The Tails of Master Tram Handler: Chapter 2 – Mom Teaches Us About Sex


At this point I recall numerous occasion where my mom would catch me or point out different things that indicated I was starting to explore my sexuality.

I recall a specific time where I told my family I was going to bed early and my mom was yelling at me to take the garbage out before I went to bed. I pretended like I had already taken the garbage and was in fact going to take it out in the morning, however i really had not taken out yet. I had snuck up to “go to bed” which really means I have snuck up stairs to look at porn and stroke my cock. I was completely naked, laying under the covers of my bed, stroking my cock with a really hard and fat boner when my mom came barging in. She stood at the foot of my bed yelling for me to get out of bed to take the garbage. I laid in bed and refused to do it. Partly because I was naked and jacking my cock and partly because I just didn’t want to do it! My mom approach the bed, grabs my covers and ripped them off of me and the entire bed! As she did so her eyes immediately went to my raging hard on and then would looked away. I barely got my hands over my balls and the shaft of my cock was completely visible. My heart was beating like crazy but part of me was thinking that maybe she would help me!!! She then took her hand and quickly back handed my hard cock and said, “Hort Trainer! You get out of that bed right now, put clothes on, or don’t put clothes on for all I care, but you take the fucking trash out, right this minute!” I couldn’t believe my mom saw my hard cock! Even more so I couldn’t believe she touched it! Well, kinda smacked it. But still! By this point I figured she thought I was a raging horn ball!

One afternoon after school, before my dad was home from work, my mom told my sister and I that she wanted to talk to both of us in our office. We joined her in our office and immediately a couple of things jumped out at me. I noted 2 condoms sitting on her desk and a book with a cartoon man and women on the front the and it was titled, “My Body”.

As we both entered the office my mom noticed that I saw the condoms and book and quickly said, “I want to talk to your both about sex.” My sister gave a groan of annoyance and I gave groan of interest. My mom’s response was, “come on you two it won’t take long!” Or at least it shouldn’t have!

So we all took a seat in the office chairs that were there and my mom quickly brought our attention to the book. It was hard for me to concentrate on what she was saying and also on the book because of what she was wearing! She had a tight white tank top on that showed a lot of cleavage as well as a white skirt that looked like a tennis skirt. My sister was wearing tight yoga pants and a loose fitting tank top. I could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra because when she went to sit down I could see down her top and saw her right breast and nipple. I started to get excited and felt my cock twitch in my gym shorts. She showed us the book and started to explain that she wanted to talk to us about sex as she new that we both were becoming sexually active. “I’m not trying to patronize you two and I realize you both are adults, however I have been meaning to have this conversation for a while now.”

As she opened the book, she also mentioned that she felt it would be best done using this book, as well as showing us in real life different things about guys and girls that she thought were important to know about. I’m guess because the book was a “cartoon” style book. The first page she had turned to had a man and women depicted on it holding hands, both people were clothed. She went on to explain some pretty basic things like, I know you both know that men and women are different, men are are customarily attracted to women and women are customarily attracted to men. She then went on to say, as you both know sometimes that doesn’t happen. She was referring to the fact that we had a gay uncle and also had a cousin who was a lesbian.

She flipped to the next page and now there was a cartoon of the dad and son (both adults) standing next to each other wearing only underwear, the dad wearing boxers and the son wearing briefs. Both did not have a shirt on and the book had little excerpts explaining the type of underwear each was wearing, as well as the fact they both had nipples. I thought this was kind of funny and chuckled a little because we obviously knew that guys had nipples and I assumed girls knew that guys wore underwear. My mom explained that some guys wear boxers and some guys wear briefs. She looked at my sister and said, “Amy, Tram wears boxers, just like the daddy in this picture, however daddy (meaning our dad), usually wears briefs. Tram take your shirt off so Amy can see what guys nipples look like.” So I did. After removing my shirt, my sister looked at my chest intensely and even touched my nipples.

They are a lot smaller than mine and moms”, Amy said. My mom said, “that is correct, because women’s nipples play a role in producing milk.” My sister and I both obviously knew that, but I didn’t really put it all together that women’s nipples are bigger because of this. My mom then went on to explain, “women have larger nipple than men to allow for feeding. Also, that feeding will make them even bigger and can make them sensitive.” As she is saying this I looked at my mom and sister and both of their nipples were really hard and protruding through their shirts.

