Wromocode Ch. 02


Sunday, December 15

7:04 PM CST

Old Market Lofts, Omaha

Pierce Livingston

S/wromocode – 12/15/19 7:04:44 pm CST – u/gaycollegewrestler

Okay my fellow #wromocode #gaycollegewrestlers, here is the #draftwromocodeguidelines mentioned in previous posts for several scenarios related to having naked fun with another college wrestler. @justme, have a look through these. Copy and paste specific ones you’d like to alter. State where they came from and then make the adjustment you’d like me to consider. Or add your own idea and tell me where to put it. If you’re okay with what I have, I’ll edit the post to make it official.

Note that I cut down the massage times we stated in yesterday’s post so accommodate those who have time constraints.

Here’s the beginning…


In today’s day and age, you are REQUIRED to ask permission to touch another individual when you are with them.

? Just because another gay wrestler has agreed to be naked in the same room with you does not mean you have permission to do whatever you want to them.

? You MUST ask permission for every new way you’re touching them until he finally tells you that you no longer have to ask for his permission.

? You cannot assume that just because one guy let you do something to him that every other man will allow the same thing.

? You must respect their space and their ability to make choices of what happens to their body.

? Doing the above will help the wromocode members stay under the radar, because we aren’t causing others undue discomfort.

? Thank you!


? All gaycollegewrestlers need to start saving money now to prepare for the unexpected.

0 What if you have to have a roommate for your hotel stay?

0 What if they oversold the hotel and your private room turns into a shared room?

0 What if your roommate stays behind at a time you thought he’d be gone?

0 If you’re not willing to come out to the closet yet, you will need money saved for each night you hope to literally become one with another wrestler.

0 Assume you will be limited to a Comfort Hotel (Bedspread & Sheets, Sleepy Inn or Cozy Inn) at $100 per night with tax included.

0 Your hotel night savings goal might be $1,000 just to be on the safe side.

0 You’ll definitely want to continue saving after nationals so you can build up a good amount before next season starts.


? Consider doing some reading or watching a few UTubes on:

0 Massage techniques.

0 How to give a fantastic blow job.

0 How to diminish your gag reflex.

¦ You’ll thank me for suggesting this.

¦ It takes practice!

0 How to fuck and be fucked.

0 What is a top in gay sex?

0 What is a bottom in gay sex?

0 The art of edging.

0 STDs/STIs.

0 Erogenous zones.

0 Armpit worship.


? How much do you want your naked fun friend to know about you?

? Will you want him to use a condom while you’re blowing him?

? Will you want him to use a condom when fucking you?

? Are you willing to swallow his load?

? Are you okay if he chooses not to swallow yours?

? Are you okay with the lights being on/off while you’re having your naked fun?

? Do you have ticklish spots you want him to know about?

? Are you sensitive about certain body parts?

? Do you need private instruction in order to increase your chances of getting to regionals and nationals? (Not off topic, I promise.)

0 How badly do you want to go to regionals and nationals?

0 You know that your motivation to get to regionals and nationals has to go beyond the sex you can have there.

¦ Yes, sex is important, but it has to be the icing.

¦ You have to want to get to regionals and nationals to do the best for yourself and your team.

¦ Working your ass off now to get to regionals and nationals will be the reward.

¦ Having your way with hot college wrestlers will be a nice cherry on bottom.

? How will you manage it if anyone finds out you’re gay?

0 Are you ready to come out of the closet?

¦ If not, you will want to be VERY discreet.

¦ If someone finds out and outs you, it may be difficult at first, but YOU WILL SURVIVE.

? Your life may be different after, but you will learn who your real friends and loving family members are.




? Fluorescent green boxer briefs

0 Two pair at least, just in case

? Green rubber bracelets

0 What if you break the one you have out of the excitement of it all?

? An old bath towel from home and keep it in your travel bag.

0 Two would be better, but suitcase/duffel bag space is limited.

? Two old hand towels to use as cum rags.

? Lube

? Condoms

? Douche device

0 You should always have this with you just in case your naked fun friend has a hotel room with no roommates

¦ If you haven’t heard bursa escort of men douching, please be sure to seek out online video instruction for this, too.


