The Birth of Druids Ch. 01


Hi everyone, this is my first real take at writing bear with me on this. There will be typos. I don’t have an editor or anything fancy like that. It’s been in the works for years now. Tell me what you think and if you wanna hear more. This story won’t just be about sex so prepare yourself. It’s a novella of sorts but I don’t think many people even reads that category. Haha so I’ll shut up and let you read.



I stared down at the tragedy happening below me, frozen still atop the club my friends had drug me to, in horror. “How could this be happening to me? We hadn’t even gotten to know each other yet. He could not die tonight!” I simply wouldn’t allow it to happen. If I were to allow this monstrosity to take place it would be like killing myself. When life gives you one second of an amazingly wonderful experience; it is like dying when that miniscule second comes to pass… Not tonight! He would live past this night. We would know each other! We would love each other! I looked down into the alley from my bleak perch atop this building to the group of men slowly stalking my reason for existence. “No” I growled.

My body began to pulse then quickened into a vibration that thunderously thrummed though out my body. My body seemed to be chilling as the vibrations rocked my frame. Suddenly I was num. I saw nothing but the alley; I felt nothing but icy determination.

~Protect him Jason~

I did not flinch as the voice sounded in my head. My body simply leaped over the edge to save the man I’d fallen in love with.



“Crap! I’m going to miss him!” I’d been trying to meet the new FedEx guy for two weeks. It seemed like everything possible kept pulling me away from introducing myself. It’d be a simple “Hey” or “Hi” and then I was off to do whatever the hell Lisa had worked up for me to do that day. Today I was off to get copies of all the deeds on the Davidsons’ estates, something that would have taken forever without any copier malfunctions. Just as my luck would have it, however, the damned thing broke on me and I had to switch to another machine that did copies so slow that it almost felt like it was doing it on purpose. I was going to blow kinkos up if I missed the FedEx guy again.

“Finally! Damned copy machine. Damn Kinkos.” I kept this grumbling up as I gathered up all my copies and stormed out of the building.


Really? I know I’m late. There is no reason for her to be calling me. We both know where I am and what I’m doing. She’s just trying to be a bitch at this point. Sigh


“Jason where are you?!”

“Leaving Kinkos with your copies”

“Well get here now, The Davidson’s appointment got bumped.”

“Why!? Weren’t they scheduled for 2:30?”

“Not that it really should make too much of a difference for you, but I’m leaving early today and I won’t move their appointment back a day. That means I need you and the copies here in about 20 minutes!”


“Yeah, I need a new job.” There needs to be no traffic today. Like at all. I might just slap a three year old over this. Sigh. Calm down, traffic doesn’t seem to be too bad. I’ll get to work with plenty of time to finally catch the FedEx guy’s name! God, he was cute. Where did they make men like him?


“What the Hell! What is this? You are kidding me right now. Where did all this traffic come from? At this rate I won’t even make it back to the office before closing time.” Gatesville isn’t that big. It takes 15 minutes on a regular day to get from one end to the other. There must be some kind of wreck or something. “Why is it even this busy this time of day? People should be at work or something. Not blocking up roads! Damn it!”

“Finally! Really? This was why all of Gatesville was jacked up?” I’d come up to the source of all the chaos just to find that the light at the four way stop that the interstate turns into was out and as a temporary solution to the problem they had a cop out directing traffic. “This city really is trying to get me fired. First the copier, then the traffic, and now this dumbass police officer? Yeah, somebody’s mad at me.” With that tragic realization I zoomed on past the police officer towards the business district of Gatesville.

“Yes! There’s the office and the FedEx truck’s still there!” Firman Realties was smack dab in the middle of the business district of Gatesville. It’s right next to William’s Inc., the biggest banking/marketing corporation in Colorado. We handle a lot of the bigger named clients with estates in west Colorado thanks to Williams. Lisa thought it was the perfect location regardless of how hectic it would be trying to get to. Her mind seemed to always ignore inconveniences; maybe because nothing was ever an inconvenience for her.