We had wrapped up the “male nipple” section and so my mom, then looked to me and said, “Tram, show Amy your boxers.” I was a little taken back as I was starting to get hard and was embarrassed. Not wearing a shirt I stood up and hesitated to pull my shorts down, so my mom quickly took it upon herself to help me pull them off. I covered my penis because it was getting hard. My mom chuckled and said, Tram, let Amy see your boxers, it’s ok if you’re getting hard, we don’t care. And actually in a couple pages it will be helpful if you are hard so we can better explain that section.” So I let me hands down to my side and just Amy take a look. I wasn’t completely hard but you could easily see the outline of my penis through my boxers.

Turning to the next page there was a picture of the mom and daughter (also both adults). I started to get excited because there was actually 3 sets of the mom and daughter. Each wearing different type of undergarments. The first had traditional bras and underwear. The next had more sporty looking undergarments. The last set had undergarments that looked like lingerie! I was really starting to get turned on now. I had sat back down so I was able to hide my hard cock. My mom pointed to the first image and explained that this was a traditional bra and underwear set and the daughter had on something similar. She said that her and Amy didn’t really wear these types of bras and underwear and that in these times it was very normal for ladies to wear items like thongs and push up bras. She then looked to Amy and said, “Ok Amy take your top and yoga pants off so Tram can see your bra and your panties.”

Amy hesitated and looked at my mom and said, “I’m not wearing a bra.” My mom looked back at her, “Amy! We have talked about this. Just because your father bought you breast implants doesn’t mean it’s ok to not wear a bra, especially to school!” Said my mom. Amy replied, “Mom you know I don’t like wearing a bra to school, they are uncomfortable and plus I get way more attention from the teachers when I don’t wear one!” My mom just laughed, “Oooook, well I can show Tram my bra, but I am wearing a sports bra because I was playing tennis. Still though Amy, remove your shirt because I need to explain the female version of nipples.” My mom said.

My mom went to remove her top, hesitated and said, shit! Kids, I forgot, the sports bra I am wearing is custom because I can’t wear anything too tight over my nipples. As she was explaining this my sister was just about done taking her top off and my mom quickly had hers off as well.

I couldn’t believe that I was sitting with my mom and sister and my sisters tits were just fully displayed. I could only look for a few seconds because my moms top was now off and my jaw dropped seeing her “sports bra”! It was cut so the top of the front of the bra fell just below her nipples, so her nipples were fully exposed once her shirt was off! And she had them pierced! The piercings were not huge but very small barbells. One through each nipple. My sister looked at her and said, I knew you still had them pierced! Obviously my sister had known this, I knew they were once pierced as well because of the sex videos I had found before. My mom laughed and tried to cover them up, but my sister and I each pulled a hand away from her. She did fight and all she said was, “Ok Ok, yes, as you see here kids sometimes adults choose to pierce the nipples. They also can pierce other intimate areas on their body.”

Then she directed the conversation back in a educational direction mentioning for me to take a close look at both of theirs nipples. My mom started Tipobet by pointing out the different areas of her nipples, starting with her areoles on her own body and then touching my sisters breasts touching her areoles. My

Moms areoles were slightly larger than my sisters. My mom then pointed out her own nipples as well as Amy’s nipples, explaining that the more breast feeding or nipple play someone experiences the lager they get. As she was talking about the size of her nipples she was pinching one of her own nipples and had her arm extended with her other hand touching one of Amy’s nipples. She was kind of pinching Amy’s as well. It seem like Amy like this because Amy then took one of her hands and cut the bottom portion of her breast that was not being played with and moved her pointer and thumb finger onto her nipple, pinching it just as my mom was doing to her other side. My mom then pointed out on her own breast where the milk would normally come out. She then explained how it works and that milk typically only comes out when certain hormones are present in a woman’s body. She did go on to say that one of her friends could squirt milk out of her boobs still to this day. She said it was kind of funny that she could still produce milk and would show her every once in a while. My mom then asked me to get a close look at Amy’s nipples as well as her own. She wanted to be sure that I could see the actual holes in which the milk came out of. I wasn’t sure exactly what I was looking for but I did get very close. Close enough to put my mouth on each of their nipples. I hesitated though, but I did touch both of the nipples with my fingers. More so in an exploratory way and not necessarily a sexual way.

