Mixed Emotions Pt. 02


If you haven’t read part one, parts two and three will make no sense. All participants in sexual activity are 18 or older.


How do you got from what was supposed to be a one-night stand to planning a wedding within a ten-day period? For Ed and me it seemed easy, everything had clicked from the moment we first met at the bar, the dinner we enjoyed, him simply reaching for my hand as we made our way to his room and the night of absolutely mind altering earth shattering sex for both. I had broken two of my basic dating rules and came to realize it was one of the best things I had done in my adult life, number one I had gone to bed with a guy shorter than me and number two, he was white.

To my absolute pleasure he obliterated every single stereotype of white guys having little dicks that I had ever heard. I had measured him Sunday afternoon and was quite Impressed by his thick eight inches of man meat, which I had claimed as my eight inches of pleasure and joy. He had humped me from above, behind, on my side, I had ridden him both cowgirl and reverse cowgirl, he had eaten me to mind blowing orgasm’s and I had sucked every drop of cum his cock had to offer as he exploded in my mouth, yet we still wanted more of one another.

I’d gone home early enough Monday morning to put my dirty laundry in the hamper, put on fresh undies and get dressed for work, I also tossed in two extra pair of panties to keep in my desk drawer along with a new package of light days pads, I was still dripping from our last go-round. I smiled as I drove, I had never before been so sated sexually, nor felt so loved unconditionally. This young man had won more than my body over the weekend, he’d won my heart, I remembered my conversation with Angie, she is going to freak when I tell her I’m going to marry him and have some babies, some little chocolate babies.

Walking to my cubicle I felt as though I was floating on air, Angela was a minute behind me and walked to my desk as I hung my coat. Smiling she took my chin in her hand turning my face first right then left, I wondered what the hell she thought she was doing.

“Mmm-hmm, you have that glow about you. I guess it’s safe to say the weekend was good, so was this a onetime thing, are you all done with this young guy?”

I was pissed and surprised by her cavalier attitude and questions, why would I be done with Ed, what difference did our age or skin color have to do with what we felt? Nothing, absolutely nothing, I calmed myself, took a deep breath and sat pointing to the chair next to mine, as she sat I looked her in the eye.

“Point one, yes the weekend was wonderful, he’s a great lover and has stamina beyond belief. Point two, no it won’t be a onetime thing, not by a long shot. Point three was answered in point two but allow me to reiterate, we will be together for as long as we see fit. What I don’t need Ang is you constantly making disparaging remarks about him, or for that matter, us, Ed and I are together, case closed.”

Slouching back in her chair she folded her arms across her chest and smirked, “Holy shit Amy, you’ve got it bad, tell me he didn’t ask you to marry him.” I stared blankly. “Oh my god, he did, please tell me you didn’t agree.”

I continued with the blank stare, turned and looked at my workload for the day then spun back to her, “Not saying I did, but if so would it really be so bad? I mean, he loves me, I can tell, he treats me like a queen and has made me happier in the past week than I can ever remember. Do me a favor, don’t judge he or me, just watch, okay? Our actions will tell you everything you need to know about us as a couple.”

I was sitting at my desk for the morning break instead of the cafeteria, I wasn’t in the mood for all the bullshit I knew was floating around our regular table. Just then my phone pinged.

Ed: Good morning princess, I hope your day is going well. Did you catch a rash of BS from Angela this morning? Hey, got plans for tonight?

Me: Morning lover, yeah she blathered on for a few minutes but not very much. Day is going well, no plans for tonight. Have something in mind?

Ed: Yup, I’m cooking supper and I want you to join me. If you’re up to it you should bring clothes for overnight, I’ll even give you half the vanity.

Me: Not a chance, I want two thirds or the deals off bubba. I’ll let you have the corner on the left and the shelf, the rest is mine.

He sent back a smiley face and a kiss.

Ed: Deal, can you be here by six? I’m doing homemade enchiladas and I don’t want them to dry out so I kind of need to know what time you can be here.

Me: I’ll be there by five forty-five, should I bring anything?

Ed: Wine if you want it, I have plenty of beer and other beverages.

Me: Will do, love you Eddy.

Ed: Love you more, kiss, kiss, kiss.

