My Dental Hygienist


I am a guy in his forties. Fit because of my CrossFit background but still quite a small guy. I have always had my kinky side but had quite a few experiences because I am quite a shy person what becomes to making sexual contact with women.

One of my kinkiness is that I get turned on about dentists and everything around them. So I hit two things together when I use quite a lot for example dental hygienist services. My teeth remain in good condition and I also have my sexual satisfaction when laying on the chair or waiting in the waiting room. I never show my sexual arousal to the staff but in my mind, I have great pleasure. After that in my home, I can think about the meeting again and again.

I make appointments with many different hygienists because I do not like them to notice that I make so many appointments and also meeting a new hygienist in a new place is always exciting. So I had again made a new appointment with a new hygienist. She is new in town and has her practice in her own home I think because the address is in a neighborhood that consists of only of family houses.

I travel to my appointment in my car. I find the place easily. The house is quite small and the last one on that road. From the main road, you have to drive a bit little road to get to her house. I find out that no one sees easily to the house from the main road.

There is the main door to the house and a smaller door on the side of the house that has a sign Dental Hygienist. I go to the door and ring the bell. After a short time, I hear a buzz that opens the electric lock.

I step in and notice that I am in a little waiting room with two chairs and a little table. On that table is a paper that I should fill up my dental history and so on.

I fill the paper with a little shaky hands as always and at the same time, I try to notice things in this place. Trying to hearing some noises behind the doors or trying to find someone else shoes or something from the waiting area because there is a note that says take off your shoes.

I notice there are two shoes plus mine. Maybe there is patient inside and the other ones are the hygienists own I think.

Now there are some noises coming out of the one door. I hear a woman moan in pain and the hygienist saying to her that she has to tolerate the pain a little while. I can hear also noises like the vacuum and other familiar noises.

After a while comes didim escort silence and after that, I can hear the sound that the chair makes when coming in sitting position. Then there is some talk that I can not exactly hear. Then the woman comes out. She looks like she is a little terrified from her experience. She quickly puts her shoes on and goes out.

Now my nervousness is coming up. I know that soon is my turn. I am also very excited. Even more than usual. Something in this does that to me. Maybe the terrified lady was one thing and the other is that there are not other people around. No other patients or staff. Just me and the hygienist that comes soon to pick me up. Do I have to moan in pain too or had the lady something special that had to be done to her? What kind of is the hygienist like and what kind of is her equipment? The chair in these places is always exciting. It is like a torture bench or something and they are different kinds and colors. The leather or other materials are against your skin when you are lying on it. This kind of is my kinkiness.

I hear the steps coming to the door with a loud clicking sound. The handle goes down and the door opens.

I just stare at her. There stands a woman bigger than me at the door. She has a surgical mask and black nitrile gloves on. Her hair is under a cap. She has a t-shirt and tight leggings that look like leather. She also has shoes with long heels.

“What is your name?” She asks.

Somehow I manage to say it. She looks so stunning!

She says that: “Sounds like you are my next victim. Come in!”

I rise and give her the paper I filled up. Then I walk in. The room is different than most treatment rooms I have been in. Mostly they are decorated with white cabins and white ceilings and so on. This has violet ceilings. The cabins are black and so is the floor. The chair dark green. It looks like a leather chair and I can see that it is used a lot because the leather has marks on it.

“Sit on the chair.” She asks and reads my paper.

After that, she puts a bib on me and safety goggles. Then the chair reclines and goes up at the same time. She adjusts the light to show in my mouth. The light has also mirrored around it. So looking to the mirrors I can see what is going on in my mouth.

“Open your mouth as much as possible.” She asks.

When I do that she says that now she knows digor escort my size and I can shut my mouth. She takes something from the cabin. It has two rubber rings and thin rubber between them. She places the rings so that the other one is behind my lips and the other is outside. The thin rubber is pressing against my lips. The rings keep my mouth open and lips away from the teeth.

She starts inspecting my mouth. She says nothing. She just makes some markings on her computer.

“There is some cleaning needed to be done for your teeth. Let’s start with that. I also have few other things that I need to point out but I spare them for a later time.” She says and puts a block in my mouth that comes between my teeth on the other side of my mouth.

The block also guides my tongue to that side. It has also a tube for vacuum.

This something new. Those lip rings I have had in my mouth but this block is something new. It really forces my mouth open and makes me more vulnerable for her. That is exciting and a little uncomfortable. I try to use to it so I can enjoy my time.

She uses an ultrasound device to clean my teeth. It hurts a bit but I can manage. After that, she makes cleaning also with hand tools. After done she removes the block and puts another on the other side. She makes the same kind of cleaning there.

All the time she sits very near to me. Her tits are almost in my eyes and now and then she moves and I can sense her crotch touching my head. The leggings feel good against my head.

From the mirrors, I can see her working with her firm hands in my mouth. I also can see between her very nice and round tits. The t-shirt has so big opening.

Al that, her appearance, the decoration, the lip ring, and the block. They have made me very excited. Now her tits and her crotch. I can not keep myself totally calm. I sense a little hard-on and moistening in my penis. I just hope that my jeans keep my erection from her eyes.

Then there is something when she moves her again. Like there is some change in her crotch too. Something that touches my head. Not just soft fabric. There is some harder lump that is tabbing my head for a second.

I do not know what that is and forgot that. I just enjoy in her chair. She has now done the cleaning and starts to do the soda blowing. She makes a very accurate job with every teeth. She then puts a rubber dikmen escort cup in her drill and polishes my teeth with that also using some pasta with it. That feels fantastic.

Then she takes the ring from my mouth and wipes my lips and face with a paper. She takes her time and is very caring and gentle. Then she takes off the goggles.

She says: “How nice your eyes are. I would like to keep you without the goggles so I could look at them directly.”

Then she moves the chair to a sitting position. She also moves her chair so that she is sitting against me.

“There are some things that I would like to talk about with you. She says with a serious tone but has a smile on her eyes.

Still, I can not see her whole face because of the mask. She has taken the gloves away and has beautiful hands with long slender fingers. Nails are short because nature of her work and not painted. The hands lie on her lap and when looking at them I see some lump in her crotch that is visible because of the tight pants. What is that lump? Can her pussy make a lump like that when sitting?

“Are you alright?” She asks.

“Yes, I am. Sorry. My mind was somewhere.” I respond to her.

“You have a few starting cavities on your teeth. They might be nothing but I think that a dentist should look at them. If you have not a regular dentist that you see I have a dentist that comes here once a week the look at my patients. I can book a meeting for you if you want?” She informs me.

“It is okay if you book the appointment,” I answer her with a little excitement.

“And then there is another thing we should talk about. I can see that you bite your teeth a lot and your jaw muscles are very tight.” She told me.

“Yes, I have gear that a have at night in my mouth that protects my teeth when sleeping,” I tell her.

“That is good that you have it. For muscle pain, I can offer you a massage that massages all your biting muscles and makes you more relaxed. I also noticed the during the cleaning your mouth became very dry. Were you nervous or did something else cause that?” She asks.

I tell her that I was a little nervous but on the other hand I feel nice when having the cleaning.

“Yes, sometimes nervousness or excitement or both can do that. And some people just have dryer mouths. Your mouth just dried in my hands so that is why I asked.” She says.

“May I book you also an appointment for a massage?” She asks.

I say yes and she gives me two appointments for the next week.

I rise from the chair and when leaving the room she taps a little my ass. That feels odd but also good. I leave and she smiles with her yes to me.

To be continued….


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