My Submissive Summer Ch. 09


“Ouch” I said as I tried to get out of bed the next day. I stood up and began to walk at a slow pace to the bathroom. I sat there and thought to myself, why do I do this to myself. Part of me hated the person that I have become. I wanted to tell those guys to fuck off and go to hell, while the other half of me loved every moment of the fucking and put up with the other stuff in order to get that intense orgasm that she experiences whenever she was getting a black cock stuffed in her.

I walked out to change from my new outfit and decided that I would be a lazy day for me and I am just going to lie there and be a bum. I peeled off the cheerleading outfit from the night before; I threw it in my laundry basket and put on a tank top and some shorts. I walked into the living room and saw an envelope from Ron on the floor. I opened it and read it. It said that I needed to cleanup the mess I made last night and a list of groceries he needed for game 2. It also said that I was not needed tonight and that he may see me tonight or someone will.

I just sucked it up, grabbed my cleaning supplies, walked up, and cleaned his place. I was picking up used condoms all over the living room. I was curious to see how many times I get fucked last night so I counted 20 used condoms. I thought that it was a lot more but they did a good job, I have not been this sore in a while. I have been in this apartment twice at night and fucked several guys and did not know any of there names. I rushed those thoughts out of my head and remembered the earth shattering orgasms that I’ve been having lately and that brought a huge smile to my face and not to mention the erect nipples.

I finished cleaning his place and went back to mine. As, I was walking down the stairs I heard someone knocking on a door when I opened the stairwell door it was Mr. Bernstein at my door.

“Hey Mr. Bernstein” I said

“Tara, How are you doin, making a lil extra cash but cleaning apartments” He asked

“You could say that, just being nice and cant beat extra cash” I replied, “You want me to clean your place, I got a sexy maids outfit” I joked.

“Really” He said. You can see the bulge in his pants and I knew that turned him on

I smiled and said “No, not yet C’mon in”

“I came here to see if you made your decision on the place yet, I have a few people interested in the place” He commented

“Oh im sorry, I just got preoccupied this past week and swear I called you, my fault” I said

“Its okay” Mr. Bernstein said “So, were you serious about cleaning my place” he added

“If you ask I will do it, you been so nice to me it’s the least I can do” I replied

“Maybe we can work something out,” He said

“Have a seat we can discuss it now over lunch” I replied

We sat there ate lunch and talked. I can see his eye drift down to my breasts many times during our lunch together and really did not mind. He told me about his weekend and that his kids came into town and telling me how much of a freeloaders they are.

“How was your weekend, Tara?” He asked

I smiled and almost told him about it but figured he would have had a heart attack or cum in his pants but just said “ I watched some basketball, ran some errands and worked out”

“What no gentleman suitors this weekend, im shocked that a pretty girl like you didn’t have a date” He said

“Just not into the dating scene much nowadays plus no one of interest to me asks me out, plenty of guys hit on me and I ask for the numbers and just throw them away. I guess I do it to be polite,” I told him

“Your young and the right guy is out there for you” he said as I cleared the table.

“You so sweet” I said as I kissed him on the cheek and brushed my breasts against his arm when I leaned in and kissed him.

“Lets talk about rent” He said

“Okay” I replied

“If you clean my place once a week and…” He said with a long pause.

“And what” I said

“Oh never mind” He commented. “C’mon what were you gonna say” I pressed

“Well, are you sure, please don’t be offended, I had a good time the other day and its been so long since I felt so good, I was wondering if you might be willing to do it again sometime” He timidly asked

I smiled and said “Sure, whenever you want to and im free I will do it” His face lit up and was so excited.

“You do those two things for me and you can live here as long as you want for free.” He said

“You got a deal and I may have to go out and get that sexy maids outfit for ya “ I commented “Really, I will reimburse you for it if you do” Mr. Bernstein said excitedly

“You ask I will do” I said “So when is a good day to clean your apartment” I added

“Anytime you want” He said as he hands me a key to his place “Oh yea, I got a pool there also so when your done, you can lay out and work on your tan without being disturbed. Its pretty private out there.” He added

“Cool, nude sunbathing and skinny dipping is in order” I said “Okay, I wont complain” Mr. Bernstein Side escort added

“Well, okay then, I have some free time on Wednesday, so I will be over on that day,” I said

“No problem, well I have to run now and meet people at my other buildings,” He said

“Have a good day and maybe see you on Wednesday” I said

I walked into my bedroom laughing and joking with myself. You cannot beat that deal, maybe 4 hours of work a month for free rent. I grabbed my purse and went to the grocery store. As I wandered thru the aisles of the supermarket, I thought to myself that Mr. Bernstein is going to be the talk of his friends, hes got a hot 20 year girl that’s gonna fuck him on a regular basis. I also decided to indulge him on his fantasy and find a maids outfit for him and maybe a few new bikinis to lay out in.

