Sam’s Spa Chronicles Ch. 15


It has been eighteen months since Elizabeth Ann has started her initiate as a sex slave at SAMS Spa. Just as Amy Michelle and Richard suspected she would, Beth progressed rapidly in her training and is half way through her apprenticeship. She proved to the other members that she would be very discreet, one of the primary prerequisites for membership into Slaves And Masters Sex Spa. She also proved to be uninhibited sexually, another major requirement.

Many of the members highly complimented Richard and Amy on their choice of Beth for a sex slave — her exquisite beauty, her respectful humility, her overwhelming desire to please her sex partner, but most importantly her insatiable sex drive. The other club members were so overwhelmed by Beth that they voted almost unanimously only four months into her initiate to allow her to remove the blindfold when she comes to the spa.

It is a late Wednesday afternoon and while sitting at her desk, Amy comes to the conclusion that lately her life has been very boring. Her life has fallen into a monotonous schedule.

Weekdays it’s work and home or work and an evening at SAMS Spa. Occasionally it’s broken by a dinner party or an evening with guests relaxing in the nude with her and Richard in their hot tub. Then there is sex with their sex slave, Beth, and the other members of Slaves And Masters Sex Spa. That’s OK, great in fact. But of late, even that has become routine. She wants a change. She also wants to celebrate Beth’s exquisite status among her sex club friends.

Amy wants to do something this coming weekend with her husband and their sex slave that will break the monotony they have fallen into as well as to reward Beth for her progress. She wants to do something that will show Beth how much they love and appreciate her. She wants to do something that they have never done before, or in the very least, something that they haven’t done in a long time. But what? Her mind draws a blank.

Maybe if she could just get away from her desk and the rut something would come to her.

She is glad that she is the personnel manager for the medical supply company that employs her. It allows her to occasionally leave early on short notice, as long as she does not abuse the privilege.

She picks up the phone and tells the company’s secretary that she has to leave early, that she has some personal business to attend to. She shuts down her computer and straightens her desk. Then she calls Beth downstairs in shipping, where she is an order checker, to tell her that she is leaving for the day and that she will see her sex slave tomorrow for lunch. She then struts out of her office door with a smile on her face.

On the way to the elevator she runs into George, one of the salesmen. He is a stereotypical dirty old man who frequently has some sly remark or foul joke that she does not wish to entertain. Seeing her with her purse, he asks her if she is leaving early. There is just a hint of sexual overtone in his question. She presses the button for down and ignores him.

When the elevator opens he gets on with her. They are the only two occupants on the elevator. Amy closes her eyes in disgust and wonders if he got on because he really is going down or because he just wants to harass her. He asks her again if she is leaving early. This time there is an unmistakable sexual tone in his question.

“George, I’m going to have sex with your grandmother. Does that answer your question?” she answers him sarcastically.

“No, my grandmother’s been dead for a number of years now,” he answers her questioningly.

“Well, in that case I guess I’ll just have to dig up her decomposing corpse.” The elevator door opens. Amy steps out and turns to face him. “Have a nice day George. Don’t forget to smell the piss-a-beds on your way to the toilet,” she says with a straight face.

She then turns around and heads for the front door, leaving George standing in the open elevator with his mouth wide open. She smiles inwardly; she has finally discovered just the right words to tell him off.

Amy soon finds herself window-shopping at the local Lakeside Shopping Center in the heart of the suburb. She still hasn’t gotten any idea of how she would like to spend the upcoming weekend. But at least she has broken the monotonous routine — if only for an afternoon — that her life has descended into lately.

As she strolls by the food court, she decides to indulge her taste buds; maybe she can think of something to do while she has a treat. The front of the court is packed with customers all clambering for instant service.

After standing in line for several minutes, she orders herself a medium size strawberry yogurt. She then finds a small table toward the rear, with only two chairs in front of it, where she can enjoy her yogurt in some measure of peace and quiet.

There are a teenage couple two tables over and an elderly man reading a magazine at another table nearby. But other than that this section of the court Uzun porno is deserted. The two teenagers are holding hands and talking quietly.

