


This is actually two Maledom tales featuring the characters of my previous stories. The first tale takes up the first two chapters and is mostly a psychological game of cat and mouse, so if that doesn’t appeal to you skip down to the beginning of Chapter Three for the more active bits.

This particular tale takes place a few weeks after the events depicted in “Upon the Hook”.

At this point, I had submitted twice to her cruelty rather than go vanilla (yet again) or go without. In this combined tale, I get some of my own back and we both have a good time. The fact that she plays coy at first, merely added to the spice of it for me.

Keep firmly in mind that she could have ended it at any time with a word or gesture. This was a consensual activity.



Chapter One


“You’re a tease,” she accused me malevolently, “a cunt tease!”

Normally she didn’t use such language. The fact that she did now, indicated that she was becoming aroused, in spite of herself. I knew this, even if she was unaware of it, at the moment.

We were playing a board game and I was not only winning, I was flirting with her while I was doing it. This display of confidence and audacity was winning her over, in spite of her repressed nature.

She had a very hot body and a very high sex drive. Unfortunately, she was also very reluctant to give in to it. She would have been satisfied if I had been a “two pump chump”. Then she would have had more time to spend our money in the ways she saw fit.

But I wasn’t one to roll over and obey. I wanted what I wanted, and I wanted that peculiar combination of sexuality and power that most people call B.D.S.M.

I smiled and nodded my head, in acceptance of her accusation.

I leaned slightly forward across the board laid flat on our kitchen table and asked, “Does that mean you want to forfeit your body and your freedom for the night now or later?”

Her eyes got big and her jaw dropped. Recovering quickly, she looked down and blushed slightly at the suggestion.

She primly responded with, “Neither. I intend to win the hundred dollars!”

“You do have it?” she asked with cool directness, as she suddenly looked up at me.

“Of course, it’s right here.” I said, as I tapped my right breast pocket.

Now to be fair and make the game more interesting, the money was right there. If she won it, I would give it up easily but if she lost…

We played on for another thirty minutes or so but I knew I was going to win. She never practiced on board games so she knew next to nothing of the strategies involved. She also had terrible luck with dice.

Yet, if I had tried to tell her, she’d have gone off in a huff. So I used this opportunity to my advantage. Her being highly competitive was merely the icing on the cake (for me) because she would try twice as hard when she should have folded.

Finally, it became clear to both of us that I was going to win. With a look of honest outrage and shocked proprieties, she protested and squawked about not having had a fair chance.

Smiling my mean smile, I asked her coldly and quietly, “Will you honor your debt to me tonight or not?”

She blushed furiously and looked down while stammering, “I – I will honor it.”

“But promise me you’ll not do those things we talked about!” She rushed out the last in a panicky voice, as her eyes fearfully looked up and sought mine.

I repeated my question in a mild voice, ““Will you honor your debt to me tonight or not?”

She looked away, stricken, and nodded her agreement silently.

“Wonderful!” I said mockingly, my voice rich with sarcasm and cruelty.

I looked at her squirming and realized I had the beginnings of a powerful erection. Deliberately, I reached down and hitched myself into a more comfortable position. She saw this and tried to look away but it was too late. I had seen where she looked and she knew it. Her embarrassment was clear and it added to the experience for both of us. I smiled briefly.

My face returned to its cold and unyielding demeanor, as I observed her from my kitchen chair. We had just gambled her right to spend “one hundred dollars anyway she wanted” against my right to do “anything I wanted to her for the entire night”. I had won and I intended to take my revenge upon her.

In a loud and commanding voice I said, “Strip!”

She actually flinched before using shaking hands to take off her clothes.

I looked up at the kitchen clock and realized I had just enough time to pull this one off.

I must admit that watching her follow my directions was very pleasing and more than a little arousing. The idea that we’d be following my hidden agenda made it all that much sweeter.

Chapter Two

Standing Tall

She hung her clothes on the back of her chair, there in our kitchen. I watched her hungrily and she knew it.

Yet it was with downcast eyes and a fetching blush that she held her hands in front of her crotch, balıkesir escort in a position of modesty.

