As Per Your Request


Upon hearing my request he sat there, quiet, hard to read. I tried but couldn’t figure out what he was thinking no matter how much I studied him. I waited silently. He smirked like he had a thought, I leaned a bit closer to him, with a smile I raised my eyebrow and asked if the smirk meant if he had an answer.

“I am going to think on this some more, I will give you an answer in a few days. A week tops, ok?”

I giggled and stood up, smiled and nodded in agreeance and walked into the kitchen to make dinner.

Three days had passed, I hadn’t bothered him about his answer because I knew he’d take longer, so I went about my daily cleaning and normal day to day chores. I had to run into town today, for some errands, so I figured that would keep my mind occupied and busy. I got home later then I planned and Marcus wasn’t home yet. Once I got me and everything in the house I checked the machine.

“You have 1 new message.” Oh, well maybe its Marcus!

“I will be home late this evening, I’m sorry Love, I will see you when I get home, I love you” the machine chirped.

*Sigh* Well, I guess pizza for dinner with a glass of wine, I laughed to myself. After I ate and cleaned up, I got into PJ’s and went to the couch to read.

*Rattle Rattle* I looked up, saw nothing and the sound stopped so I told myself it was the wind. I mean after all it was an old house with a lot of weird sounds sometimes. I went back to reading my book. It wasn’t 5 minutes and there was the sound again…… I looked up toward the back door, the knob was wiggling, I froze. Should I try to run and hide? Should I go hunting for a weapon? FUCK!!!!!

Still sitting there like a fool I realized the knob moved again. I jumped up and headed for the front door, because whoever was trying to get in was at the back so I could get away, if even to the house next door to call the cops then Marcus. Quietly as I could I opened the front door and snuck out, as I stood up the rest of the way and turned to head next door a hand went over my mouth and an arm around my waist, pulling me back. I couldn’t scream or fight, I froze. Next thing I knew I was tied to a chair, hands tied behind the chair, I was blindfolded. I was completely unable to go anywhere or move or get away.

“Well Well Well Little Rabbit, You thought you could get away did you?”

His voice was deep, husky, and mainly unfamiliar.

“I……I wa……..” I couldn’t get any actual words out, my brain seemed frozen.

“Now, here you are, all tied up…..tsk tsk tsk……..”

I was listening to everything trying to hear as much as I could so when I was able to get away I could tell the cops. But it was so quiet. No machines, no trains, no cars, no footsteps, no nothing.

“I am going to take your blindfold off, I am NOT undoing your arms, hands, or legs yet. Do you understand Little Rabbit?”

I could only nod in agreeance. He gently undid y blindfold but my eyes were struggling to adjust. I was able to make out 2 figures. One was taller than other, both I was assuming were male, I wasn’t sure on anything else because I couldn’t see enough to make anything else out.

It took longer than I would have liked for my eyes to adjust, but once they did I was able to make out 2 men, both dressed in black, both wearing skull masks that covered their faces only half way, but they had some kind of grease paint on the rest. I was still trying to take in everything I could, all the Sahabet smells, all the sounds.

“We are going to untie you, but when we do, you are NOT going to run, if you even try to get out of the chair we will tie you up again. If you scream, I will gag you.”

The other one undid my hands. But I sat perfectly still in fear of what would happen if I moved. I was not about to find out if they were serious with their threats or not. The taller of the 2 men walked away, the other man got closer to me, close enough I was able to smell a woody musky scent coming off him. He ran his finger down my cheek towards my neck, I winced. My brain was racing, but I could feel a tingle deep in my core. Ignore it….. Now is not the time……

The taller man came back into the room, and whispered something I couldn’t hear, but I saw the shorter one’s eyes light up. I started to panic, but there was that damn tingle again.

“Little Rabbit”

I snapped my attention back to the taller one,

“You are going to stand up and do as your told, Si?”