Amy looks from them to the old man. She wonders what kind of magazine he is reading. From his actions, she concludes that it’s probably a girly magazine. She saw him looking at a foldout while she was in line waiting for her yogurt — although she couldn’t see what was on the foldout.

Now he appears to have his right hand down inside his pants. It’s hard to tell because he has a large shopping bag in his lap. She says a silent prayer that he’s just holding on to his shopping bag and that he isn’t masturbating in public. She decides to ignore him.

She is happily eating her yogurt, absently skimming through a fashion magazine that someone left on the table when suddenly a shadow covers the page. She looks up and smiles.

“Hey Donald! What’s a virile young black man like you been up to lately?”

“Oh, nothing much,” he answers her as he sits himself in the other chair. “I no longer work for the bowling alley. Now I’m the manager of the food court. I saw you sitting over here by yourself and thought I’d come over and say hello.”

“I haven’t been bowling in almost two years, ever since I quit the league. It got to be the same old people all doing the same old thing. You know me, always looking to do something new and exciting.”

“Yeah I remember. You were always trying to get everyone to bowl in costumes: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years.”

“Well that’s one of the reasons I quit bowling. No one wanted to do anything but bowl.”

“Duh . . . Amy, that’s what you’re supposed to do at a bowling alley.”

“True but there’s nothing wrong with making a party of it while you’re bowling. I mean, we were all there just to have a good time. None of us were in it for money or anything. So why not party while we bowl?”

“So what new and exciting things have you tried lately?” Donald asks her.

“Nothing. In fact, that’s what brought me here today. I got bored with just sitting around the office and following the same old routine day in and day out. I’m looking for something, anything to change my life. Got any ideas?”

“Sorry. Guess I’ve fallen into a rut myself lately. You remember Lori don’t you?”

“You mean Lori Brandi that cute little white girl, the petite strawberry blond who worked behind the concession stand at the bowling alley? Weren’t you two dating or something?”

“Yeah that Lori, I finally married her.”

“Well congratulations Donald. Guess I can’t flirt with you any more. I hope she realized that my flirtations with you were just me having a little sensuous fun.”

“As a matter of fact, she liked watching you flirt with me. She said it got her hot. Anyway she and I went camping last weekend at my father’s hunting lodge. But other than that it’s the same ole, same ole for me too.”

“Hey, now that’s a novel idea. I’ve never been camping in the woods before. Know of any good camping spots Richard and I and a friend of ours could go to for some . . . ah . . . private relaxation?”

Remembering Amy’s sensuous side and suspecting that she is uninhibited sexually, Donald takes a cue from her mention of the word private and suggests, “What about my father’s place. He owns a little cottage across the lake. Want to go there next weekend. It’s very private?” He is hoping that his suspicions are correct and Amy will accept the invitation.

“Oh, I don’t want to impose upon you or anything. I just want to know where Richard and I and a friend of ours could go camping for a couple of days. You know somewhere secluded where there aren’t any bears or snakes. I don’t like snakes and I don’t want to end up as some animal’s dinner.”

“It’s no problem. I’m sure my father won’t mind me having some friends up there as long as we clean up before we leave. And I can assure you, you won’t be bothered by snakes and bears.”

“No Donald, Richard and I and our friend would need something very private, something discreet. We would want a place where we would not be bothered by anyone,” she says putting emphasis on anyone.

“I know what you mean,” he says in a sexual tone. “When Lori and I go camping we want total privacy too and that’s why I’m suggesting my dad’s hunting lodge. It’s very private and very secluded. No one around for as far as you can see so that you can do anything you want.” He emphasizes the word anything.

“Anything?” Amy asks questioningly. There is a hint of sex in her question.

“Anything,” Donald assures her. “You and Richard can have your bedroom and Lori and I will have ours.” Then with his fingers crossed he picks up on her hint and adds in a sensuous tone, “There’s also a nice little pond nearby where we can all go skinny dipping if you want.”

“Now that’s exactly what I’m talking about Donald. When do we leave?”

“Yes!” he silently says to himself. Then to Amy, “Wait a minute Öğrenci porno and I’ll call my dad and see if he’s using his hunting lodge this weekend and if we can use it.” He can’t wait to see Amy in the nude.