We had not made it very far in the book yet, each page we got a little bit sidetracked with exploring the different items detailed on each page. We were still on the page with the three sets of the mom and daughter, wearing the different types of undergarments. My mom was still wearing her sports bra, as well as her tennis skirt, Amy also had not yet removed her yoga pants. This was the place on the conversation where we would move on to the different types of panties that women can wear. Again pointing out That her and my sister did not own, which she called granny panties and pointed to the first image on the page. She said that most of the underwear that they owned looked like the third set, which pretty much seemed like lingerie to me, she mention that these were usually referred to as thongs. As she was explaining what songs were and how they allow the underwear to go unnoticed when wearing tight pants or skirts, because of the high cut, she said it was more flattering to the on viewer to not see the outline of the panties. At this point Amy was standing in front of my mom and my mom hooked her finger into the edge of her yoga pants and begin to slide it down showing me the thin strap of the panties. My mom is a little caught off guard because the panties that Amy was wearing did not resemble a traditional song. Amy’s eyes got big and quickly grabbed my mom’s hand and said, mom this is actually not a thong. Amy said, these panties were are crotchless panties that her boyfriend had got her for Valentine’s Day. My mom kind of made a funny face and just said, oh, well then, Mike you will get to see a different type of panties right now. My mom took her other hand and put it on Amy’s other hip and helped her slide her yoga pants down to her ankles. I was sitting in front of her so I quickly noticed the black color of the panties and also noticed that about halfway down her pubic mound her skin was exposed, letting her slit and folds of her vagina be viewable when her panties were on. I was so turned on by this I could hardly hold back my huge erection. As I sat in the chair across from my mom Indian style on the ground helping my sister out of her pants I wondered to myself, could it get any better than this! Once my sister stepped out of her pants, she spun around, showing me how this type of underwear covered her butt. It basically had to thin strips of fabric, that went up to the left and right outer sides of her buttocks and then connected across the top of her butt.

“Why do they not cover her vagina or her butt”, I asked. My replied, “it’s because they are crotchless.” I was kind of confused wondering why you would want underwear to not cover what it supposed to cover. My mom interrupted the thought and said we will get to that section of the book in a little bit.

My sister said, “mom you can show Mike your thong.” Once again bringing a funny look to my moms face. “Actually Im not wearing any panties, they were kind of uncomfortable and I took them off in the tennis hut before starting my lesson.” My mom said.

My sister looked at her and said, “yeah right mom!” Quickly grabbing the front of her skirt and flipping it up, fully exposing my moms perfectly smooth crotch. My mom said, “hold on Amy! I will take these off I had simply forgot that I had already removed my underwear.” Then my sister replied, “I’ve taken lessons from Lance before also and I know that he prefers crotch less underwear or no underwear!” My mom somewhat yelled at my sister for indicating that, Lance the tennis teacher, was doing something sexual at the tennis lessons. Knowing Lance, he was a good looking younger middle-aged man and he coached all of the hottest women. I’m sure he was doing something sexual!

So at this point my mom was sitting with her legs crossed and had removed her skirt, so she had no underwear or anything covering her vagina. My sister was standing there topless with crotch less panties on and I was sitting in the chair with a massive erection and just my boxers on. My mom looked at us both and said, “why don’t we continue.” She flipped the page and went on with the book.

The next page had two sets of the father and son standing there completely naked, one set showing the front Of the father and son but soft penises, the other picture was the father and son with hard penises. There was also a close-up picture of the fathers penis showing the whole in which I cum and pee came out of. Again, there were excerpts explaining the the pictures. Instead of actually reading the Excerpts on the page my mom pretty much ad-libbed what we all saw. In the picture, the father and som had pubic hair.

I had been shaving my pubic hair for a while and started to wonder if my dad did as well.