“Come here and go away; both at the same time.” I thought to myself.

I abruptly stood and stepped towards her, a little surprised that she held her ground. I half expected her to run.

Then she suddenly stepped towards me while looking up and put her arms around me. Her eyes were hot and bright as she pressed her nude form against my shirt front.

“Don’t you want me?” She asked rhetorically. What she was asking really, was why didn’t I want to find a bed and fall on her?

She sought to control this situation like she tried to control all others. She failed this time.

“When you beg, I’ll listen to each pleading with such pleasure…” I assured her evenly.

Grabbing her by the arm, I spun her in a half circle and quickly twisted it behind her back. Using my other hand, I grabbed a handful of her hair. I was careful not to hurt her but she gasped in shock that I would treat her in this manner.

We marched down the hall and into the semi dark bedroom in stony silence. I marched her right up until her nose was a few inches from the drapes

Her face was a study in shock. She could not believe that this was really happening to her. How little she knew of what I had fully planned out for this evening.

“Stand still,” I commanded her when we had reached the closed drapes in our master bedroom.

The bedroom was a large enough room to dwarf the king size bed it held. Beside the bed were the drapes on one side and the door to the hall, on the other. The dresser with our toys was at the foot of the bed.

The drapes covered a full sliding glass door that looked out upon our backyard. The backyard was adjacent to the townhouse complex with its neat little rows of houses that were all nearly complete. Our fence was, of course, chain link. That one could see through it was a fact I intended to exploit fully tonight.

Attached to the ceiling was a heavy duty hook that we had made use of some weeks earlier. Tonight a house plant, once again, masked its true purpose.

I could see her deliberately trying to ignore it as she stood facing the closed drapes.

“Let’s get this right out of the way,” I said smoothly, as I stepped around her. Reaching up, I lifted the plant off the hook and placed it on the floor, out of harms way.

“Now she looks really nervous, as well she should.” I thought smugly.

Walking over to the dresser I removed several items from it. As I moved back towards her, I dropped some of them on the bed.

I bade her turn around and face me with her back to the drapes. Then I had her hold her wrists in front of her while I taped worn but clean socks on her wrists to avoid bruising. Attaching the leather cuffs was the work of only a moment.

Affixed to each cuff was a large metal ring. I stepped back to the bed and took the long rope that lay coiled there. On one end was a hook. With practiced ease, I swung it up and over the ceiling hook and attached her wrist cuffs to the end.

Pulling on the other end of the rope forced her to raise her hands high above her head. When she had her hands at a certain height, she was forced to step back until she was directly under the ceiling hook. She grunted a little as I forced her up onto her tip toes. I finished this off by tying the loose end of the rope to the solid oak headboard.

She wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon, unless she used the safe word. As long as I was careful, I knew her pride would not let her do such a thing. It was this last fact that I was counting heavily on.

I glance at the clock, again and mused to myself, “Almost time.”

I took the hundred dollars out of my breast pocket and showed her the five twenties. Walking over to dresser, I dropped them there and made my way back.

Chapter Three


There she stood on tip toes. Her hands bound high above her head. She was nude and aroused and she had only herself to blame.

True, I was enjoying myself but only because she was enjoying herself. On those occasions where she had not been enjoying something (of a vanilla or a non sexual nature); we’d ceased doing it, immediately.

The ultimate rule would come to be known as, “If you’re not aroused, then I’m not interested”. This rule worked well and I came to rely on it.

She watched me with desire filled eyes. She knew the effect she was having on me and sought to hasten its grip.

I deliberately left her ankles untied and I also left her without a gag. I wanted her to be both mobile and vocal at the proper moments.

Taking one step over to the bed stand lamp, I turned off the only light in the room, plunging into complete darkness. Working by feel and practice, I stepped back over to where she stood with her back to the window.

Then, with a flourish, I opened the drapes!

You’d have thought the world was going to come to an end right there. Such bartın escort squeaking and struggling; it as a fine sight and I enjoyed it immensely.

“What are you doing?” She asked in a desperate and outraged whisper.

