Kalie’s Story Ch. 01


As I was eating my dinner of veggies and rice in my lonely apartment with a single, dim lamp above me, the 1960’s era kitchen reminded me how much I loved the rent. A knock came at my door, my heart stopped. Even though the door was locked, it burst open with sudden force causing me to throw a “fuck” into the air. A shadowy formless figure of pure black creeped into the room like a cancer. It covered my room with darkness. Waiting on me or watching me. Either of which terrified me equally. I could only see a creeping darkness that created a fear that only children experience. In an instant the darkness overwhelmed me and I woke up. My head throbbed as I lay face down on my wood floor, cell phone alarm buzzing with a random tune I that I was not happy about.

I shook off the sleep and massaged my head. The light shone through the window of my 3rd story apartment bedroom. Picking myself up off the floor, I made my way to the bathroom, took a piss, and looked at my freshly awoken face. I hated the 23 year old me had to shave so often. The stubble killed me inside but hell, what are you going to do? When I hopped in the shower I slapped on the bluetooth speaker I kept in the shower.

I ran through my plans for the day: Clean my grimy ass apartment, finish laundry, and. try on that new dress I bought made me look so hot. When I put it in I felt so sexy but I looked like a hot mess to put it mildly. Dudes’ bodies couldn’t look a little better in great clothes but this was better than nothing.

As I went to comb my shoulder length long kinky black hair, detangling the knots I remembered something. I wonder if anyone responded to that post I made online? I’ve been single for a while but if I could find a mistress or any girl that was ok with feminine me then I would be in heaven. But that name I chose, Kalie? I didn’t even know a Kalie and it sounds pretty made up. Hell of a lot cooler than Donivan but also a bit … too sexy? Should I even try for sexy?

Washing my body made me aware of all the things I hated about it. I was thin but I sort of hated the masculinity that stared back. Women were unbelievably hot and here I am stuck with this accursed ugly thing. With a sense of urgency, I finished up, toweled off and sat at my desk causing my mouse to jostle the computer awake.

I pushed away the porn sites, onto my online account at “Femboy Fuckers” I could make out a single message that sent me into outer space from sheer happiness. My heart skipped reading the words:

“Hi Kalie. I’m Mistress Ayla. I’m 27 years old. I’m 5’8 170lbs and I’m looking for something special. A little more than a slave since I don’t want to keep you forever. Something 24/7 and to put it simply, something permanent on your end. I think you’re exactly what I need. No need to contact me. I’ll find you.”

Find me? For a moment I decided to look back through my photos. Just the 2 outfits I had on were working extra hard to make me look more feminine as I would prefer. How the hell could those other femboys pull the look off so much better than I could? I had worked pretty hard and everything I did just seemed to end in garbage. Deep inside, part of me just wanted to just give up and delete it. I loved how I looked but it just never seemed like it was enough.

When I looked at Ayla’s photos I couldn’t help but feel excited. Her sultry eyes, well done make up, and hair framed her face in a way that made her look angelic even though her clothes were a bold statement of fetish domme gear. She had pictures nude with her hands making things tasteful. With how pretty she was, the last person she’d ever want would be me.

Since it was so early, I figured it would have been a decent time to go jogging since the air was a little cool at this hour before it really warmed up. Nothing like getting in my hour jog so I could stuff myself full of food and just veg out for the rest of the weekend. After what seemed like 30 minutes of tying my hair, searching for my keys and headphones, I was finally out the door.

The wet humid air hit my lungs as I found my pace. My mind wandered further and further as thoughts swirled around the past. It had been 5 months since I broke up with my ex. I didn’t think about her as much as I used to, but I still got turned on by how she treated me in the bedroom. We were finally able to share my crossdressing and I could wear panties before she sat on my İzmir travesti face. Fuck. That memory was just so incredibly. I’d give anything to have a mistress that could do the same for me.

As I returned to my apartment complex, I slowed my pace to catch my breath. My heart was pumping hard. It would take a while for me to cool down. My apartment complex had been divided into 4 different buildings with a lot of shrubs and well-kept grass lawns in between it all. Thanks to the pandemic, a lot of kids were playing outside and really livened the place up a little.

I made it to my building and entered on the ground floor, made it up to the third, and turned the corner. The bright green carpet had looked about as old as the building itself, yet somehow so well kept that it appeared brand new. It drew my eyes down the lit halls where I could see a woman standing in front of my door. She seemed pretty content to stand on the door mat, arms crossed, waiting. As I got closer I could see she was really attractive. Brown curly hair, pale skin, wide hips that pulled at the tight dress she wore that looked more like club wear. As I got closer, she turned to me. Her smile was pleasant. With bright eyes that were as mysterious as they were seductive, she looked me over. Her gaze pierced through me and I almost felt what was likely derision. She noticed my moment of discomfort as her smile curled into a smirk.

It looked like Ayla. I’m sure the look of confusion on my face was obvious because she turned her body to me, “Kalie. Cute outfit. Do you usually dress as a man?”