My mom began to explain the pictures, saying that, men just like women have hair around their private areas. Some men are hairier than other men. Some men have hair all over their bodies, their chest and everything, and some men will just have hair under their armpits, around their asshole, in the area in between the two. she looked at me and said, “Mike why don’t you takeoff your boxers so you can show Amy what I’m talking about.” I nervously stood up and started to slide my boxers down over my butt first. I hesitated and stopped, then my mom being high-level with my car insisted on helping. She put her fingers from each hand in the front of my boxers and slowly slide them down, letting my hard cock spring out.

She looked at me and smiled and then looked at Amy and said, “see here Amy your brother has chosen to shave his pubic hair just like we do.” She then insisted on putting her hand between my legs, to feel the area between my balls and my asshole and then looked at Amy and said, “he has also chosen to shave everything in his private areas.” Amy had replied, “I have seen penises that are shaved before, but I always have wondered why do you guys choose to shave?” My mom replied that some of them don’t like the way it feels, others do it for their partners preference. Your father and Mike have very little hair on their bodies anywhere so I’m guessing it’s because they like the way it feels. I replied, yes it feels much better in my boxers and when touching myself to not have all of the itchy hair. My sister responded, and why do you shave your ass hole? My mom blurted it out, well Amy, maybe he likes to touch that area too! It doesn’t make him gay or anything, your father loves when I touch that area! My job kind of dropped and I button and said, I’m not gay! But I do kind of like to touch my asshole sometimes. My mom directed our focus back to the book and said, as you see here in this other set of images, men can either have a soft penis or a hard penis. As for Mike, right now, he has a very very hard penis as you can see. As she said that, she reached her left hand out and in a petting way, stroked my cock from the tip to the base, with one stroke and then remove her hand. I could not believe it! I’m shocked she touched me and I’m shocked that I didn’t just start spurting out cum right then and there! My mom then suggested to my sister to feel my penis so she could see what it feels like hard. As my sister was clenching my throbbing cock she was looking at my naked mother and said, I have felt hard penises before, it’s the soft ones that I have Tipobet Giriş not felt. As she was saying this she was squeezing my cock in a pulsating way which seem to make it even harder. My mom looked back at my sister and then looked at me and said I don’t think it’s going to get soft right this minute but maybe by the time we are finished.

My sister was sliding her hand up and down the shaft pretty much giving me a hand job, when my mom interrupted and said OK I think that’s enough, we still have a number of pages to get through.

My mom also mentioned that penises come in all shapes and sizes. She explained that I was circumcised which is not always the case. She then took her fingers and circled the tip of my penis explaining what I uncircumcised penis looked like. The tip of my cock started to get wet with pre-come, and it started to is out. My mom took the palm of her thumb and pushed from below my penis hole to the tip pushing even more out. Letting it string off the head of my cock she looked at my sister and said, this is pre-cum which is intended to lubricate the penis before ejaculating. My mom mentioned that pre-come has the same consistency as regular come. She also mentioned that it has the same test as she brought a glob of it to her mouth and lifted off of her finger. She then looked at Amy and said, “go ahead and try to see what it feels like and taste like.”

Amy then squeeze my cock from the base pulling it to the head, releasing another glob of pre-come. She took her pointer finger and swiped it off and brought it to her mouth. Amy’s response was, Yep it certainly taste like cum! My mom looked at her and said, “so you’ve tasted come before? Amy said, “mom I’ve been dating a while now!” My mom kind of just shrugged and said “OK Amy I know.” Then we moved on with the book.

Turning to the next page there was the mom and daughter, naked, just like the father and son. Only below the naked mom and daughter was a close-up view of breasts and the moms vagina. The picture of breasts explained everything to her mom had already talked about regarding lactation. The nude picture of the mom and daughter explained about where hair grows on adult women. My mom went on to explain that obviously her and my sister have chosen to remove their hair.

