World’s Biggest Harem Chapter 20


Anna slowly lowered her leg and cast a look back at me. She smiled gently as she switched legs. Peach and Diana were both scowling at her. I thought it best to change the subject.

“You all played really well tonight.” I said. “It was a lot more fun than I thought it would be.”

“Crystal says you’re a big fan.” Diana said.

“Of the uniforms, sure.”

Anna laughed. Her upright leg trembled a little, but she regained her balance very quickly. If I hadn’t been watching her so carefully, I likely wouldn’t have noticed. Diana and Peach were giving my judgmental looks.

“Well, the uniforms are why this league makes so much more money than the regular women’s national team.”

“That and the fact that you’re real women.”

Anna laughed again. She cast me an appreciative look behind her shoulder, still not abandoning her pose.

“You’re funny.” She said. “I like that.”

Before I could respond, Diana cut in.

“Not with Crystal’s boyfriend, Anna.” She said. “The last thing we need is drama among the team.”

“If the captain had her way none of us would be allowed to have boyfriends at all.” Anna said. For the first time she sounded rather abrasive. Sensing an argument, I decided to cut them off.

“How is Crystal fitting in? She isn’t giving you too much trouble, I hope?”

“She’s fine.” Christine said. “She just… uh, talks about you too much.”

“Like what?”

“Like how you fuck her brains out every time she comes over.” Anna said lazily.

“Anna!” Diana said sharply.

“She says she can’t handle you and has to let you sleep around to keep you happy.” Anna went on. “Is there any truth to that?”

“Yes.” I said, thinking it was best not to beat around the bush around that. Diana and Peach were staring at me, slack jawed, and Anna finally lowered her leg.

“Interesting.” She said at last. She sized me up, her head tilted, and licked her lips. “I must confess… I am curious…”

The door to the locker room opened. Crystal stepped out, followed by five other girls. She stopped, staring, and then smiled.

“Hey you.” She said, making her way towards me. I wrapped my arms around her, lifted her off the ground, and kissed her. Diana let out a grown.

“Get a room, you two.”

“And let her watch.” Anna said. Diana shot her a disgusted look as I set Crystal down. She was beaming at me, bouncing up and down on her heels.

“Well?” She asked, as the five other girls behind her were curiously looking my way. “How did you like the game?”

“He was just telling us how much he loved the uniforms.” Anna said. Crystal groaned, and then punched me on the arm.

“Come on, show a little class.”

“Says the girl who just made out with me in front of all of your friends.”

She gave me a horrified look, and the girls around us broke out kaçak bahis into giggles. She pouted, looking somewhat embarrassed, and I cupped her hand in my cheek.

“You played well today.” I said. “All of you.”

Peach smiled, enjoying the compliment. Anna raised her hand.

“Are you going to kiss us too?”

A couple of us laughed, but not all.

“If you want.” I told her, completely straight faced. Crystal’s face went completely white.

“Oh no.”

Anna smiled at me and leaned in. I kissed her. There were audible gasps and a shocked silence.

Anna smiled and brought me in closer.

“You weren’t kidding, Crystal.” She purred. “He is a good kisser.”

“Cut it out.” Crystal said. “Please…?” She gave me a dark look.

“Hang on.” One of the girls that had followed behind her interjected. “I want one too.” She pushed her way to the front of the crowd and looked at me a with her perky chest sticking out through her tight fighting uniform.

“Hm.” I said, as I placed my finger on her chin and pushed her head up. “Name?”

“Skye.” She replied confidently. Crystal let out a groan and palmed her forehead. I leaned in and kissed her. She enthusiastically pressed her lips against me.

“Hey, no fair. I only got a peck.”

“And the rest of you get nothing.” Crystal snapped.

I waved my finger towards Diana. “Get in a line.” I said. “All of you.”

Crystal gave me a dark look, but a good handful of the girls, including Anna, Peach, Chrstine, and a few of the ones I had not met yet did as I asked. Anna smiled at me, tugging up at her shirt a little as she twisted about on her toes. Peach looked a little apprehensive, casting nervous glances at Crystal.

“No cuts.” I said to Crystal. She scowled at me. She bounced her way off to the back of the line, and I slapped her ass as she went. The group of girls giggled.

The first of the girls bounced up to me.

“I’m Ema.” She said brightly. I introduced myself, leaned in for a kiss, and she took it eagerly. When she pulled away and asked for another, I slapped her ass and sent her to the back of the line.

Imagine my shock when another, identical girl stepped up from behind her.

“Hey, didn’t I-“

“She’s my twin.” The girl said dully, unsmiling. “I’m Lana.”

Despite her expression, she seemed perfectly willing to share a kiss with me.” She pulled away, biting her lip, and tugged at my collar.

“I should have gone first…” She murmured.

“Next time.” I told her. She rolled her eyes, smiled at me, and went to the back of the line where her twin was waiting. They were already talking, shooting me excited looks as the next girl stepped up.

“I’m Mia.” She said. “A pleasure to meet you.”