While her old friend from the bowling alley uses his cell phone to call his father to see if the hunting lodge is available for the upcoming weekend, Amy calls her husband to see if he can get away this weekend. After some back and forth negotiations, they decide that this weekend is no good, nor is the following weekend any good but everyone and the lodge will be available for the third weekend from today.

After Amy and Donald schedule a weekend in which everyone is free and the hunting lodge is open, the two sit and discuss old times. During their conversation, much to her surprise and delight, Donald reveals to Amy that he and Lori are into occasionally swapping mates; he wants to get Amy into bed.

In a very sexual tone she tells him that she can hardly wait until they are all together in the forest; she wants him to fuck her until she can’t stand up. They discuss STDs and each reveals to the other that neither they nor their partners have any.

“Yes, it promises to be a very sexual vacation,” Donald says, “and the next three weeks are going to drag by for me.”

“Well, we can’t use your father’s lodge this weekend but that doesn’t mean we can’t all get together this weekend. Want to spend the weekend with Richard and me at our house? We have a very private back yard hot tub that I’m sure you and Lori could indulge yourselves in.”

She’s thinking that Lori and Richard can use the hot tub while she, Beth and Donald avail themselves of other even more sensuous joys in her bedroom.

“Will you be in it?” Donald asks her. There is a hint of sexual pleasure in his question.

“That depends. What did you have in mind?” Amy answers him in a sexy voice.

Donald leans forward over the table and touches the back of her left hand with his right middle finger. He draws a tight little circle on the back of her hand.

“Oh, I was thinking of . . . maybe we could let Lori and Richard use the hot tub while you and I treat ourselves to some chili, hotdogs and buns. I could supply the hotdog and chili if you supply the bun. Do you think you could supply a hotdog bun that I could eat this weekend?”

Amy places her right hand on top of Donald’s. She picks his hand up with both of hers and kisses his middle finger, all the while keeping her eyes seductively trained on his eyes.

She puts his finger into her mouth and, after sucking it for a couple of seconds, she says very sensuously, “Donald honey, not only can I provide you with a hotdog bun that I know you would enjoy eating. But I can also get you another bun . . . how shall I put it . . . a fresh young bun that I keep on weekends . . . that you can plunge your hotdog into to keep hot while you’re eating the first one. What do you say to that?”

“Sounds to me like Lori and I are going to enjoy this weekend,” he says wickedly. “All I need is your address.”

Amy gives him her address and then she calls her husband back to tell him about the guests she invited over to spend a weekend with them. While she is on her cell phone talking with Richard, Donald uses his cell phone to call Lori back and inform her of the plans he has made for them for this weekend. Lori is overjoyed with the prospect of spending the weekend with Donald’s friends.


After the exuberant, sexual weekend with Lori Brandi and Donald, the next two weeks seem to drag by for Amy Michelle. She and Richard have been in frequent contact with Lori and Donald, making plans for their upcoming weekend camping trip.

Donald advises them that the lodge isn’t much more than a large living room with a kitchenette, bathroom, and two bedrooms but it is adequate for their needs. It sits in the center of 80 acres of thick forest overlooking a small valley.

Richard’s only concern is whether or not it has electricity; he doesn’t mind roughing it as long as it isn’t too rough. Donald informs him that the lodge has electricity and a small refrigerator and a radio but no television or air conditioning. But it does have fans. Richard assures him that that is enough for him.

Donald tells them that when he and Lori go there they use the lodge mainly as a base camp and that the real fun is when they go hiking deeper into the forest, which is why they often bring tents.

Never having done any outdoors camping Richard, Amy and their sex slave, Elizabeth Ann, rely heavily on Donald for advice on what equipment to purchase. Donald does not disappoint them. He helps them choose some hiking gear that is neither too extravagant nor too expensive.

Beth is excited about the upcoming vacation and is like a child waiting for Christmas morning in anticipation of their departure.

They load Donald’s Astro van Thursday cimcif porno evening before they are to leave so that they can get an early start Friday as soon as everyone gets off work.

Friday Richard is the last one to arrive at Donald’s house. He got stuck in traffic while picking up Beth from her apartment and didn’t get there until well after six o’clock. When they finally arrive, Donald loads some last minute food and drinks into the van.

