Rule of Thumb Ch. 07


I had no idea what they were doing to her – I couldn’t move without pain shooting into me. “What the fuck are you doing to her? Loren! Are you okay???” I was panicking at whatever they could be doing, and was about to shout out my safe word, when Anna’s hand moved softly to my lower back.

“It’s okay, Master Rick, we’re giving her release. What she wanted. Shhhh….” She stroked me softly, running her hand to the back of the dildo, moving it slightly, playfully. Loren’s gasps and cries from her climax filling the room.

“It’s too bad you can’t see this, Rick. It’s quite a sight. I’ll try and narrate. Mamiko has removed the pelvis cuff, and Loren is literally spurting her juice into a nice little pitcher. We’re going to have her drink it in a few minutes. Would you like to see that?”

The image of Loren being forced to drink her own cum made me moan. My cock stiffened even more, the pain against the shaft from blood pulsing through me alarming me. “Yes, Mistress Anna, I would.”

“Lift your head up, Master Rick, and kiss your Mistress.”

I pushed up slowly, tenderly moving against the dildo, until my head was level with my back, and looked up to see she had stepped in front of me, her pussy naked and glistening. I reached my neck and back up further, until my lips were against her open slit. I pushed as hard as I could against her warm skin, her aroma arousing me even more, and slipped my tongue between her oily lips.

“She has the power to end this, Richard. Just like last week. Would you like to be free of the pain?”

I nodded as I pushed against her further.

“It’s really quite simple. Your cunt merely needs to open her mouth and let Mamiko release herself into her.”

I immediately understood what Anna was suggesting, the thought of it cramping my stomach. I shook my head, pulling away.

“No! I did not tell you to stop!”

I didn’t return, looking up at her, her face steely.

“No, Rick. I can’t!” Loren’s voice was muffled, I could only assume because Mamiko was standing over her.

“Your cock ring, the dildo, hell, I’ll even have Mamiko provide you with relief. It’s up to you, then. You give the order, and my little cunt will empty herself into your cunt’s mouth. Say the word.”

“Basket!” Loren cried.

It was as if she had broken a crystal vase.

Anna backed away, smiling cruelly, putting her hand down to pet my head. “Ahhh, such a shame. And so predictable.”

I could already feel the bindings at my thighs releasing, Mamiko’s hands flying up and down my legs. My knee caps were killing me, not to mention my cock and ass. I wasn’t sure what would happen next, but I didn’t think it would be comfortable.

Anna’s hand reached down to offer me help up; I wasn’t sure I could muster it, my legs and gut were so cramped. Behind me, I could feel Mamiko moving, the frame vibrating from her unwrapping Loren’s bindings.

“I’m sorry, Rick. I couldn’t. I just couldn’t!” She was crying.

“It’s okay, Loren,” I whispered, trying to figure out how to get up.

“Hold still, Richard. Mamiko. Please help me here.”

I felt the young woman’s fingers on my ass cheeks, and then the dildo was pulled out in a swift and powerful stroke. I felt like vomiting, the pain was so intense, doubling over and gasping, my cock pushing further into my gut. How can I be this erect with so much pain? Something, maybe it was my pride, prevented me from putting a stop to the madness.

With Anna’s assistance, I made my way to standing, the first time I could actually take a look at myself. My cock pointed straight up at me, the head purple and angry, greenish veins standing out on the swollen red shaft. I moved my fingers down to feel the cock ring, trying to make sense of the latching mechanism.

Anna’s fingers slipped over mine. “You’ll want to deflate a little, Richard. In your current state it might be dangerous to unclip it. I recommend walking it off. But not quite yet.” She curled her fingers around mine and brought them between her legs. She was wet, her lips swollen and open. I could still taste her, her perfume in my nose. “Your little cunt stopped us prematurely, sadly.” She pushed my fingers into her channel, the first couple of knuckles slimy with her.

I looked up at her face, a mixture of cruelty and amusement. The pain throbbing through my cock, the echoes of pain around my asshole, and my embarrassment and humiliation from her treatment of me in front of Loren mixed with a growing anger. I was surprised to notice a tiny bit of admiration sparkling through the mix of emotions. She had made her point and I understood just how much depth and experience she had in this area.

“No. Please. No.”

