Amish Country Blues Ch. 03


To fully grasp the significant thrust of this story it is advised that you read chapters 1 and 2 of Amish Country Blues first. Enjoy!


Hannah strode the several yards from the barn to the house dragging Tommy along behind her. Her mind was searching for the emotion that seemed to be coursing just beneath the surface of her conscious mind. Was she angry, or distraught? Did she blame Ezekiel? Could it be that her lust was the cause of the discord she felt? She cast about for some answer to her dilemma.

She stepped through the threshold to the house and as she drug Tommy through, she spied Ezekiel and Elizabeth wandering toward the house also. Gone were her thoughts of doubt and introspection, she set her jaw and made for the stairs and the bedroom above. Once inside, she began to pull Tommy’s clothes from him, anxiously, and purposefully. She then made a small movement and she was shed of her dress and blouse, another move and she was naked and vibrating in front of Tommy.

She wanted Tommy on top so she laid back and motioned for him to mount her. He was already hard, had been hard since the barn, but he stroked it from habit anyway, climbed onto the bed and leaned into the vee formed by Hannah’s thighs. As he entered her, she saw Ezekiel standing in the doorway. Their eyes met and locked.

Tommy began to pound into Hannah. His shoulders flexed and his entire upper torso was rocking as he repeatedly impaled her writhing body. Perspiration formed on his brow as he began to pick up speed, his breath coming in ragged huffing and puffing.

Hannah wrapped her legs tightly around Tommy’s thighs, her arms held his waist. She blinked to keep Ezekiel in focus, tears welling up and falling thickly down her cheek.

Ezekiel stood and watched his wife take the English in the manner he had just taken Elizabeth. The sheer depravity of his wife, Hannah, acting in this fashion was eliciting strange and conflicting emotions from Ezekiel. He looked her straight in the eye and saw her looking back, watching him. His penis was hard in his trousers, and uncomfortable. He moved a hand to the front of his crotch and moved the stiff member to a more forgiving position. The touch felt good, but the movement felt even better; he rubbed along the shaft as he watched. The stiff penis swelled and trembled to the attention so he redoubled his effort.

Tommy’s relentless penetration had Hannah bucking beneath him. She began to feel the tingle that she craved between her legs. It began to spread outward, and soon she was screaming “oh…oh…oh”, still holding Ezekiel’s gaze.

Ezekiel was shocked but not deterred from his task, he stroked himself harder now, and as Hannah erupted into orgasm, he spewed his sperm down the leg of his trousers. He reached his free hand to the doorway to steady himself, his other continuing the massaging of his penis. His eyes squinted closed, his mouth opened in an “O” as he shivered from the physical release.

Hannah saw him lose his eye contact and smiled inwardly; she had won, or at least she felt superior somehow – it felt like winning.


Tommy woke and began his chores early; it had been two weeks since he had last visited the Yoders. The debacle that had occurred that dark night had shaken him. He didn’t want to face Ezekiel after what had transpired — because of what he had done — between Ezekiel and Elizabeth, and then he and Hannah afterwards with Ezekiel watching.

Tommy was beginning to get hungry around noon and headed for the house to get lunch. As he walked into the kitchen he froze when he saw his mother sitting at the kitchen table talking to Hannah.

His mother stood, moved to her son and whispered in his ear, “this girl needs compassion, Tommy. Do you understand?” She looked into her son’s eyes for a response.

Tommy nodded that he understood.

His mother left them alone to talk.

Tommy spoke first, “is something wrong, Hannah?”

“Thee must hate me.” She said through her tearful sobs.

“Oh, I don’t hate you. Why would you think that?”

“Thee have not come around and…” She couldn’t finish, her sobbing chest heaved under her blouse as she hid her face with her hands.

Tommy wanted to hold her, to tell her it was all ok. He moved toward her, but she turned in her chair, facing away from him.

He reached forward, tentatively, with an outstretched hand and placed it on her shoulder. The contact was electric for both of them. Tommy was emboldened, Hannah reassured.

She turned toward him and stood, her arms flung around him awkwardly and they stumbled back against the table. She pressed her lips to his and smothered him with frantic tearful kisses.