Back in the present I was jumping out of my skin as I pulled into the parking lot. But this perfect image of hope was suddenly shattered as the guy of my dreams came strutting kürt porno out of the building, wow he had the smoothest walk. But instead of going to back of the struck to maybe get boxes or anything he opened the driver’s door and climbed in. I had to concentrate like a brain surgeon just to park as his perfect ass climbed into the truck and pulled away. It was like that all the time. Every moment I saw him was bitter sweet. Seeing him was like seeing the most beautiful sunrise. He emerged into my vision as the purest of lights but just as the excitement was peaking the feeling would suddenly change. He was not there for me. He would leave and I would be back to my life that was growing more and more mundane as I saw him come and go. I needed to talk to him.

I sat in my car for a minute after he left wallowing in my bitterness but then I remembered that I was doing something beforehand. Something that was vitally important. “Lisa! Shit” I was suddenly out of my car and at the door to the building in such blinding speed I surprised myself. Must be the adrenaline.


Sigh. “He wasn’t there. I was hoping to see him again.” I had hoped on seeing that sexy intern while I was here. He was sex on a stick. He was so tall and muscular. Not that overly muscular like a body builder but that kind that made you wanna rip open that button down and feel his abs flex as he rubbed up against you. Wow I need to calm down. This elevator could stop at any minute with any number of waiting passengers that would probably wait for the next elevator after seeing a heated delivery boy who was obviously excited about something. This was so sad I hadn’t even seen him but just the memory had me horny like I was in high school again. I had to see him again.


The doors opened as that last thought popped into my head and a very loud lonely voice in my head wanted nothing more than to see him standing right there waiting on the elevator. But he wasn’t there and my depressive mood returned after not seeing him sitting as his desk. I walked past the receptionist who had said something to me that I couldn’t quite catch. There was that hot truck of mine. I really needed to see about getting some kind of fan in there.

And there he was pulling in. I almost tripped on the sidewalk as I noticed him pulling in. Oh no, I couldn’t talk to him now I was so nervous and still very horny. I needed to get away and come back another day. I just about ran as he pulled into his parking spot. He looked almost pissed but then his features went still as he noticed me. He probably recognized me. I marched on though. I wouldn’t make a fool of myself today. I walked up to that truck, opened the door, climbed in and got the hell out of there. But god was he gorgeous and probably the straightest man in the office. Why’d I have to fall for the obvious guy? Why couldn’t I fall for people like me? Average folks that had working class jobs. Sigh. He stayed in his car as I grudgingly pulled off. I’d talk to him another day. When I wasn’t so obviously hot and bothered by him. I’d have to calm down the next time I saw him. Keep it cool. Stay in control. I’m an attractive man. If he’s gay I’ll be fine. If he’s straight well I’ll leave it to him to hit on me before I try to hop his bones.


I had been at Firman realties for about two months, now, and in my short time here I had come to, despite my bitch for a boss, love working here. It was exciting being a part of such an affluent company. Although Lisa was renowned for being a world class hard ass, she had become very famously wealthy and this office was a testament to that. It was one of the many perks to working here. The building had a very nature meets technology sort of feel to it. Everything was either a different shade of green or metallic silver. The light green carpets matched the comfiest lounge chairs in the receptionist area. Along all the base of the walls in the entire building ran little streams that had little fish in them. All the streams on each floor had a fountain they met at which was the focal point for each floor. The fountain for the receptionist floor was right in front of the big metallic front desk. The walls were a deep forest green with huge plasma screens with speakers on the side that ran a constant live feed from cameras Lisa had in different forest she’d been to. This place was literally the epitome of the perfect balance of nature and technology and I loved it. I especially loved coming in during the morning time where the cameras were and catching the birds wake up the forests.

Today however this soothing atmosphere did nothing for my agitated state. I stalked into the lobby and strode right past the receptionist who i usually would have given a smile and a “hey” to. I mashed the up button to call the elevator and fumed at how the day had been so far. I needed to calm down though. I would just make the day worse by staying noticeably angry. So as the elevator arrived and I stepped in I thanked ladyboy porno God for no one being in there and basically collapsed to the floor. Lying down usually helped me to at least control my anger. As the elevator rose to my destination I used every trick in the book to calm down: breath control, temple message, everything. Eventually I calmed down around the 6th floor so I stood back up as the door ding and opened to the 10th floor.