Again I nodded. I stood up and was grabbed by the arm and was guided to another room. They stopped in the door way, one in front of me and the other behind. Before I could even fully take in my surroundings the taller of the 2 men forced me further into the room and pushed me down on to a bed. My body was shaking, my mind was racing…. But there was that damn tingle again….. There they were, standing at the end of the bed.

“Pl…….please…..don’t hurt me……” I whimpered to them, pulling my knees up my to chest smashing myself into the headboard.

“We aren’t going to hurt you Little Rabbit” the shorter one laughed.

There was just enough light in the room I could see their silhouettes but not much else. In my mind I was thinking what if no one comes for me? What if Marcus isn’t off work yet what if he doesn’t know I had been taken, or he is at home thinking I just went out? I shook my head to try to get the thoughts to stop. I heard one of the men walking back in the room, the taller on I thought. I could tell by his footsteps.

“Please, I don’t know what you want……..”

He cut me off, his fingers pushing gently against my lips,


Before I could even register another thought the shorter one walked in, standing against the door frame, but not speaking a word.

“Little Rabbit” the taller on said, “You are not going to run or try to get away, you are not going to scream for help, is that understood?”

I said yes in a shaky voice. He stepped back, almost looking as if he was trying to figure out and decide what to do. The 2nd man walked over to me, perching himself so close to me I could smell his sweat. The damn tingle again. Before I could collect my thoughts again, the taller one came back towards me. In the blink of an eye he was on me, over me, holding on to my wrist down above my head, I couldn’t move, except my legs. But I didn’t dare kick in fear of what would happen.

He leaned down with his breath on my neck, “you are going to do what your told……Si?”

I whimpered yes as best I could.

The 2nd man moved himself to where his legs were over my arms, the taller one let go of my wrist and moved down my body. He yanked my shorts down, I heard them rip. That damn tingle was so strong. Not now damn it I thought. I couldn’t ignore it, nothing was making this tingle stop. The 2nd man, Sahabet Giriş while I was preoccupied with my shorts being ripped, had undone his belt and pants. he pulled his belt off with a loud “snap”. The taller one started rubbing his fingers across my panties, I shivered. The 2nd one wrapped his belt around my wrist and then around the bedframe, I could not stop my bodies reaction, I was wet and breathing so hard. And that tingle had come back with a vengeance.

The taller one was pushing harder n rubbing faster and could feel the wetness in my panties. He sped up. I was whimpering, no matter how hard I tried to fight it, I couldn’t. I didn’t want it to feel good, I was not somewhere I wanted to be, I was not somewhere I knew, I was for sure not with people I knew so there was no reason my mind should be letting this feel good. My shirt got ripped by the 2nd one, he drew his fingers around my nipples making them stand erect. His fingers were cold against my hot skin, he kept on teasing and pinching. His tongue made circles and he started biting. I was feeling almost intoxicated.

I knew fighting them off was not possible but damn it I should not be enjoying this. I don’t want this to feel good.

The taller one moved my panties over to the side, again no way I could fight, he was mostly sitting on my legs so there was nothing I could do but take it. He plunged his fingers into me, I gasped. I had my head turned as to not watch him, but upon opening my eyes I saw the 2nd man had moved and was standing next to me with his pants open and his cock out, using his thumb to open my mouth, though I thought about biting him but decided that would probably end in nothing good.

I could still feel his long fingers into me and pulling out, I was wet, I could feel the ease he was moving. The 2nd man still holding my mouth open pushed himself in. As soon as he pushed into my mouth he moved his hand and reached behind me and grabbed a handful of my hair. Fucking himself with my mouth. His head tilted back, moaning. I could no longer ignore. I could no longer fight.

The taller one pulled his fingers back, licking them. He reached down and undid his pants, he seemed ravenous. He didn’t hesitate, he pulled his cock out and plunged into me. I was still being face fucked, I was moaning around his cock. He was pushing into me as far as he could, filling my pussy with every inch of himself over and over again. I was filled with every inch of both of them.