? Wear fluorescent green boxer briefs under your singlet

? After you’ve put your green or red ankle straps (or after you’ve stepped onto mat if the plan is for the wrestlers to not wear ankle straps) take a few moments to adjust the right leg of your singlet to expose an inch or so of your fluorescent green undies.

0 Fuss with it for a short moment so those in the know realize you are purposely adjusting it to get their attention.

? Expose the lower inch of that right leg’s fluorescent green undies again before you get into position for the beginning of the second period.

? Peel the top half of your singlet off after your match is done, whether it be as you’re leaving the mat directly after your match or as you return from the locker room.

0 Once your top half is peeled off, fuss with your right leg of your singlet to expose your fluorescent green undies again.

¦ Your own teammates might just know about the wromocode and wish to rip your singlet off themselves.

? While you’re sitting with your team or leaning against the wall on the floor of the arena, expose the lower inch of your undies on that right leg.

0 One of the other wromocoders may just pass by looking for naked fun.


? Once all of the matches are done for the day, head to the main concession stand.

0 In some arenas, this will be the only concession stand.

0 Be patient.

¦ Your fellow wromocoder may have been in the last match of the day.

0 Don’t dawdle.

¦ Security will be working to get everyone out of the building as soon as they can so they can go home.

0 In larger arenas, go to the concession stand that’s nearest to the main doors that represent the address for the building.

¦ You’ll want to google the building’s address the morning of your meet and see which entrance the address takes you to. The closest concession stand is the one you’ll want to be at.

0 Don’t stand in line at the concession stand unless you want to order something.

¦ Make sure your green bracelet is clearly visible, if so.

¦ Stand away from it, but within close proximity to it.

? Wear a green rubber bracelet on your right wrist so everyone knows what to look for as they’re approaching.

0 If there are two concession stands in that area, stand in between the two and make sure to keep an eye out for green bracelets.

0 It will be easier for your future fuck buddy to see if you choose a short-sleeved shirt to wear to the concession stand.

¦ Make it a tight shirt so he can’t help but look at you as you approach.


? Just because you arrive at the concession stand wearing a green bracelet does not mean you’re getting naked with any of us.

? That’s not to say you won’t be invited, but if you didn’t sweat in a singlet at some point that day, those who did have first right of refusal.

? Keep in mind that wrestlers have to work on their leanness and muscle development every day.

0 The wromocode is really intended for actual wrestlers.


? Both of you live in town and your teams just competed against each other.

0 Determine a place and time to hook up.

¦ Who does or doesn’t have roommates?

? Who would have the most privacy at their apartment?

0 Determine how both of you will get there and how the guest will get home.

¦ See Who Does What to Whom for the rest.

? Dual with hotel with roommates

0 Make an excuse to skip dinner with the team, your parents or family.

¦ Tell them you’re not feeling well.

¦ You need some time to mentally prepare yourself for tomorrow’s dual.

¦ You’re super tired and just want to stay in.

? No, you don’t want company.

? You just want “me” time.

0 Be sure to have a plan for how you will eat your chicken breasts and eggs or beef & broccoli

¦ You will probably have to have them delivered.

¦ Ask if he wants to eat with you afterward.

? Tell him upfront if you expect him to pay for his own meal.

0 Plan for your time in the room to be sixty minutes or less.

¦ Assume your roommate or team will go to a restaurant that’s close by and that they won’t have to wait for a table.

¦ 60 minutes or less means that you may not have time to douche before someone gets fucked.

? Unless you don’t mind giving up that valuable 15-20 minutes per person for cleanliness.

0 Determine who had the best outcome from their match(es) and refer to the Who Does What to Whom section.

¦ Have fun.

¦ Keep it quiet so you don’t get kicked out of the hotel and end up on the news the next day.

¦ Tell him to go slow if it’s your first time getting fucked.

? And yes, I know that seems like the opposite of what is stated before. He needs to go slow AND you need to be done in 60 minutes.

? bursa escort Insist that you were serious when you told him to go slow.