Tommy’s hands were at her waist, trying to balance them both to keep from falling, she reached down to find his zipper, grabbing at it unsuccessfully. Tommy moved his hands to her breasts, massaging them through the cotton muslin material. He looked into her eyes and saw the lust in them; he twisted her around Escort bayan and pushed her back to the table. He reached under her dress and ripped her panties from her. She fell back with a gasp at the violent move, her eyes wide and blinking. Tommy slid his zipper down and retrieved his throbbing penis. Without the usual pumping of his member, he plunged directly into her waiting vaginal folds. Hannah gasped again, rocking back until she was partially seated at the edge of the kitchen table.

Tommy was ramming into Hannah with such passion that Hannah was stunned by the ferocity of his assault. She quaked from the rapid penetrations and swooned from the lack of air; she had stopped breathing from the shock, but started gasping as Tommy grabbed her legs and rolled her backwards. He held her that way and continued his thrusting into Hannah. Tommy began to come, he yelled through clenched teeth, “yes…yes…yes…”

Hannah, stunned and gasping for air, felt him ejaculating into her. She watched as he slowed and began to relax his tensed hold on her legs. She was uncertain what she should do, so she remained still.

Tommy was exhausted; the exertion had drained him. Never had he ever been so excited and seemed to possess super human strength for those few moments. Now he was tired and lay on top of Hannah, huffing and puffing.

Tommy’s mother had heard the raucous lovers from the far end of the house. When she left them to talk she had assumed they would “talk”, but this was embarrassing. She had never heard such behavior before.

Hannah, lying beneath Tommy, asked, “Are thee well?”

Tommy just groaned “Umm.”

Hannah continued, “I am with child again.”

Tommy’s eyes blinked open and he lurched to his feet, suddenly realizing he may have been too brutal with the pregnant woman. “I’m so sorry, Hannah, I didn’t know!” He said in a pleading voice, his flaccid penis dripping sperm in globs onto the floor.

Hannah smiled, “I am fine. I was worried for thee.”

Tommy helped her into a chair, and looked around for her underwear; they were in shreds against the far wall. He went to them and picked them up, looked to Hannah, who blushed and started laughing. Tommy joined her and laughed loudly, guffawing as he clasped his belly.

As the mirth subsided Hannah began to explain to Tommy that Elizabeth had returned home with her husband and Ezekiel had become withdrawn. “I have missed thee terribly, Tommy.”

“I was upset about what I had done to you and Ezekiel.” Tommy admitted.

“What have thee done?” Hannah asked concerned.

“Hannah, it was my fault that Ezekiel was with Elizabeth, it was my idea. I thought that if he was happy, we could continue, But you saw and…” Tommy trailed off as he was about to bring up an unwanted memory.

She reached for, and held, his hand. She looked at him intently, smiled a knowing smile and said, “Tommy, I have come for thee.”

“Why have you come for me?” Tommy asked, confused.

“Ezekiel has allowed me this discretion, he said to tell thee that all is well and thee are welcome in our home, always.”

Tommy dropped his gaze to the floor and thought deeply. His first inclination was to be glad, but he knew that she would always be Ezekiel’s wife, and that bothered him greatly. “Hannah, it makes me glad to hear everything is ok, but…” He stopped, looking for the right words, then continued, “If you are pregnant, why are we to continue?”

“I want thee.” She squeaked, meekly.

Tommy looked at her, sitting pretty and straight in the chair. He saw there a woman who was not fully in control of her future, but riding the passion of her lust into that future with certainty.

She searched Tommy’s eyes for a telltale sign of his thoughts; she found none, so she pleaded with him once again, “Tommy, I love you!”

The admission pierced Tommy’s heart like a white hot dagger. He reached to Hannah’s hand, still holding his and clasped it between his hands. “Hannah, I love you too, but how are we to be in love while you are married?”

“I wish for it to be so.” She cried, realizing that she was trapped between her life as an Amish wife and her love for Tommy.

“Let me take you home.” Was all Tommy said in response.


Tommy sat with his coffee and watched his mother make dinner. It was her evening off and she busied herself with pots and pans as she hustled though the motions of cooking. Tommy chanced a question of his mother that ordinarily he would never broach, “Mom, what did you think of Hannah?”

“She seemed very nice, but she was upset when she arrived, I couldn’t get her to talk about it with me.”

“She’s pregnant.”

She dropped a pan and shot him a stern look, “Tommy, what did I tell you…”

“No, Mom, it’s not like that. She wanted to get pregnant.”

“Why?” His mother asked, incredulously.

“Her husband…” Tommy began to explain.

“Her husband! Tommy, what have you gotten into?”