I found myself amazed at how five minutes of texting minyon porno with him put me back on cloud nine, walking on air and ready to face any obstacle I might encounter. The rest of my day was uneventful so to speak, nothing unexpected came my way, my production was ahead of schedule and I was looking forward to being with my love, not only for supper but to be in bed with him all night. I didn’t want wine but did stop by the apartment to spend some time with and feed Seymour, then gather clothes along with overnight toiletries. I was due to start my monthly on Friday but I’d wait with those supplies until later in the week.

Arriving just after five thirty I used the key he’d given me and walked in yelling “honey I’m home”, he poked his head out the kitchen door, smiled and waved me in, I made my way into the kitchen where I was overwhelmed by the delicious aroma’s wafting through the air. He was wearing an apron as he turned from the range which caused me to laugh, he tossed his hands up and asked.

“What’s so funny? You’ve never seen a guy wear an apron before? My granny made this for me when I was still in high school, it’s as much a part of me as the limbs on my body. Now get over here and kiss me like you missed me.”

With my arms around his neck, my breasts pushed tight to his chest and our mid-sections doing their own bump and grind we kissed for minutes before he loosened his grip, when he did he lifted the back of my skirt sliding his hands over my smooth silk panties and squeezing my butt cheeks, dammit this guy knew all the right buttons to push. Throwing my hips forward I pushed my pussy against his cock with all the force I had, my reward was a stiff throbbing dick nestled between us.

With our faces no more than a nose length away from each other he growled, “God you make my dick hard, you realize you’re a naughty little slut, and you know what happens to naughty little sluts don’t you?”

I purred right back at him, “They get fucked over and over and over, can we start my punishment now? I’ll bend over the table.”

“Baby you know I’d love to but the enchiladas are ready now, over the table after we eat, okay? Oh, and I have a surprise for you.”

“Un-uh, I don’t wanna wait, tell me now.”

“Hey, be my good girl, you won’t be sorry, I promise. What you can do though is let me slide your panties down and off, the thought of you sitting next to me naked under your skirt will keep me hard all through dinner.”

I lifted my skirt around my waist and said in the smokiest voice I could conjure up, “Take um off big boy.”

He knelt, tugged them down, kissed my hairy little bush, gave me a snaky lick and stood to put food on the table. Oh boy, it was going to be another long night, of that I had no doubt, and yet it was all still new enough I found myself eager to have him wear me out. I wanted him riding me, taking me to the brink again and again, then filling me to overflowing with his potent young seed. After we’d cleaned the kitchen he gently pushed me forward over the table lifting my skirt in the process, looking back over my shoulder I said, “What’s my surprise?”

Giving my ass a playful slap he hissed, “Pussy first.”

The table was four foot across, I had reached across and grabbed the other side as he stroked me from behind, when I said ‘harder’ he wasted no time bringing me to a screaming climax, my body had slumped to the table when I felt his cock swell, I was about to feel him shoot stream after stream of baby juice inside me. This prompted me to gather enough energy to arch my ack and push into his body as he spewed gobs of warm thick seed inside me, my body was shaking and jumping around, it seemed to be doing whatever it wanted.

Pulling out of me with an audible squish I felt cum running from me, not dribbling, running through the labia headed for my clit and bush, thick, warm, sticky. The next sensation was him cleaning me with a warm washcloth, as he finished he stood me straight, wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, moved his hands up, cupped my breasts and whispered.

“I can’t get enough of you Amy, you drive me crazy with desire, and it’s not just the sex, I like being with you all the time, you’re good for me. I need you in my life, forever.”

I had cum running down my thigh, instinct told me to lift my skirt, grab the washcloth and wipe it away, my love for him told me to turn and hold him as tightly as I possibly could.

“I love you Eddy, I want to be with you as well, you’re also good for me, it isn’t one sided. Now, where’s my surprise, you got your pussy, I want my surprise.”

“Okay, but let’s get cleaned up a little better, some fresh panties on you, fresh underwear on me and into our sweats before we get comfy on the couch.”

We decided to take a fast ‘no fucking’ shower using lots of soap and time to wash one another’s bodies, he wanted to help put my panties on, I thought it was sweet, I was more than willing. I found myself thinking, what did I find so blazingly olgun porno erotic about watching him kneel at my feet as I picked up one leg then the other, him sliding the panties up my legs, pulling them into place and then trying to adjust the legs and waist for me. I had to readjust the leg openings and waistband to my liking, but the initial process was sexy as hell in my opinion.