She explained that the hair can be removed by waxing or shaving. She did mention that she prefers to wax as it makes her vagina a lot smoother. As she was explaining this she lean back against the desk still sitting on the ground, and brought her feet towards her but with her knees bent, giving me and my sister a very Clear view of her vagina. Once she was leaning back she grabbed her sports bra and pulled it over her head. So my mom is sitting there leaning against the desk, with her legs and knees brought towards her chest completely naked. She then looked at Amy and said, “Amy do you wax your vagina or do you shave?” Amy’s response was that she shaves, but has had her vagina waxed before. My mom asked her to remove her panties so she could show me the difference between waxing and shaving. I couldn’t see any hair in her vagina how are my mom said that you will be able to feel a difference. So with my sister sister sitting next to me she slid her panties off to the floor and spread her legs leaning back in the chair. She grabbed her pubic mound and pulled it slightly up as she did that I could see her vagina really well. My mom said, “Mike, feel mine first and compare it to what you see with your sisters.”

Without hesitation I kneeled i. front of my mom with my cock still very hard and dripping with pre-come, and I took the back of my hand and rubbed it across my mom‘s pubic mound. I then rub my hand against her inner thigh and then back down across her vagina and up the other side. Everything felt the exact same consistency and everything was very smooth. I looked over at my sister and she was actually rubbing her own inner thighs and pubic mound in the same manner as I was to my mom. She looked like and was breathing rather heavily. When she saw that I was done exploring my moms vagina, my mom said, “go ahead and compare”. I was already on the ground, so I simply turned around to face my sister. She was sitting in a chair so I was I level with her vagina. I took the same approach and use the back of my hand to feel her skin. I was actually rather surprised, despite the fact that it looked very smooth, similar to my moms, it had a little bit of a prickly feel. My mom then stood up behind me and step to the side, bringing her vagina eye level with me as. My sister had a very good view of her vagina also and my mom wanted her to feel how smooth it can be from waxing. My sister explained that she really wanted hers to be waxed to. Then asked the question, “what do you do with the hair around your ass hole and that area?” My mom replied that can be waxed as well. As she was saying this she had spun around, with her butt now facing us, leaned forward putting her arms on the desk and giving us a clear view of her freshly waxed asshole and vagina lips. I did not hesitate, and reached out using the back of my hand to feel her puffy vagina lips and perfectly smooth waxed asshole. My sister jumped right in as well, only using the front of her hand and taking a single finger, starting with her asshole, swiping it down and somewhat parting, almost fingering, my mom. My sister then exclaimed, “Mom, you are wet!”My mom was a little caught off guard and said “well you know that can happen!”

I was confused and didn’t really know what they were talking about. “Mom what does she mean, you’re wet?!” My mom went on to explain, a women will start to lubricate themselves, somewhat like pre-cum, when they are getting aroused. I was so turned on and so horny! My mom said, “OK everybody back to the book! She then stopped and said, actually one more thing, in the book you’ll notice that the vagina and asshole image are a little bit darker than mine. The older you get the darker the skin can become and it is a good idea to bleach your ass hole and vagina lips to keep them nice and a whitish pink color. She looked at Amy and said, “Amy please stand up and lean over the desk just like I am so your brother can see a couple things I want to point out.”

With both of them bent at the waist, with their legs straight, and their elbows and arms on the desk, they were both looking back at me as my mom was talking. She went on to explain that as women get older their skin gets looser. You’ll notice that your sister’s asshole and vagina are very tight and very well put together. I agreed and said, “but mom yours looks very similar, so what are you referring to?” She responded that when she had her last boob job, her doctor, also tightened up her vagina area. I was blown away! I blurted our, “is that actually a thing?!” She’s spun around, with my sister following her lead, and said, “now before I move on, I want to be sure you understand what the clitoris is.” Taking two fingers, she spread her pussy lips and exposed her hood. My jaw dropped when I noticed that it was pierced still. I knew that it was pierced at one time, as I saw in her video, but i guess assumed it wasn’t any more. As she spread her pussy lips and exposed her hood she commented on the fact that, like her nipples she had chosen to pierce her clitoris hood. All I could really get out of my mouth was, that’s really cool mom! My mom explained that as a woman gets turned on her clit will get hard kind just like a penis. As she was saying this, she had taken her other hand, took some saliva from her mouth, and started rubbing her clit. She said, “see as I rub it, it starts making it very prominent and hard.” “Amy, do as I’m doing to show your brother the difference in how a women’s clit can look, my mom said. My sister had a smaller hood and clit, it was not pierced, however when she opened her lips and pulled back her hood, I could see it very easily. As she started to rub it, it certainly got harder. My mom then said, “go ahead and use both of your thumbs to feel the texture and firmness of both of our clits.”