Tommy explained about Bayan escort the arraignment and how he had fathered four children already, Hannah’s would be the fifth, and perhaps one more if Elizabeth was successful.

His mother sat, mouth wide open, and listened to him recount his sordid tale of love and lust.

Finishing, Tommy shakes his head and says, “I don’t know what to do.”

“Well now is a fine time to lose focus, after all that I can’t believe you have any moral fiber left. That poor girl loves you and it’s your fault.”

The stinging rebuke shocked Tommy, he looked wide eyed at his mother and started to plead, “Mom, she’s married…”

“And she loves you, what are you going to do about it son? It’s your responsibility.”

Tommy languished over the thought for a moment, “his responsibility”, she said. But what did that entail? How was he to proceed? “Mom, Hannah only wants to have sex with me, but Ezekiel is her husband and he has needs also…”

“Tommy, Tommy, you are making this too complicated. He has already given his permission, and she wants you, the only remaining question is whether you want her.”

Tommy stared at his mother, disbelieving, the stark reality of the situation was just that simple; he loved her and nothing else mattered.


Hannah cried herself to sleep. Ezekiel lay awake, thinking of Tommy and how he had woven himself into their lives. He didn’t resent Tommy, or the effect he had on Hannah, he did resent his absence.

When the sun came up the following morning, Hannah set about her chores and droned through the day without any conscious thought. As noon approached she began lunch for Ezekiel. She heard voices in the gathering room and called for Ezekiel, “Husband, it is time to eat.” When she turned she saw standing there Elizabeth and her husband, Ezra. “What are you doing here?” She asked without realizing how rude she sounded.

“I would speak to Ezekiel.” Ezra stated tersely.

Several moments passed and Ezekiel came in for lunch. Ezra explained that Elizabeth had “bled” the previous week. She had not taken again with child. Ezekiel looked at Elizabeth, just a glance, but he thought he saw her smile. Ezra was beside himself.

“I have paid the English, yet she has not taken. He did this thing many times, and still no child. What must we do?”

Ezekiel allowed his younger brother to vent his frustration. He saw there the same distress he had felt before the English. Ezekiel pondered that thought while Ezra wailed; Tommy was a savior and a fiend.

Suddenly a thought occurred to Ezekiel, a wry smile spread across his face, just as quickly he corrected his outward display of satisfaction, and then resolved to solve his brother’s dilemma. “Ezra, we will go for a ride, I believe we may yet resolve this tonight.”

As the two Amish men rode along the county road Ezekiel described his plan. “I believe brother that your wife may be barren, but there is a chance that you may yet have a child if this woman we are to visit is amenable to our cause.”

Ezra was aghast at what his brother was explaining to him, but listened intently anyhow.

Mrs. Maddox was lounging in her house robe when she heard a knock at the front door. She wondered who it could be as she opened the door and saw two Amish men standing, hats in hand, on her porch. The older of the two she recognized as the man who came to visit Tommy from time to time, the other she did not know. “Hello.” She said, sounding puzzled.

“Good evening, ma’am, I am Ezekiel Yoder, and this is my brother, Ezra. We would like to talk business, if we may.”

Now Mrs. Maddox was really puzzled; she had never done business with the Amish, except to sell them land, now they were at her door step. She realized that she was standing with her mouth agape, so she stuttered, “P-please come in gentlemen.” And she opened the door wider to allow them passage.

Ezekiel sat in the English woman’s living room and explained how he and his wife Hannah had agonized over the loss of their three sons and how his grand father had explained the Yoder penchant for keeping family, family.

Mrs. Maddox had begun to understand what had transpired between Tommy and Hannah as he droned on about his dilemma. But did not yet understand what this had to do with her. “Mr. Yoder, I don’t understand what it is you want of me…” She began, before he cut her off.

“Allow me to explain further.” Ezekiel then recounted the decision to have his brother’s wives serviced by Tommy, and the resulting pregnancies by three of the four wives.

Mrs. Maddox surmised correctly that Ezra’s wife was the one that had not become pregnant.

“And this is why we have called on thee, Mrs. Maddox. We would like to arrange for thee to mother a child for Ezra and Elizabeth.”

Mrs. Maddox was stupefied, and just stared at the two Amish men. Her mind was reeling with the visual implications of copulating with the Amish man. But, then again, he wasn’t Escort unattractive — just…Amish. What would it be like to have sex after all these years, her mind wandered to a long lost place in her memory.

Ezekiel elbowed Ezra, and nodded to him to engage the barter.

