hard.

Jon didn’t come then, but he pulled out of her. I leaned forward and kissed her, licking my come off her face and out of her mouth. I pushed her onto her back, diving between her thighs and sucking everything I could out of her cunt before kissing Jon’s full lips, my mouth wet with our combined juices. Locked in the kiss, he pulled me down on top of him as he held my ass-cheeks and pressed his still-very-hard cock into my stomach.

“I need you,” he whispered in my ear. “I need you to take my cock up inside you, Will… I need to feel your hungry ass squirming on it… to hear you moan… I need to be inside you, Will… I need to come inside you… I need to fuck you, Will… ohhhhhhhhhhhhh… Oh! uhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm…”

He suddenly came while pressing against my stomach, holding me close, our mouths locked together as his orgasm took him by surprise. His cock stayed hard when his hold on me eventually relaxed, though, our bodies now sticky with his semen; he buried his face in my shoulder, kissing my neck, breathing hard. As soon as we rolled apart, Denise licked the come off our stomachs, then moved to licking our cocks for several long, slow sessions, getting us both clean.

“That was the hottest sex I’ve ever had in my fucking life,” she said, throwing herself back onto the pillows at the headboard.

“We’re just warming up,” Jon answered. “I bet you didn’t know that your husband goes crazy gettin’ his ass fucked, did you? Would you like to see that, Mrs. O’Connor?”

She giggled. “Sure… I’d love to see him get fucked… Come on and show me, Will… let me see this beautiful man fuck you…”

“Okay, but let me get loosened up a little, first,” I said. “It’s a lot easier when I start it myself…”

She watched attentively as I lay on my side and used the lube tube, then started working the dildo into my ass. When it was almost all the way in, she put her hand over mine.

“Let me do it, Will,” she said in my ear. “Let me fuck you…”

I pulled my hand away and she pressed up against my side, driving the rubber cock slowly, inch by inch, deep into my ass as she kissed me, then raised up to look in my eyes.

“How does it feel, Will?” she said softly. “Does my baby like the feel of a long cock in his ass?”

I was almost incoherent with ecstasy by that time, and all I could do was moan and writhe on the rubber dong she controlled so expertly; the rushes ‘way up inside were too powerful and too exquisite to ignore… or even rise above, overwhelming all my attempts at words. Then she kissed me again, and I lost myself in the touch of her soft body and the long shaft she kept sliding in and out of me.

Suddenly, though, she broke the kiss and began pulling the dildo out of my ass, leaving me momentarily open-mouthed and speechless with confusion; then Jon grabbed me by the hips and pulled me to the edge of the bed. I smiled up at him as he pushed my knees apart and put the head of his lubed cock inside my open hole. ‘Oh, yeah… now I remember,’ I thought…

“Fuck me, daddy,” I said to him. “Fuck me, Jon… I can’t wait…”

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