I reached out both hands and as the back of my left hand brushed my mom’s hood and her piercing, she pulled it up harder to get it to stick out more. I then was able to rub her clit with my thumb, as well as my sisters clit with my other thumb. She said go ahead and add a little saliva to make it smoother. Without hesitation my face quickly dropped to my mom pussy and I took a big lick of her clit. My mom somewhat pushed my forehead back and said no I meant lick your thumb silly!

My mom then looked at me and my sister and said, “I think we should finish this informational session in the living room. So why don’t you two cum with me…..”

My sister and I stand up and followed my mom into the living room. All three of us completely naked. I can’t believe this is happening. My cock is so hard and my sister kept looking down at it. At the same time I couldn’t take my eyes off of my mom and my sister, and they’re incredibly sexy bodies.

We Tipobet Güncel Giriş get into the living room and my mom still has this book in her hands. I thought it was kind of funny because she would reference the book and then director attention to her self or one of us. When we got in the living room she open the book again and turned the page that started explaining sex. There was a cartoon vagina and a cartoon penis being inserted into it. She started to explain intercourse, as if we have never heard of it before. Remember very explicitly that she said, “when a guys cock is hard enough it can then be inserted into a vagina. This is just one way that adults can experience pleasure.” She said that there are other ways that are not explain in the book that she wanted to talk to us about. She looked at me and said, “when Mike put his tongue against my clit, that is called fellatio, Or eating out.”

When a penis is involved and someone sucking it, it is called a blow job.

”Mom we obviously know this stuff,” I said. She then said, lAmy why don’t you sit on the couch for a minute so I can show you guys something.” My sister sat on the couch and my mom kneel in front of her and placed her hand onto her knees and spread her legs. She looked up at Amy and said “I’m going to show you both how to properly lick a vagina.” I couldn’t help it and I started stroking my cock watching my mom caress my sisters thighs and eventually place her mouth onto her pussy. My sister is leaning back against the couch and grabbed one of her tits. I was standing probably about 2 feet away behind my mom and as she had her face buried in my sisters pussy her ass hole and vagina from behind looked amazing! I want to throw my cock into her right then and there. My sister‘s eyes were closed and she was pinching her nipples and my mom was licking her clip very aggressively. She turned around and said, “Tram, come down here with me so you can see exactly what I’m doing.” She pulled back on my sisters pussy so I could see her clipped and said watch as my tongue licks up and down, this is the exact emotion you want to do to other girls. I didn’t notice at first but I did look down and see that my mom is also rubbing her pussy. My sister was watching me stroke my cock watching me watch my mom lick her pussy. At this point my mom said “there are a couple other pages in the book but I think it would be best explained by me. I. the book it does talk about other types of sex but I think it would be best if you heard it from your mom,” she said.

My mom then took a seat next to my sister and spread her legs, taking her left hand and holding my sisters legs apart as well. She looked at me and said, “Tram I would like you to do as I was doing to Amy.” I got on my knees and put my face in between my mom’s legs first. I started licking her cunt and my right hand found my sisters right knee and started to slide it down her thigh. My mom took my hand and put it onto my sisters pussy and help me massage her cunt. She then said, “Tram, I want you to insert your middle finger into Amy so she can see what it’s like to be fingered.”

My sister did not object and I knew that she had been fingered before because I heard her talking about it with friends. After a few minutes my mom said, I want you to go ahead and try eating your sisters pussy, so she can see what it’s like to have different people do this. As I was eating my sisters pussy my mom had stood up behind me and started rubbing my ass cheeks, hole and my balls. She was also grabbing my cock from behind and stroking it up and down. She looked at Amy and said, “Amy guys really like it when you stroke their cock and grab your balls, and also play with their ass.” My sister perked up a little bit because she was not expecting that. Later she told me that she thought that ass play meant that you were gay. It felt so good having my mom rub my ass hole with her fingers. She then bent down and put her tongue on my asshole, licking it up and down. My sister could not take her eyes off my mom doing this. My mom then took one of her hands and placed it from her my ass cheek and then slipped a finger into my butt. This was the ultimate sexual education experience! After proceeding this way for a few minutes my mom stopped us and said “OK Tram, I would like you to sit on the couch. Now Amy, I would like you to stand up and stand behind me.”