I got Ron and mine’s groceries and I drove past this adult store and decided to go in and see what kinda outfit they had there. I walked in and everyone’s head turned to check me out. I asked the cashier if they had any maid’s outfit.

“Ah, sorry, we don’t carry clothing here” The cashier said “Need something to wear for a bachelor party” he added. Guess he thought that I was a stripper.

“No, just spicing up a relationship” I replied. “You might want to try Exotic Apparel on the other side of town. The cashier said. “Okay thanks” I said to him.

I turned around noticed that the guys were still staring at me so I paused by the door and walked back into full view and flashed the guys in the store and jiggled my breasts for them and walked out of the store and drove away. I was thinking to myself, store name sounds familiar.

“Fuck” I said. It is that bitch Nina’s store, I thought to myself. Maybe I can get some more free clothes outta her, she’s that dumb. I arrived at the store and wandered around until I heard

“Tara” Nina said

“Hello Nina, how are you doing” I replied

“Im doing fine, cant wait for tonight, did Ron invite you over also” She said

“No, I got plans” I said.

“He invited me over to his place for the game and I’m so excited, you should see the outfit im gonna wear there, Its to die for.” She gushed. I thought to myself, considering the amount of snacks and drinks I bought, she should not be too excited unless that is her thing.

“Cool” I said.

“Ah fuck it, I will show you,” She said as she put a back in 15-minute sign in the door and locked it. “Follow me to the back” she said as I was walking back, a maid’s outfit caught my eye and I knew I had to check it out.

“Have a seat,” She said. I looked around her office and noticed some of the pictures she had up. It was pictures of her kids, husband and friends.

“Cute kids” I said. “They are a little older than you are,” she said from the other side of the wall. She walks out and she is wearing a skintight leather dress that had a plunging neckline and was short and barely covered her ass. She had a great body for a woman in her 40s and hope that I looked as good as she did at that age,

“Very nice, love the cleavage” I said. “This would look great on you and with those breasts you can drive men wild” She said

“Thanks, not a big fan of leather” I replied “I know I couldnt walk in the 6 inch stiletto heels, too top heavy” I said as I cupped my breasts and shook them up and down. I added

She walked back, changed into her business suit, and came back into her office.

“So, what can I do for you today” Nina asked, “ I need a few bikinis and a maid’s outfit.” I replied.

“You looking for respectful for a costume party or a lil naughty” She asked

“Naughty” I said.

We walked back out on the sales floor and she got me this sexy maids outfit in my size.

“You’re a size 6 right,” She asked

“Most of the time yea “ I joked. “You want the full get up garters and hoses too,” Nina asked

“Yea sure” I replied. She showed me to the dressing room and I put on the whole outfit. The outfit really made my breasts stand out and the cleavage made them stand out even more. The skirt was very short and went I bent over it showed my ass and the garters and hose.

“You look sexy Tara” Nina says.

“I will take it” I replied “Now lets see some bikinis,” I added

We walked over to the swimwear area; I wandered around and found a few that caught my eye. I tried them on and liked them all. They were revealing but the normal fashion for the time.

“Here try this one on and if you like its on me” Nina says. It was a small blue thong bikini with a top that just covered my areolas and the bottom was just as small. I thought it made my ass look big but in a strange way, I liked it.

“Lets see it” Nina said I walked out of the dressing room and showed her and did the typical model twirl. “You don’t think it makes my ass look fat do you,” I asked

“You look great in it,” She said. “Okay, I will take it too” I replied

“Let me get the rest and I will ring you up while your getting Escort side dressed.” Nina said. I handed her all the clothes, got dressed and made my way to the counter.