Although why she’d whisper was totally beyond me. No one could hear us, even if it had been noon instead of after midnight, here in suburbia.

She couldn’t see me in the dark and all I could see was her form backlit by the lights from the townhouse complex. Still, she did seem very determined to free herself. She raised one leg daintily, to cover her nudity. This simply added to the allure of the whole thing for me.

I moved silently around behind her twisting body and grabbed her from behind. I lifting her off her feet slightly, turned until she was facing the backyard then I let her go but thoughtfully reached up and grabbed a handful of hair to stop her from moving.

She kept on and on about the neighbors seeing or someone calling the cops. But I knew everyone had gone to bed and the fact that she was worried about this played right into my hands.

I held her exposed for a couple of minutes. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I used my free hand and removed my thick, black leather belt, from the jeans I was wearing.

She heard me doing this and her breath quickened. She started to ask me what I was going to do but I cut her off.

“Do you remember when you whipped me?” I asked her rhetorically.

She was silent on this topic.

“I can assure you that I remember it very well,” I said menacingly.

In the semi dark, I could see her naked bosom starting to heave up and down with fear. My lust blossomed and at that moment, I found it a bit difficult not to use her and be done with it. The moment passed and I was once again, back in control.

Holding her hair while she faced the backyard, naked and on tip toe, I whipped her nude and bound form. She struggled not to move or say anything. She struggled and failed.

My belt sang through the air and impacted loudly on her naked flesh. She flinched and shuddered. Again and again, we danced this cruel dance.

I was much stronger and larger than she, so I had to hold back and just tap her. There were no marks but she reacted just as if I had drawn a quart of blood with each stroke. The sight of her jerking about, as I laid the leather on her struggling body, made for a fine reward.

Finally, she started dancing from foot to foot to deal with the pain. With each new lash she’d gasp and cry out reluctantly.

At last, I stopped and let go of her hair.

“Don’t move!” I commanded her.

Then I looked out and saw what I had been looking for, moving through the nearly completed townhouse project. There had been a lot of thefts on this worksite and the owners had hired a security company to make their presence felt. I don’t know how effective they were but I do know how predictable their rounds were. I could set my clock by them.

“Look,” I said to her, as I pointed to the watchman walking through the complex, his flashlight moving here and there to illuminate dark spots a thief might hide in.

I heard her breath catch and I felt her body tighten. She held very still, probably out of fear that her movements would attract his attention. Her eyes were riveted upon this totally oblivious man.

“Wouldn’t it be interesting if I turned on the light, right now?” I asked her, a faint hint of cruelty sparking my words.

She gasped and looked quickly at me.

“No, no, you wouldn’t!” she gasped quietly.

“Oh, but I might do just that. And maybe I’ll do worse than that!” I smiled mischievously. It was lost on her in the semi dark and her own rising fear.

I stepped over to the bed and picked up the ski mask. I put it on and said to her. “Imagine what he might do if he saw a masked man whipping your nude and bound form.”

“Why he might charge right over here to the rescue. Then, of course, I’d have to explain how you lost a bet. Who can say?” I asked rhetorically.

“Maybe he’d want a free go, just to keep his mouth shut.” I added judiciously.

Chapter Four

Lights, Camera, Action!

Her eyes got big as saucers and her mouth hung open in astonishment and naked fear. She held her breath in disbelief. It was as if she thought that because she had given me a handjob, I would always be her slave.

“Fat Chance!” I thought.

Her fear was as an aphrodisiac to me. My head swam, momentarily, with pictures of untying her and using her roughly. I imagined her moaning and pulling me closer. Then I pushed all that aside.

“I have gone through too much to get here,” I sternly told myself, “I’m not going to give it up for a quick tumble.”

So I stepped back from her and said coldly, “You are mine to do with, as I see fit; by your own admission. If you do not trust me, I’ll untie you right now and this will be end of it.”

There, she had an out now. I didn’t feel at all comfortable giving batman escort it to her but it was better to have it out in the open. Either she went along with this or we would be done.

“I trust you.” She demurred with downcast eyes. “But this is so hard!”

“Hard is what we do.” I responded quietly (but with much conviction).