I pulled my hand away from Anna, my fingers coated with her juices and turned to see if Loren was alright. Naked and standing behind me, her face puffy from crying, she was trying to stop Mamiko from tipping a ceramic gravy boat against her lips. Mamiko looked to Anna questioningly.

“Cunt. porno izle You know how to stop this. Stop being silly!”

Loren looked at me, dropped her hands and opened her mouth, letting Mamiko feed her her own cum. She looked miserable, staring at the ceiling until it was over. I reached out to her, crossing the short distance between us, to pull her into a hug. When she pressed against, me I winced from the pressure on my swollen cock.

“I think we’re done for the evening, Mistress Anna.” I tried to keep the emotion out of my voice even as my anger was beginning to rise.

“Now Richard, let’s just say you’re beginning to understand the full spectrum of power. You had the power to stop this at any time. Your little cunt had more awareness of that than you did. That is an important lesson. With respect to that,” she waved her fingers at my swollen member, “it will be fine. I don’t think you’ll want to use it for much more than urinating for a few days. By the time you walk home, I’m sure it will be soft enough to remove the ring. Keep it as a small memento of the evening – no charge.” She smiled thinly and turned away.

Mamiko had already begun cleaning up, her movements graceful, her pussy exposed each time she bent over. My cock couldn’t help but pulse each time I caught a glimpse of those lips.

“Come on, Rick,” Loren said softly, pulling me toward our clothes. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Wait a minute, you two,” Mistress Anna called to us. “Don’t forget this! I think you’ll find it very useful.” Mamiko handed me the small vibrator. It was oddly shaped – it was a black square, with two straps. Looking at the underside, it had a strange sculptural shape obviously meant to press against Loren’s pussy. I handed it to Loren as I finished getting dressed.

I wasn’t sure how I would get my pants on over my erection. In the end, I left them unsnapped, the zipper only half way up. It was dark outside, and with my shirt out, no one would see anything. We walked the two blocks back to my house, Loren apologizing and almost weeping the entire way.

“It’s okay, Loren. Really. Anna was right. It was a good lesson. I could have stopped it, just as you finally decided to.” My arm was around her shoulder. She was hugging herself. “But it sure sounded like Mamiko…like you…” I couldn’t find the words.

She looked up at me, her face dimly lit by the street light and smiled weakly. “That was unbelievable,” she said apologetically.

As predicted, by the time we arrived home, my cock had shrunk enough that Loren could help release the latch on the ring. The relief flooded through me, my cock dropping further.

“You look beat,” I said, comforting her. “And I’m in no shape for anything but a hot shower and bed.” I reached down and kissed her, the smell of Anna’s cunt juice mixing with Loren’s. She shoved her tongue into my mouth and grabbed the back of my head.

“Thank you, Rick. Thank you so much.” The words rushed out as she pulled away from the kiss. “I’m so sorry!”

I let her out, stripped out of my clothes and stuck myself under a hot shower. I was tender, not only in my ass and cock, but my back and neck. I fell into bed, exhausted, my head a swirl of emotions. What I hadn’t anticipated was the painful case of blue balls I would have the next day.

* – * – * – *

Sunday, and I woke up from a deep sleep to sunlight leaking past my bedroom blinds. It wasn’t more than a few heartbeats before the tenderness from my cock caught my attention. I pulled back the sheets to see if it was bruised and was surprised to see it looked mostly normal – a little puffy near its joint with my balls, but as I pulled at it and inspected it carefully, I couldn’t find anything that appeared to be permanent.

More pain appeared, this time from my ass and back, as I rolled onto my side to get up. I rubbed my hands on my ass cheeks, my fingers massaging my glutes to help reduce the throbbing from my asshole. I shook my head and went to the bathroom.

I had to see if Anna had damaged me there as well – no blood in the toilet when I had finished, but I bent over in front of the full length mirror and stared at the reflection through my open legs. My brown ring, wrinkled with a couple of hemorrhoids didn’t look different from the last time I’d inspected myself. My cheeks were inflamed and slightly swollen, but no sign of bruises. I sighed and washed up, not bothering to dress for breakfast.

Standing at the kitchen sink, sipping a coffee, I stared out into the garden, contemplating the day and musing on Anna’s viciousness from the night before. I should have anticipated it – she would justify it as a part of my “training,” but I knew she was taking her anger out on me. Professional she might be – careful to not leave any permanent damage – but I had affronted her personally and she couldn’t let it go. I looked down to see my sagging stomach, my cock moving on its own accord as my memories of her domination monopolized my amatör porno thoughts.