When Lisa first started the firm she divided Colorado up into 9 districts to have a better grip on her business all over the state. When she was putting in requests for the floor layout of this building she requested to 10 stories, 9 for the different districts and then the 10th floor would basically be where she managed it all. The setup was nice albeit a little on the over organized side but it worked.

Back in the present I was stepping out of the elevator with a good grip on the impulse to haul of and punch someone. I glanced over at my best friend at the Firm sitting at her desk. She noticed my controlled calm and her eyes screamed talk to me later. I nodded slightly as I passed her desk headed towards Lisa’s office. Despite my calm though I didn’t quite manage to retain manors and I walked straight in without knocking.

Lisa was on the phone but still managed to glare at me as I walked in.

“Why yes, Ms. Davidson. Why don’tcha just come on down now. The copies just arrived and your husband can always come in later to finish the signature pages. “She paused for a minute as Ms. Davidson replied. I was always amazed at how Lisa could make her voice turn from the bringer of all sorts of hell to the sweetest bit of southern hospitality in Colorado. Lisa was from one those little southern towns Arkansas; she knew how to play up the southern bell card. “Oh yes, Ma’am I had them copied this morning…everything’s ready to go.”…”Excellent, well I will see you at noon.” “Um hum, ok, Bye Bye”

“Wow that woman can talked” her voice assumed that darker twang to it as she placed the phone back on the receiver. “Anyway, Jason I don’t appreciate being barged in on especially not by my own interns. The only thing that saved you was those copies in your hand.”

I couldn’t help sighing but I did amend it with a polite “Will there be anything else?”

“Not now, But whenever Ms. Davidson gets here be sure to get her anything she needs while she’s in the conference room.”

“Yes, Ma’am” and with that I was out of there and headed towards my best friend’s desk. She sat parallel to me with our desks facing each other with the 10th floor fountain in between us. Unfortunately she was on the phone I when I arrived so I politely perched on her desk and watched the little fish swim in the fountain and then head towards the little streams along the wall. Staring at the little fish traveling about had me thinking about my day and the dumb traffic jam and just like that I was tense again. Seething over how dumb the day’s events had been, I eventually worked my way through today’s memories until me partial encounter with the delivery boy.

Slowly my tense set shoulders relaxed as I remembered him stepping out of the building. Wow, did he steal my breath away. I loved to watch him from my desk as he went about the office collecting packages and dropping them off. I loved the way he walked. His little strut was so cut, so full of energy that I could tell he was trying to keep a handle on while he was in the office. I planned on catching him one day while he was dropping off the bigger packages at the storage, one day. Maybe I could just simply need something out of storage that day and maybe help him unload the rest of the boxes. It seemed like pheromones just rolled of him. Every time I saw him all I could think about was getting him home in my bed. But there was more. His eyes spoke to me. They were so inviting but he, despite what his eyes were saying, seemed completely oblivious to me. Maybe I was over analyzing it. It’s not like I ever spoke to him anyway. Boy did I wanna speak him now though. I wanted to do more to him as a matter of fact. Wow it was getting hot in here. It seemed like my clothes were too tight on me all of a sudden. Having him around the office was doing dangerous things to me. I tried to stay alert while my best friend Jessica prattled on about something to someone on the phone but I just couldn’t shake the feelings toiling inside my head leaving me dizzy. In my head a picture was painting itself clear in my head. Me holding him close to me as I ran my hands down his toned back to settle on his thin waste I pulled him closer to me. We were kissing, his full Latin lips mashed up against my thin pink lips. I could feel my pulse quicken as I reached lower to his firm full ass. The kissed broke and my steel grey eyes fluttered open to stare into his mesmerizingly hassle eyes. Perfection.

“Jason…Jason. Jason! Jason if you don’t calm down someone’s going to get confused on what we sell latin porno here.”


“I know that’s not for me so you must have ran into everyone’s wet dream of a delivery boy.” Haha

At a loss to what Jessica was even talking about I got up to stretch my legs and shack away the dizzy feeling thinking about the delivery boy always gave me to find that my pants actually were tight. Uncomfortable tight. Especially in a certain area…

“Oh shit! Jess, I’m so sorry. I didn’t even notice.” I grabbed the nearest thing and covered my lap as I sat back down. I was gonna have to get a grip.