My mom got on her knees and spread my legs and grabbed my cock with one of her hand and then stuffed it into her mouth. She was bobbing her head up and down, slurping and sucking my cock very hard. My sister was standing behind my mom, bent over slightly rubbing her pussy and ass hole from behind. My sisters other hand was on her own pussy, rubbing it ferociously. As my mom was stroking and sucking my cock, she took her mouth off for a moment to explain a few things. She informed my sister that she could stick her fingers in either of her holes. She also said that she should never stick anything in her ass and then into her vagina, and that it can cause problems. My mom then stood up and asked my sister to switch places with her. Now my sister was sucking and stroking my cock and my mom was behind my sister licking her holes from every angle. My mom then said, “Tram lift your feet onto the couch and move your butt forward so Amy can see your asshole.” I followed direction and my mom leaned in and started licking my balls. She turned to my sister and started to passionately make out with her. My mom turned back to me and start to lick my asshole and then stuck two fingers straight into my ass. She did this with her palm facing up so she could apply form pressure against my prostate. As she was massaging my prostate I felt my cock pulse and a stream of cum came flowing out. My sister licked it up and then turned to my mom to kiss her with my cum in her mouth. My mom explained what she was doing and how guys really enjoyed this type of massage.

My mom then stood up with my sister and my mom turned around with her ass facing me. She told her she was going to show her the right way to right a cock. With one hand my mom was rubbing her curb and she spit saliva into her other hand. She explained that ideally she would have lubricant but that she gets fucked a lot on the ass so saliva should do. My mom was rubbing her pussy and working saliva into her asshole. She ask my sister to get on her knees and to suck my cock, getting it as wet as possible. Then my mom grabbed my cock with her hand and guided it into her ass. She slowly sat down on top of my cock and started to slowly ride it up and down. She pull her pussy lips apart and asked my sister to lick her clit. She explained what it would take for Amy to be able to get my cock into her ass. My sister replied, “mom, my ass was the first hole I started playing with. I even have anal plugs that I wear during the day sometime.” My mom just kind of smiled, rolled her eyes and leaned back against me grinding her and riding my cock up and down. She took one of my hands and places it on her breast and the other hand onto her pussy. As I was fucking her ass and rubbing her cunt, my sister was licking and sliding 2 fingers in and out of her cunt. My mom moaned that she was going to cum. She shook vigorously and her body jolted around as the orgasm shot throughout her body. She slowed down and as Amy to switch her positions.

My sister got into the same position and before we knew it, she was cumming. She kind of sprung off my cock and liquid started to shoot out of her pussy. My mom explained that this is what happens when a girl squirts. My moms face was buried in her vagina and she was sucking it all up. Amy fell back on to me and my mom rubbed her inner thighs. My cock was still really hard and need to cum badly.

My mom helped Amy off of me and onto her back. She she crouched over Amy’s face, in the 69 position, and start to slide her cunt forward and back on her mouth. She put one hand on each knee and spread her legs. She had me was my cock off and then position my cock at Amy’s pussy. I grabbed it by the base and without direction plunged it into my sister sopping we cunt. My sister moaned, as did my mom, and myself. This was pure ecstasy! I was pumping in and out of my sisters cunt for about 5 minutes and she exploded into another orgasm. As she was cumming slipped my cock out of her cunt slightly, my mom aggressively rubbed her clit and she squirted again. This time all over my face and chest.

Then, my mom switched positions with her and my sister knelt slowly over her face. Still shaking from cumming so hard. I plunged my cock into my mom tight slight and then laid on top of her sucking her nipples and licking my sisters pussy with her. I then gave my mom a long passionate kiss and said in a low voice that I needed to cum. Quickly after my mom and sister said the same. With an eruption of sex we all came at the same time. My sister squirting as she did before all over my mom and I. I shot my cum deep into my moms right pussy. Waiting a minute before pulling out, I then removed my cock to see a steady stream of cum oozing out of my moms pussy. My sister leaned in to clean it up and then kissing my mom and I at the same time to share my cum with both of us.

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