“I’m going to open the sliding glass door now,” I said. “Then I’m going to turn on the lights and whip you again. If you make any noise, he’ll undoubtedly hear and come to investigate.”

“So it’s in your best interest to be quiet.”I added lightly.

Her eyes were desperately looking for a way out of this predicament. So I thought I’d add an extra measure to it. I walked over to the dresser in the semi dark and picked it up. I returned to where she was and showed it to her.

She saw the digital camera in my hands, even in the dark she recognized its shape and sliver color. She gasped and looked up at me in horror.

“You know what this is for.” I affirmed to her in the dark room meaningfully.

I stared at her nude body for just a moment, as she stood on tiptoe with her hands bound high above her. Even in the semi dark, her fear and arousal were blatantly obvious. If she had not been very aroused when this started, she was quickly becoming that way (a fact she would not forget anytime soon).

Regardless of what I had said to her, I wasn’t about to share her with anyone. They could look all they wanted but she was mine and I was ever mindful of that.

The watchman had walked on through the rest of the complex. His flashlight retreated from my view.

Being careful in the semi dark, I set the digital camera with the power on, down on the bedside table next to the light switch. I stepped back to the drapes and unlocked the sliding glass door. Then I slid it open in one deft move.

Stepping back quickly, I turned on the lights and set the digital camera to the “film” setting.

I looked over and I saw her in the light, once again. Nude, bound, radiantly aroused and very much embarrassed by the whole thing. Her eyes were hot and glassy. Her cheeks were flushed, as was her chest, which was also heaving.

I moved out of the line of sight for the camera, as it began to film. This particular camera had a video feature. In essence, one could film short videos.

“Are you ready?” I asked needlessly. It didn’t matter if she was ready or not; she was getting a whipping in a well lit room where a stranger would be able to see her. She would jerk and struggle and just put on a fine show!

She threw me one last desperate look before I raised my belt to strike her. Then she thrust her head forward and clenched her muscles in fear (and passion).

I let the belt swing around and connect on her butt. Not too hard, I thought; yet she jerked like I had taken a piece of wood to her. Well, she had the safe word and she knew enough to use it, if warranted.

Winding up, I let fly with it again. This time it landed with a wet sound on her upper back. She grunted against the pain.

The cool wind of the summer night wafted through the open sliding glass door and into the bedroom. Her response to my whipping was everything I had hoped it would be.

I was starting to enjoy myself and I let he have another taste on her upper back. She pulled hard on her restraints and flinched. Even her eyes were closed tightly now. She staggered slightly on unbalanced tip toes.

A slight red mark was starting to appear there. So I let her have another on the other side of her back. This time she whimpered through clenched teeth.

I glanced out at the townhouse complex but I saw no sign of Mr. Predictable. It was early for his second round anyway. He always did two rounds of the complex. This would take him a total of exactly five minutes. Then he’d take an hour off precisely before repeating his trip. I’d also see his flashlight coming and thereby be forewarned but she didn’t know any of this, then or later.

Chapter Five

Can Can

With the lights on, I dropped the belt and picked up two paint cans, I’d stored beside our bed for just this purpose. (Who said I couldn’t be devious?)

I placed them on the floor beside her, about shoulder width apart. She had looked down with mild curiosity at my actions.

“What are you doing?” She asked quietly.

“When I lift you up, put a foot on each can.” I directed her.

She looked about ready to refuse me, when I took the matter out of her hands. I lifted her up and she placed her feet on the cans, as I had directed her, almost in spite of herself.

Her nude body felt good and I was tempted to play with her a bit but I was on the clock, so I kept to the timetable I had given myself.

So there she stood, with legs wide, balanced rather precariously on two paint cans. She looked awfully nervous and very delectable. Even better was the idea that I could take her from behind without having to reach.

I found myself grinning beneath my ski mask. It was hot and itchy on a summer night but it also stopped her from seeing what expressions I had.

“Be careful, now or you’ll fall off.” I warned her, quietly. There wasn’t a sound outside.

She didn’t respond except to tighten her grip upon the restraints that bound her hands above her head.

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