Moaning, panting, grunting. They were animals and I was their prey. The 2nd one stopped, telling the taller one to switch places with him so I suck myself off his cock and know what a slut I was.

The taller one was pushing himself into my mouth, with no concern of me breathing, he wanted me to gag and choke, and I was. I felt the other one push into my ass. Slowly pushing in and pulling out. They were thrusting, ramming, taking me with no care. The 2nd one still pumping my ass stated rubbing my clit, the taller one, slamming into my mouth and squeezing my tits. I was filled to the brim, being used, moaning, not caring anymore about whether I should enjoy it. There was no fighting it. The 2nd one sped up, he was grunting and moaning, slamming into me. I could only take them and let them use me until they were done. I was in euphoria, though I knew I shouldn’t be, I didn’t care anymore. Caring wasn’t going to make them stop nor was it going to make Sahabet Güncel Giriş my body stop.

The taller one pushed himself into my mouth as far as he could while holding my hair and came deep back in my throat. Shortly after the 2nd one moaned pumping into my ass as fast as he could and on his last thrust he came. I was laying there, sweaty, wet, limp, still tied up, looking like a rag doll.

The 2nd one undid his belt and let my hands go from the headboard, while the taller one put a towel on the bed, then a pair of shorts and a shirt. They walked away into the other room without a word. Closing the door behind them. I cleaned up after a few minutes of not being able to really move or think straight. I put the clothes on and sat on the edge of the bed, still shaking. I heard one of them talking, straining to hear and make out what was being said, but it was to no avail. It got quite again. All I could hear now was footsteps.

But even in my current state, I could tell it was more the 2 people.

“I………I can’t.” I said with a shaky voice.

The door slowly opened, still dim so it was hard to see anything, and I was shaking and covered in sweat. I was completely panicking.

“Little Rabbit, does that work as an answer for your request?”

I gasped. I stood up, as best as I could, feeling like a new born fawn learning how to walk, but falling back onto the bed.

“MARCUS?!” I shouted. He walked towards me, smiling, pulling his mask up,

“But…….I……..when I…….” He hushed me, I should have known was all I could think. I should have known damn it…… But I was so panicked. I couldn’t focus. I couldn’t think straight.

“I set the entire thing up. Oh, by the way, this is Gavon.” He said calmly.

Gavon…… I knew that name. He was the man I met at Marcus’ office. He was the “2nd one”. I had mentioned to Marcus years ago when I met Gavon that he was an attractive man who seemed very polite and like an all-around good guy.

“Marcus, Gavon……. Do you think I could get some water please” still stunned from what just happened and that it was Marcus and Gavon that had pulled this all off. I was completely taken aback. How could I have not known? I felt stupid.

Marcus came back with water for me. He and Gavin came into the room and sat down, “Are you ok” Marcus asked.

“Um, I am ok, I think” I replied laughing nervously.

“I am still just, I mean how did, when would you have” I sat there almost pouting unable to finish a sentence and clearly confused.

“I think once everything sets in I will be ok Marcus, but I need to sit for a few with everything. And I am so sorry if I was gruff with either of you.”

Gavin laughed, like a loud belly laugh.

“Listen, after what we just did I think both of us can overlook anything said by you that may have been gruff!” “I didn’t take anything you said to heart because of the situation, also because I knew once everything came to light you would say that and feel bad about anything that was said” Marcus replied.

“You guys are amazing I want you both to know that. I don’t mean because of the sex, I mean because of everything. Planning and pulling this all off, and managing to keep it to yourselves and I never knew and never even had an idea that you, Marcus, had even come to a decision. I mean don’t get me wrong, the sex was, well…… WOW! But just this whole thing was so intense and real and I was scared and turned on and terrified and just all the emotions……..” I said with a shiver.

“But, what I would really love right now, is to go home and take a bath and soak and drink a glass of wine cause I know I am going to be so sore tomorrow, and thankfully I am off work!”

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