A change in the light made me look up, momentarily panicked that someone was at the back door.

“Rick?” Loren’s voice was muffled through the glass. She was wearing a short top, tied above her navel and denim cut-offs. I stiffened just at the sight of her.

Relieved, I opened the door, exposing myself to the great outdoors.

She looked down at my swinging cock, startled, and then she smiled slightly. It began to swell a little more, accompanied by a throbbing – a reminder of the prior evening’s events.

“Are you okay?” She stepped in and hugged me, brushed her hand down my back, her fingers lightly grazing my bare cheeks. “Why didn’t I sleep over here last night?”

I smiled thinly and nodded. “Nothing a couple of days won’t heal. My pride is more bruised than anything…and about that…I’ve been thinking about that.”

She pulled back a little and looked up at my face. “What are we going to do?” Concern and worry in the lines around her eyes.

“You seemed to have had a great time last night, right?” I smiled without any menace. “Tell me – was that the most powerful orgasm you’ve ever had.”

She blushed. So cute. “I’d be lying if I didn’t say yes. Fuck, Rick. I’ve never felt anything like it…and then…what they made me do…so disgusting.” She screwed up her face and pulled me tighter. “But what they did to you! That was horrible!” She moved her hand down to hold my shaft, softly massaging it. “Does it hurt still?”

I reached my arm around her, pulling her against my side. It was sweet she was worried about me, but her concerns were misplaced. Yes, we had to do something about the situation, but no, not because of potential harm to me. I reached over to get her a cup of coffee and we stared out into the garden.

“It sure sounded fantastic. I wish it had been me getting you off like that.” And that was a greater concern than anything else. Every time Anna delivered that kind of pleasure to Loren, it made it all that much harder for me. All of a sudden I had a flash of what we needed to do.

“Hmmm…you just made me think of something. You have plans for the day?” She shook her head. “Well, we have some work to do, so if you can spare half a day, I think it would be a good idea.” I turned away from the window and leaned down to kiss her, my hand slipping under the knot of her top to feel her bare skin. She melted into the kiss, setting her coffee on the counter and turning to hug her arms across my back.

“The notebooks,” I said, untying the knot and pulling her shirt over her head. She blushed slightly but didn’t protest, the skin on her breasts tightening at the cool air. “You’ve not had a chance to read mine yet.” I walked to the table and pulled the notebooks across it in front of an empty chair.

Loren grabbed her coffee, half-naked and a little confused by the change in direction the morning was taking, although I wasn’t sure what she had in mind when she came over. “By the way,” I asked, sitting next to her, “was this just a neighborly visit or did you have something in mind?”

She looked up from the notebook to stare at my face for a second and shook her head. “Just coming by to see if you were okay…” She tried to ignore my fingers on her nipples as she turned her attention to my fantasies.

I opened her notebook and rescanned the paragraphs she had written, trying to look at it the way Anna had suggested. There were the patterns she had suggested – the references to her ‘bottom’ as if she were a young girl, the privileges, the denial and need to ask permission. I started to see them more clearly, now that Anna had brought it to my attention, and I saw something else…security. She mentioned being held, held down, secured. I could see it as a need to be released from responsibility, from being excused for thinking such things, but they weren’t written that way. It was closer to a notion of being held, secure, protected. If everything else is protected, except what is being punished, she would get what she wanted. The thought popped into my head and it fit. Everything Anna had done to her in the past two weeks was consistent with this desire: hold me, secure me, and punish just the part that is most exposed. I smiled at the insight.

“Do you…” she asked quietly, “do you really want to do all these things to me?” She had looked up at me and down to my cock, seeing it had hardened a little. The pain from yesterday’s session countered my desire to fuck her on the kitchen table.

“Like which one, exactly?” I reached down and unsnapped her shorts, my intention clear. She lifted herself off the seat and helped me slip them and her underwear down past her knees. My eyes immediately went to that beautiful black triangle of hair. I could smell her arousal.

She licked her lips, hesitating, or just trying to pick one. “Loren has misbehaved again, failing to follow a simple anal porno direction. She is stripped naked, lying face down on the floor, her ankles tied to her wrists, her knees spread apart. It is three hours into her denial. The vibrator lies just inside her wet cunt, pulsing only enough to keep her aroused but not enough to push her over the edge. She has been begging for release until her voice is but a whisper.”