“I’m Dorian. Do we know each other?” Was I mistaken?

Her hand reached out and I shook it. “Yes, you do. I’m Ayla.” I took her hand and shook it.

“But, how did you find me? Why are you here?”

“Well I found you very easily. I responded to your post. That’s why I’m here. You’re ideal for my needs. You need something long term. I need something permanent, and I’ve come to take what will be mine. So to speak.” She spoke with confidence and matter-of-factly. It felt unreal, and I felt pressed to ask again how she found me because that question wasn’t answered.

“Oh,” she added, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude on you quite like this but I couldn’t wait. I found you using an old skill of mine that I’m still good at. I know it seems like a violation of your privacy and, I’ve probably came on too strong for such an early meeting but I didn’t want to waste time when I think we both need the same thing. Could I offer you a hug? You look like you need it.”

I went to open my mouth to speak but everything in my head went blank. She took a step forward and embraced me. Her perfume was soft and potent. Lilacs?

It went on for a few more seconds that I had expected, and I returned the hug that was given. She oozed a sort of powerful seduction. She was a domme but somehow different. Maybe it should have been obvious for whatever CIA level skills she had to track me down in several hours and arrive at my doorstep.

“I’m sorry Ayla. I just came back from my run. I wasn’t expecting company and I’m still a bit surprised to ever meet you. Let alone for you to show up on my doorstep.”

“Oh that’s fine honey. I can wait for you to shower if you’d like.”

I blinked a few times taking it in. She smiled sweetly as she gestured to the door. I got out my keys to let us in. Fine, fine. This is all fucking crazy. I’m feeling crazy. Let’s roll with it.

I turned on the lights and the apartment came to life. The bright lights shone on my lone couch and well decorated apartment, cabana style because I really liked being on the beach even though I was so far away from it. Ayla took a chair from my small kitchen table, flipped it around and sat, watching me. I went to shower quickly and came out to the same scene of her waiting patiently. I had thrown on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt in my room. My long wet hair extended past my shoulders.

“Cute,” she said in my direction. She was leaning back in my wooden chair, staring at her phone.

“So Ayla, I think-,” I said before being cut off.

“Mistress,” she interrupted. “It’s Mistress Ayla or just Mistress.”

“Yes Mistress”, I said without hesitation. It did occur to me that I was a bit too comfortable with this girl who I’ve practically never met before. But some part of me felt at ease with her.

“So. İzmir travestileri Ayla. Mistress Ayla. I don’t understand why you would spend so much effort to find me in the first place?” I’m not exactly an internet celebrity and at best I was a cute femboy at best but not the kind of beauty like Ayla.

“Good girl.” She said with a smile. “You are my ideal pet. So I’ve come to retrieve you. Granted, I don’t want to keep you forever. I want to break girls like you into a pretty toy partially as a job and partially because I like the attention. I want to see you suffer and I want to see you in ecstasy at the same time. If I can break you in then I’ll be so incredibly happy.”

She didn’t flinch and she radiated a suredness that sent shivers down my spine. It felt like she was much more dangerous than I had expected. Part of me felt like it was all out of my control anyways.

“Don’t worry Kalie. I think we will both have a fun time. I’ve looked into you and I’ve taken care of your family. To put it simply, they don’t remember you. Let’s go. My driver is outside. I really do prefer the easy way. Let’s go before we have to do this the hard way.”

She got up and opened the door. I could only stare with a deep sickness to my stomach. My desires to move forward were so intense from curiosity. It seemed like something was forcing my mind to think it was a good idea. I slowly took step after step, unable to control myself. Ayla noticed my eyes had shifted to her. She flicked her wrist as if she pulled a rope and my body jerked forward.

“It took a very long time to craft the tools to bring you with me Kalie. Don’t worry, it’s not going to be any worse than this. Just give in so we can get going. We’ve got work to do.” She motioned to the door and my body began to move. I lost complete control and watched from above as my body obeyed. From above my body, I watched it follow Ayla in tow. She locked my door and my body escorted her out to a limousine out front. Without realizing it, time seemed to slow down and then I felt dizzy before waking up.

It was pitch black, I could feel cool air around me, and my back was on a hard mattress. With my hands I could feel metal bars, a cage? My mind began to race. Where the fuck am I? Why can’t I remember what happened? Drugs? Mind Control? Gotta focus. Doesn’t matter how I got here. Just that I’m here. OK, so if I’m stuck here and I was actually kidnapped. I should bide my time and figure out what they want.

I looked around the room to try to make out anything in the pitch blackness. There had to be small amounts of light somewhere because my eyes had adjusted and I could just make out vague shapes of a bedroom. Instead of calm I had begun to panic when my mind morphed every outline into something grotesque. With as much focus as I could muster, I calmly tried to map out the surroundings within my physical vicinity.