? He must go slow until you’re used to his cock in your ass.

¦ Understand that it is a given that the fucking without douching will be messy.

? And by messy I mean that the one who’s getting fucked without douching will have shit left in his ass.

0 With all that thrusting and glorious in and outness, the shit will end up outside the bottom’s vessel.

? The one who’s doing the fucking will have shit on his cock.

? It will smell.

? This is the price you’re both paying for being under a time constraint and not having your own room.

? You can still have fun.

? Don’t be embarrassed about it.

? Just accept it and enjoy the moment.

? Don’t put something that’s got shit on it in your mouth.

0 Unless you’re into scat. Have at it, if that’s what you like!

? If that first experience was just too stinky, this may motivate you to learn how to save your money for private hotel rooms in the future.

¦ You will then need to do your fucking on the towel I advised you to bring in the What to Pack section.

? Otherwise, that shit will end up on the bed you may be sharing with a teammate later.

? You won’t want to have to explain why there’s shit on the bed someone has to share with you.

0 You will end up sleeping on the floor.

0 You’ll make an enemy of your teammate who may be determined to figure out what’s going on with you and then out you before you’re ready to come out.

0 You don’t need that bad blood.


0 Know where you are on the towel.

0 Make sure the top knows where the bottom’s ass is so it stays on the towel.

0 Wash the towel afterwards.

¦ No, don’t get the whole towel wet. That will take too long to dry. The rest of the clothes in your bag will get wet and stinky.

¦ Just get the immediate area wet and use soap and water to get that spot clean.

¦ If you still want to hang out after you’ve blown your loads, you can go sit in the hot tub.

? Assume there will likely be a security camera in the pool area.

? If you’re alone, though, the camera probably won’t be able to pick up if you pull his cock out of his trunks underwater and stroke him until he blows.


0 You don’t need the front desk person kicking you out of the hotel.

? Dual with hotel and no roommate

0 Make an excuse to skip dinner with the team, your parents or family.

¦ Tell them you’re not feeling well.

¦ You need some time to yourself to prepare for tomorrow’s dual.

¦ You’re super tired and just want to stay in.

? No, you don’t want company.

0 Be sure to have a plan for how you will eat your chicken breasts and eggs or beef & broccoli.

¦ You will probably have to have them delivered.

¦ Ask if he wants to eat with you afterward.

? Tell him upfront if you expect him to pay for his own meal.

0 Determine who had the best outcome from their match(es) and refer to the Who Does What to Whom section.

0 Have fun.

0 Remember to breathe.

0 Keep it quiet so you don’t get kicked out of the hotel and in the newspapers the next day.

0 Tell him to go slow if it’s your first time getting fucked.

¦ Insist that you were serious when you told him to go slow.

¦ He must go slow until you’re used to his cock in your ass.

0 Read up on edging before you go and make each other edge.

¦ Since you don’t necessarily have a time constraint, you might as well get practice with this. It will pay off for decades.

? Yes, decades.

0 Know that you still need a good night’s sleep to perform well the next day.

? Tournament for two nights in a hotel with roommates

0 Refer to Dual with hotel with roommates after you read the rest of the bullets in this section.

0 After you’re done and before whomever leaves, decide if you want to or can see each other the next night.

0 Keep in mind that it’s probably unlikely that you will get the room to yourself for both evenings.

¦ One of your roommates will want the room to himself, and you had yours the night before.

? Tournament for two nights in a hotel with no roommates

0 Refer to the Dual with hotel and no roommates after you read the rest of the bullets in this section.

0 Realize you’re one lucky son of a bitch for having a room to yourself for two nights in a row at a wrestling tournament.

0 Send a handwritten thank you note to whomever made your private room possible.

0 Seriously though – Do you WANT to see him (or them) a second time?

¦ I would guess yes, but I’m not in the room with you.

¦ I might say “no” to a second night, as well.

? Your ass might have taken quite a pounding.

? In reality, he wasn’t really your type.

0 Just say, “No thanks. I had fun, but no thanks.”

0 “I want to spend the evening with the guys.”