Haha. “Jason, don’t worry about it. We’re at the point where stiffeys don’t really bother me at all. I mean, I’m a little sad it’s not for me though. You are a cutie Jason Stafford and mama needs some action but no, no I’m not bothered. Was it another Delivery boy Daydream?”

Haha. “Wow, how’d you guess?” She knew me so well. We’d been friends since our sophomore year in college and were really close. Then again I think you’d have to be blind to not notice me ogling the guy every time he came in here.

“Oh, he was just in here heating up the place, so I assumed you ran into him on your way in.

“If you mean pulling in to see him getting in his truck to leave as running into then yes. We talked and everything.” I had taken up sarcasm as of late whenever we talked about my dream guy. It was my coping mechanism for just about every problem I had.

“Ah buddy, I’m sorry” She saw right passed the defensiveness, and I loved her for it. She was an amazing friend. “Well he’ll be here tomorrow; I’ll help you corner him if you sit in on the Davidson consult with Lisa today for me.”

Haha. “What? You don’t wanna spend quality time with everyone’s favorite boss? Besides I’m steering clear of Lisa for a while. The errands she had for me today just rubbed me the wrong way. I’d hate to chop her head off and I’m in a mood to see some heads roll.”

“My head better not be one of those heads.”

“No, of course not. I need you. Who else would I go to the movies with? It’s not like I have a guy to do that with.” sigh “Anyway let me get your desk and get to work… Am I walking ready?”

“Yeah your good but next time let’s not get so excited on my desk, ok? I kinda work here sometimes.” Haha

“Right, I’ll try to keep that in mind. See ya later sexy” haha

“Bu, bye stud muffin.” She batted her eyes at me as I was leaving. Haha Wow that girl was crazy.

Back to work. I couldn’t wait for the Davidson case to be over. Then Lisa could leave and the whole office could relax. It wasn’t just me as I looked around the office. We all seemed tense. Apparently I wasn’t the only one that Lisa was picking on today. I was certain that with Lisa gone we would breathe easier and actually get something done. Speaking of which, there just happened to be a file waiting for me on my desk.

There were three interns here at Firman realties although I don’t really think you could call what we did interning. There was me and Jessica. We both were on the more legal side of real estate. When Jessica and I got here Lisa split Colorado up into two halves. I would handle north Colorado while Jessica handled the south. I was also given the honor of being Lisa’s lap dog until she found an actual assistant, which I frankly didn’t see happening. How I got roped into being Lisa’s gofer was beyond me but if I wanted to keep this job I had to suck it up and deal. The other Intern worked on the 7th floor. He was more in sales, so Lisa put him there to help district 7 get their numbers up.

Back to the file that had found its way on my desk, I sighed inwardly as I opened it. 30 minutes and a throbbing headache from a case involving a fallen tree later my phone buzzes letting me know that it was noon and to expect Ms. Davidson at any moment. I closed the file relieved to finally be thinking about something else as the elevator dings and Ms. Davidson steps out. I quickly rush over to greet her. She really was a nice lady.

“Hey Ms. Davidson” The Davidson’s were frequently in the office as we handled all their properties across Colorado. We’d all come to know Ms. Davidson and her husband jerry but for some reason we all called her Ms. Davidson and him Jerry as if he wasn’t deserving of his own sir name.

“Well hello dear, it’s nice to see you again. So, where will we be today?” She’d come in so many times we often just had her consultations in Lisa’s office but we still sometimes did them in the Conference room on occasion.

“You’re gonna be in the conference room today. I was told you to get you anything you needed while the files were being pulled. So can I get you anything?

“Some water would be nice”

“Right away, I’ll meet you in the conference room.” She headed off and I briefly noticed that what just happened would never have happened with most of our other clients. For one thing I probably wouldn’t have greeted them at all and once they had walked up to my desk announcing their reason for being there I would have walked them straight to the conference room. It was funny how Ms. Davidson just grew on the place. She came so often she knew it just as well as we did so there was no need for any of us to escort her there.

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