“If thee agree…” Ezra began but paused as he swallowed hard, then continued, “I offer a yearling heifer for you to carry a child to birth.” Ezra finished.

Mrs. Maddox didn’t know whether to slap them or laugh at them. She sat, staring, with a blank look on her face; unable to fathom a response.

Ezekiel elbowed his brother again.

Ezra barked out a little to gruffly, “And a weanling pig, in the spring.”

Mrs. Maddox realized that they thought she was haggling the price, “No…I mean…I don’t think I can…”

Ezra mistook her reluctance for shrewdness, “Fine, a heifer and two weanlings. But this is my final offer.” Ezra implored.

Mrs. Maddox thought about the price that this man was willing to pay for her to be a surrogate for his child, and then the question popped into her mind and without realizing that she had, she asked Ezra, “What if it is a girl?”

Ezekiel elbowed his brother again.

“Man or woman child, the deal will stand as we have agreed.” Ezra said matter-of-factly.

It was then that she realized she had given tacit approval to the deal without intending to. She began to recant her mistake but looked at the two Amish men and thought, “it might not be too bad to have another child. And it might even be fun getting pregnant again”.

“Well…I suppose…When will you want to begin?” She stuttered.

Ezekiel smiled, Ezra squirmed.

Ezekiel looked at his brother and realized he was far too reserved to consummate this deal alone. “If thee would allow, tonight would be ideal for a beginning.” He said.

Mrs. Maddox reached for Ezra’s hand and said to Ezekiel, “We’ll be right back,” and led Ezra to her bed room. “What am I doing?” Mrs. Maddox mumbled under her breath as she led Ezra to her room.

Once inside, she smiled at the young Amish man and said, “You can place your clothes on the chair,” as she pointed to a chair in the corner of the room.

Ezra did not understand what she meant by this, as Amish did not perform such acts in this manner.

Mrs. Maddox wasted no time, however, and took her house robe off and placed it on the night stand next to her bed; she then pulled her under wear down and placed them with her robe. She turned to find him standing and staring at the wall, obviously avoiding looking at her. She smiled and moved to him, and began to disrobe him.

Ezra was stricken with fear. He trembled as the English woman took his clothes off, piece by piece. As she began to push his long johns down his legs, Ezra began to ejaculate. He jerked and flinched from the spasmodic contraction of his muscles as stream after stream of his sperm flew through the air, landing variously on her face and hands as ribbons of the viscous fluid splattered her.

Mrs. Maddox squeezed her eyes tight and closed her mouth to avoid the onslaught. She began to laugh with her mouth closed, and just sat on the floor in front of Ezra.

When the ejaculate subsided, Ezra realized he had blundered, and he blushed as he looked down at the English woman. “What must she think of me?” he wondered.

Mrs. Maddox reached for his penis and tried to revive it, but Ezra pulled away and began to replace his clothes. “I…I am sorry.” Was all he could manage to say.

Ezekiel was astounded when the two returned so quickly. He looked from one to the other, wondering what was amiss.

Mrs. Maddox spoke first and said with a smile, “We will have to get together again soon.”

Ezekiel did not understand and asked if everything was alright.

“Well, Ezra got a little too excited and couldn’t finish.” She intoned, but as she did it dawned on her an idea that might help them all. “Ezekiel, you are Ezra’s brother, and you want to see this deal through do you not?”

“Yes, of course.” He returned adamantly.

“Well, Maybe you can stand in for him, at least until he gets his second wind.”

Ezekiel realized that his younger brother had been unable to perform, and Mrs. Maddox was offering him the opportunity to consummate the deal. “Yes, of course.” He sputtered, and stood to face her.

Mrs. Maddox led Ezekiel into her room and as before pointed to the chair in the corner and said “place your clothes there.”

In moments they were naked and staring at one another across the room. Mrs. Maddox pulled back the bed spread and lay back on the bed, patting the bed beside her, indicating to him to join her. He moved tentatively, looking over this English woman. She was curvaceous, but not fat; her breasts were fairly large and sagged just a little. Her pubic hair had been trimmed, something he had never heard of. He moved to her slowly, taking in the woman before him.

Mrs. Maddox reached a hand to Ezekiel, “how strangely familiar” the move was. Where had he seen this before? Suddenly he recalled how Elizabeth had done the same thing to him in the barn. He leapt onto the bed and lay upon her torso, his penis throbbing its intent against her thigh.

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