? Day two of a dual escort bayan or tournament when your team or his team is not staying another night

0 Swap phone numbers and talk later about a time to get together for another hook up.

¦ If you don’t live too far away from each other.

¦ One of you could book a flight to see the other another time, though.

? It is possible.

0 Work your ass off to get to regionals and nationals.

0 Save your money for a private room for every night at regionals and nationals.


Ideas where you could try

? In the back of your car

0 At an empty park

0 In the far end of a mall parking lot where clearly no one else is parking

? Fitting room at a department store

0 Preferably one with walls that go all the way to the floor.

0 Choose one where there usually isn’t staff making note of the number of pieces you take in.


? Thank the baby Jesus that the wromocode on SpreadIt worked!

? Determine if anyone has a hotel room without roommates.

? If all have roommates, is someone willing to spring for a room?

0 Are all willing to or can you chip in for a room?

0 If the only way to get together is in a room with roommates, limit yourself to 60 minutes.

0 Refer to the Dual with hotel and with roommates section.

0 Set timers to divide up the time so it’s fair to all.

? The one with the best points spread gets first choice of what they want to do.

? The one with the second best points spread gets second choice and so on.

0 If four or more show up, please share what it was like!

? The one who has the least best points spread gets to enjoy the fact that two fellow college wrestlers want naked fun.

0 Enjoy being their bitch. 😀


? Simply said.

? Yes, this needed its own section.

? If he took a chance to reveal himself to you, you owe it to him to allow him to have the same fun time you wish to have.

? You’ll have two or three friends who you’ll see at regionals and nationals IF YOU WORK YOUR ASS OFF AND KICK BUTT FOR THE REST OF THE SEASON.


You can see that up next we get into the guidelines for who does what to whom. Before we go into too much depth about that, I want to get your head wrapped around something that may seem uncomfortable to you. At first it will. After a few times, you’ll thank me for insisting that yes, you will take a cock up your ass.

? This is the price you pay for being part of the wromocode movement.

? Sometime soon, you will enjoy feeling him (or dare I say, both*) sliding into you.

? If you hold off masturbating long enough, you might just cum without touching yourself after he hits your prostate enough times.

0 I realize you probably blow a load before each match, which means this may not work during the season, but a gay can dream.

0 Someday when it’s the off season and you’re getting fucked regularly by a seven incher, don’t touch yourself for a week.

¦ Don’t touch yourself while he’s fucking you.

¦ Let him fuck your load out of you.

¦ It will be mind blowing!

*Google Double Penetration


? If the winner won because of a pin, he gets an automatic ten minute massage that focuses on anything but his cock and balls.

0 Those will certainly get their due attention.

? If the winner won because of a Tech Fall, he gets an automatic five minute massage on one part of his body. That one part is not his cock or balls.

0 Again, that comes later.

? If only one wins, the winner gets the first blow job.

? If only one wins, the winner gets to decide if he will be the top or bottom first.


0 Those who think they are only tops have to bottom just as much as they top.

0 These are your fellow wrestlers we are talking about here.

0 They work just as hard as you do.

0 Allowing them to fuck you is a matter of respect to your brethren.

0 This is nonnegotiable.

0 Being a bottom will help you learn how to become an even better top.

0 Again, this is nonnegotiable.

? If only one wins, the non-winner should give the winner a three-minute foot massage.

0 Three minutes on each foot.

? If only one wins, the non-winner should be ready to swallow the winner’s load.

0 The winner can, of course, choose to swallow the non-winner’s load if he’d like.

¦ Unless neither is comfortable with swallowing.

¦ If he isn’t comfortable swallowing, then you too get a pass on this.

? If only one wins, the winner gets to choose the position he uses to fuck the non-winner.

0 There are many positions to consider.

0 Google the Kama Sutra.

¦ Many apply to gay sex.

? If both win, the one with the best points spread gets first choice about what’s done to him.

? If both win with the same points spread, the lighter weight gets an automatic three-minute massage on his lats and upper back.

? If both win with the same points spread, the heavier weight gets an automatic three-minute quad massage.

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