She kissed me, and instead of going to the back of the line chose to sit bedava bahis next to me, laying her head against my shoulder. Christine came next, a little nervously.

“Uh, may I, sir?” She asked timidly. I grabbed her and made out with her in front of everyone, causing the entire crowd to applaud.

Peach came next, and we shared a timid kiss before she ducked away, embarrassed, and sat in the corner. Diana came after her, arms crossed.

“I don’t approve of this.” She told me bluntly.

“You don’t have to participate you know.” I told her.

She murmured something about ‘not wanting to be left out’, and gave me a rather chaste kiss, before ducking away, her face red.

After her came a blonde girl named Hope, who said nothing. She seemed to think that gave her leeway to kiss me longer than the others, and in the end I had to push her away. She moved away, smirking.

Anna came after her, and looked at me expectantly.

“Is that everyone?” I asked.

“The captain isn’t here.” Crystal told me, looking rather put out.

Before she could finish Anna bent over, and arching her back, began nibbling at my lips.

There was outcry from the other girls. “Come on, Anna.” Diana said abrasively. “Don’t be such a pig.”

Anna smiled as she locked eyes with me. She wiggled her butt back and forth. I couldn’t help myself. I reached for her tight fighting white uniform top and ripped it off.

There was an audible gasp from the girls as Anna wiggled back and forth, smiling at me gently.

“Well I think this is about to become a sexual encounter.” She said, smirking. “Leave us alone, please. I need my privacy.”

Crystal stepped forward, looking a bit angry. “Anna, NO. Get away from-“

I cut her off before she could finish.

“You’ll get your turn.” I said sharply. “All of you.”

There was a dead silence in the room. No one spoke. Everyone looked at me in awe.

Anna let out a chuckle.

“You seriously think you can take us all?” She asked. “Rather confident, are you?”

I pulled her head in for another kiss. She enthusiastically returned it, talking to me in between kisses.

“You’ll do me.” She was saying to me quietly, so that the others watching couldn’t hear. “And you’ll be so happy… so tired… that you won’t even be thinking about the other girls anymore.”

I said nothing in response. I let my actions define what I knew was going to happen next. I wrapped my hands around her thighs and lifted her off the ground. Despite being rather tall- over six feet, I was quite easily able to left her off the ground.

“Oooooh…” Peach sighed, as Anna wiggled in my grip. I brought her closer to me, and she adjusted her legs. Long and powerful, they wrapped around my waist in a vice grip, and she grabbed my hair, holding me close. kazandıran bahis siteleri We kissed, my hands still on her firm bottom.

Diana licked her lips, as I adjusted myself on the bench. I lay on top of Anna, who was staring up at me with wide eyes, as I adjust my hands and start playing with her bra.

“Teasing me, are you?” Anna asked, as I slowly tugged at the strings They came undone, but because of the angle she was sitting it did not fall it. It simply lay there, blocking off her chest from view.

I leaned down, and began kissing and biting at her neck. She arched her back and curled her toes, as the girls around us stared, wide eyed. I reached her chest, biting and kissing, and then moved aside the bra with my mouth.

There was a soft, comforting collective ‘ooooh’ from our onlookers as Anna let out a soft whimper.

I kissed down her chest, to her stomach and spent quite a bit of time admiring her abs. She had an incredible body. I kissed and stroked her waist and thighs as I finally made my way to her shorts.

I pulled away and gently ran my finger in between the center of her thighs.

“You tease.” Anna murmured, I smiled at her she began to fiddle with my own pants. “I want to see it.”

Diana was licking her lips. Peach looked somewhat nervous and apprehensive, but a sliver of drool was running down her cheek. Christine was staring, wide eyed. The twins, Ema and Lana, were clutching each other, staring intently.

Anna undid my pants and let out a shocked gasp as my cock burst forth. The entire crowd let out a cry.

“It’s so-“

“Amazing.” Hope breathed. She took in a deep breath, and tugged at the helm of her own shirt.

Anna raised her hand and grabbed it. She played with it for a little, tugging and stroking, but in the end she had to take both hands.

“I- don’t think I’ve seen one half this big.” She admitted.

The entire group murmured their consent.

“Can you take it?” I ask her, amused.

“O-of course I can.” She said. She swallowed, looking a little bit nervous, as she sat up and cupped the thing in her hands. She stared at it, and then carefully positioned her head to take my cock into her mouth.


She bobbed back and forth, but she was having trouble.

“Relax.” I said gently. “Don’t force it.”


She fell into a more comfortable rhythm, bobbing her head back and forth. Crystal raised her finger to her mouth and bit it, staring at us intently. Anna looked up at me, her eyes wide and pleading. I patted her head reassuringly, and that seemed to motivate her to keep going.

When she pulled away she was breathing hard and looking rather worn out.

“How was that?” She asked me.

“It was okay.” I said. “Whose next?”

She froze, looking a little taken aback.


“You’re all taking turns, remember?” I reminded her gently. “Take a breather.”

“But… but…”

I leaned forward, kissed her forehead, and turned away as she sat there looking awestruck.

“Who’s next?” I asked again.

Every single girl raised her hand.

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