“Excuse Me,” a female voice said

“I couldn’t help but notice you in that bikini and I have to say you looked great in it. I’m Jackie,” The woman said

“Tara” I replied. “Have you ever thought about dancing, you can make a lot of money, I opened up a new gentleman’s club that is opening on Thursday night on the edge of town and would love to have a well endowed woman like you working for me.” Jackie says

“No, sorry, not my thing really, but I am flattered to think I look good enough to be a stripper” I said. I also told her about being mistaken for one earlier.

“Well, here’s my card and if your ever in the neighborhood, show the door man this card and you can get in for free and we also have an amateur contest on Wednesday nights. So stop by for our grand opening and I’m sure a few gals would love to give you a lap dance or two.” Jackie said

“I blushed and said thank you and good luck with the club.” I told her.

“My girls will be in later on today and tomorrow to pick out some things for the club. So just put it on the tab and I will pay it on Monday.” Jackie said to Nina

“Wow, that’s a lot of business for me and you should do it. You have an amazing body id die to have a natural chest like that,” Nina says to me. “We should check the place out sometime, would you be willing to go with me” She added

“Will see, what do I owe you?” I said

“103.45” Nina says. I hand her my credit card and sign for the items.

“It was good seeing you again, here’s my cell number, give me a call sometime” Nina adds

“Good to see you also, have fun tonight” I said with a smile on my face. I get in my car and drive away. She is not as bad of a person as thought that she was. I think I could actually be a friend with her and finally get a close female friend to talk with besides my mom. Just as I finished that thought, my cell phone rang.

“Hey sweetie” Mom says

“Hi Mom, two phones call in less than a week, what is wrong ” I replied.

“Nothing, I wanted to know what you decided with the apartment,” She said

“I am going to stay her for the year” I told her. “What’s the monthly rent? Mom asks.

“Funny thing about that I just finished cleaning an apartment in the building and he asked if I would clean his place, he said that he would let me stay here for free, if I cleaned his house once a week, I couldn’t pass that deal up” I said to her

“Why you cleaning apartments, do you have enough money? She asks “Mom, im fine with money I just as a favor to a neighbor. He fixed a flat tire that I had and it was my way of repaying him,” I said

“Is he cute and single” she asked

“He’s cute but has a live in girlfriend” I replied. “Too bad” Mom said

“Ok, I just wanted to make sure my baby had a place to live, have a good week” Mom add

“Bye, love you” I replied

I got back in and unloaded the groceries into my apartment and in Ron’s. I put away the groceries and my new clothes then decided to sit my lazy ass on the couch for the rest of the night. I ordered out for dinner and waited for it to arrive. I heard voices in the parking lot and decided to look. It was some of Ron’s friends I guess and then another group of black guys showed up. Wow, I estimated that there was about 7 or 8 guys up there for the game and then saw Nina arrive a few minutes later. Looks like she’s gonna have some fun tonight and that dress was ugly, guess you had to see it in the right light I thought to myself. It was around 11pm, when there was a knock on the door, I opened it up and it was Ron,

“Hey babygirl” He said

“Hello Ron, didn’t think I would see you tonight” I said

“Couldn’t let my favorite girl go unfulfilled,” He said, “I hear you got offered to be a stripper and got some new clothes,” he added. I knew Nina told him all about it.

“Yea, but not my thing really, I like to dance in private when I get something better than cash in return” I replied “But I may go with Nina and see the club” I added

“If you go anywhere with that hoe, you aint gonna see any black cock on this campus every again” He snapped, “I cant get rid of her, she just so hopeless. At least with you, I could see some disgust in what you had to do but you did it to make me happy and I appreciate that” He added

“That bitch does it because she likes the attention and doesn’t care about me. Right now she’s fucking 7 of my friends and didn’t even pay me any attention, fuckin hoe.” He said angrily. “I’m going to make her strip there on amateur night and give me the cash hoping that she would get tired of me and leave me alone.” He stated.

“Okay I wont talk to her or do anything with her” I said “Can I get up anything before I change into something more appropriate for you,” I asked “No, i’m fine and do I get to see the new stuff you bought?” Ron asked Side escort bayan

“Anything for you” I replied, “Oh yea, where something tight and short after your done showing me, He comments. I walked into my room, put on my new bikinis, and showed him each one.