There was plenty of space for me to unfurl to and lie down but there was about half or more of my body length in width. I could at least crawl to one part of the cage but the height kept me from doing much else. There was a bowl of some sort of mushy food that I was able to make out to likely be rice and eggs from the smell and taste. A bottle of water was placed on a corner. There was some sort of lock. Yet, knowing I was stuck here, made me a little assured about my immediate safety. Risking escape might have been dangerous if they were this serious. At least nobody could get in without me knowing. I had some limited amount of safety.

As I made my way back to the small mattress, the metal creaks made a sort of response in the center of the room.

“Hey, Kalie. What is it?” came Ayla’s voice groggily.

“Where am I?” I whispered.

“You’re with me in my bedroom. The spell I casted wore off and you snapped out of it faster than I had expected. Please get some sleep Kalie, we’ve got a lot to do tomorrow.” My instinct was to yell or scream or even get angry with her. But it wasn’t going to change my current circumstances. She seemed like an enemy. From where I stood, she was the one that put me here.

“Why am I here? What happened?” I said earnestly.

“We will go over it tomorrow pet. Also, it’s Mistress Ayla or Mistress. I know you’re learning but try not to make it a habit.”

“Yes Mistress,” I said to her before letting the room go silent. Travesti izmir I didn’t have anything to say and I was partially too scared to speak. I just wanted it all to end as quickly as possible.

It seemed like I had only been asleep for a few minutes at most before being woken up by Ayla calling to me.

“Hey bitch, are you up yet? I can’t have you sleeping this late.” My eyes snapped open and I could finally see the room, the cage, and Ayla who seemed to have just woke up. She wore a tight fitting, silky red nightdress that showed off her big hips. Her C cup breasts were held gently in the material, just enough to see them erect.

The scowl on her face had brought me back to reality. “I let you sleep in, but this shit is enough. First of all, my place has rules and you’re not following them. I’m not going to be put behind schedule.”

“Oh, sorry Mistress. I’m just… You kind of kidnapped me.”

“Sort of. I can’t kidnap my own property honey. And I’m glad to know who your owner is now. So here are the rules: You’ll obey my commands. You will service me in every way I please. You’ll be going through training from here on out and you’ll have plenty of years to adjust to your new role.”


“Yes. Years. You’re going to be sleeping in this cage every day unless I say otherwise but you will be let out when you can be trusted. Don’t worry. You’re going to learn a lot of fun stuff very soon. First act of your training will begin now because I had a long day yesterday and you were in no way able to fulfill your duties.” She motioned to a large mahogany bed with very ornate, floral bedding and a silk canopy above.

Ayla opened my cage and I was able to stand and look around. The room was much larger than I was expecting. It looked old but in a Victorian sense. One side of the room had a vanity, a wardrobe, a full length mirror, and a dresser with the opposite ends the exact replicas of said items. There were two doors, one by the bed and one on the far side of the bed, probably the way out. I felt a physical yank at my throat and my hands addressed the new found pain. Ayla held a thin chain. I followed it and felt my neck. A collar.

She pulled hard until I was at the foot of the bed. I took a long second to admire her body. The curves of her heart shaped ass turned me on in ways only god could know before she sat at the edge of the bed and faced me. I wanted to take her, ravish her body until she couldn’t handle it any more but something told me that wasn’t going to happen. She looked back at me, spread her legs, and pulled harder. “Every morning you will clean me. Get to work.”

I grabbed a hold of her thick hips and dug my face between her thighs, lapping at her pussy. My tongue traveled over her lips and I lapped up her wetness. My tongue found its way deep in between her folds and I heard a small moan before my head was lifted by my hair. “I said to clean me. When I need you to fuck me I will tell you. Understood?”

“Yes Mistress,” I replied, as she pressed my face back in her pussy. I licked and cleaned all around until she pushed my head back and turned around. Spreading her legs and grabbing my head once again My tongue traversed her ass and gently flicked around every inch of her body. As I was getting lost in the moment, she pushed me away, and walked into the bathroom behind her bed without a word.

I looked around, not sure what to do. First thing was to gather the chain, and to try the opposite door. My nakedness became a side problem as I tried and failed at the door. Locked. I looked on the bedside table and found papers, crystals, weird leaves, and what appeared to be a literal wand which caused me to laugh. Magic was not just real but childishly so if that thing worked.

The armoire had a lot of pretty clothing that looked like Ayla’s, so did the dresser. The place was mostly bare so I quickly exhausted items to search through. I snuck to the bathroom door and could hear a shower. With a last ditch effort I slowly turned the door knob and attempted to open the door until I could see through the crack.

There was a large mirror that spanned the entire wall. Just enough for me to see a very crystal clear shower door with an elegant rainfall shower and the angriest Ayla staring back. At that moment I felt my body lurch forward as if a force pushed me.

“Kalie, again being disobedient.”

I tried to speak but couldn’t open my mouth. I stared at Aylia’s beautiful body which only seemed to enrage her.

“You’re staring. You’ll be just as pretty as me one day. So you might not want to be so rude.”

As her anger reached a boiling point, I blacked out once again.

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