But as they are all preparing to enter Donald’s van, just as Beth is about to step up into it, Amy stops her. She looks at Donald and Lori and says to them, “I don’t think you two got the correct impression of Beth’s submission to me and Richard when we were together a couple of weekends ago. I don’t think it would be fair to you if we all went camping together and I didn’t let you know of Beth’s total submission to me and Richard.”

Then to Beth she says, “Beth I want to reveal something about you to Donald and Lori. Put your hands on the side of the van and lean against it.”

Beth is somewhat puzzled by Amy’s command but obediently obeys her Mistress.

Then while standing in the driveway and with everyone watching, Amy pulls down Beth’s jeans to just below her knees. She then pulls her pink thong down. Next she smacks her hard numerous times on her naked ass with her hand until her cheeks are crimson and burning. Beth grimaces and squirms her buttocks with each whack but says nothing.

“Now turn around and tell our hosts why I spanked you slave. Tell them what you are.”

Beth turns around and faces them with her hands at her side. She lowers her chin slightly and quietly says, “I am Master Richard’s and Mistress Amy’s sex slave and as such they can do with me as they please. I willingly give myself to them for their sexual pleasure.” Her jeans and thong are still down around her calves.

Donald and Lori just glance at each other. Neither says anything.

Amy then adds, “I spanked her just now because I wanted to demonstrate to both of you the extent of Beth’s submission to me and Richard. I want you both to fully understand Beth’s relationship with me and Richard. She gave herself to us. She is our sex slave. As I just demonstrated, she obeys us implicitly. So if there is something you want her to do, just tell me or Richard and we will have her do it. I didn’t want us all going camping across the lake with you two not knowing this.”

Lori shrugs her shoulders but Donald says, “I’ve heard of men and women who become sex slaves. But I always thought they lived with their Masters and Mistresses.”

“Not all the time,” Richard adds. “There are all kinds of arrangements between sex slaves and their Masters and Mistresses.”

“Well our little sex slave intends to come and live with us once she finishes graduate school and gets her degree in paleontology. Don’t you my love?” Amy says putting her arm around Beth’s waist.

“I hope to Mistress Amy,” Beth quietly answers her Mistress.

“Can’t we talk about this on the road,” Lori interrupts them. “It’s about a three hour drive to the hunting lodge and I would like to get going.”

“Sure,” Donald quips. “Let’s get going.”

Amy then orders Beth to pull her thong and jeans up and get in the back seat with Richard and Lori while she gets in the front passenger’s seat; Donald is driving. Amy sits sideways on the edge of seat and leans against the door; she has her legs open wide. After it gets dark she wants to pull her jean shorts down and let Donald watch her masturbate.

Beth sits on Richard’s right with her head on his shoulder. Lori is on his left; she is rubbing her hand up and down his thigh.

As soon as the sun sets and aided by the tinted windows, the van is in complete darkness. Donald starts to rub his crotch while giving Amy a seductive look. Amy takes the hint. She forgets about her earlier plans to masturbate and kneels on the floor next to him between the two front seats.

She unsnaps her jeans and then she unbuckles his jeans. Next she slides her right hand into his crotch. He is already erect. She pulls his cock out and begins to slowly run her right hand up and down the length of his dick while she begins to rub her clitoris with her left hand.

She then glances at Richard in the back seat with Lori and Beth and blows him a kiss with her lips. Richard gives her a provocative smile. Then, taking a cue from his wife, Richard orders Beth to take off all her clothes while he removes all of Lori’s clothes.

As soon as she is naked and while Richard is taking his clothes off, Lori flips the back seat down turning it into a bed. Then the three of them lie down together. They immediately begin to kiss, grope and fondle each other, raising each other’s passions to a fever pitch.

Meanwhile, Donald does a quick look over his shoulder at what they are doing in the back seat and decides that he better slow down a bit. He doesn’t want any cops pulling him over for speeding and then having him see what they are all doing.

Then Amy begins to suck Donald as he drives into the night. She sucks his cock until he shoots his cum into her mouth. She immediately lets him slip from her orifice and masturbates him, while licking the syrupy juice oozing from his opening.

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