“I like the blue and white one piece and of course that killer thong bikini,” Ron said

“Thanks” I said while blushing. I walked back in and put on the whole maid’s outfit and trotted out to show Ron.

“Wow, did you buy that to clean my place” Ron asked. “No, but if you want me too I will” I replied.

”So whose it for” Ron asked. “Its for Mr. Bernstein, he offered my free rent here if I cleaned his place, so I joked about the outfit and it seemed to make him happy, so I figured what the hell and got one” I commented

“You going to fuck him too” Ron asks, “If he asks then you said it was okay and I will” I replied. He nodded his head in agreement and I walked back into my room to put it away. I changed into this tight white lycra dress and found some matching lifts. I looked at the mirror while I looked like a stripper.

“Very nice, I got good taste in clothes” Ron said. “I like it very much” I replied

“I see you kept the tape from the night before” Ron commented as I walked toward him

“Yea” was all I could say as I sat on the floor next to him. He grabs the remote and hits play on the CD player.

“Now you going to be my lil slutty stripper tonight” Ron said. I rose off the floor, moved the coffee table aside, and began to sway my hips from side to side with the music. I ran my hands over my ass and thighs as I dipped and swayed to the music. I turned around, ran my hands over my breasts, and pinched my nipples. My hand moved down and caressed my pussy. I raised my skirt up to show my ass and pussy. I continued to sway my hips to the music, walking toward Ron. I turned around, bent over putting my ass close to his face, and then smacked my ass hard. I straddled him next pressing my ass against his crotch and sliding up and down while cupping my breasts. I took one of the straps off my shoulder then the other. I pulled down my top to expose my breasts and erect nipples. I can feel his cock getting hard against my ass. I got up off him and swayed from side to side in front of him. I turned around and moved in between his legs while pressing my breasts into his face and then slide my hand down to his crotch and rubbed his hard cock.

I pressed my body against his and then stood up on the couch and put my pussy close to his face while my hips swayed to the music. I slide down and was now straddling him. My hands played with my breasts and slide down to my pussy. I played with my pussy for a few second when I took my hand and licked my finger then began to finger myself. I moved it in and out a few times, brought my hand back up to my mouth, and licked my finger clean. I then rose up from him and did a split onto the floor while running my hands over my breasts and stomach. I got on my back and spread eagle for him and ran my hand up and down my pussy lips. The music stopped

“Maybe I was wrong, you could be one hell of a stripper.” Ron said

I blushed and said “Thank you” He gets up and goes into my bedroom. I followed behind him

“Get on your back” He tells me. He undresses and I watch that magnificent body come closer to me. He straddles my stomach and lays his cock in between my breasts and he then reached back and slides a few fingers inside my pussy. I moaned in delight.

“You like that” Ron asks

“Mmm..Yes but Id rather have that wonderful thick black cock inside me.” I replied. He moistens up his fingers and put them near my mouth. I moved up to suck on them. He pulls them away and lubricates his cock. I squeezed my breasts together for him and he began to work his cock back and forth. I moaned and purred in delight. I lowered my head and began to flick at his cock every time it got close to my mouth. After several moments, he blew warm cum over my chest and on my throat. He moved up a bit and tapped his cock on my chin to get the excessive cum off his tip. Some of it fell into my mouth and I eagerly swallowed it. He got off me and I used my hands to scoop up his cum and licked my fingers clean.

“On your back and place that head just off the bed, I wanna fuck that mouth for awhile” Ron says. I adjusted myself and put my feet on the wall and head just off the bed. He lined up his cock with my mouth and shoved it in. His massive balls hitting my nose as he moved in and out. I moaned in ecstasy and began to rub my clit. He sees me doing this and shoves his cock deep into my throat and I could not breathe.

“I don’t think so,” Ron yelled. I moved my hand away from my wet pussy and placed them at my side. He slid his cock out so that I can breath again. My chest was heaving and I was trying to catch my breath while he was fucking my throat. He slams his cock into my mouth and blows his load down my throat. I can feel his cum ooze down my throat and some pooling in my mouth.

“Suck it dry, slut” Ron orders. I closed my lips tightly around his cock and get every drop of cum out of his balls. I lay there wanting more.

“I am going to shower then go see my girl” Ron said. I whimpered in disappointment.

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