Standing with me, my arms around his neck, my breasts pushed into his hairy chest making my nipples hard I cooed into his ear, “You got some pussy and helped me dress, where’s my surprise, you promised.”

“It’s in the living room, go sit on the couch and wait for me, I’m right behind you.”

As I walked to the living room I noticed he slipped into the small office on the left, by the time I sat he was right behind me. Kneeling in front of me holding my hand he looked into my eyes.

“Amy, I was as serious as death the other night when I told you I wanted to be with you forever.” Raising his hand with a ring box in it he asked. “Amy, will you marry me?”

I swear my heart stopped momentarily, not in a month of Sundays had I anticipated this, yes I knew he said he loved me, we talked about being together and having babies, we even talked about marriage, I simply hadn’t imagined it would happen so quickly. When I said nothing as I stared at the ring I could tell he was wondering if he’d just made a fool of himself. I quickly grabbed his face with both hands.

“Yes, yes I’ll marry you. I’m still in shock, I know we talked about this but I never imagined it would happen so fast. Can I take the ring out?”

He took it out, “We’ll need to have it sized, I had no idea what size you wore but wanted to do something right away.”

“It’s gorgeous Eddy, who helped you pick it out? I mean, it’s exactly my style, it’s what I would have picked.”

He blinked a few times and then grinned, “Thanks, I picked it out myself. The woman at the jewelry store wanted me to get something else but this was what I knew I needed to buy, they were both the same price so I’m not sure why she wanted to steer me away from this one. Oh, it has a matching wedding band which I purchased as well. Are you pleased?”

“Pleased? Am I pleased? No honey, I’m over the moon ecstatic, you make my heart swoon Eddie, how is it that I get to be in love with you? You’re young, successful, handsome, a tremendous lover and then there’s me. A 39-year-old divorcee, in my mind you’re getting the muddy end of the stick. And quite frankly, I would never have spent so much money on rings for me.”

“And now you know why I didn’t take you along. Never mind how much I spent, wear them proudly and I’ll have all the reward I’ll ever need.”

To say the love making that night was slow, deep. and sensuous, would be understating the facts, we spent lots of time moving slow and tenderly the first time, kissing, whispering one another’s name, him telling me over and over that he loved me. We managed to reach our climax at the same time, something that doesn’t happen often, usually real close but seldom does it happen at the exact same moment. Gah, that was so good, I think we lay there pulsing for over a minute, considering we’d damned near worn each other out on the kitchen table a few hours earlier we felt it best that we went to bed.

As he was brushing teeth and getting ready for bed I found some yarn in an old sewing kit that had been his mothers and was winding it around the band so the ring would stay on my finger through the night. In the morning we both called in sick, at precisely ten AM we walked into the jewelers, they agreed to have the rings properly sized by four, having gotten that done we both went to work, a half day was better than none. Angela of course had a plethora of questions, mostly about things that were none of her business.

I answered a few and let the rest hang in the air, she would find out soon enough tomorrow when I walked in with a large shimmering diamond hanging off the ring finger on my left hand. Ed was waiting for me out front when I got off at five, he took me to my apartment where he met Seymour and helped me get more clothes. I expressed that I wished I knew of a home where Seymour would have more company than me for a few hours in the evening.

He piped up immediately, “I know where he can go. Remember our receptionist? Well her little girl has been after her for weeks to get a cat but they don’t want to adopt one and they don’t know anyone who has one to give away.”

Backing him against my closed entryway door I pushed into him, “Is there anything you don’t have a solution for?” I looked down, “Seymour, how’d you like to go live with a little girl?”

He meowed and curled around my leg, yup, he wanted to go. On the way to his place he called Rita and asked if she was still looking for a cat, she was. Ed told her about Seymour, she then asked me some questions about vaccinations etc. and we agreed her home would be a good environment for Seymour, she would şahin k porno bring her little girl to my place the next night to take him home.