“That one is nice, don’t you think?” I slipped my finger into her, feeling how wet she was getting. She shifted and shivered a little.

“Would you really do that…?” She stared at my hardening cock, licking her lips.

I leaned over and kissed her, shoving my tongue and finger into her at the same time. She moaned, opening herself to me. Pulling my mouth away, but leaving her impaled on my finger, looked at her. “Wouldn’t you think twice about misbehaving if you knew that was in store for you?” I smiled thinly and pulled my finger out, painting her lips with her musk.

“Think about where we’re heading,” I suggested. “We’ve come a long way since last weekend’s sunny morning outside.” I nodded to the garden. “I’m excited by the possibilities, but I agree with you, we’ve got to start exiting Mistress Anna’s influence and figure out how to do this ourselves. And to do that,” I stood up, my dick sticking into her face, “we need to do some homework, and I need to make some calls.”

I held out my hand and helped her on to her feet. She slipped out of her shorts, following me to the study.

“You have a laptop at home, right?” I pulled a chair to the side of my desk.

She nodded, looking around.

“And toys. You have a vibrator or a dildo?”

She blushed and looked down, nodding.

“Okay. I’ve got some calls to make this morning, and I think we should do that research Anna suggested. While I’m chatting some folks up, perhaps it would be a good idea for you to start getting familiar with BDSM. What do you think?”

“I…yes…I…” She looked around, trying to figure something out. “You want me to get my laptop and bring it back here?”

“Right. Best you work on a machine you’re familiar with. And bring all of your toys. I want you to show me what you use when you need some relief.” I smiled, hugging her tight against me, her nipples hard against my chest, my dick pressing against that beautiful dark bush.

“Naked?” She asked quietly.

It took a heartbeat for me to figure out what she was asking. I nodded, looking her in the eyes. “Just like you are.”

“But…the neighbors…they’ll see me…” I could tell it excited her – I could smell her musk drifting up between us. “I can’t, Rick. Please…” Her hands pulled on my ass, pulling me tighter against her. “I’ll do whatever you ask…but…I can’t go outside where people could see me…” Her voice whined a little bit, like a child, I thought. Perfect.

I didn’t answer, peeling her off of me and motioning to the door. She knew how to get out of it, and as far as I could tell, she wasn’t pulling that rip cord.

“Oh, wait,” I stopped her as she was just about to leave the doorway. She was fully exposed to the back yard, but there wasn’t anyone who could see her from that angle. “Bring that vibrator thing Anna gave us last night, too.”

As she left I admired her beautiful ass, thinking how I would make her cheeks pink. I gathered a few things from my bedroom, pausing to look out the window to see if she had made it over, and was annoyed, and pleased, to see she had wrapped a towel around her. So wanting to be punished.

I was already on my first call when she came back into the study, a laptop bag over her shoulder, a grocery bag in her hand. She was naked again. I motioned to the chair while I kept up my conversation. She looked nervous, pulling out the laptop and setting it down on the desk, her eyes darting to the brown bag on the floor. I finished up the call and turned to her.

“So,” I said with as little menace as I could, “you couldn’t do it.”

“I’m sorry, Rick. I couldn’t. I just couldn’t.” She held out her hands, pleading, looking for understanding.

“You want to be punished, isn’t that it?” I stood up, gathering two belts I had brought from my room. She looked at me, at the belts, and shook her head. But I knew it was what she wanted.

“Sit back in the chair. Put your legs up onto the arms.”

Her knees hung over the arm rests, spreading her open, her cunt and asshole exposed to me. I tied her legs into place with the belts, pulling them tight, but not so tight she couldn’t sit there for a few hours. She was wet, her lips swelling, opening up to reveal the moist pink inner labia. I handed her the laptop and suggested she start with a Google search on ‘BDSM.’ “You might need to turn off safe search. You know how to do that?”

She nodded, trying to see what else I was going to do, as she began her search.

I emptied the bag onto the desk. In addition to the weird black square from Anna, she had a small assortment of vibrators – almost all simple battery-operated affairs, and a fairly interesting dildo – realistic, with veins. But not what I was looking for.

“Nice,” I said, holding up the latex cock. “I can’t wait to see you use this one.”

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