At five forty five we were in the waiting area of jewelers, he took us into an office and took out the rings, they fit perfectly, what he did next really woke me up to the reality of who I had agreed to marry. Reaching into his desk drawer he pulled out an old long narrow box, opening it a set of pearls greeted my eyes, something I had always dreamed of but would never drop a thousand bucks for.

“Ed, your family has bought jewelry from my grandpa, my dad and now me over the last seventy years, these pearls belonged to your great grandmother, your mom made me promise they would be passed along to your bride when you married. I would estimate by their size and grade they’re worth in excess of four thousand dollars. Oh, and don’t worry about your sister thinking she got cheated, she gets the Tiffany brooch with a similar value.”

Handing Ed the box he instructed him to put them on me, my God in Heaven never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be wearing jewelry like this. The challenge for me was to make sure I didn’t get an attitude about it, having things of great value can mess with your head. After leaving the jewelers Ed called Rita asking if we could meet right away to which she agreed, he gave her the address and told her we’d meet her in half an hour. It was love at first sight between the little girl and Seymour, he was on her lap in a heartbeat and never so much as looked back at me when she put him the transporter, I was so happy, he had been a good companion on lonely nights, but those days were in the past.

On the way home Ed needed to stop at the office, walking in with him he smiled, “Ah, her office light is still on, you get to meet my sister.”

When we entered her office I thought he was screwing with my head, sitting at the desk was a light brown skinned lady with long beautiful dark black hair, she was obviously from somewhere in Central America.

“Amy I’d like you to meet my sister Esme, Esme this is Amy.”

As she stood she extended her hand and smiled, “I finally get to meet the mystery lady he talks about all day every day, he’s correct, you are lovely, I can see why he fell for you.” I must have looked puzzled. “I’m Peruvian, a first generation American, Ed was adopted by my parents when he was four, yes, I know, he’s lily white but there isn’t a racist molecule in his body. He will treat you with dignity and make sure you know you’re loved just as our parents did with each other. Ooo, I see you got the pearls (pause)

as soon as Peter gets off his ass and proposes I’ll get the brooch.”

Sitting together in a bubble bath that night with Ed behind me I couldn’t stop looking at my ring, it sparkled and danced and glimmered in the light of the candles. At 39 I finally knew what ‘twitter pated’ meant, because that’s exactly what I was … twitter pated. As we dried after the bath I sat on the toilet with the lid down, put my hands behind his legs and pulled his cock to my mouth, after sucking him hard I stood and took hold of his dick as if he were my pull toy. In the bedroom I pushed him backward, climbed on, impaled myself on his lovely big dick and purred to him as I leaned forward putting a nipple in his mouth.

“Let me show you how grateful I am that you chose me to be your wife.”

As I readied myself for work the next morning I found I was as giddy as a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl with her first crush. I had butterflies in my tummy, my heart was pounding out of my chest, I was so excited to show Angie and the others my new ring and let them drool over how much Eddy loved me. He hadn’t told me what he paid, but I knew from looking at jewelry in the past that the set was north of 7500. I was sliding a pair of silk panties over my belt and stockings when he took me in his arms holding me tight and kissing me, then pulled back enough to look in my eyes.

“Amy, I need you to keep to yourself the value of your rings and pearls, money between friends can do terrible things, it’s best to just smile and let them wonder. I’m not trying to school you, I’m just letting you know through a hard learning experience what can happen. Sweetheart, I plan to shower you with extravagant gifts all your life.”

His words made sense and I didn’t feel slighted in the least, at the same time I had to ask, “Eddy, are you wealthy?”

“Yes Amy, we’re wealthy, not filthy rich, but we’ll never want if we’re wise, and by we, I don’t mean Esme and me. She has her own wealth, by we, I mean you and me, once we’re married I can tell you more. I’d like to do so now but the legal eagles would have a shit fit if I disclosed everything before we tie the knot. It’s better if we wait.”

I had a good paying job, owned my flat and had money in the bank, he knew all that and yet he said WE were wealthy, including me in his thoughts before we tied the knot as he’d said. Giving me such expensive jewelry, would send Anna into detective mode, she could sniff a lie out a mile away. I decided the fewer details I knew the fewer fibs I’d have to tell the girls, I would answer their questions but only within certain parameters. With his hands drifting onto my butt he asked if he could help me finish dressing.

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